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The low Police Comissioner vote

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JustJohn Report 16 Nov 2012 23:56

Don't seem to remember ANY candidates canvassing in my road last election. And the electorate is less than 100,000 (Chris Bryant, Labour Rottweiler, got in).

The Gwent police area has over 600,000 residents, others similar. 41 across whole of England & Wales. So little chance of getting round and meeting voters, I would have thought.

I feel similarly aggrieved that there were no printed leaflets pushed through my door like every other election. Had assumed that the £5,000 that each candidate paid was a contribution towards an information sheet.

But everyone on this thread has access to a computer. So many times people have said "I have received no information". Each time the link has been provided for them. Press of a button, 5 minutes scan of reason for job and candidates standing. Is that too much to ask? Mrs Pankhurst and I would both like to know. ;-)


maggiewinchester Report 16 Nov 2012 23:49

Personally, I'd love one more box on every ballot paper - 'None of the above', then they'd get many more people voting as they could REALLY have their say!

This would save those of us who have to spoil our ballot paper being classed as 'not clever enough to fill out a ballot paper' :-P


Porkie_Pie Report 16 Nov 2012 23:45

The electorate have spoken by their lack of votes

One place in Newport had no one turn up at all or as the saying goes Nil pwar

But as usual the politicians are making out the candidates who won were democratically elected

All elections in recent times have seen a fall in turnout but when are they going to realise turnout is low because people feel they are not listened too

No change their then



AnnCardiff Report 16 Nov 2012 23:39

well said Maggie - they don't live in the real world - if they did they'd never cope - they're strangers to planet earth


maggiewinchester Report 16 Nov 2012 23:37

I know 3 people without internet access. Some may think it a necessity - but 44% of the UK doesn't have, and many don't want internet access. It really isnt, or shouldn't be presumed by those in government /high places that everyone wants it - or can afford it.

It sickens me that the unemployed are now expected to go online to look for jobs - they won't look in the jobcentre for you.
On £67 a week, the internet is the last thing you want to spend money on.

Roy's spot on - we're paying these over-inflated wages to someone who is not needed, who should be working for us, but who will inevitably become a puppet of government - they should have got off their fat arses.

After all, if they're applying for the job, one can only assume they're unemployed - so should have been out looking for votes!!


Kay???? Report 16 Nov 2012 23:31

As I stated in an earlier post.....

they want me,,they make it their duty to source me out......I didnt need them as much as they needed my vote.-------I am not at service to have my strings pulled by invisables just for them to garner status that I neither agree with or want.

I dont know who stood,nor care.....I got an invite card to names included of who for.

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 16 Nov 2012 23:25

Well AnnC thats a no brainer for you..


AnnCardiff Report 16 Nov 2012 23:22

He always go that step too far

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 16 Nov 2012 23:13


I wasn't as you say ""too idle to look"" but if anyone wants my vote as Roy says they can damn well work for it.

I think you(John)Have gone a bit too far now calling AnnC idle

There are lots of people old and young that don't have PC's and why shouldn't the candidates come round and introduce themselves.cos by the looks of it they are too bleddy idle to even get up off their backsides to even do a profile for themselves.


Porkie_Pie Report 16 Nov 2012 23:12

Hulk_Hogan, I'll have £10 on at least 90%



AnnCardiff Report 16 Nov 2012 23:11

on a personal point John, not too idle - and you are so right - I do indeed have a computer

when there is a general election or a by-election the candidates are made known - I do not have to trawl the media to find them and if I did, I wouldn't bother - they want my vote, they let me know who they are and what their policies are - in this case, in spite of watching a vast amount of television - being idle as you point out - I saw zilch on who was standing and neither did any of my friends

now if I was the fount of all knowledge as you so obviously are, not just on this subject but every subject under the sun seemingly, I would have known, but I have a life to live

Budgie Rustler

Budgie Rustler Report 16 Nov 2012 23:06

It makes me wonder how many of the winners votes were just because of the political party the candidates belong to. :-)


PollyinBrum Report 16 Nov 2012 23:03

This was a complete and utter farce. None of these elected representatives should be paid a penny more than the salary described times their percentage of the total electorate. A 17% turnout and elected on less than half that, what a joke.
The politicians can devise any number of ways to waste taxpayer's money, but this really is criminal.

In my opinion the voters indifference and contempt isn't (or isn't only) about party-political police commissioners, it's about party-politics in general.


Porkie_Pie Report 16 Nov 2012 22:43

Any candidate wanting my vote would have to work for it,

It's not my job to canvas candidates, it's the other way round

Politicians have long forgotten that............They work for us



AnnCardiff Report 16 Nov 2012 22:29

Obviously I have a computer - well spotted John

Tell me oh wise and bemused one, why should the electorate have to use the internet to discover who they are to vote for


JustJohn Report 16 Nov 2012 22:27

I think Kay's question is fine, thankyou, AnnC. Answer Kay is no, cannot think when I have ever done that. Perhaps a job lot at an auction or a lucky dip?

AnnC You have continually said that you have had no info about these elections. You are quite right that we have not had fliers like in local and national elections, though we were leafletted in the Rhondda by Labour. But you presumably have a computer. And several people have told you where to get the info about your candidates. So I am bemused why a very intelligent and wise person like you (honestly not being patronising) did not vote.


Kay???? Report 16 Nov 2012 22:26

:-D :-D. ;-)


AnnCardiff Report 16 Nov 2012 21:27

John knows everything - get real Kay ;-)


Kay???? Report 16 Nov 2012 21:25

John ,,,,

Do you buy without seeing the article and know nothing about it.?


AnnCardiff Report 16 Nov 2012 21:19

thank you Island and Sue - takes a bow ;-) ;-) ;-)