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Just Jean, you are a star!

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Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 8 Jan 2010 15:55

Thanks so much Jean, my parcel and the wonderful things in it arrived today, I will enjoy reading the book which I had intended to get and keep with my family history stuff as it so much relates to my Dad's side of the family and the way they lived. The little messages included were lovely too, so many many thanks once again, what a caring lady you are!

And I do have to commend the post office for getting my parcel to me so quickly despite the weather. Ity was posted yesterday and was through the door this morning.
I must also commend BT, my cousin called me yesterday afternoon and the phone wasn't right, it rang with one long warbling sound and there was an awful noise on the line all through the conversation so we had to cut it short. I rang to report the fault and did everything by pressing numbers, didn't speak to a person, but chose to have sms texts to my mobile to update me on repair, as it seemed after testing there was a fault between the main wotsit (can't remember the place) and our house. Late morning I came down for a cuppa and there was a message on the ansaphone and a text on my mobile saying all was fixed now and apologies, and the phone is fine now! Not bad eh?

We have more snow in Norwich today altho not too much but it's covered the icy stuff that has been around for days by about an inch or so - once the traffic gets heavy in an hour's time, it will get hard packed and freeze and the roads will be dreadful again. O.h. due home in half an hour, bet he will be fed up and then he has to walk me over to the local supermarket so I can stock up with some goodies. it's been bare rations this week as he doesn't shop for more than the basics, not even that unless I write him a list! Seems as long as he has enough stuff for his pack up that day, he hasn't been bothered as he thinks he can go the next day and get anything else, but he doesn't think of the fact that lorries supplying the supermarket might not get through so supplies are short!

I will spend a bit of his money today for him lol and will make sure I don't slip over this time!

Thank you Jean, for all the kind, thoughtful things you do for everyone.

Take care if you go out and hope you can stay warm and cosy at home,




JustJean Report 8 Jan 2010 17:52

You are very welcome, Liz I thought you would like the book, keep letting me know when you find anything exciting that ties in with your take care walking if you have to go out we are still slipping and sliding....

Love Jean xx