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Jimmy Savile.. Police pursue 120 lines of inquiry

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JustJohn Report 26 Oct 2012 10:38

Gwynne Gave the source. Not BBC, but have seen all the names mentioned on more familiar source sites.

Kay???? Accept your point, but much of this has been brushed under carpet. Just our Jimmy. Turn a blind eye. Not doing any real harm. Will affect national security.

Now these people will be tried. Good. But will they all rot in prison? I doubt it. Can we all watch them locally if on sex offender's register? I wonder. Will they get any sympathy or help? I very much doubt it. The public attitude is to out them and punish them severely. Will they be allowed to emigrate? Probably, if they have enough money.

Over 400 complaints to police now. Split investigation into 3 parts: 1. JS 2. JS and others in ring 3. Others


aivlyS Report 26 Oct 2012 10:49

John I am well aware it is world wide , in fact you youself told us aboutI ndia , and you also turned a blind eye .


JustJohn Report 26 Oct 2012 10:56

aivlyS Can you confiem:
1. Exactly how do you know it is a worldwide problem? What experience or knowledge do you have of paedophilia?
2. Have you never turned a blind eye to something you think is distasteful?

"Grass house and stowing thrones" comes to mind. Please confirm I am wrong.


Guinevere Report 26 Oct 2012 11:01

Just had a quick look at that site, John. Rife with conspiracy theories and includes an interview with David Icke. Not a site to be taken seriously, in my view, unless you believe the Queen Mother was a giant Lizard.

I meant a "reliable source" ie where the information came from that they were sending out. Can't find it there so will treat the information as decidedly iffy.


JustJohn Report 26 Oct 2012 11:10

Gwynne Fair enough. But Operation Ore was suppressed, that is a fact. We don't know what it contained. That is a fact. But we now need to know urgently. That is a fact.

Not a fact that Blair was a war criminal. Not a fact that Blair suppressed information that could have saved countless spoilt young lives. But I look forward to a show trial of a living ex Prime Minister soon and the reclaim of assets. And another living ex PM next. :-( :-(

Cameron, Milliband and Clegg seem blameless and can start to sort this mess out. Blameless - unless aivlyS is judging them, then we are all in the cart.


Kay???? Report 26 Oct 2012 11:17

You dont need inside information to have knowledge of whats world wide,,,,,,,,google ,it will show you just how prolific it is world wide and the rings that have been unmasked due to diligent workings between countires.

and when something you see and know is wrong people with any moral convictions speak out!!! ........thats how now so many are locked up and so many are on a register for lurid acts they inflict on others..

Do you have night sweats John that you never tried to intervene in something * quote-----you knew what was going on,but walked away......I wonder if you were faced with those vunerable in India what just what you would say to them.!!,,,,quote---It was nothing to do with me.


aivlyS Report 26 Oct 2012 11:18

Do you seriously think it is confined to the UK John ? I have never claimed to be an expert on it you are the one constantly posting stuff you have googled , I can certainly confirm to you that I would never turn a blind eye to child abuse ,as for the rest of your post I can certainly confirm you are wrong , I dont turn a blind eye to wrong doing .. so your glass house and throwing stones is wrong , but then you dont know me so dont assume that just because you turned a blind eye I would of as well ., might make you feel better about doing it , but not correct .


JustJohn Report 26 Oct 2012 11:21

No, Kay???? I sleep very well, thankyou. Having your love and understanding and being able to share things that happened years ago on these boards has certainly been a big help.

I often wonder if tourists who go to these poor countries and never learn about local life at all wake up in sweats :-S


JustJohn Report 26 Oct 2012 11:34

Is having a go at me pushing this thread forwards? You have done it all before (quite a few times). I am a long way short in the perfection stakes, but am working towards it. Have a goal to aim for now.

One thing I never do is cry over spilt milk. Once a decision is made, it is made. You learn, and I have said that the next 2 times I went to India I avoided contact with these types. One or two would have marched 3 miles to this fishing village with a local policeman and a notebook and would have arrested any Europeans on suspicion. Not my idea of a well-earned holiday in the Keralan sun.

