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Auntie Motie a Genteel Tale of Everyday Life.

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MotownGal Report 17 Sep 2013 19:49

Good evening Ladies, we are complete again, my heart is soaring.

Do we have a newcomer in our! Tis our little friend Lesley with a nom de plume. How very select! One seems to remember a John Wayne fillum with a lady card player called Diamond Lil. Surely not!

We have a bus in our neck of the woods, tis the number C11. It goes around most of north London before it terminates at one of our original shopping centres, called Brent Cross. This shopping centre predates Lakeside and Bloooowater, and it was very modern and large in its day. However, it now seems very small and pokey, and the variety of shops have dwindles. It is now like the average high street with the same old shops, no individual ones, just the big chains. Aaaah so sad.

It is so nice that you are all back in the fold, Susan has returned from her travels, and is fighting the gales that we have now! I tend to think we have the high winds during the day, and when we sleep, dear Susan has our wind as it moves around the world. Am I waffling? Probably!

I do hope your dear Papa is feeling a little better dear.

I fear that Autumn has come to us with a bump, and it has become very cold indeed. We are at the top of the Hill dears, near where dear Island lived, and the wind fair whistles around the eves of the houses.

Pat-trish-aaaaah and Mrs Berry? Alas, we are the middle of a war zone since the Bake Off has returned to the television. Both believe they are the better baker, and we have pies and puddings coming out of our ears! I leave them to it. All I can say is that the amount of flour knocking around the house is tantamount of a years worth of dust! Do you know I can write my name in the surfaces around Motie Towers. If I was used to manual work, I would actually polish it myself, but as you know I have a sensitive skin that cannot abide housework.

Actually, I think that Pat-trish-aaaaah has a little crush..............she is more than interested in Bake Off than is healthy for her. She is also writing the word Paul in the floury surfaces..............................oh dear, here we go again!

Now dear Teresa, you know I am a woman of the world, and indeed I DID watch a programme about Thailand. They were showing a cabaret of the most beautiful ladies imaginable. Such delicate creatures, with perfect skin, slim perfectly proportioned bodies and wonderful costumes plus a little added extra..................such said the over-voice. Can someone please enlighten me dears? Would that something extra be a hair piece?

Oh my, the devils game in on the box again. I can hear the rabble screaming from along the road! So common! One simply cannot choose ones neighbours!

I shall retire gracefully to my boudoir and read a novel.

Adjusting my pince nez
Auntie Petunia


Cooper Report 17 Sep 2013 15:12

Hallo Ladies :-D I thought we had a new member Lesley ;-) Who was the person who proclaimed their love for your MOG <3

Its cold but I have managed to get the washing dry while waiting for the Gas boiler bloke who was supposed to be here between 8am-12 midday. British Gas informed me the system was down this morning which allocates the workload. Tutttty tut tut. So everything is running late. I've heard it all now.

You are very fortunate to not be connected in your parts Lesley. MOG is not connected either in her neck of the woods. I shall be thinking of lighting the fire soon.

Lovely to see you back Susan. Hope your OH is feeling a little better. How is your Pa ?
FTY came on holiday with us. The Fruits spent a bit of time together and then I found them bickering about the TV channel in our cabin. Nothing new there then :-|

I wonder where Auntie is. I do hope she didn't see the television program abut Thailand that I did. She may be in a state of shock ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Orf now to continue to serf the net and make Christmas cards.



Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 17 Sep 2013 13:38

Ooooooooh Susan I much prefer the name Diamond to Lesley :-D

I hope your OH makes a speedy recovery <3 I also hope you are pleased with the end result of your upside down kitchen.

Diamond :-D shivering in Essex x


Susan-nz Report 17 Sep 2013 03:42

Good upside down afternoon Ladies,

We are returned... we arrived home here at 1am :-D. Sadly my OH has picked up a bug and is most unwell. I am back from taking him to the doctor.. That aside, our little holiday was lovely. Quite a bit of rain earlier in the week and then beautiful sunny days. It is cold and very windy here today :-P.

Our house is still upside down, as I have now decided to have the kitchen/dining room walls painted, it will be a few more days before the furniture is put back in its place....

Teresa, your holiday sounds lovely too. How nice to spend time with FTE. Did FTY miss you ?? ;-).

