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Auntie Motie a Genteel Tale of Everyday Life.

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MotownGal Report 24 Jun 2013 20:21

Goooooood evening Ladies, and all those people who peep in on us, and never speak! We may have some gentlemen callers too. Do come and visit do. We don't bite. Not hard anyway. #titters#

I digress, I do hope you have all had a tickety boo weekend. We had a full moon again, and the clouds passed over it like a Hammer Horror. Trickey Woo went a bit doolalley, but we managed to calm her by throwing a cover over her bed, and she was a bit more docile when the moonlight was not bathing her in its glow.

Great news dears, George, Francine and dear little Valentine have returned home. My, my how dear Valentine has grown. He is toddling now dears, and he is into everything. I have had to 'move everything up', so that his little prying fingers cannot touch the Royal Doulton. He really is a lovely little boy. He has dark hair, and the bluest of eyes. A real Bobby Dazzler.

I know he is not really family, [remember, George is the son of Georgianna?] but he is like a son to me. Kind and thoughtful, and he calls me Auntie Pet. so how cannot not think of him in that way. Francine is more beautiful than ever too. She has caught the sun, from their time in France, and has a smattering of freckles over her nose. She has a bloom about her. don't think perhaps that she could be.........................................?

They visited yesterday, straight after church, and stayed for luncheon. Even Pat-trish-aaaaah was pleased to see them. And we all know how finnecky she can be. She was bouncing Valentine up and down on her podgy knees, and singing to him [badly!] They bought me back some elderflower wine and some virgin olive oil from the Region. Wine and Virgin, shows what they think of me!!!!!

Alas it seems that they will not be here too long. They have simply returned to sell up and move to France to be near Francine's parents, and perhaps take over the Boulangerie. Her parents are both in ill-health, and there is no brother to take over the business, so they will go and become full time owners of the family concern. The air is fresh there, the sun shines, and the schooling seems to suit little Valentine, who is growing up bi-lingual. Georgianna is a little miffed, but loves them dearly, and does not want to stand in their way. Besides we can all visit later on in the year.

Church was uneventful, and I steered clear of the tea and cakes this week. Beatrice partook of refreshements, and was bilious later. I smell a rat somewhere.

Pat-trish-aaaaah has advised me to search the Tinternet for poisoners in the last 10 years, to see if there is a likeness there. Surely not!

I hope you all had a pleasant time with your families dear. Do tell!

A little cooler tonight I think. I shall have to search out a shawl for my shoulders. One must never sit in a draught.

Toodle Pip
Auntie Petunia


MotownGal Report 22 Jun 2013 20:46

Good evening dear Gels,

Well what a strange noise last night. Lots of whooping and howling, baying and crying. There was a full, full moon last night, and it kept disappearing behind clouds, and then peeping out again.

As I may have mentioned before, there are more than a few foxes here, considering we are in the middle of town, and they merrily trot along the road at night. Tis a little disconcerting when I take Trickey Woo out for her late night pee pee. Can I say that? Too late, I have!

Last night, the foxes were on the prowl, and it seems we have a new she cat in town, as the toms were crying for her too. Crikey was a racket. I threw a few shoes out of the window, but to no avail. They kept of yeowing til the dawn. I was NOT amused at all.

I am most touched by your enquiries after my health dears. As you know I am as tough as old boots, tis being brought up in India dears, the heat has no effect on me at all. Neither has the rain. Monsoon weather is what I was raised on. Sometimes it was so heavy one could not see from one side of the road t'other!!!

I believe with the time lapse dear Susan, we have now had the Rugby match. I do not know the score dear, as I am not of an enquiring mind regarding the oval ball. But hearty congratulations to the winners. How tactful was that? Not like me at all!!!!

Teresa dear, how wonderful to see real life Flippers! Are they as nature intended in the sea, or in a theme park? Your fruit must be having the time of her life. I congratulate her spirit. Well done dear!

Lesley dear, NO ONE is as old as me. Sometimes when I get out of bed in the morning my bones crack like jumping crackers. I have never been Down Under in the Antipodes, but I may do one day, just to surprise dear Susan.

