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AnninGlos Report 28 Dec 2012 09:46

Jean Lol!!!

Susan Wiv, sorry didn't see your reply as I was down south from 23rd and time on the internet was spasmodic.

I do see where you are coming from, and if I think about it maybe the presents I have in the past re-gifted were not suited to me because the giver didn't know me well. I have never re-gifted anything from or to anyone close to me. and, yes I do put a lot of thought into presents myself so I understand your thoughts on that. There was a piece in the paper that started me off on this and the percentage of people who said that they re-gifted and/or wouldn't mind people re-gifting their presents was very high. So I am sure if you give to people you know well and, as you say, put a lot of thought into it then your presents will be opened with anticipation and never re-gifted.

Oh yes *crosses fingers and shuts eyes* a ((((hug)))) from me. <3


Jean Report 28 Dec 2012 01:29

i once got my belated xmas gift from my sis...she is late in all things she does or sends....a jar of tescos finest olives...well past the sell by date. we now just meet and have a meal for birthdays and xmas.


supercrutch Report 23 Dec 2012 22:45

Susan gets a (((HUG))) which she will HATE but I don't care cos I can do it and she can't hit me :-D and I understand what she said and why <3


Susan10146857 Report 23 Dec 2012 22:07

I think this is one of those questions that doesn't have a right or wrong answer unless it upsets the would be upset, whereas others may not be. I only answer for myself. I do actually tell anyone I give to...if they don't want it or find they have outgrown it....please give it back so that I can either keep it or give it to someone else......Sometimes I may ask them to pass it on to someone else if they no longer want it but I love to give so why shouldn't I be the giver......Just a foible of mine Ann....not a slur on your answer........just a different view :-D


AnninGlos Report 23 Dec 2012 21:55

Susan wiv, in my defence, any presents I receive I am extremely grateful for and appreciate, knowing the people who gave them would be extremely upset to be told I didn't want to or couldn't use them so passing them on is damage limitation knowing they would then be used. Far better than storing them away in a cupboard unused until they go out of date. But if you give me a press's I don't like I shall tell you!


Susan10146857 Report 23 Dec 2012 21:54

I don't think I would have too much of a problem with food but more with expensive presents. I give much thought to the personality when buying gifts and what suits that particular person.


Rambling Report 23 Dec 2012 21:49

The thing is, there are people who give the presents that they would like to receive and think everyone else would like that too... for instance every year for years I received after eights ( or ferrero rocher, both of which I hate) I passed them on to someone else who I knew liked them...and with the money I didn't then spend I bought myself chocolate ( or something) that I DID like.

I appreciated the thought of the original giver in wanting to give me a present, the person I sent the after eights to was pleased and I got something I wanted, no one loses?


PatinCyprus Report 23 Dec 2012 21:42

Was asked by FIL with OH to help sort out things after MIL's sudden death. It would have been early August 1978.

I went into the spare bedroom as she had a cupboard full of spare tins and pkts of food. FIL wanted us to have the bigger tins as he said they were too much for him.

I opend up the cupboard and in 1 section I found most of the Christmas presents given to MIL the previous Christmas. It including the presents we gave her. All still intact in their presentation boxes. Each had a thin string tied around it and under the string was a name and our presents were to go to her sister. I said I'd found what I believed to be presents and FIL said she bought at least 1 present a month so they didn't have to find the money all at once. He said she was a good shopper. I believe he didn't realise what had happened and my husband didn't realise either. OH still doesn't know.

MIL died just before her birthday wonder what she'd have done with those presents?

Felt somewhat cheated as FIL was in a good job and very well paid. The firm even bought him a large saloon AUDI for his retirement present.

It was obvious that she just put all the gifts except FIL's into the cupboard for birthdays and Christmas presents, renaming them straight away so no mistakes were made. Just wonder how long she did it for?


Susan10146857 Report 23 Dec 2012 21:37

Personally I would be most upset if someone gave away something I gave them. I take a lot of time and effort into present giving. if it is unwanted a person should tell me and I will return it. if I thought for one minute that my hard earned cash was spent on someone other than either my children or friends, I think I would have a hissy fit.