Oooh dear, the wind is getting stronger. I must go and rescue my washing before it sails off over the neighbourhood...

~~~~~ to Petunia and 'Diamond',

back another time


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 16 Sep 2013 20:12

Good Evening Ladies.

I have now returned from my mystery tour on the number 88 bus :-D

Teresa gas is this some sort of modern commodity that is still not available to everyone .....................................everywhere :-S

Petunia I do hope you were suitably dressed (sou'wester, raincoat and wellington boots) for your weekend on and around the Thames............................I'm sure you must have been as there has been no news of an events organiser impersonating Mary Poppins.................................again :-D

Today we went to my MOG aunts funeral, the service was held in the village church were MOG grew up and to take my mind of off things I was reading names that had been etched in the shelf that holds the hymnal books, thought I might see MOG's but no, what I did see was R-----t S------y Loves B-----a S------r
...............................................B-----a S-----r was my mother in law :-D.....................I felt awful as I sat smiling to myself at a funeral :-(

Hello Susan I hope you enjoyed your week away <3


Cooper Report 16 Sep 2013 15:05

Auntie, coooooeeee are you there and where is Lesley ??????? I fear she may on the number 88 still now, it takes weeks to get anywhere on it.

I have been at paid toil, unpaid toil and stitching like a dervish. The heating is playing up and we have a bloke from the Gas to service the boiler and blow through the system. I blame the very hard water we have in this part of the world which furs up every appliance on a regular basis. Tuttty tut tut tut .

I will get some of those little toilet roll dollies for you Auntie and sling them down the cyber hatch. I think it rather vulgar when certain people, who shall not be named, put rolls of lavvy paper on top of the cistern, or even worse leaves empty rolls everywhere. :-|

How is Pat rish aaa and Mrs Berry and all your Staff. It has all been rather quite of late down your way.

Its very dismal here as well and cold. Did I mention how cold is was???? Tis a pleasure to go to paid toil to warm up, even the hot flushes have gone AWOL.

Auntie dear may I ask a delicate question, we were watching an educational TV viewing last night about Thailand, can you just tell me exactly what is a ..................
............................................................................................oppps must run the butternut squash soup is about to boil over, back soon

Teresa :-D


MotownGal Report 13 Sep 2013 20:18

#peeps from beneath the bedclothes#

Good evening ladies, is it safe to come out now? Tis Friday the 13th after all. Not that I am superstitious, but I have a black cat in bed with me!

Thank you for the key-ring Teresa dear, my, my, what dainty stitches, you are a treasure dear.

An 88 bus dear Lesley. We have one of those too! It sails forth, but I don't think it passes any churches.

The festival on the Thames dears, it has been wonderful, if a little chilly. Why is it always colder by the water. Lots of entertainment and jollity.

It has been dismal all day, and the weekend is to be no better. What a miserable time!

Have a good time at your needlework exhibition gels, and pick up something for me, I will send you the money down the cyber hatch.

Pip Pip
Auntie Petunia


Cooper Report 12 Sep 2013 14:30

Thank you Lesley, I know where it is, the 88 used to take that route many years ago when I was at college :-D

I have sent the key ring down the cyber hatch along with some choc chip choc buns I made just now :-D :-D :-D :-D FTY needs to be fed on an almost two hourly basis. The fruit is like a string bean with hollow legs. :-|

Aunty Nurse Soper looked after Pop Larkin in The Darling Buds of May, the book dear, not the TV series which was not much like the book which perhaps may have not made it to the prime time family slot ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

FTE is in NY, the Fruit has seen a show and visited a famous park :-D The Fruit is happy.

Just orff now to do some chores, Auntie what festival are you eyeing up? Do be careful with your breakage. I understand Si Elt was at the Beeb yesterday. DId you see him???


Teresa :-D


MotownGal Report 10 Sep 2013 19:54

Good evening Ladies,

Now that we are a trio again, I can say Ladies! Hurrah!!!!

How lovely of you to see your fruit dear Teresa. And how lovely to visit Norway. A relative of mine is buried there, and there is to be a commemoration for his aircrew in two years time. Will be the 70th Anniversary. We have been asked to attend, and visit the Commonwealth Cemetery. It will be sad. But I feel I must go.

I hope the back is now better, and you are flying around. I too am a little more supple now. And no longer hanging on to furniture.

Nurse Soper? Am I in a Cuckoo's Nest dear? Or was that Nurse Rachet?

