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When i was a child

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PollyinBrum Report 12 Feb 2013 15:36

Thank you Jax. I remember a very very smart & sophisticated lady at work who smoked them, so of course we had to copy her. I seem to recall they all had a black tip. I have not smoked for 39 years.

Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 12 Feb 2013 16:57

Oooh Sobranie (cocktail) cigarettes. Yes, we only smoked those on very special occasions, ie when we went on a big night out to Bristol Top Rank, Locarno or Platform 1. Oooh those were the days, or nights I should say.
Just like Paula, we used to think we were dead sophisitcated an' all :-( I doubt I looked it, tottering about on my platform shoes!!

Can't remember the price of the cigarettes so far back. Jax has a good memory!
I do remember a promotion for a new brand once, with girls standing at the train station handing them out (single ones I mean, not by the pack), and I got a free one every morning for a week on my way to college. I think they were Carlton? In a posh maroon flat pack box rather than the square type box.

Don't remember the cheaper menthol ciggies John, only the Consulate.

Have'nt smoked for about 13 yrs now.


jax Report 12 Feb 2013 17:21

As far as I remember consulate were the cheaper of the two St Moritiz were more expensive. I worked in a newsagents back then (saturday job).....and sort of remember what could be bought with my 12 1/2p dinner money


GeordiePride Report 12 Feb 2013 17:53

Correct me if I'm wrong but in the early 50's I'm sure you could buy fish and chips for 9d -1shilling rapped in newspaper and you ate them with grease and print on your fingers and it didn't do us any harm.


Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 13 Feb 2013 10:59

I remember in the 1960's a Chip van used to come round on Friday nights, and a bag of chips was a tiny greaseproof bag and then a half sheet of tabloid newspaper. None of that polywotsit box and plastic fork business for us!!!


GRMarilyn Report 13 Feb 2013 14:24

When I was a child ....

I can often remember my mother sending me to the local shop for quarter pound of Spam to feed 6 of us that included my parents !!

Now could that have been 3 slices 4 at the most !! :-(

With chips of course fried in real dripping ! all in one frying pan, we must have had 6 chips to go with it !! LOL

We often talk about this amongst us.....