So you lot who give away......I am not buying any of you a Christmas present. :-D

Oh once gave his son a much coveted antique clock.....he sold it on eBay.....we would much rather have had it back and given him money.....not exactly re- gifting but still an unwanted gift.


AnninGlos Report 23 Dec 2012 21:11

No I don't see the harm either. Better regifted to somebody who will use it instead of shoved in a drawer until it goes off. And yes give to charity if there is nobody to regifted to of course.


Dawnieher3headaches Report 23 Dec 2012 20:34

decided a few years ago that us and SiL would buy for each others children and not each other and Sister and us dont buy each other for Christmas or birthdays. Other SiL we send each other vouchers for what the other couple like and buy for their children and now our great neice but stopped buying their children after their 21sts.

Me and hubby dont bother with each other and kids only get me somethign small that Ive usually told hubs what to get like sweets or candles so no spare pressies here.

If did have any spare would goto school for raffles etc and mum usually gives me bits she collects over year and they go to school as well.

Dont see the harm in regifting and wouldnt have a problem if someone regifted something of mine all for recycling lol.

d xx


GinN Report 23 Dec 2012 16:09

I don't think I've ever passed an unwanted gift from a family member or friend, though not saying I wouldn't, as long as it didn't hurt anyones feelings. However, if we get loads of chocolates and biscuits, we save them to donate to our village hall's fund raising events.
I think having a "no gifts" pact is a great idea, and would save a few headaches. We only buy for children, grandchildren and parents.Hubby and I don't buy for eachother any more, but have something like a theatre break in London instead.

*** Mummo ***

*** Mummo *** Report 23 Dec 2012 15:47

Sorry really donot like regifting, someone has gone to the trouble of buying you something and you give it to some one else :-( sorry in my book thats wrong, why not tell people not to give you Xmas presents any more or why not ask them to make a donation to your favourite charity !!!!!
We as a family decided not to exchange presents any more, we only buy for son and daughter and granson as we know what they want so no money wasted :-D


AnninGlos Report 23 Dec 2012 15:05

Last year I received a present from a young family member, it was lovely, a boxed set of hand cosmetics but I had loads of others and this was a make and perfume I don't use so this year I regifted it to a friend who I know will like it.


DazedConfused Report 23 Dec 2012 11:48

I have no problem with re-gifting

I always give mum in law presents that she can pass on through the year. She is strapped for cash and I know that she can then pass on these 'extra' gifts on and thus saving her some money. They are always quality items which I know she would not feel embarassed about passing on. And hey its not the gift its the thought that counts.

When I was young (in the 50's) I was always made to unwrap my presents very carefully as gran would save the paper, iron it, and put away for next year. I remember having the same paper just on smaller presents each year for about 5 years!!!

BUT do remember when re-gifting who gave you the gift originally, do not re-gift back to original donor!!!!



Rambling Report 23 Dec 2012 11:07

I did at a time when we got lots of gifts of chocolates or toiletries, that I knew other people would like and we didn't. I have regifted a calendar this year, I think one year we got about 5 lol.

I'd be fine with someone re-gifting to me, or re-gifting something I'd given on to someone else ( or the charity shop) but for the few presents I now send ( postage killed it) I do try to make it something that person will want.


Barbra Report 23 Dec 2012 11:02

Morning if i get anything & cant use it ,give it to charity shop .it gets sold on for funds for them wouldnt throw anything away x


SheilaSomerset Report 23 Dec 2012 10:55

Same as Dangersprout - stopped giving years ago! OH and I exchange gifts but keep it to a couple of things we need/want - clothes, books, etc.


supercrutch Report 23 Dec 2012 10:43

We haven't bought presents for each other in the family for years...lolol we all tell each other to save their money and buy something for themselves.

We even put money into grandson's account each month instead of buying presents, although we buy things for him to play with and keep them at the house for when he comes over.

We decided about 12 years ago we ALL have too much STUFF!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Dec 2012 09:22

Only immediate family exchange presents, so on that basis its rather difficult to regift. If something is really inappropriate and its impossible to exchange then after a suitable interval it ends up in a charity shop.