I think you should make us all key-rings dear, and send them down the cyber hatch. Then it will be an affinity between us all. 'sighs'

Lesley dear, I am quaite jealous of this church outing. I could come to visit had I not been poorly sick. I do hope little E is better now. Children being unwell is a worry for all concerned. Especially when they cannot tell you exactly what is wrong. I know of a little girl who was constantly plagued with ear-ache and sore throats. She was constantly on anti-biotics.

I shall be endeavouring to visit the Thames in the tuk-tuk dears. There is a festival going on down there. No doubt they will want me to address something, or open something, and just be there for publicity purposes.

The devils game is on the television I believe. I can hear shouting and swearing from next door!

Closing all the windows
Auntie Petunia


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 9 Sep 2013 14:58

Hello Teresa think we cross posted............................................. your recent travel experience sound wonderful plus you were able to spend time with FTE that must have been the icing on the cake :-D :-D :-D

The exhibition is from 10am-6pm, coffee and scones available 11-12 afternoon tea 3-5pm, how to find the church mmmmmm if your are coming from your home town turn right just after the pubs you want to be heading for the fairly well known garden stopping off ;-) carry on to the top of the hill and you should see the church on the left and village hall on the right, only guessing but I would think you will be able to park at the village hall, if you are lucky.


Cooper Report 9 Sep 2013 14:12

Cooooeeeeee, I'm back :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D,

I do hope that there is room for one more. :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

We have been sailing dears on the seven seas to the Fjords etc What a beautiful and breath taking place Norway is. A little expensive so you will forgive me for not sending anything thing down the cyber hatch. I did look at the reindeer hides to send you for the cold winter months but I thought they may get the moth and the mange before they arrived. They were on sale in all the markets, very soft to the touch but not quaite if you see what I mean.

We saw dear FTE as twas on her ship that we travelled. We were lucky enough to have a couple of days orff the ship with her and dinner for a couple of nights. FTE is on her way to the America and Canada now lucky gal.

I was suffering with the blessed bad back when we got home and have been pulled and pummelled so I can now sit and walk in more comfort.

I may try to pootle to your little Church Lesley, what time and where?
I do hope all is well your end, its a little cold today, I feel a pair of socks are needed and a cardi. I hope you enjoyed your dinner Lesley, I had been at paid toil and my dear Sister provided a pleasant tea so I didn't have to cook yesterday.

Now Auntie how are you and how is Nurse Soper ;-) If you are in need I can join the merry throng, I'm orff for a couple of days or so. I will bring the owl key ring I fashioned from cross stich to show you :-D

Are you watching "strictly " Ladies. That naice Mr Revel Horwood is on. FTE had the pleasure of seeing him when he and the team were at her place of work earlier in the summer. The Fruit said he was a really nice man, and not at all like on the TV :-D

Orff now to do what needs doing. :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D Auntie Altha and Donna are playing on the radio, Up Town Top Rankin. It makes me think of you at Carnival :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Diving for cover

Teresa ;-)


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 9 Sep 2013 14:02

Petunia my apologies yet again for not joining you for afternoon tea :-(

My best laid plans went out of the window as E has been in hospital since late on Saturday :-( she had been on oral antibiotics for an ear infection but they didn't have any affect so she has had to be on an intravenous drip, now the doctors are saying they don't think she had an ear infection :-S we should know more this afternoon when they get the results of the blood cultures.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ to everyone.


MotownGal Report 8 Sep 2013 14:27

Good afternoon dears,

Happy holidays dear Susan, I hope you get time to relax and clear your head. Have a lovely time.

Just the two of us again dear Lesley. If you can manage to slip away, just knock three times on the drainpipe outside, and I will know it is you.

I have asked Mrs Berry to make a cold buffet, so it can be kept for you whenever you come. She has also made a trifle, so it will keep for a few hours.

What a funny day it is, weather wise. It looks lovely then great black clouds come into view.

If you can dodge the showers, you are more than welcome!



Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 7 Sep 2013 16:44

Good afternoon to Just the Three of Use.

