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Dopeydoc Report 23 Jan 2013 15:16

OUR OWN GOVERNMENT ARE ACTING AGAINST US ( TO MY OPINION ) . Reasons , Shutting HOSPITALS - FIRE STATIONS - . .While, LAVISHING BILLIONS ON OVERSEAS AID , who then in corrupt countries, SQUANDER OUR MONEY FOR THEIR OWN GAIN ! . .Cutting our troops, at such a dangerous time. . . NOT FORGETTING THE M P s EXSPENCES , WHICH NO DOUBT ARE STILL BEEING LEGALY FIDDLED . . . WAKE UP CAMERON THINK OF OUR COUNTRY FOR A CHANGE, . . We have many homeless,, even starving , dieing of cold , etc ! . . We were not all born with a silver spoon in our mouths ! . . AM I RIGHT IN SAYING THIS ? . . Sorry if I have offended some.


eRRolSheep Report 23 Jan 2013 15:27

I have to mostly agree with you. Yes, some cutbacks need to be made to rectify the Labour debacle but many seem to be ill informed - they often come across as not being in touch with the real world.
Homelessness is on the increase and suicides, particularly amongst males, are also at an all time high.
Overseas aid and large armed forces (that doesn't mean forces with huge biceps) are fine when they are affordable but we need to look at the problems facing this country internally if we are to ever have a sustainable economy and future. We also need to be investing more in young people.


maggiewinchester Report 23 Jan 2013 20:51

I also mostly agree with you - it strikes me they're using a 'divide & rule' policy.
Calling all unemployed 'scroungers' whilst politicians gaily sit and watch high street shops closing down, causing yet more unemployment.
Treating those who don't have their money as lazy, council house tenents as mere comodities to be moved out of their homes, away from their communities when they need become old or ill and need to apply for housing benefit.
Apparently, it's not your 'home' uness you've bought it. S*d the fact that you've pprobably paid more than the house is worth in rent, over the years.


Jean Report 24 Jan 2013 01:31

i mostly agree with what you say. cutbacks are needed, but what they are doing is too drastic. loosing a couple of £ per week is a lot of money to some people. the number of politicians we have have should be cut NOW. how many jobs have they lost? if we have to put our house in order, they should do the same.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 24 Jan 2013 07:25

I think there is to be new ruling that stops under 25s getting housing benefit so where will that leave all those youngsters who can't live at home for whatever reason. More homeless on the streets who turn to drugs, solvents etc to dull the pain and cold? How can a young person in work turn up clean and rested if they have no home to stay in?

David Cameron makes me want to scream, he is sleek, getting fat and so smug and complacent, he has no idea of the real ways of the world and Clegg isn't a lot better.

I dread to think what things will be like over the next 50 years, in fact what will my son and any grandchildren I have be looking forward to? Working till they are on their knees and for what, to line the pockets of the politicians.

Sad, very sad.



Merlin Report 24 Jan 2013 13:47

Have any of you ever know any Polititian of any Party or Government who gives a Damn about the electorate? except when they need your vote in an Election. All the promises made are forgotten as are so called Manifstoes,Once they,ve got their collective noses in the trough, Hell can freeze over before they try to do the things they promised.**M**.


Dopeydoc Report 24 Jan 2013 13:57


THANK YOU for your comments, I am not a racist nor am I against people who genuinly cannot afford to pay their rents and buy food plus pay bills.

This is what I understand you are saying also. Thank you again.

What prompted me to write was , I have grandchildren, one not in work , but she has two children. Always worked before. So does her partner.

I know a lady old as me who suffers from heart problems who always worked untill two major operations , then had to claim , could not get a council house so had to rent private , ( lost her home years ago, ) renting two year contracts at a time she wanted stability , so asked for a four year contract, refused because the agent charges £200 to renew each time.
So she went to council explained situation, was told not eligible for council place , not enough points ? SHE WAS 68 !
But you see councils falling over to help immigrants etc , large families never worked here , getting big houses !

So as your-selves, if you have lived here all your life or many years and worked paying taxes etc , YOU SHOULD DESERVE PRIORITY OVER THESE !.

Yes look after the young they are our future , Cameron - Clegg , GET YOUR OWN HOUSES IN ORDER !

Then you can tell or advise us working class.


JustJohn Report 24 Jan 2013 14:06

On Wales Today tonight (?), there is an 84 year old man in Cardiff explaining what he has to do to keep warm on a limited income.

We are not yet there. We have my heating up to ridiculous levels and I hope that will continue till I die (when it might be even hotter). But it is happening to a lot - and I see no realisation yet that about 80% of South Wales (and I guess areas like the north-east of England too) are experiencing fuel poverty. Heat or eat is very real for many. :-( :-(


Jean Report 25 Jan 2013 02:09

my son who has allways worked spilt from his wife. (she was taking drugs) he was paying c.s.a. for the kids, but when she had to be admitted into hospital care, with her drug problem. my son had to take unpaid leave from work for 6 weeks. he could not claim j.s.a. as he wasnt unemployed. he was unable to claim a penny to support his children over the 6 weeks he cared for them.. cameron and co need to get their house in order, before they tell us what WE should be doing. lets see how many jobs they cut in their BIG house. will soon have more of THEM than we have in the armed forces.


OneFootInTheGrave Report 25 Jan 2013 07:09

I Like many others on here, I spend a lot of time researching our family, and I have said this before:-

In the 1700's and the 1800's many ordinary people lacked basic skills such being able to read or write because they had no education and as a result when someone in authority said, "now now dear calm down" you must do this or you must to do that, after all we are your betters and we know what is best for you.

I often think that some of today's politicians think we are no more educated than we were in those days and treat ordinary people as they were treated back then.

Well one of these days they will get one hell of a rude awakening, because one thing ordinary people today are not, is stupid, and they can see through all the spin and understand what is going on, that is one set of laws for the rich and one set of laws for the poor :-(