Yes dear, it would be a hoot to meet up. We must make a few preliminary dates for when the weather improves. As we all have our good works to do, maybe a Saturday would be suitable. I think you will be pleasantly surprised when I DO decide to grace you with my presence ! #preens#

Have a lovely weekend dears, I have a full day tomorrow............................I think I may need to investigate Evangeline a little further, and make a note not to eat the cakes.

Night All


Susan-nz Report 22 Jun 2013 10:17

~~~~~~ , Hello Ladies,

OOh, a mini meet without CC and moi :-(. You must take photographs and hemail them to us, please, pretty please :-\. Sounds a great idea to me, I hope you can make it happen.

Lesley, the weather has been awful in places.. We had sunshine today but cold temps. I hope your family enjoys their visit, weather aside.
I too enjoy Mrs Brown and her lot..... My Mama at 86 likes it too, my Papa does not... I see they are going to be in Australia next year. I would love to go and see the show live...

Teresa, dolphins are so sweet, lucky FTE. I have FB but there is not a lot to see. I fear my fruits keep me well at arms length :-(.

Petunia, are you fit and well again now?. A lady of your years must be very careful you know. Even an old Duke must be careful at his age :-D. Have you got used to dear CC's absence yet?. I must say the place is a tad quiet now.... Sometimes quiet is not good :-(.

OH is watching the oval ball game, AB's - France. Next up is your Lions - Wallabies..... I may retire for the evening with my book....

Have a lovely day ladies, hope the sun shines on you all. We have a lovely moon tonight and no doubt a frost in the morning...

Toodle pip


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 21 Jun 2013 22:19

Happy Birthday FTY I hope you have enjoyed your day. x

Ooh a mini meet what a hoot that would be :-D

Susan I spoke to MOG's uncle today he didn't know what town his grandson and family were in all he new was they had been affected by the bad weather so were moving away from the snow. Bless uncle he is very good for his age (not quite as old as Auntie) but he is sometimes forgetful :-( I pray he doesn't forget anything when he is driving his car. :-0

I know Mrs Brown's Boys is not every ones cup of tea ................................................ ..........................................but it is mine and I am going to see the show at the 02 Thursday :-D I can't wait :-D :-D :-D


Cooper Report 21 Jun 2013 21:02

oooh Auntie,

A visit would be fun :-) It would be lovely to meet up at some stage with the Ladies who lunch :-) Im not running, I have no energy left today. I am using it up trying to see in the dark

FTE has just sent a message via the power of the blueberry. She has also sent one by the power of the facebook. We do not have the facebook but FTY does. He extracted himself orff the devils x box long enough to show us the photos. FTE is watching the dolphins and the Sunset. We are watching Lee Mac in the gloom and dark :-|

Tootling orff to get a nice mug of hot chocky


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to Lesley and Susan


MotownGal Report 21 Jun 2013 20:43

Tut tut, tutty tut, page 2 again.

I am sorry Teresa dear, I know this thread has been going a couple of years now, but I was 92 when it started, I have had one birthday..............93..............and I will be having another, God willing, in a few months time.

And as for asking the Misses Collins for advice, I think not dear. I do not want my skin tied in a knot on the top of my head. How would I arrange my hair over it. This is one person who does not wear a wig. Not like some..............

Happy Birthday to Teresa's fruit. I hope she had a lovely, lovely day, somewhere warm.

of course I shall arrange a party for when she returns. Ice cream and jelly may be a little passé for the dear gel. But I hear you can get vodka jelly now, and Baileys ice cream. Would that suit? We could play Twister, well, they could play, my bones would snap at the mere thought of it.

I know you said it in jest dear, but as you and Lesley live within a spit and a jump of each other, I think I might descend on you one day. I could come up on the train, and you could show me the rural delights of your county. I have visited dear Cherry in her town, and met dear Upsidedown Susan when she came to our shores.....

Why are you running away dears? Is it something I said?

Auntie Petunia


Cooper Report 20 Jun 2013 17:31

Hallo Auntie, you have been 93 for several years now dear. Are you like Miss Joan and Jackie Collins who seem to get younger every year? Miss Joan is a gal. I feel she orften has a little bit too much make up on, unlike your goodself who is looking a little pale around the gills. Do pay a visit to Miss C and she will point you in the right direction :-D

