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Auntie Motie a Genteel Tale of Everyday Life.

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Cooper Report 25 Jul 2013 14:10

:-D There you all are :-D :-D :-D :-D

When I am rich and famous Lesley we shall all have tea at the lovely hotel ;-) ;-)

Susan, your poor pup, I think he has a dog radar for all the undesirables about. I am like that with cats, I am severely allergic to them and their allergens but as soon as I'm out and about they make a bee line for me :-S

FTY is out today, tis a birthday outing to a paintballing thingy. Keeps him off the devils x box though :-D

Auntie dear, are you in Mr Ts tardis, I am sure it was you I saw with the popular press perched on a lamp post trying to see Prince George of Cambridge ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)
The new outfit I do feel perhaps Mr Gok may be able to help you with a new style however.

Yours dashing orff to catch the rays


~~~~~~~~~~~ to Cherry if she is looking in :-D


Susan-nz Report 25 Jul 2013 08:04

Why Petunia,

you have changed - again :-)


Susan-nz Report 25 Jul 2013 08:03

Good evening ladies,

You have been a busy bee Teresa. How nice to get an upgrade upgrade.... What a nice treat for you both. Tell me, did you throw all the 'toiletries' in your case?. I know of a relative that used to take all the sachets of tea, coffee etc :-(... What I was supposed to do with them all I don't know... Hope the bride enjoyed her special day. Nothing quite like a wedding,

unless of course you are in France going to risqué shows :-D.. have your sensibilities been offended Auntie? and are they over it now ;-)..

Glad little E is doing well Lesley :-). I wonder how many times a night dear Kate is having to get up to her wee man??. I did pick the Louis but feel George is rather a 'big' name for a baby. No doubt we will get used to it.

Fruit and I took the pup for a walk this afternoon along our new route, blow me down, three large lab type dogs behind a fence, ran up the length of their section barking menacingly at our pup. Our pup was less than impressed. I did speak to the owner and ask if his dogs could get out, he assured me no :-D..

We are off out to dinner at friends on Saturday evening, we ladies are sharing the cooking of a belated mid winter Christmas dinner.... YUM !!. Turkey, my favourite :-). I can taste it already.. We are to be five couples for dinner. Good food, good wine and lots of laughter, just the ticket :-)



Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 24 Jul 2013 21:46

Good Evening Ladies.

Susan I do hope things are getting back to normal in Wellington, what a relief there were no reported serious injuries.

Wow it sounds as though you had a fantastic weekend Teresa ..................... will you still speak to us when you are rich and famous:-D I sincerely hope FTE is much better <3

Yesterday we had E's three month check at GOSH, all went well and we don't have to go back until December :-D

Ooh La La Auntie Petunia it sounds as though you are C'est de la balle................
................... I hope that translates to having having a ball :-D

Lesley x


MotownGal Report 23 Jul 2013 20:05

Good evening dear Ladies, we are wending our way along a narrow street in a very pretty town in the south of France. I can see the Boulangerie in front of us, and I can see Francine's parents sitting outside, sipping on the old vino...................

Susan, I think our threads may have crossed dear. I do hope you and yours are safe and well with the thunderings in your islands. We had a tremor here last year, but nothing compared to yours. There is something weird happening in your corner of the globe dear, typhoons, tsunamis, and earthquakes. There must be a fault-line somewhere.

Teresa dear, how lovely to stay in that Hotel. I have had tea there a few times. Nice carpets and furnishings dear. I also told anyone who would listen it was your anniversary dear, and they sent their good wishes.

I do hope your dear gel is better. Very messy having an upset tummy!

Did you pass by Motie Towers dear. I know you missed your opportunity to meet me dear, but Pat-trish-aaaaah and Mrs Berry would have given you a warm welcome. I trust Pat-trish-aaaaah has been shaving whilst I have been away, that would scare the horses should she not.

But back to the plot...............................we are being beckoned into the shop, and apparently there is an annexe for us to stay in. How rustic it looks! I do hope it does not leak water, or catch fire.

They are very welcoming however, and have given us an hour to collect ourselves and wash and brush up, then it is dinner time. We have not seen dear little Valentine yet, he has been put to bed, but we can peep in on him later. There is so much catching up to do.

Beatrice is surprisingly quiet after her disgrace last night! No doubt a little chardonnay will loosen her tongue again. We will water it down after the second glass. The gendarmerie are a little too vigorous here, and we would !]

