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Auntie Motie a Genteel Tale of Everyday Life.

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MotownGal Report 3 Sep 2013 20:28

#props oneself up on pillows#

Hello Lesley dear, how are you? Long time no see.

I am still proper poorly thank you dear, but all the better for seeing you.

I too do cross-stitch dear, counted thread, I have made numerous samplers to denote births, and festive occasions. Unfortunately it has done my eyesight no good at all. Hence the pince nez!!

No dear, the gardener was wearing a pair of jeans, tied up with stringe, and a pair of Dr Clunes on his feet.

I am doing a lot of reading laying flat on my back, I am currently reading a book by dear Joan's sister. What a load of action it contains. I think I shall go back to reading about James Stewart. What a lovely man he was. And faithful to his wife.

I think I shall have to have the light turned off soon dears, there are a great many moths buzzing around in the room.

Good night all


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 3 Sep 2013 14:14

Good Afternoon Lovely Ladies.

Again I must sincerely apologise for my absence alas I have no excuse just a touch of lazyitis me thinks :-(

Petunia I hope you have made a full recovery and that you have got over the shock of seeing the gardener wearing a string vest ................................. was that all he was wearing :-S :-0

Teresa 21st September my little church has an exhibition of art which includes samples of cross stitch (that made me think of you) by people from my village and the village next to mine, the one with the train station, entry £2. :-D

I hope all is well with Susan and NZ <3


MotownGal Report 31 Aug 2013 19:52

Sniffs! Very lonely here, with only my mirrors to look into!

I am proper poorly, I have eaten the grapes, and Trickey Woo is sitting on me tummy.

Anyone going to visit me?

#turns to face the wall, and sulk#


MotownGal Report 29 Aug 2013 20:13

Dear Upsidedown Susan, you have cut me to the quick!!! I can only think it is the time delay, that has corrupted you kind thoughts to me, and turned them on their head. I am very grateful for the grapes dear. Unfortunately they seem to have bruised somewhat down the hatch.

However, back to the plot. I am now at home dears. I could not stay in the horses piddle dears, all those germs!

I hired a special ambulance, and have hired a proper hospital bed, with all the pulleys and whathaveyou, and I am now in the Primrose Room, flat on my back.

I have had a mirror fitted onto the ceiling too, so that I have a view of the garden, via another mirror next to the window. I have been watching a puss stalking a bird this afternoon. A squirrel gathering nuts, and the gardener mowing the grass, while drinking from a can of soft drink.

Those silly gels next door, they being the nieces of old Mrs Hubbard, gave the drink to him, and then watched while he broke the seal on the can. I can truly say I have never seen such an eruption since I was at the brink of Mount Vesuvius.

The gels were hanging over the fence, and then began chanting 'Off, Off, Off' I never knew my gardener wore a string vest! The things you see when you do not have your gun!!!

Mrs Berry and Holly are back in the kitchen, and I am being ladled at regular intervals with chicken soup, so as soon as I am 9 foot tall, I shall be back in business.

If you have any magazines dears, that you think would suit me, please do send them down the hatch. The time drags by dears, and I would enjoy a little light reading.

Pip Pip [ouch]
Auntie Petunia


Susan-nz Report 28 Aug 2013 21:30

Oh dear, The poor drummer :-D, how is he ??

And your good self too, Petunia, of course.. I am now quite convinced that you are not safe when left to your own devices... I am sorry if that sounds harsh but I have said it now.

How long are you to be in traction for ( thinks at least you can't get into any more scrapes or drop from heady heights ).?. What an inconvenience. Our own Florence Nightingale has gorn off on a jaunt so is unable to offer her professional opinion.. I take it you are being well looked after and your every whim attended too?. What do you mean your 'bell' is not being answered promptly?... Perhaps it is broken? :-D.

I shall send you some cyber grapes, seedless of course. Is there anything else you need dear?. Just holler, one of us is sure to hear you. ;-).

Take care -



MotownGal Report 27 Aug 2013 19:30

Oooooh I am in agony ladies, and a good evening to you all.

I am in St Mary's in west London, no, not in the Ludo Wing, that is for young ladies who are in pod. I am in the main hospital, and I am in traction!

Such was the festivities in West London that I ended up here.

As you know dear readers there is a Carnival over the August Bank Holiday, and me, being the very important person that I am. And my opinions are ALWAYS in demand. I duly visited the working operations over the last month of two. I did not tell, as I did not want to spoil the surprise.

Sunday was the Childrens Carnival, and all the little sweeties danced and shimmied along to the music, and we all had a jolly good time. There was so much colour, so many delicious smells, and so much good food. All the little ladies and gents danced along to the beat of the music and had a spendificious time. Their costumes looked wonderful and a good time was had by all.

