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The Queens Mother In Law - last night

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*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 23 Aug 2012 10:01


If you want to watch it at your leisure ( I just have ) google Channel 4 , go into the A -Z and it is under Q. Same sort of thing as BBC iPlayer.

Intriguing viewing.


maggiewinchester Report 23 Aug 2012 00:41

Thank you, Suzanne.
I'm really chuffed as I now have 2 sons in law - both of whom are in (friendly) competition to 'keep in' with the mother in law :-D

,,,and I can do a darned good impersonation of Les Dawson!!!....


JustJohn Report 23 Aug 2012 00:34


Hate to correct you, because you are partly right. Prince Philip's mother was Princess Alice of Battenburg, and was known also as Princess Andrew of Greece. I just remember her as a nun who was in the shadows at early royal events in the 1950's. Her death can hardly have been mentioned because I was taking quite a keen interest in royalty by then. I never rememeber any of the women in my family mentioning her - yet Princess Margaret, Queen, Queen Mother etc were constaant topics of conversation. Even Princess Marina and theg Lascelles got a good airing.

The sister of George VI was Mary, the Princess Royal, Countess of Harewood (1897-1964). Looked very much like Queen Mary.

The Princess Alice I think you are referring to was Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester (1901-2004). She was about the same age as Queen Mum, but was very much frailer and was not seen much in public latterly. She was the daughter of 7th Duke of Buccleuch and Queensbury. She was about 40 when she married and 43 or 44 when present Duke was born. I think it was her elder son who was killed in an air crash at Halfpenny Green near Wolverhampton in his 20's.


Suzanne Report 23 Aug 2012 00:23

love your pic of your beautiful daughter on her wedding daughter was married the wk before.x


maggiewinchester Report 23 Aug 2012 00:03

I don't want to make you feel worse, but it was so good, it will probably be on again :-D


Suzanne Report 23 Aug 2012 00:02

asked hubby to tape it and he forgot(not like him) is it on again??? :-D


maggiewinchester Report 22 Aug 2012 23:42

I knew nothing about her - but after watching the programme, I like her :-D
My respect for the Mountbattens has risen too.
If it hadn't been for Lord Mountbatten taking Philip under his wing, he may have been a Nazi!


Sharron Report 22 Aug 2012 23:36

She was known as Princess Andrew. The Princess Alice who died was more recent and was the last remaining great-grandchild of Queen Victoria, the sister of Edward George Vl.

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 22 Aug 2012 22:56


If you want to watch it ( I just have ) google Channel 4 , go into the A -Z and it is under Q.

Intriguing viewing.


JustJohn Report 22 Aug 2012 22:05

Like Amokavid, I remember this nun and being told she was Prince Philip's mother.

Very much kept in the background, always shadowy and mysterious. But what a life. Such an interesting lady who probably lived her latter years a bit like Henry VIII's first wife Catherine of Aragon.

I thought her mother (Philip's grandmother) was a very handsome woman, and had very similar looks to Prince Philip. Princess Alice was also good-looking, but pleasant rather than striking. And didn't she laugh a lot.

I am not quite so shocked about the Woodies. Cigarettes were so common in those days and quite a lot of church people did smoke. Though I cannot remember ever seeing a nun with a ciggy - even a Peter Stuyvesant tipped.

I wonder what Prince Philip thought. Programme revealed that his mother had many mental problems, his father was an adulterer and his four sisters married Nazi officers. But he must have approved it (or at least cast a blind eye).


Mersey Report 22 Aug 2012 21:11

Oh Bugger I missed it :-(


UzziAndHerDogs Report 22 Aug 2012 21:09

oh B*m I like watching Ncis but flipping through I have found channel 140 The Queens Mother in law ..<<<NCIS will have to wait

Night all I for the 1st time will say that a tv has got me hooked


JustDinosaurJill Report 22 Aug 2012 20:11



Linda Report 22 Aug 2012 19:51

I watched the programme and really enjoyed it. I to thought what a strong lady and what a hero during the war. I knew that she was a nun but I dont remember hearing much about her it was nice to hear that the order that she founded is still going, Prince Phillip must be very proud of her.


UzziAndHerDogs Report 22 Aug 2012 19:44

I did want to watch it and forgot about it but will now download it to watch after reading the reports on it Thanks


BrendafromWales Report 22 Aug 2012 18:52

I came in part way through and enjoyed it.I remember my mother going on a trip to Windsor and she saw Princess Alice walking round the grounds in her grey nuns habit.
I have always liked Prince Philip and admire the way he speaks his mind...he was very good looking when younger,and he has supported the Queen all these years and it is not an easy job...he waved to me once as I stood in my front garden and he went past in a car.That was when the Queen was expecting Edward and they came to Wales on a visit and went their different ways.

J* Near M3.Jct4

J* Near M3.Jct4 Report 22 Aug 2012 18:36

Channel 4, 9-10 pm Tuesday 21st.


JustDinosaurJill Report 22 Aug 2012 18:22

What channel please?


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 22 Aug 2012 17:52

A woman to be proud of. I hope that Prince Philip and his children are all pleased that they are descended from such a strong woman.

If she had been born seventy years later, I a pretty sure that she would have gone a long way in her life.

She certainly seemed to leave a great impression on people who met her through her "work"

I think that I had noticed a nun walking in procession during the Coronation (not at the time, but in more recent years). Had wondered what she was doing there. , Now I know.

The thought of a smoking nun really tickles my fancy.

Lady Cutie

Lady Cutie Report 22 Aug 2012 17:42

I watched it also and thought she was an amazing woman
by the time she died in 1969 i was about 27 yrs old but i dont
remember much about her at all .