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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 17 Jan 2016 01:18

Mo, CAMHS stands for Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services run by the NHS. It seems to be the same sort of services that I am under, but of course for children and adolescents with mental health problems. They start with assessments, with psychologists, psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses, they are also there to not only look after the child, but to also support the parents too.

I am with Pathfinders, which looks like it works along the same lines as CAMHS, but of course for old biddys like myself. Let's hope that an appointment comes through very soon for Lilly, because like Pathfinders, they have all the mental health professionals there.

I know that different areas of the country vary and some are called different names, but they all specialise in mental health. Sending Lilly and your son and daughter-in-law
lots of good luck that Lilly gets all the right help she needs.Love and hugs to her and also to Ava. xx <3 <3

Sorry haven't replied before now, but have had a couple of not so good days.

Ann, I bought one jumper in M&S it's a pale blue, it was a Per Una one. Then I bought two everyday ones, one is beige and that other one is like a creamy pink, I bought two from Asda's for £8.50 less than the one from M&S .

Sylvia, so sorry to hear about the death of your friend, hope that she died peacefully.
It's always sad to lose a good friend of many years.
I send my condolences to both you and your OH. Thinking about you both.

Huia, thank you so much for the beautiful calendar of New Zealand, it arrived this morning. New Zealand looks a beautiful country, a place I would love to visit, but I don't think that will happen now.

Jean, hope that all is going well with both you and J, and that the weather there isn't too bad. We had a fine layer of snow earlier this evening, but it has disappeared now, so hope it stays away. lol!!!

Will pop in again tomorrow.

Take care everyone.

Love, <3 <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 16 Jan 2016 22:08

sorry to hear that the hospital thinks they cannot help Lilly.

Maybe this calms place will turn out to be the right place.

Our friend died very peacefully at 5:15 am this morning, that's about 9 hours ago.

Interestingly, she had told someone months ago that she would like to die alone, and that is exactly what happened ......... it was the first night that no-one had stayed in the room.

Her express wishes were no service and no obituary.

I'm now waiting to see who will organise a Celebration of Life :-)

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 16 Jan 2016 18:35

Ann, the hospital said there was nothing they could do for Lilly, and suggested the doctor should refer her to this other place.
When we saw D.I.L today, she said that the school, the child minder plus the doctor are all pushing for a referral.
She needs to see a child psychologist, to sort out why she behaves as she does.
The doctor initially thought she would see someone from the hospital but apparantly not.


AnninGlos Report 15 Jan 2016 16:30

Definitely need warm sweaters here today Sallie, although no snow thank goodness. Got my hearing aid sorted this morning, very nice audiologist, very efficient. It was the little triangulare piece between the tube and the actual aid thatw as blocked so she changed it, actually she changed both of them. Nice to have two aids back again, I was feeling a bit lop sided :-D

Mo, I don't understand, how or why can a hospital refuse to see a child that is referred to them? did they give a reason? Or was the doctor sending her to the wrong place? In which case it would not be the fault of the hospital. anyway, maybe this 'calms' place is the correct place to see her. It sounds more behavioural than medical though with a name like that.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 15 Jan 2016 16:16

Sallie, would you believe the hospital have refused to see Lilly. So the doctor has written to a place I believe is called calms, they deal with children who are having problems, so now they are having to wait yet again for an appointment to come through.
Cor I am spitting bullets, but then that's our local hospital for you, rubbish. The nursing staff are brilliant, but the powers that be leave a lot to be desired.
What colour jumpers did you buy ? Mind you, if you wear jeans or black trousers, any colour goes with them.
Going to peel some spuds for dinner now, bangers mash and beans for dinner tonight.
Speak to you later, Hugs Mo xxx


Sallie Report 14 Jan 2016 21:36

Hi Mo, Good luck with your darts match tonight, hope that your team are clear winners.
Although I don't envy you having to go out in the cold.

It is very cold here too, I seem to be feeling the cold this year more than I have ever felt before. So today I have been out to buy some warm jumpers. My cousin,has told me that it is because I have lost so much weight that I am feeling it more. She said that the layers of fat I had was keeping me warm......but I told her that it was my age that makes me feel the cold more.

Mo,let's hope that they have heard from the hospital today, and that they will get an appointment straight away.

I'll look in to see if there is any news again tomorrow.