Egg boiling?????? Well FTY paid the said visit to A&E and the X ray today. Thankfully tis only a soft tissue injury which is now spoting a removable splint. I do not think I could put up will all the palava of plastic bags over plaster for showering!!!!! I di pop up to my place of paid toil. FTY was moaning about the heat. AhHa at least he knows why I glow in the dark now ;-)

FTE was in communication. Tis the Fruits Birthday tomorrow. She shares it with dear William, father to be, an old school friend of mine, a cousin and FTYs friend. She has her Birthday gifts on the seven seas and has been given the day orff to celebrate.

Along with the Fruits Birthday comes the longest day. The nights will start pulling in and winter will cast its gloom around again :-(

This is why we must have a bit of a do. Are you up for a Gals night out Auntie P? I think there are some nice spots here in Essex, we could go to the Sugar hut and take Pat rish aaaa with us. The TOWIE gals all work/own beauty salons and are a dab hand with the wax. They would have Pat rish aaa sorted before you could wink and blink. Im sure that Lesley would love a knees up and Susan could pop down the cyber hatch as well. I will leave you to arrange things. Your organisational skills are noted in this part of the world. I am at paid toil but will pop in to see how things are going.


Teresa :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


MotownGal Report 19 Jun 2013 20:30

Evening Ladies,

What a sorry lot we are.

Children are a joy dears, but they are also a full time job. I thinks they will orft ones hands by the age of 18, but no, they are like your right arm. Always there. Look at me and my grand-daughter Pat-trish-aaaaaaah.

She must be 40ish if she is a day. The whiskers on her chin bear testament to that.

I fully understand the sweltering heat dears. But remember a lady never, ever, sweats. She glows.............................try running your wrists under the cold tap dears, it does cool one down.

A little eau de cologne on a lace edged hankerchief patted on the brow may bring relief. Remember to also carry smelling salts at all times, especially if one cannot loosen ones stays. I think it is now safe to remove ones liberty bodice now.

Did you boil the eggs in a pan dear. Or just place them under your hat?

#runs for cover, as quickly as a 93 year old woman can#

Pip Pip Gels
Auntie Petunia


Cooper Report 19 Jun 2013 17:51

Susan I am tutting like Junana doing a spanish fling. I was on a Late yesterday followed by an early today and came home to find FTY with a swollen hand and fingers like a pound of butchers best. He had fell at school on to his left hand playing the devils football yesterday lunchtime. You may remember he fractured his distal radius on right hand a couple of years ago playing rugby. I hithered down to the Doctors and hithered out with an x ray form for a possible fracture of the distal radius on the left hand :-|

Mind you he still managed to play the devils x box and write ok at school so hopefully its just a sprain or somthing similar.

My goodness your poor Son Fruit. Im not supprised you are spitting feathers. I would be.

Your poor Daughter as well. There seems to be one rule for the dangerous dog owners and another for the law abiding public. any how whats the difference between menacing and dangerous. It seems to be the same thing really.

I did not see the photos of Nigella but OH did and said she looked really scared. If I were her I would take him to the cleaners and run to the hills.

Lesley, its been very very very hot at toil today. Thankfully we have fans and a water cooler so there is a little relief. I have put out the washng now in the hope it may dry.

Any way talking of the heat Auntie dear, How does one keep cool in this weather when one is sweating hot ;-)

Yours, orff to boil some eggs

Teresa :-D


Susan-nz Report 19 Jun 2013 07:05

Oh dear Lesley,
I hope your family are enjoying their trip :-D. Are they currently in the North or South Island?. I spoke to my mama today, they had a fine day, we had the wet stuff again :-(.. I hope they are enjoying their travels, not too sure I would want to be in a campervan with little ones...

Fruit rang me today in tears, seems the 'dogs' in question are only to be recorded as menacing not dangerous..... The owner doesn't see why they should buy a new lead for fruit, her perfectly good one was damaged in the melee... The owners are to face fines of some hundreds of dollars and we have to buy a new lead. I want answers from our council. Fruit spoke to two officers today and felt the aggressors were getting the best of it. It was said they were very sorry for the attack. Really ??? Why has the fence situation not been addressed yet and why is there a 'beware of the dog' sign on the fence. Fruit and I will pen a letter of disgust to the council, of the system. My fruit is still very nervous about walking her pup after the attack. I am seething..

Lesley, just heard it is snowing in the South Island :-D.