The sun is going down over the hills dears, and we will be sitting outside in the enclosed courtyard eating.

What a lovely world this is.

Getting soppy in my old age!
Auntie Petunia


Cooper Report 23 Jul 2013 15:04


Auntie, Auntieeeee, are you there, are yu inside or outside the horspiddle and have you any info on a name yet.????????

We were there but were travling home on a very hot tube after seeing the wonderful exhibition of Mr D Bowie at the V&A. FTY was dragged er I mean encouraged to see and read everything but after a couple of hours was getting hungry. I tutted a lot and said that when I was ready I would leave. OH was also a little hungry but did not moan, as if anyone would dare!!!

MY dear OH and I went to the wedding in London on the Thames on Saturday and stayed my dears at the Athenaeum Hotel in Mayfare we had an upgrade on the upgrade and had an apartment. It was lovely. When I am rich and famous I will stay there more often :-D I did pass Penhaligons Auntie and am sending cyber lavender water to one and all. We wander to the Palace but although the Worlds press was there no activity took place. I did hope that the baby would arrive on our anniversary and that of the Ruby wedding couple but never mind. Mr Lesley now share his birthday with the Royal Prince instead :-D :-D :-D

Susan, I do hope all is well in Wellington and your Family are ok. FTE visited Wellington and it was one of her favourite places.

FTE succumbed to the nasty virus of D&V she was looked after very well and her room was high cleaned and she was in quarantine but is much better now.

Lesley, that's a bit of interesting news about the tea rooms/craft place. There is parking etc which is good. Many years ago they did a good roast when it was a pub.

Orff now to get out in the sunshine :-D OOH just seen Carole and Mike nipping in to see the baby :-D :-D :-D :-D



MotownGal Report 22 Jul 2013 20:03

Firstly, happy birthday to Mr Lesley, many happy returns dear.

Well yesterday was the Tour de France finale, and of course our chap won. What a spectacular summer we have had so far in the sports stakes.

Our lads knocking the willow are going great guns too. How wonderful to have winners for a change.

Well, now let me tell you about the Red Windmill! As you know Mr Georgianna booked the tickets for us, and got us a table right next to the stage. It was very small and dark in there, and to be honest reminded me of The Good Old Days with Leonard Sachs as Master of Ceremonies. There was indeed a man with a top hat introducing the Terns.

When all of a sudden a troupe of Can Can gels rushed onto the stage. Whooping and screaming and swishing their skirts up and down. Oh dear, as you know I am teetotal, but the others had a little tipple or two, and were quite merry. Suddenly Beatrice sprang from her seat, and jumped onto the stage, and began to kick her legs up and lift her skirts. She then turned and lifted her skirt at the back, and showed her btm!!!! Her directoire knickers for all to see. I could have shrivelled up and died.

The audience far from booing her off, encouraged her, and she took centre stage. Let us say it was car crash viewing. Eventually she collapsed into a heap in the middle of the stage. She was carted off.

Next came the show girls. All feathers and no vest!!!! Whatever next? My head was aching by this time.

Clever old Mr Georgianna eh? He would never have got to go if he had told us it was The Moulin Rouge. How naïve were we?

Back to the George Sank dears, and we will be heading out for the last time tonight. We are going to the top of the Arc de Triomphe to look at the city twinkling below us. to visit George and Francine and dear little Valentine. We will set off early and be there by dinner time.

Pip Pip
Auntie Petunia


Susan-nz Report 21 Jul 2013 20:58

Morning Ladies,

Thank you Lesley for your Sunday wishes :-).

Since Friday, Wellington and the top of the South Island have been bombarded by earthquakes...... :-D. Friday morning was 5.7, last night there was a 6.2, there are continuing after shocks, scaring the living daylights out of the people in the affected areas. I have a sister and her family in Wellington. They are ok, a few things have fallen over in the quakes but no damage thankfully. My Mama and Papa were leaving Wellington last Friday and felt the first big quake... I hope things settle down very quickly. The central city is closed this morning for safety checks on buildings etc... Freaky stuff..
We didn't feel any shakes but one was registered in our district !!.

Petunia, how was your evening out?. To your liking I trust ;-).

Happy Birthday to Mr Lesley, tis the 22nd here. Monday which means off to work I go... hey ho hey ho :-P.

Have a pleasant evening.


MotownGal Report 20 Jul 2013 18:03

Good afternoon Ladies,

What a lovely time we have had so far, we have been up and down the Eiffel Tower, another boat trip along the Seinne too.

