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Renewing my Membership

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Persephone Report 5 Feb 2010 22:46

Good on you Julia May

Sometimes genes has an upside and sometimes a downside and there you go looking for a Brown side.

Good luck - I have not delved into my Smith side yet.




TheLadyInRed Report 5 Feb 2010 22:43

Thanks to all of you for your messages - it's good to know that I am not alone in feeling this way! If the truth be told I'd miss being a member on here - what would I do with my time instead?
Paul, no I've not got any links to Reading, Berkshire or Australia ( so far anyway)
I'm finally going to bite the bullet and start researching my Brown side of the family so might well keep up my membership just to be able to ask for help on such a common name!


me Report 5 Feb 2010 13:44

Persephone YOUR A STAR


CRIPES_A_MIGHTY Report 5 Feb 2010 10:30

Just out of interest Julia,

Do you or your family come from Reading, Berkshire way?..with links to Australia?.



AnninGlos Report 5 Feb 2010 10:25

YCaz, if you don't renew, make sure you have my home e mail addy wont you? Not sure if you have it.

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 5 Feb 2010 10:19

i think the same every time
but as im quite lazy and memory bad
it ends up renewed before i know it,

mines due tomorrow,

genes folk have been here when i needed them
a shoulder to lean on wehn down
a pick me up when you dont even realise they doing it,
they are here
great folk
ive lost a lot of the old friends i know on here,
and half the time dont know what to say, and end up talking cra,
but its there if i wana peek at least
and curiosity gets better of me,

hope you decide to renew,
give it another try


Battenburg Report 5 Feb 2010 10:11

I have been a member for nearly 6 years and can remember at various times people " falling out" reporting people and unpleasantness.Then things settled for awhile until someone took offense and off it would go again with other members taking sides

It also happened that some who were causing problems were banned from the boards. Sometimes for a short time 2 weeks others longer because they had been reported to GR and they banned them.

But the nice ones outnumber the others so stay you never know who will join to help with your tree. I recently contacted someone who had my cousins name ( who I havnt met) She is my cousins daughter and has been able to fill me in with all the details,sent photo's and we have talked on Skype

She is just one relative I have " met " on here. Best thing is dont get involved in arguments. It isnt worth it


MarionfromScotland Report 5 Feb 2010 09:30

Why should you not renew?
Theres alway's something to do.
Yes I agree the fun side had gone a bit, seems you are not allowed a laugh at the biggest load of rubbish out's better than a load of snidey remarks and back stabbing.

Nine times out of ten if a row does break out, its the same names that come up.
Just put on your hard hat ,and hide behind the couch till it blows over.

We cant all be the same and agree with everyone. What some find very boring,isn't to someone else.
Just avoid the threads you 'dont like'



YorkshireCaz Report 5 Feb 2010 08:25

I feel the same way as Julia, mine is due in a couple of weeks and I'm seriously thinking of not renewing. It used to be my lifeline with being housebound, I chatted to my friends and had a laugh and read loads of interesting threads that I could join in with. Now I don't even bother putting computer on some days, I am sick of the backbiting and arguments. I don't do my tree any more because it is so difficult to move round, the only thing going for GR is my friends, but I have e-mails and phone numbers to keep in touch with them.



AnninGlos Report 5 Feb 2010 08:20

There are many more pluses than minuses for this site. OK there are a small number of people who try to spoil things for other people because they have nothing better in life to do, but they can be ignored. Remember the site is what we the members make it. And so many people have received support here by just being able to look in. Thanks Perse for those kind words, as you say, so many people I would never have 'met' but for Genes. Good value for money I would say.


Persephone Report 5 Feb 2010 07:29

Yeah and I would not have known Keith either if it wasn't for genes - and he takes such a lovely photo as well especially when he was a lad.



me Report 5 Feb 2010 07:24

Things can only get better
Can only get, can only get
They get on from here
You know, I know that
Things can only get better


Persephone Report 5 Feb 2010 07:19

Now there's another one - Huia, she wrote a lovely thread about her weekend in Rotorua - mind you it was in November or there abouts.

Without this site I would not have known Huia and nor would I have got to meet her. We met and had morning coffee together - she lives in an area where my grandfather's family lived.



Huia Report 5 Feb 2010 05:56

I agree with Persey about GR being a lifeline. Last year when I had to keep a beady eye on OH all the time I was able to sit here (computer is on the dining table) and chat to my friends, or just read their threads, while keeping one eye on OH and jumping up if I though he was about to do something stupid or disappear. I would have gone crackers without GR and the lovely people on it who supported me.



Persephone Report 5 Feb 2010 05:10

I love it on here - I chat to "Candie Cane" and we rub along really well.

Liz - is the diva of the threads and we all love her.

Both Aussie threads one on general and one on chat are great. The birds thread and others started by our Glossy Ann are good. - in fact Ann has tried to start up all sorts of interests which is a credit to her.

I find best to leave the snipers alone - they whoosh themselves - and then as another member said 10 more threads sprout up like mushrooms over the whys and wherefores... but the stalwart ones and topical ones keep going.

if we want a long read we can always read Len of the Chilterns who comes up with all sorts of things I've never even thought about before.

But most of all we are here because of our common interest in genealogy... once upon a time this was oh so difficult to - computers weren't thought of and we relied on word of mouth - and the library etc and sheets and sheets of paper.

In NZ our history does not go back very far and a lot of births/deaths/marriages are not documented and to be able to have access to here and other sites and finding such wonderful tips on the tips board has benefited me - tremendously.

I would have to be in dire straits financially to not renew my sub - it is one of my life lines.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 5 Feb 2010 04:35

I agree with you Julia, that things aren't so much fun on here now, and so much backbiting etc but if every nice person leaves, the backbiters will have won and spoiled it for everyone. Far better to stick around and try and contribute to the good threads and support each other against the ones who think they own the boards or can say what they like regardless of whether it hurts others.

I am due to renew soon and will do so for sure even tho it's quite boring on here at times.
I would miss the lovely friends I have made



TheLadyInRed Report 4 Feb 2010 23:14

Candie, yes I originally joined for what I could get from this site but then realised that it was a two way process. I don't like to take if I can't give in return.
I'm struggling with the thought that I can resume my membership and just ask people for help without offering anything in return. That goes against my nature so will have to give some serious thought to what to do next


TheLadyInRed Report 4 Feb 2010 23:02

My membership due for renewal in next few weeks but given what I've read lately I'm really wondering whether to bother? Seems to be so much back biting going on that the fun of being a member has disappeared. What do others think?