~~~~ to all


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 18 Jun 2013 22:36

Boom Boom Teresa ........................................................... no I didn't hear a thing :-D

Oh Susan my MOG cousins son his partner and two under 3 fruits are in your beautiful country for 6 weeks they are traveling around in a motor home, reading your weather report I bet they wish they weren't :-S

It's been very humid out in the sticks too Petunia, I've been glowing all day :-(

I must admit I am not as talented as some ........................................................................
..................................I can't whistle :-D


Susan-nz Report 18 Jun 2013 21:07

Morning girls,

Sonic boom?. I thought for a moment it might be to do with pickled onions :-D.

The pup is fully restored thank you, there are puncture wounds on her chest but they are healing. My fruit was more traumatised than the pup I think.
The retail therapy was most pleasant, I did manage to buy myself a new top.

Our weather is abysmal, wet, wet and more wet. A polar blast is due through by Friday. The poor people darn sarf have been subjected to floodings and now have been warned of heavy snow to low levels.. Oh dear, the not so joy of Winter. We don't get the snow though we will get the icy winds whistling about our ears.

A double breasted matinee jacket sounds just the ticket.. Red, white and blue do you think?. Imagine the gifts the royal baby will receive :-(, it's Mama won't know what to do with it all... Lucky for them they have a big house... I still have cupboards full of books and toys and even a few precious items of baby clothing that I couldn't throw out..

Happy Birthday to your FTE Teresa, how exciting for her to see places new.

I watched an episode of Restoration Man, twas about a Mill in Northumberland.. I was totally in awe of the building, the location and the couple who undertook the restoration.. Amazingly beautiful outcome.. sighs with envy :-(.

My male fruit, he with the broken leg, is in despair... The cast came off over a week ago, no xray, nothing.... The leg was still sore so back fruit went to the clinic. Luckily for him, a different Doctor saw him.... Sent him for an x ray and then sent fruit to a specialist... The appointment was yesterday, specialist sent fruit for a CT scan on his leg. Back fruit goes today for the results but it is looking highly likely an operation may be on the cards :-| :-| :-|. A steel plate was mentioned. I wish I could get my hands on the original doctor... He would need a steel plate, in fact, a full suit of armour wouldn't protect the git. :-D.... I should know the outcome for fruit by 2pm today... No more rugby for fruit :-).

Miss Lawson has been splashed across our television news.... Yikes, her man is a beast it would seem.. I sincerely hope she is not putting up with that muck :-|. Too much of it by far in our societies... :-(.

Time to get on with my day, layer up and face the world - again...
Have a pleasant evening. :-)


MotownGal Report 18 Jun 2013 20:44

Good evening Ladies,

Teresa, we must communually pat outselves on our backs.

What a talented lot we are.

Do you know I knit, I cross-stitch, I make clothes, I can carry a tune, dance to a moderate degree, recite my times tables, write short stories and whistle Dixie!!!!

Not that I am bragging of course, I am far to self-effacing for that. Oh dear no, I hide my light under a bushel!!!!!

I did not hear the sonic boom dear, although if I had been younger I may have believed the earth moved for me. I did read about it in the newspapers dear. As you know the newspapers print the truth, the whole truth and nothing but...................

I hope you are fairing better with the weather than we are in town. It has been VERY close today, and threatening rain, and yet it has been clammy. Not the weather for dogs nor babies.

Just let it rain to freshen up the pavements.

Have a good evening dears, and take care.



Cooper Report 18 Jun 2013 11:49

Hallo Auntie, I thought I had lost you in all the knitting thread ;-)

It must be the M word making me forgetful :-|

I am a dab hand atthe cross stich so I may rustle up a sampler in my spare time, or prehaps a card instead :-D

Auntie dear, did you or Lesley hear the sonic boom on Sunday. My OH and I were clearing the garage when the door suddenly banged although it was shut. FTY was plugged in to the devils x box and heard it as well. We thought there had been a car crash or somthing and waited for sirens but there were none. We found out yesterday it was the sonic boom. I wonder if Cherry may have heard it as well in her part of the world.

Orff now to do the chores



MotownGal Report 17 Jun 2013 20:30

Good evening dear ladies,

Of course I never doubted for a moment that you were not a well brought up young gel dear Leslie.

