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Birthday Girls - 2011

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Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 9 Jan 2013 22:11

What a difference a few days make!! Rain gone for the time being and now it is freezing, temperature at 4pm was only 2 degrees!! Still if it is cold and sunny tomorrow that will be lovely.

Have to agree with you Sylvia, the house does not look the same when the trees and cards are down will have to copy you and get some plants or flowers to cheer it up a little.

Love the photo Ann.

Hugs Joxx


AnninGlos Report 10 Jan 2013 12:49

Thanks both of you re the photo. I wish I still had the lovely long blond hair I had then :-D

Yes the house does look bare once the decs are down but then it is nice to get it all tidies away.

I have been trying to tidy my craft stuff up a bit and get rid of some of the long held stuff (bound to need it but didn't) that was surplus. A lot of the papers will go to my granddaughter who is into craft.

Can't settle to make cards at the moment as I can't concentrate, I have an infection in one of my teeth which is giving me a lot of pain. On antibiotics at the moment so hope that is going to solve it. If not the tooth will have to be taken out. :-)

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 11 Jan 2013 14:12

Happy Birthday Sylvia, have a great day with lots of lovely birthday cards to open!!

Love Joxx


AnninGlos Report 11 Jan 2013 14:51

Happy birthday Sylvia, I hope you have a lovely day. :-) <3


JustJean Report 11 Jan 2013 15:33

Happy Birthday Sylvia, hope you have had a lovely day...

Love Jean xx


syljo Report 13 Jan 2013 20:33

Hallo girls,
Yes, I did have a lovely day albeit reasonably quiet. I had some visitors beforehand and have still another couple coming this month. This means that I have to have everything in the house again, such as cakes etc.
These are the ones from the Birthday Girls from whom I received a card: Issy, Patricia, Babs, Jean (two in fact as she was afraid I wouldn't get the first one as she put the wrong stamp on), yes Jean I did receive both and they are both lovely, Christine, Sue (Langley Vale), Jo, Heather, Berniece, Nadine, Carole, Anne, Ann, Flo, Maureen, Joan. You have all made wonderful cards. I wonder what happened to the 6 who are members and I didnt hear from. Maybe sickness, holiday??
I needed a new coffee machine and saw a lovely one in the Aldi, but I didn't like to buy it on my own so I asked Johan to go and look at it for me. Unbeknownto me he ought it and gave to me for my birthday. He also came home with a bunch of flowers and two lovely necklaces. Not doing bad at 87 is he?
It has turned very cold here and snow is forecast for next week.
This morning I saw from my window a huge bird in one of the trees. It had its wings wide open and flapping them, so looked enormous. It was a swan.
I am busy making a large card for my daughter's partner. He will be 65. He has already retired and set himself up doing odd jobs for people. I have a picture of a man with all tools strung over him and a pint of beer in the other hand.
Johan and I hope to go down and see him, but will be the day after his birthday as my daughter is trying to keep the surprise that she has asked everybody in the eveningafter 8. In the afternoon she wants to bake cakes and prepare odds and ends for the evening drinks.
Well girls thank you once again for the lovely cards.
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 13 Jan 2013 22:12

Sounds like you had a quiet but lovely birthday Sylvia and what lovely presents you received from Johan, he is a marvel for his age!!

I will send the email out tomorrow about the cards you received, 3 of the people you did not receive cards from normally send them so I am wondering if they are not well, there is so much flu going around at the moment.

Well it is really cold here again today, snow forecast this week should be interesting.
Take care and keep warm


JustJean Report 13 Jan 2013 22:17

Sylvia,Glad you got both cards , I hope you didnt have to pay any extra postage It was only a second class stamp I put on oh took two cards to the post. before I could change the envelope , I honestly didnt think you would get it with a low priced stamp on... glad you enjoyed your birthday and got some nice gifts too.

Love Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 13 Jan 2013 22:35

So pleased that you had a lovely birthday Sylvia. And doesn't Johan do well for his age. What a lovely present he got for you.


syljo Report 14 Jan 2013 21:17

Hi all,
I just had to post as I made a terrible mistake. I forgot to say I also had a card from Jil. Sorry, sorry Jill. Am I forgiven? Such a lot of effort goes into making these cards and then I say I haven't received it.
I went out on my scootmobile today and it was bitterly cold. I put my woollen leg warmers on and hat and scarf, not forgetting my gloves.
Johan borrowed my scootmobile this morning and he wore his bivak headgear. I don't know how you call them in English, but it is a wollen balaclava-like hat with holes in for the eyes and mouth. He looks as though he is going to rob a bank when he puts it on.
Keep warm everybody, snow is expected here and I have several appointments this week, oh!
Love, Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 15 Jan 2013 00:07

Sylvia, thank you for the up date, I will send the email out tomorrow night, just let me know if you get any stragglers. Weather here very cold and freezing so after the snow today should make driving/walking very interesting tomorrow.
I should imagine Johan definitely looked like a bank robber, but as long as he was nice and warm that was the main thing.
Everyone keep nice and warm


syljo Report 15 Jan 2013 20:21

Hi all,
Well we have had lots and lots of snow here today and I am fortunate that I didn't have to go out. I had several appointments but for at home and then two were called off.
I received a birthday card today from Lizz, so we are creeping up to full house, but then Jo will tell you the names soon.
I have a lot of pain in my hands and hope that I can still carry on with card making. I have had physiotherapy and have a brace on the left hand. Oh dear, yet another thing in my old age!
Have a nice evening girls.
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 16 Jan 2013 19:04

Sylvia I am so sorry to hear that you now have to wear a brace on your hand makes life so difficult when you have constant pain in the hands and limited movement. Hope the physiotherapy helps and it eases a little.