There is a church over there, and I know the Vicar, so he let me stay in the Manse, and I was ready for the Carnival proper on Monday.

I must say dears, it would have been a wonderful surprise to you all, I was part of the procession. There were lots of lovely ladies in colourful costumes dancing along, lots of handsome young men playing instruments, and all the local people joined in too.

The main float was colourful butterflies, and I was sitting on a chair, on the float, dressed as the Butterfly Queen. Unfortunately the chair was not as stable as I would have wished.

Once it started moving, what with all the gyrating, and vibration of the music, it began to creak somewhat. Never mind, thought I. It will be fine.

A mile down the road, I began to think differently. It was not until we turned the corner, I came a cropper. The chair buckled, so did I. I lurched forward, past the float, and was heading for the gutter, when a nice young man stepped forward with his steel drum.

And so it was dear readers, that I landed in a heap, much to the surprise of the drummer. He did not realise I had descended up him, and continued to play!

Hence the slipped disc, the twisted ankle and the bruises all over.

I shall make this do for now dears, as the radio waves may interfere with the hospital equipment, and that would never do.

That will teach me to shake my boots, or whatever else I was meant to be shaking!

Wish me well dears.
Auntie Petunia


Susan-nz Report 26 Aug 2013 21:02

Morning Ladies,

Enjoy your little jaunt Teresa :-). Congrats to FTY on his great results. I must admit the thought of taking 'physics' leaves me cold :-D......

Thank you for your good wishes, still in limbo at the mo :-(..

Petunia, I hope you had fun at the Carnival?. I saw a posting on bookface of two young people I know, they had attended a huge street party in London .. I wonder if we are talking the same party?.. They had fun :-).

Did I mention my recent interest in compost :-S?. I have a fancy bucket type apparatus that produces liquid gold. I was delighted to see the first few drops in the bottom of the bucket. I am not sure what part of the garden to feed first... How sad is my life that a bucket of 'manure' should give me pleasure..... C'est la vie ;-)