I have seen via the cyber telescope that I keep in the garrett of Motie Towers that you always blow your hooter with a lace edged hankerchief, and that you point your pinky finger when you sup your tea from the saucer............and of course you apologise in advance should you have eaten pickled onions, for fear of causing offence. There now, least said, soonest mended.

Teresa dear, I am pleased that Fruit is back on the high seas, of course she must be having the time of her life. I am quite green with envy. What a lovely occupation for a youngster, all that sea, sun and probably hard work too!!!!

Susan dear, as Teresa rightly said, we have had quite a few instances with dawgs that are a little out of control. There are quite a few large dogs around here, taking their owners for a walk. As the owners themselves seem to have trouble walking because their jeans have the crutch only a little above the knee level, it is more than a little worrying.

As I might have mentioned before, I am a whizz at knitting, and have been sorting through baby patterns for the last few days. Do you think a double breasted [always popular with the Royals] matinee jacket, with matching hat, mittens and bootees would be an acceptable present dears?

Now where did I leave those knitting needles?

Let me just sit here a while and think....................................Whoooooo hoooooo!!!

Found them!


Cooper Report 17 Jun 2013 18:03

ooh dear the key pad seemed to have been spelling things wrong :-S :-S :-S :-S


Cooper Report 17 Jun 2013 18:02

:-D Lesley dear we are near feilds which sometimes have the wiff of a certain substance if the wind is blowing in the wronfg direction ;-) ;-) ;-)

Susan i do hope that the pup is a little better now, poor thing. There have been many cases of dangerous dogs and tragic outcomes here as Lesley and Auntie will know. Did you have a nice time with the retail therapy?

FTE is back on her ship, the same one as before. She has been to the land of the midnight sun and said it was very beautiful. Its the Med next. The Fruit has a Birthday on Friday, the same day as our own dear Prince William.

Talking of the Royal Family I do believe that we should get out our Knitting needles for the Royal issue which is on its way. I think lemon would be a good bet ;-)

Auntie dear, the christening will be next so I feel you may be organising proceedings :-D

Orffff to feed the hungry now



Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 16 Jun 2013 22:06

Oh dear I am sooooooooooooo sorry that I hadn't secured the lid properly ............... .......................................I hope you weren't scolded :-( although that would have bought the colour to your cheek :-D

Fresh country air with all the delightful smells ...................... bootiful ........................... I'm not on mains sewerage :-( can you imagine :-| dabs Coco Chanel No 5 under my nose.

Lesley not being very lady like :-0 talking of things ladies don't mention. Sorry. x


MotownGal Report 16 Jun 2013 20:59

Ugh! Thank you Lesley, I do appreciate your offer of soup, but the container must have turned in the cyber hatch, and as I opened it, it caught me squarely on the forehead. I popped my tongue out to taste it dear, it was very nice. Do you think if I squeeze my bodice, the remainder of the soup will trickle back into a bowl? Never mind dear, the thought was there.

All this talk of agriculture and things rural is very novel to me dears. I am a townie by birth, and have lived in town for most of my life. All that fresh air does me no favours at all.

Susan dear, I hope the pup is well. Dogs can be strange creatures, so many things affect them. The wind, the sun, the lack of water and food, and downright contrariness!

Has dear Teresa said whether her fruit is off again soon? What a marvellous see the world, and get paid for it too.

We had more rain today dears, I am getting rather low with all this grey weather, I need sunshine for my poor old bones. I like to emulate dear Coco Chanel, she was the first to get a 'tan', and I believe I look better with a blush to my cheeks too.

Take care dears, will be Midsummer Day soon, and we will be expected to dance around the bonfire and jump over the flames.........................

Sorting our my asbestos drawers.............

Auntie Petunia


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 15 Jun 2013 22:25

Good Evening Ladies

It is very pleasing to hear you are now feeling tickety boo Auntie Petunia <3 home made broth winging it's way to you via the cyber hatch not gallons ..................................... just enough to help you regain your strength :-D

Ooh Susan your experience with the dog sounds terrifying :-0 I hope your fruits pup has fully recovered.x

Teresa I have never suffered the old tyme rally :-\ the rally use to be held on the outskirts of my village, then several of the vehicles would be driven past my home I did enjoy seeing them trundling along the road but that was close enough for me :-D