Pianola goodness how do you think I am...... had you asked me to crank up my gramophone that would have been a another where did I put the few remaining 78s, the ones that were not heated and reshaped into plant pot holders.

My apologies I did not see your invitation to join you for tea yesterday...................if the offer still stands I can be free tomorrow .........................anything to escape the 6 plus E that are descending on us for dinner :-D

I hope enjoy your holiday Susan <3


Susan-nz Report 7 Sep 2013 02:16

Hello Ladies,

A quick visit as I ready myself for the off... I think I must be a glutton for punishment. I have decided , in my wisdom, to have our cork floors resurfaced while we are away. I have therefore, been emptying the pantry, shifting the sideboard, taking down pictures and putting ornaments away - for fear of the dreaded 'dust' that comes with the sanding :-D. We have friends coming for dinner tonight, they will think we are moving house...

We will visit Ma and Pa tomorrow on our way to the big smoke. Papa is a little shell shocked to say the least, Ma is coping well. It will be nice to visit before our little holiday.

Petunia, I am pleased you are up and about and have Lesley to play with... Have fun, be good and if you can't be good, be careful ;-)


MotownGal Report 6 Sep 2013 14:04

Just a song at Twilight.............................keep up Lesley dear, just pump the foot pedal a little faster. The pianola is a fine instrument is it not.

You will find other rolls in the box in the corner. We have all the standards there, and a few saucy ones too.

I am feeling sooooo much better now that you have come to call, and are providing music and light conversation.

What a change from yesterday. It has not stopped raining since about 8.30 this morning. The angels are crying alright. They are bawling their eyes out.

Will you stay for tea Lesley dear, I am sure Mrs Berry can put on a fine spread for us. You will? Good-oh!



Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 5 Sep 2013 22:56

Just the Two of Us ............................................ you hum it Petunia and I'll play it :-D

Today I am here in body but not in mind................... I lost a filling from a back tooth and had it refilled this wasn't very pleasant and I don't know how but it seems to have affected my right ear :-S :-(

Love to everyone <3 <3 <3


MotownGal Report 5 Sep 2013 20:54

Good evening dear Ladies,

I have received private messages from dear Teresa, Susan and Cherry. So it is just me and thee Lesley.

I am now moving around. A new district nurse came to see me, and said all this lying in bed does you no good at all. So I am now walking around very gingerly. What a shame I am not fully mobile, I could have come to see the cross-stitch.

Mrs Berry and dear little Holly are feeding me up very well. I feel like one of those big-boned lasses who are fed regularly by their partners! I shall have to scoot around when I am back properly on my feet, and work off some of this food.

It has been very warm indeed today, and I have been feeling rather uncomfortable, fanning and cold compressing. I have had the shades pulled down, and the warm breeze has made me feel like a Southern Belle.

I swear I almost asked for a Mint Julep and said 'Fiddle-dee-dee'!

I hope you all sleep well tonight dears, I fear it is going to be a warm one.

Auntie Petunia


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 3 Sep 2013 20:58

Oh dear Petunia does that mean we wont be seeing you trip the light fantastic on Saturday :-D :-D :-D


Susan-nz Report 3 Sep 2013 20:49

Good morning Ladies,

Oh dear , sorry the grapes were a bit orf when they arrived Petunia, I can assure you they left here in tip top condition. There may have been one or two missing from the bunch... I call it quality control :-D..

I do hope you are on the improve. No , err, bed sores I hope or are you a lovely air mattress?...

My one pathetic attempt at cross stitch does not bare mentioning. I shall say no more. I am not so clever as many of the lovely ladies amongst us..

Tis officially Spring here. Quite cool in the mornings but the sun is out and there are peeps of new growth in the gardens. My Rhododendrons and Camelia's are in bloom, as is the flowering tree I planted two years ago to bring in the Tui's. They are the birds with a wonderful song, noisy little beasties but a joy to listen too. I haven't seen a Tui in the tree yet but I shall keep a beady eye out..

Please uncross all your crossed bits, I shall PM you a missive..

OH and I are off on Sunday for a weeks holiday. We return home on Sept 16th. I have not even thought about packing yet, too much else going on.

All our insurances are due and we now have to 'tell' our insurers how much we think our property is worth and insure it accordingly.. Blame it on all the quakes and shakes and resulting losses to the Insurance companies.. OH and I think we may engage a professional to guide us for the first renewal and then manage the valuation ourselves.. I hate all the kerfuffle and pfaffing about... :-| :-|.

Time to get on with my day,

~~~~~~ to all