The pup has been this morning for a visit, consumed half a banana - she is off apples :-D, checked out the lawn for any bread the birds may have missed - as if !. She has tootled off home again now. No doubt on the look out for more food..

~~~~ to Lesley, hope you are well...

Best get on with making the sarnies for today... Have a pleasant evening.



Cooper Report 23 Aug 2013 20:40

Sending hugs to Susan and her Pa xxxxx


Cooper Report 23 Aug 2013 20:39

Thankyou Lesley, now remind me, as FTY is saying otherwise, how much hard cash do you hand over per grade per GCSE :-S :-S :-S It it the same as the tooth fairy?

Auntie, you have been on the youth dew dear. Am I right in remembering that there was once a product called Youth Dew? Now dear do mind your hips and knees when you are shaking your booty at the weekend. Dr Efellover may be very busy on the Orthopaedic ward after Carnival. I do not want to have to wing over to your and look after a fractured neck of femur or any other breakages.

Yours orff for a little jaunt

Teresa ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)


MotownGal Report 23 Aug 2013 20:18

Evening All Ladies.

First of all may I enquire after your dear Papa's health, Susan? I hope he is a little better, and is on the mend.

Congratulations dear Teresa on the results from your fruit. He must have worked hard, and all good things come to those who wait. Well done!!!!

Lesley dear, I hope you are well.

Well the secret of my youth is to post retro photographs!!! However, I do bathe my face in the morning dew, which I get Pat-trish-aaaah to collect with a muslin cloth and a sterile container. Then I use the muslin cloth and place it onto my face, the dew is soothing. It is also rejuvenating, and it keeps me looking dewey.

I shall be orft early in the morning to West London, to continue with my goods in Carnival mode. I shall be handing out whistles on the day, and offering plasters for sore feet.

Have a lovely weekend all. I shall see you after the Bank Holiday.

Pip Pip All in red, gold and green.
Auntie Petunia


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 22 Aug 2013 23:30

Good Evening/Night/Morning Ladies.

Sorry to hear your papa is unwell Susan<3 I've got everything crossed and wishing him well.x
Yes both pubs are old although one has been modernised inside:-(

Hello Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mama you must be feeling VERY proud:-D ....... ...................... well done FTY.

Auntie Petunia can I please ask you to share your secret for youthfulness:-S as you are positively looking like a spring chicken ................................and not one of Teresa's neighbours egg laying type:-D


Cooper Report 22 Aug 2013 16:36

Hallo Ladies,

Susan I do hope your Pa is feeling a little better, I have everything crossed including my stiches and sending hugs to you all.

We are not as rural as dear Lesley, we just live in a part of the town which is nearer the fields so to speak. We have a great many pubs, you could do a pub crawl and not have to walk many yards before you came upon one. I dunno how they all keep going :-S

Auntie I do like your outfit dear, Its a little risqué doncha think ;-) I love a bit of reggae I do. I went to see UB40 many years ago before one brother of the two brothers left and was replaced by another brother :-S :-S :-S :-S Twas at the old Wemb ber leeeee and very good they were too. :-D :-D :-D :-D I also like the reggae reggae as well.

May I say something........ Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

FTY took some GCSEs a year early. Well more than a year if you go by age group. The Fruit was 15 last week so took the exams when he was 14. It was the science, remember all the palava last year and sitting up the school and the poor teacher etc etc etc. Well that teacher went in September and a teacher of such wonderfulness came along. She deserves a bit thank you. FTY got a C in Biology and B in Chemistry :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D The real deal and the whole exam soooo. No more Chemistry or Biology any more. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The Fruit is taking Physics next year but they have another sooper doper new teacher who is a real Physics teacher.

I am happppeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,

The Devils x box will have to be used less however as there are 8 or 9 more GCSEs to take next summer :-|

Tootling orff for now



Susan-nz Report 21 Aug 2013 20:55

Good upside down morning Ladies,

Not sure what is good about it, the heavens have opened and are giving us what for... I don't know how many times I woke in the night to the sound of heavy rain.

I have a niece moving house tomorrow :-D, the forecast is for more of the same..

Teresa, I like the sound of fresh eggs at the ready, though I wouldn't like to own the hens :-0.. I think I am a 'Townie', through and through.. A field next door sounds rather lovely though. Good luck with your cross stitch, I shall not hold my breath :-) :-). I did once try to cross stitch. I can't remember if I threw it out or my pathetic efforts are stuffed in a cupboard somewhere... Crafts and Moi are not good mates....

Lesley, lucky you, two Pubs. Are they quaint olde worlde types or modern 'inns'. OH and I would have loved the time to stop at some of the inns we passed on our drive around. We would never have got to where we needed to be if we had stopped.... Living in such a young country as ours, our historical buildings are fewer than yours... Certainly none in my neck of the woods...

Petunia, another change of garb :-). You must have one heck of a walk in wardrobe.. Lucky duck...

I am a little out of sorts ladies. My papa is unwell . I am waiting to hear the latest news... :-(. I am living on an emotional edge presently.. Please cross your fingers, toes and any extra bits you can. Ta.



Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 20 Aug 2013 21:11

I must say I think you look very cool in your new attire Auntie Petunia:-)

No Post Office or shops where I live but we do have two pubs:-D


MotownGal Report 20 Aug 2013 20:40

Good evening Ladies,

I hope you are safe and well dear Upsidedown Susan, I heard that there were tremors again in Christchurch. They are just finished clearing up from the last onslaught I believe. So very frightening. I trust pup is behaving itself, otherwise, off to the dog-house! I trust your weekend away was pleasant.

Radishes again Teresa dear! A combine harvester! Were they Wurzels singing atop it? You really are in the rural area are you not? The only thing we see here are the giant lawnmowers with that Mrs Ponsonby Whatsit along the road, when her gardener comes to do her! He is a strapping young lad, stripped to the waist and swigging from a bottle of soft drink, and straddling the mower. I think he thinks he is Peter Fonda from a well known cult film. I trust you have now found your lost stitch dear. Is it in the same area as the lost chord?

Lesley dear, are you as rural as dear Teresa? Do you have a local Post Office dear? My take on country living is that most little towns DO have a post office, but it is also a general store. Or am I getting mixed up with Poirot?

We have been rather warm here today dears. We have been mopping and fanning in rotation.

Hurrah, we have had a card from Mrs Berry and her brood today. One of those Bamford cards with Fat Ladies and little husbands. Something about looking for a little Willie paddling in the sea. Such Larks dears, how anyone can be offended by such humour is beyond me, and I am me!!!!

I wish you a peaceful night dears, and will let you know of my exploits when I return to West London tomorrow to help with the costume fittings!

#Cool down ya temper, cool down ya temper, cool down ya temper, cool it down# Singing in a reggae beat!

Just getting down with the kids dears
Auntie Petunia


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 20 Aug 2013 18:04

Teresa I think it's this site and not your phone:-(

Don't forget to shut your windows if the combine comes to close:-D :-| :-D


Cooper Report 20 Aug 2013 16:45

:-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S there is a gremlin in @er somewhere, either that or the radishes are repeating again


Cooper Report 20 Aug 2013 16:44

Why are all those ???? on my post???? its that danged I phones fault I suppose.

Tutty tut tut



Cooper Report 20 Aug 2013 16:44

Why are all those ???? on my post???? its that danged I phones fault I suppose.

Tutty tut tut



Cooper Report 20 Aug 2013 16:42

Why are all those ???? on my post???? its that danged I phones fault I suppose.

Tutty tut tut