We have shopped, prayed and taken in some culture in the Louvre. We are plum tuckered out.

We are being taken out for a treat tonight by Georgianna, courtesy of Mr Georgianna who booked the tickets for us in London. Apparently we are to visit the Red Windmill in the heart of Paree. We cannot wait.......................I shall report back tomorrow, and let you know how educational it was.

Dressing as only I know how.....................

Auntie Petunia


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 20 Jul 2013 17:57

Teresa the rumour is the tearooms and craft centre are to go into a pub/restaurant that closed recently :-( as you are heading to paid toil look to your left if/when you ever get held up at the traffic lights as you enter my village you should see it :-)

Has FTY been on a Parents Get Lost holiday in France?

Auntie Petunia my very best wishes are being sent to your friend on their ruby wedding anniversary also to Teresa and Mr Teresa I hope you have a wonderful day. <3 <3 <3

Happy Sunday Susan x


Cooper Report 19 Jul 2013 21:49


Firstly happy Ruby Anniversary to Aunties friends and to Lesley's MOG :-D :-D :-D :-D

I'm very hot but I do not seem to suffer as my fellow toilers do. I have been hot on and orff for such a long time with the M word that it seems second nature now ;-)

Ah the road Lesley, I think ECC have some excess money. Last Sunday when it was 28 degrees the road off the A12 heading towards the Station there were workmen laying gravel and......tarmac :-S :-S :-S :-S The cars were tracking towards the A12 and I waited 40 minutes trying to get to paid toil. Then blow me down they have started on the road to yours now!!!!! My poor car must be stone chipped by now. I could have done with baby Es paddling pool to cool my feet by the end of it.

FTE used to like paddling her toes on the beach at Frinton when a baby :-)

Where is this craft shop. If the road continues to be dug up I could nip in when I'm waiting in the car.

Susan our garden looks a little crispy round the edges. A nice shade of brown seems to be the colour of the grass. It was a boiling hot day when we married. Very much as it is here at the moment. :-D

Auntie dear make sure Wills has the helicopter at the ready for your dash to where the new Royal baby is born. Now is it to be born in the horspiddle or at its future Grandmamas ;-)

Orff now to await the coach from France delivering FTY



MotownGal Report 19 Jul 2013 18:33


Well that is the French out of the way. Now back to normal!!!

Our trip was uneventful, good. We bedded down, and slept like tops in our little bunks. What a warm night it was. I was frightened to venture outside the cabin as I have seen Murder on the Orient Express.

May I recommend the George Sank dears, it really is delightful. And the shops around and about are very select!

We walked to our little Bistro, and sat outside. We have decided to change days and just got on the boat along to Notre Dame, the gravel was very hot dears, and the reflexion was dazzling. Beatrice kept on about Esmerelda and The Hunchback, but then she went inside. It was wonderfully cool, and the size of the organ took her breath away. It was all we could do to stop her tinkling the ivories. Such is her little foilbles.

We are now sitting again outside the Bistro, waiting for the cooling breeze to begin. The other ladies are drinking Campari and soda, I am of course on the Elderflower cordial. I must say we look the picture of elegance. We shall take the boat along to the Eiffel Tower later.

Tomorrow we will go the Lafayettes and the Louvre. It will be a feast of education and a spend fest.

I wonder why we have not seen anyone in Breton jumpers, with onions yet?

Au revoir
Auntie Petunia


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 18 Jul 2013 22:55

My goodness Teresa what on earth has happened to the road just past my village:-S

Auntie Petunia If you have time on your travels do you think you might call in on me dear cousin ...................................................... she would give you a very warm French welcome and I am sure would serve up a delicious traditional French meal ............... do like rabbit don't you?

Susan are you thinking about packing for your travels yet?

Lesley x


MotownGal Report 18 Jul 2013 22:35

Twiddley deee, twiddley dum, the train is rattling along the tracks very merrily.

Au revoir Mesdames, je vous parlerai devantage lorsque nous sommes sur terre ferme.

Bonne nuit!



Susan-nz Report 18 Jul 2013 20:59

Au revoir Auntie :-),

Have a lovely leeetle 'oliday, perhaps George may open a bottle of vino for you to sample and slate your thirst. Perhaps a nice bit of French bread and a slab of camembert to go with the vino.? Yum!! Speaking of bi-lingual, I can still sing 'Frere Jaques' or something similar :-D. How lovely for little Valentine to grow up bilingual.

I will look forward to hearing about your trip, may it be incident free ;-).

