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*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 16 Jan 2013 22:28

I was always taught

Sosban fach yn berwi ar y tân,
Sosban fawr yn berwi ar y llawr,

C&P'd cos I can't get the tor over tan otherwise!


JustJohn Report 16 Jan 2013 22:15

Sandie :-D :-D

Yn boilio ar y llawr ;-)

Someone asked me once what was "to enjoy". Well, mwynhau - but how many say enjoyio in heat of conversation? :-D Off to boilio fy nhgetel,

See how easy it is for a monoglot English speaker to become a total clot ;-)

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 16 Jan 2013 22:08

I have to share this,

My friends dau went to a Welsh Medium school and questioned in her science class why the teacher used the word ' boilior ' said as is spelled... it was intended to be boiling [bit of Wenglish creeping in there ;-) ] as most know from 'Sospan Fach' that berwi is to boil.
Freind's dau had many a laugh out of Welsh of course .


JustJohn Report 16 Jan 2013 22:04

Jax. English. Did know a few phrases in Welsh, but never really got to grips with Welsh till I went to Bangor aged 19 and needed a pint and the toilet in a mainly Welsh speaking pub in Upper Bangor. Soon learnt to ask for things :-D


jax Report 16 Jan 2013 21:56


Do you speak Welsh at home or English?


supercrutch Report 16 Jan 2013 21:46

We chose to have ours attend the Welsh Grammar school because they had the highest funding and amazing resources BUT learning French through Welsh wasn't easy and science was slightly jokey with a lot of seemingly invented Welsh names for technical equipment.

OK ours were fine because they are all bright (not trumpet blowing but those that know and have met a couple know its true). If they had been less able they wouldn't have been able to cope and would have had to attend the English medium school.

Why should there be any shame in that? Every parent wants the best education for their child and neither they nor the child should feel they have let the Welsh 'side' down. Providing all children leave school qualified to enter Uni, college or the workplace it doesn't matter what language they were taught through.

Eldest transferred to an English medium school for A levels because one of her subjects (sociology) was taught much more efficiently via English.

I wish those considered learned would realise criticism doesn't help to lessen the divide.


JustJohn Report 16 Jan 2013 21:45

Here comes three and a half pages from me.

This article is one of a series of 8 produced by the Daily Mail during 2012. They have all been piffle, including the one that started this thread and which has given us so much fun.

Most in Wales like to hear Welsh, I believe - whether or not they know much of it. And very many in England are very happy and intrigued that so many still speak the language you can fill Old Trafford six times with people who speak it naturally every day and fill it several times more with those like me who can have a reasonable conversation or can say quite a few phrases..

All the political parties in Wales are committed to encouraging the development of Welsh in speech and in writing, and questions in the Senedd are made and answered in both languages quite naturally.

You have a choice of whether to send your children to a Welsh school or not. And, if to a Welsh school, you expect children to be able to ask for things in Welsh. I doubt a child would be left in agony because he or she couldn't say "Ty bach, miss, plis?"

The Daily Mail are deliberately stirring. They know they will only upset a small percentage of their readership by these stupid articles. And none of it will have the slightest effect on the Senedd or local government in Wales, or for that matter the Houses of Parliament - who have always supported anything to do with Welsh language since the 1970's.

I feel the battle for Welsh to survive in some strength for at least another century is being won. The last 45 years of progress have been phenomenal - and I am one who very much remembers the low point 50 years ago when Saunders Lewis said it would be dead as a natural language spoken in the home by now.

Yes, there will be hiccups. Yes, there will be those who feel it is a lot of money and Welsh speakers should pay to keep their own language going. There will be perceived injustices. Yes, I would prefer that Robyn did not fire so many letters off to the Welsh language press.

But the Welsh language is a pure and continuous link back to men like Aneurin and Taliesin - poets who operated in Edinburgh, Cumbria and East Anglia and spoke a recognisable language to present-day Welsh readers. We all have Celtic roots, added to by Angles, Saxons, Vikings, Normans, Huguenots, Jews etc etc. Be proud of all your roots - do all you can to encourage Celtic languages to survive and thrive.

End of three and a half page sermon :-D

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 16 Jan 2013 21:12

I'm Welsh and proud of it too . I took O Level Welsh over French ( wasn't allowed to do the both) but did get a few grades higher than Roger Lewis friends :-D

I don't wholly agree with the article but I also don't like the idea of the Welsh language being rammed down my throat by extremists .
Brought up by Welsh parents speaking English I chose to take Welsh at School and took Welsh evening classes, paid for by myself and in my own time.

Spoken Welsh can be very different from the written, as is North to South a tad different ! I've tried it.

Back to the original OP, yes it is the extremists that can give the Welsh a bad name ! Shame on them.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 16 Jan 2013 20:59

If anyone was inclined to follow this up, perhaps they could invoke the Freedom of Information Act? Or if living in Wales, by writting to their Assembly representative?


supercrutch Report 16 Jan 2013 20:49

Muffs I would have to do a bit of digging.

As in all governments there are so many departments screaming for funding, welsh language funding crosses over into many areas, public services and schools being the largest.

I guess the reports are published somewhere as to the source and recipient but how easy to find I am clueless. I am going to assume the loot passes through many departments before it gets to the welsh language groups. Too many people getting their cut for handling the funds and auditing might be difficult.


Dermot Report 16 Jan 2013 20:34

Sometimes, while listening to the radio, I worry about the continued existence of the English language. Other times, I worry about nothing very much.

I suppose I could cease listening to the radio - that's one cure.


Muffyxx Report 16 Jan 2013 20:26

True fact.....A language dies every 14 days....the elves from QI say so so I believe them...seemed relevant to thread......


Mersey Report 16 Jan 2013 20:12

:-D :-D :-D


Muffyxx Report 16 Jan 2013 20:10

Sue., can i ask you a question please? In the article it says.......

I'm sorry, but proud Welshman that I am, I find all the anti-English stance of the ethnic cultists vicious and stupid in equal measure - particularly as it is English taxes that keep the Welsh language going. this money that the Welsh assembley allocate out of what is allocated to them...(if that makes sense)..or does the money come from elsewhere?

I'm asking you specifically so I don't get a 3 and a half page c and p lol x


supercrutch Report 16 Jan 2013 19:48

I am thinking about the article and cross reading other sites online and published comments before I leap in with a foot in mouth reply :-D


JustJohn Report 16 Jan 2013 19:05

Am purr-fect at editing, Sandie. Just don't like saying I have done it :-(

By the way, I am trying to find a code for free credits to FMP. :-S :-S Anyone any ideas?


MrDaff Report 16 Jan 2013 17:33

Re Article: What an obnoxious, narrow-minded, jealous little toad. :-P

He's def in the category 'Good riddance to bad rubbish'.

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 16 Jan 2013 16:56

Good on you John , got the hang of editing now :-D

That is meant seriously , not tongue in cheek .


JustJohn Report 16 Jan 2013 16:03

I think you will find that the Daily Mail has run a series of anti Welsh language articles all through 2012. They will do anything to sell their rotten newspaper - including telling you tomorrow or Friday that there will be a scorching heatwave next week.

I would urge any discerning lover of Wales (or truth) to take absolutely no notice whatsoever of the Daily Mail. Lovers of the Welsh language seem to be largely ignoring the irrelevant and ridiculously expensive Mail. :-( :-(]

Edit. Paula. You are just horsing around :-D

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 16 Jan 2013 14:54

Well written Roger Lewis :-D

Hope he is no relation of the former Arch-druid !!!! ;-)