Take care.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 14 Jan 2016 15:01

Sallie, I am waiting to hear wether D.I.L has phoned re Lilly's appointment,at the moment she will be on the school run, so I shall have to wait a while till she gets home.
How nice of Liz to ring you, I bet you exchanged numbers at one of the meets.I dare say you were surprised to hear from her.
I know what it's like to be without a laptop, I was without mine for what seemed an age.
Lets hope her problems at home are soon sorted out for her.
Think of me tonight, when I have to go out in the cold, I have got darts, and this is our first game since before christmas, cor that's going to be a shock to the system, going from a nice warm house out into the cold. Thank goodness the venue is nice and warm when we get there.
Well wish me luck girls, take care, stay warm, hugs Mo xxx


Sallie Report 13 Jan 2016 21:34

Hi Mo, in the end I didn't write the letters by hand, I did them on here and printed them out. They have been posted too, I have been wanting to write to four people fora good while, but me handwriting is awful at times, because once I start to get anxious, my hands start to tremble.

I had a nice surprise last night, I received a phone call from Liz Purple, it was lovely to speak to her. She is having trouble with her laptop, so isn't able to come on GR very much. She is also having a few family problems with one and another, and isn't feeling very good herself. I hope that things will get better for her soon.

Yes, it doesn't seem that it is five years on Saturday since Lilly was born, time passes so quickly. As you said Mo I bet her mum and dad wished that her batteries would
sometimes slow down.....but you have to smile at what she said. lolol!! Hope that they will hear from the hospital tomorrow and that they will see her straight away.I will be thinking about her and her mum and dad. Love and hugs to both Lilly and Ava. xx <3 <3 <3

Mo it is cold here too, I have been feeling cold all day. I can't seem to get warm at all, , even though we have the heating on. It must be my old!!!

Will speak to you tomorrow and hope that there is good news from the hospital.

Love, Sallie. xx <3 <3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 13 Jan 2016 17:43

Well done Sallie, on being more able to write your letters, the only time I tend to do anything remotely like writing letters, is when I type letters out on here. I firmly believe we are becoming a nation, that doesn't communicate as we used to. It used to be so lovely getting a letter via the postman, now all we get are bills and junk mail.
Even birthday cards are mostly given out by hand, that's why it means so much receiving cards from our friends on here.
I can't believe that our Lilly will be five on Saturday, it only seems like yesterday that she was born.
We had to laugh at what she said to her mummy yesterday, she had just finished her yoghurt, and was told to put the empty container in the bin, no responce, so she was told again, her answer was "For goodness sake mummy, I am recharging my batteries " oh how her parents wished that her batteries would slow down just a little bit, she is a proper live wire. LOL

Well that's it girls, I do hope you are all staying snug and warm, as it's been blessed cold here today.
Hugs to all, Mo xxx


Sallie Report 13 Jan 2016 00:24

Mo, so pleased to hear that the doctor has contacted the hospital about Lilly, and that he has told your son and daughter-in-law that if they don't hear anything from them by Thursday, they are to let him know. They must feel relieved that at last someone has taken noticed of them and is doing something about it.

Jean, pleased to hear that J has had the all clear and and that the hospital has sacked him.I am sure that you are both very relieved and happy.

Well done on being able to stand long enough to make the sandwiches too Jean.

Well I have had to type a few letters tonight, that I have wanted to do for a long while , but couldn't concentrate on long enough to do them. So pleased that I have achieved doing them at last.

Will speak to you all again tomorrow.

Take care and love to all our other friends on here,

Love, Sallie. xxx <3 <3 <3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Jan 2016 14:10

Hmmm Jean,can you leave the onion out of my bit of pie please, cor my tummy is grumbling just reading about it, I could eat a nice piece just now.
Well done you, on being able to stand long enough to make the sandwiches, if you feel a little tottery get yourself a chair or stool and sit down to do your baking.
Roly's haircut went well, but this morning when we went shopping, it was sooo chilly he came home with an ear ache. Mind you, his hair is always kept short, so I don't know why he should have suddenly got the ear ache, apart from the wind chill factor blowing round his ears, but cor blimey it weren't arf cold out there.

Sallie, it sounds like you had a nice time when Aluns sister came up to see you both, it's good to be able to talk, and catch on gossip love, at least it is in my case.....nosey old me LOL

The doctor got through to the hospital, and if an appointment has not arrived by thursday, they have to contact him again so he can chase it up.
Lilly was woken at midnight last night, by the cat jumping up on her bed, and she wouldn't go back to sleep. So much for the knock out drops the doctor gave her, but then they didn't give her the full dose, as I have mentioned before, they don't want her to become addicted to it, so today she has gone of to school looking like a zombie.