~~~~ to Lesley and Teresa.

Before I forget, a very Happy Anniversary to your friends Petunia and a very Happy Anniversary to Teresa and Mr Teresa, all for the 21st, a very Happy Birthday to Lesley's MOG for the 22nd :-).



MotownGal Report 18 Jul 2013 19:55

#closes valise with a resounding snap, and pulls belts tightly around case#

That's better, all my bags and belonging are now packed [well Pat-trish-aaaaah packed them] and I am ready to go.

We are to catch the boat-train from Victoria in a couple of hours Ladies, and then we are off to Francais! We have ordered a mini-cab to pick each of us up in turn, then we are orft to the Terminus.

Pat-trish-aaaaah will keep an eye on the house. Sorry burglars, but there will not be an empty house for you to squat in. Mrs Berry has been baking all today, and left food in the freezer for Pat-trish-aaaaaah, and Mrs Berry will be having a week off to spend with her children.

Apparently at the end of Summer Term, there are parties, concerts, Sports Days and various merriments for the children. It is good that she will be there for them.

We will arrive in Paris by mid-day, there is a lovely little Bistro down by the Seine where we will have luncheon. We are staying in the George Sank again, and then the afternoon will be spend perusing Gallerie Lafayettes. I do so love that shop with its painted ceiling.........................I nearly fell over last time, looking up!!!!

Saturday we will do the normal touristy things and visit the Notre Dame, as you know one of our number is a Catholic, and she loves going around Cathedrals. We will also visit the Louvre.

Sunday is the last day of the Tour de France, we will wave our brave boys in, regardless of their position in the race.

Monday, we are off to visit George, Francine and dear little Valentine......................such fun.

Oooooh, there goes the doorbell.

Pip Pip
Auntie Petunia


Cooper Report 18 Jul 2013 11:34

FTY is in France Auntie. The Fruit will be back tomorrow evening, Mamma in Law will then hither over here and OH and I are orff to the Metropolis for a wedding at the weekend. It is on the Thames I think on a ship/boat. :-D

Do be careful in France Auntie, I would hate any mishaps to happen ;-)

I was very impressed after gadding about yesterday evening. I saw the tail end of Lord Sugar and was really happy to see that the dear Gal who worked with me last year had won the apprentice. Such a lovely Gal Auntie. I'm so glad she won.

Orff now to do some stapling



MotownGal Report 17 Jul 2013 20:15

Good evening Ladies,

Dear Susan, drinking vino first thing in the morning our time!!!!!! When the sun is not even up, yet along over the yardarm? Tutty tut!!!!

Was it refreshing dear? One cannot consume liquid if it not refreshing, please do say it was.

Teresa, are you out with your gentle walker? On your ownsome? Without children hanging onto your limbs? After dark? Goodness!!!!

Well some good news. George and Francine and dear little Valentine are now settled in France, helping out in the Boulangerie. They are now joint owners, as Francine's parents have made it over to them 50%.

As you know dear little Valentine is being brought up bi-lingual, so he will have no trouble fitting in with the other little children in the village. I think George is the only one who will have a little trouble. However, as much as he can say Bonjour, I think he will be fine.

They have asked us gels over at the end of July/beginning of August so we are discussing the likelihood of it all.

We may stay over in Paris for a couple of days to see the end of the Tour de France, and then journey south to the little village where the Baker shop is. I shall keep your informed.

As you know, our last visit to all things Francais we had dear departed Lavinia with us, but we are a quartet again, as Beatrice is now well and truly one of us. Heaven help us!

Still a little sticky here ladies, still glowing like a glow-worm!



Cooper Report 17 Jul 2013 16:20

Just nipping in and out and will return post haste in the morning. FTY is on a school residential and we have been out in the evenings like normal folk do :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D



Susan-nz Report 17 Jul 2013 08:42

grabs megaphone, takes a deep breath and yells " ATTENSHUN......" " WAKEY WAKEY LADIES",

page four indeed....

goes off for a slurp of me vino :-)