No snow here again but forecast for tomorrow and Friday so that should be interesting as I am off in the morning to stay at daughters house for a couple of days looking after animals and children whilst she is at a funeral will be interesting doing the school runs if it snows as they are quite a way from where she lives. Hopefully home for the weekend. Must take extra clothes and tablets just in case.....

Take care
Love Joxx


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 24 Jan 2013 15:56

Wow what a lot of changes since my last visit, GR have certainly 're decorated' :-D

Belated birthday wished for the January girls, hope you all had a lovely day xx

I'm slowly getting back into cardmaking/jewellery after being poorly for a while before christmas, one thing after another, but, touch wood, I'm fine now.

Thank you the email updates Jo, I was going to reply but thought I'd pop on here instead.

Love to you all <3 Heather xx


AnninGlos Report 24 Jan 2013 16:08

Heather how lovely to hear from you. Sorry to hear that you were unwell before christmas but well done on getting back into things.

Jo, hope if you had to go to your daughters that the school run wsn't necessary, I think quite a few schools were closed. But that then meant you had to entertain them at home I suppose :-(.

Sylvia, sorry that you have to wear a brace on your hand, so annoying when your hobby involves using your hand. I too hope the physio helped.

Hope nobody still has much snow, ours has mostly gone although it was very cold today. I have been scrap booking instead of card making this week, making an 8x8 for third Grandson on his 21st, hardest bit is locating all the yearly photos. :-D

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 24 Jan 2013 17:18

Great to hear that you are feeling better Heather, nothing worse especially over Xmas.
We still have a lot of snow Ann, main roads are now clear but the side roads are still covered and the pavements are pretty bad to walk on, snowed again last night, but at least it warmed up a little today and some has melted and hopefully the temperature will not drop too low tonight so it can carry on melting.
Have not managed to get back into my card making yet, it is still all packed away, good job I made all my January and February cards before Xmas!

Hope Sylvia is OK.

Keep warm everyone
Love Joxx


syljo Report 27 Jan 2013 21:15

Hi all,
So most of our snow melted today with the rain. Did I hear you all say ............ah ......... or like most of us "roll on Spring and the sunshine?
I went out on my scootmobile on Saturday and dived into several shops just to get my hands warm. Oh, there was such a bitter cold wind, but I couldn't stay in the house any longer. A lot of our supermarkets have coffee machines installed for their customers, so I went and had a coffee in one. There's always somebody to help me pour a cup of coffee out.
Last Thursday I had a boy to do my housework. He was quite good although his ironing not so good. So just 1 week and my trusty help will be back from holiday in Egypt.
I went to the hospital last Friday to the dental surgeon to see what he can do about my new dentures which don't fit well and the girl dentist said she cannot help me any more. He talked about screwing magnets into my mouth. I had never heard about this but was talking to one of the nurses who comes in to me and she has had exactly the same thing done to her. She said she was one of the first here in the Netherlands to have it done.
I want this in order before I have my eye operation.
The wost thing for me at the moment is my hands as I have difficulty in cutting, but my doctor is coming here in the week so I can talk to him about it.
Anyway I am not depressed about things and still can have a good laugh with everybody.
Love to you all,
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 2 Feb 2013 16:49

Thank goodness that you are not letting it get you down Sylvia, it can be depressing when our hands do not work like we want them to, still you seem to be taking it all in your stride. Keep smiling!!

Cold her today, good frost last night but the sun has been shining all day so it makes if feel nice even when it is so cold. At least it is not raining again.

In the middle of decorating my bedroom have just finished stripping off all the wall paper, will start the painting in the week as out all day tomorrow and it is impossible to paint in the evening as find I tend to miss bits!! When I have finished mine have promised my granddaughter who stays a lot that I will do her room next....
Off next week to house sit for daughter as they are going skiing, so must pack all my card making things with me., should have some spare time to make some.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.



AnninGlos Report 2 Feb 2013 17:05

Sylvia I am sorry you are having such problems with your hands but as Jo says it is good that you keep positive about it all. You put the rest of us to shame you are so cheerful no matter what.

Jo it was a lovely sunny day here today but really cold with an icy wind, it seems to be two steps forward and three back. at least I see in some gardens and around the local church that the snowdrops are in flower, that always makes me think spring is not too far away. and we have dutch Irises in our garden too.

Hope you manage to find time to craft when house sitting at your daughters. :-D


syljo Report 4 Feb 2013 14:05

Hi all,
At last I am able to write a few lines to you all.
I bought myself a new drying machine and they were offering a special offer from our telephone supplier for a triple service of telephone, internet and television, and being thrifty as I am, I looked at the advantages, the best being a good deal less money per month.
Well nobody told me of course that we would be without internet and television for such a long time, they wouldn't would they?
Johan is now able to tape 4 programmes at a time whilst watching his own programme on television. I say Johan because I rarely watch television these days.
Today, for the first time in my life, I have made oxtail soup. It is still cooking so cannot tell you what it is like.
The weather is lovely and sunny.
Last Saturday when I went out there was such a bitterly cold wind blowing that I kept diving into shops to get my hands warm.
No birthdays in February, not even in our family. Good job to catch up on making cards!
Now see you all soon, keep healthy, Sylvia xxx