Hugs to all, Mo xxx


JustJean Report 12 Jan 2016 07:53

Morning all,Sallie all went well for J and he has been sacked so thats a relief, I have made quite a few cards but havent done any pics I need to find a way to make them smaller so i can send them to you and Ann, I did some but they were so large not sure how to alter it yet I will get my personnell computer expert on it , thats if I get to see her again,she is busy going out and about since we left, ;-) ;-) ;-)

Ann I knew you would love the little machine I know I do I have lots of small dies that go through it, its a great way how to use up all the scrap bits we have left over :-D :-D

Mo its not good that the doc hasnt done anything about Lilly, but maybe he is waiting to see if she settles down with the new tablets, I pray that she is much better after sleeping better now, how did Rolys hair cut go? hairdressing is now added to your many talents along with the painting and other talents you have is there no end to this wonder woman I ask myself ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Sylvia, its so sad to have to say farewell to your lifelong friend, but the memories are endless and will be of great comfort to you I am sure. how privileged to have known and loved her for so many years <3 <3 <3

another step in the right direction for me, I managed to make some sarnies for J and myself yesterday Its quite a while since i could stand for so long, next step is make a cheese and onion pie :-D :-D :-D :-D

time I got sorted for the lovely girls to come and sort my ablutions out,

take care everyone back later Love Jean xxxx


AnninGlos Report 11 Jan 2016 21:12

Mo, that is terrible that they have heard nothing about treatment for Lilly.

Sallie yes I am making cards still, not in bulk but I have made either one or two a day this last week. T gave me one of the little Saphire die cutting machines for Christmas so I have been playing with that. I found a couple of dies I already have fits it too, one is an owl and that worked really well in it.


Sallie Report 11 Jan 2016 20:58

Well Mo.I would have thought that the doctor would have been in touch with your son today. After he had seen how she was on Friday when she was in his consulting room, I would have thought that that was one of the first thing he would have done today.

Although he may have been in touch with the doctor at the and referred Lilly to him today. But if he has, you would think he would have at least been in touch with them to let them know and to set their minds at rest.

Alun's sister Lynda came down today,it is the first time we have seen her since her hubby's funeral at the end of November. So we exchanged our Christmas presents today. It was lovely to see her, we went out for lunch and had a lovely day with her, I don't think we stopped talking. lol!!

Sylvia, really sorry to read about your friend, I hope that she is comfortable and that the end will be peaceful for her.

Hope that your appointment will come through very soon, and that you won't have to wait long to have the gastroscopy. Will be thinking of you.

Jean, hope that you are feeling a bit better. When did you say J is having his colonoscopy? Sending him loads of good luck.

Ann, are you still making cards? I will have to start making them again soon, especially for the March birthdays, there are twelve of them.

One of the Christmas presents Richard and Christie bought me , was a jigsaw, as I like doing them, so I started it yesterday, but once I start one I like to keep doing it until it's finished. But whether I will be able to concentrate on it as I usually do, remains to be seen.lolol!!!

Huia, hope you and your son had a lovely birthday celebration with all your family.

Must go and have a cuppa now, so will pop in tomorrow.

Take care everyone.

Love, Sallie .xxx <3 <3 <3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 11 Jan 2016 16:21

Oh Sylvia, how sad this news is. May the good lord take her in his loving arms soon,so that she can be at rest.
Life can be very cruel at times, my thoughts are with her and yourselves, stay strong Sylvia, you know we are here for you my love.

The doctor still has not contacted our son, re Lilly's emergency appointment for assessment. But the medication is helping her to sleep, but they don't want her to become addicted to it.
It's really sod's law, they can't win, either they continue and she gets the rest she obviously needs, or they go one week at a time, and see how she goes.

Well it's time for me to become hairdresser, and cut Roly's hair, before I change into my apron and cook the dinner. Oh we woman have to wear so many hats don't we. LOL

Bye for now dear friends, take care Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jan 2016 23:27

Thank you, Ann xx

We have been friends with J since we arrived here in August 1968 .............. a long time!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I won't have to wait a long time!


AnninGlos Report 10 Jan 2016 22:07

So sorry Sylvia to hear about your friend I hope they are keeping her peaceful and pain free. It is good for you to know that she is in a caring place and will not be left alone.

I hope you don't have to wait too long for your appointment.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jan 2016 21:19

I think we are nearing the end for our friend.

She is now sleeping all the time, except when the nurses are actually doing things for her.

She has also insisted that the doctors put out a No Visitors call.

We were thinking of going over there next weekend to be with her, but ...............

Our other friend emailed a short time ago saying that the Centre is excellent, and that she will not be left alone .... there will always be someone with her, nurse, doctor or volunteer


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jan 2016 21:18

Happy Birthday, Huia xxx

I hope you and your son are having a lovely day, celebrating your joint birthdays xxx


JustJean Report 10 Jan 2016 20:39

Happy Birthday Huia, have a lovely day.

Love Jean xxx <3 <3