I was friendly with this close associate of Jimmy Savile (who I never felt uneasy about apart from his fun massages in local gym) till after the funeral when I commiserated with him after the loss of his old boss and close friend. Had no contact since, he has wiped all contact with JS off his web site. He will be under police investigation as a minor public figure and I will let you know his name when it is possible.


aivlyS Report 26 Oct 2012 11:43

India never was relevant to this thread John but you was more than happy to constantly bang on about it , all for impact , quite frankly I am not even remotely interested in your friends name , is that also posted hoping we will all wait with bated breath for the big reveal ?


Kay???? Report 26 Oct 2012 11:44

perhaps then you should have kept your stories to yourself,,,,,,,but remember even years down the line-------people can and will be brought to justice for their actions,,,,so just hope no one in authority has read this thread,!

anyway your lurid story has detracted from the origins of this thread enough...

Hopefully we will see any exposure to this JS hit the headlines and send a severe lesson out,,,,,that no matter,,,,we will get you.


JustJohn Report 26 Oct 2012 11:48

I repeat, Kay??? and Sylvia backwards (you have been a great little team this morning):-
Having your love and understanding and being able to share things that happened years ago on these boards has certainly been a big help. :-) <3


Julia Report 26 Oct 2012 11:58

John, I think you are severely pressing your luck, on here, as you have all the way through..

I asked a few days ago, what the relevence of JS's misdemeanors had to do with India. To date, you have not answered the what you have posted.

I think that what Kay, Guinevere and Sylvia have said to you this morning, is very relavent

Julia in Derbyshire


AnnCardiff Report 26 Oct 2012 12:07

"you have been a great team" - how patronising are you? giving a pat on the back

You have lost all your credibility on this site John with your "walk away" attiitude towards Indian children - and of course it's worldwide - you don't have to be a mastermind to work that out

And as Sylvia says, you keep banging on about India whereas if you knew what was good for you, you would remove all mention of India from this thread bcause it has shown you to be as bad as the perpertrators of those crimes

No doubt you will repeat that I am "getting your dander up" - well good, and I shall carry on doing so - this thread is about JS, not you and your sick holidays


JustJohn Report 26 Oct 2012 12:07

Julia Others on here have talked about their experiences and it has been of interest. Most of us have been on a steep learning curve in last few weeks, and suspect there is a long way to go unfortunately.

This morning, news breaks that the great niece of Jimmy has been abused and when she told family she was told "yes that sounds like our Jimmy"

Well, if I am pressing my luck on here, just wait till Kay??? and aivlyS get hold of that lady and her close family. She and they will be hung out to dry. As should all these 400+ victims and their "guardians".

It may have been shameful in 1980 to come forward, but not in 2000 or 21st century. They could have blown the gaff open well before JS died!!!!


AnnCardiff Report 26 Oct 2012 12:12

of course they "could" have come forward before he died but then you have no understanding of how a victim feels and what courage it takes for them to "blow the gaff" - I do

you could have "blown the gaff" on your Asian holiday


JustJohn Report 26 Oct 2012 12:18

Have done my best to contribute, Ann. Not at all bothered about credibility, being centre of attention, having friends on here. Not interested.

What I would like to contribute to is an informative debate. Have had a couple of pms that tell me that I am contributing. And quite at ease that I have made some important points this morning.

India is irrelevant, I agree. But this intenational culture and acceptance sometimes of child abuse is relevant, imho.


Julia Report 26 Oct 2012 12:21

You make Sylvia and Kay sound like the Gestapo, or worse. Not only are they both giving their opinions, which they have every right to do, they are not quoting from spurious web sites, as you have done, many,many times.
So the person in the news this morning is going to be, quote " hung out to dry" by them. I think not. That is down to you, and what you cannot find out by honest means, you will make-up to fit the story.
If as you say you have been on a sharp learning curve these passed few weeks, I can only say that you must have led a very sheltered life to not realise that these things take place all over the world, and not just the UK.
And as to it being shameful to come forward in the 1980's and not now in the present days, how do you know that people still have the same feelings to this. Have you been there, seen that, and got the tee shirt. Well you certainly deserve one for turning a blind eye to what was happening in India

Julia in Derbyshire


JustJohn Report 26 Oct 2012 12:24

Julia What can I say? ;-) <3 <3 <3


AnnCardiff Report 26 Oct 2012 12:26

and remember John - on the thread about the dreadful motoring offences in Cardiff you named the perpertrator of those crimes - in fact it wasn't that man at all and he has received death threats on his family. you even sent me a message telling me his name!!!

you got the info from another website and took it to be true - it wasn't