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Drugging children on planes

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Mauatthecoast Report 8 Apr 2013 23:40

On an eleven hour flight back home from son's wedding there were two babies in seats in front of us, who cried practically non-stop throughout the night :-|

When their grandparents walked past our seats my son and dil asked them if they'd like to change seats with them. 'Oh no you're alright they said we 're fine in the back'....of course they were :-S :-(

edit: Paula that sounds like it would have been a good idea :-)


Susan10146857 Report 8 Apr 2013 23:43

I have never done it and think it is very wrong.

The Victorians drugged their children with laudanum and left them at home while they worked on the field.


Mauatthecoast Report 8 Apr 2013 23:48

tut tut Susan..but needs must in their day :-(..

I remember Dad telling me he put a drop of whisky in my bottle when I was teething :-0....didn't harm me and I'm partial to a drink of whisky & ginger :-D


~Lynda~ Report 8 Apr 2013 23:52

I've never done it, but I have wanted to do it to other peoples children though, especially to the "child" of 10, who travelled alone from Spain to London, she was seated next to me and my friend, I had just lost my Dad, and my friend had migraine.
She talked non stop, and when I asked the air hostess', who were supposed to be looking after her, if we, or her could be moved, they said she couldn't, even though there were spare seats. I did wonder if I should ask for a fee for chaperoning her for the whole journey.

She really got on my nerves :-(


maggiewinchester Report 9 Apr 2013 00:19

I never took my children on a plane when they were very young, as I really suffer when landing.
However, we had a family holiday in Italy when my grandson and great niece were a few months old. My daughter and nephew's partner did just what I would have done on taking off and landing - breast fed the children.
Not a peek out of them :-D

Meanwhile, granny was putting cups over her ears, sucking on sweets and moaning as quietly as possible in the corner :-|


SylviaInCanada Report 9 Apr 2013 01:00

We travelled a lot while our daughter was growing up, by plane, train, car ....... as we still do these days

There would be at least 1 trip a year, sometimes 2. Flights across Canada can take longer than a flight from Canada to the UK. Canada is that big.

We never used anything to make her sleep after that world trip ..................... but she did grow up to be a child who could sleep anywhere ....... in a car, train, on a plane, a spare bedroom, behind the couch, etc.

One thing she did NOT grow up to be was an OPK.

Maybe we were too controlling ..........

........ but she was never allowed to kick the back of seats, or other mis-behaviour

She tried kicking the seat once, and was stopped immediately, and then warned regularly after that that the place for her feet was not against the back of the seat in front.

She was never allowed out of her seat by herself until she was 9 or 10 ........... and thus never ran up and down the aisle, hitting other passengers on the arm (as happened to OH all the way from Capetown to Perth).

She was never left alone in her seat while we decamped to the back of the plane (as happened on that Capetown flight, and on other flights)

She always had toys, books, drawing paper and crayons, toys etc, in her own little case that she had to pack and carry herself as her "carry on" bag.

we were regularly congratulated on her behaviour ...........

........ and, a plus that some of you might not realise .................. cabin crew were always very willing to help us if we needed it!

Cabin crew hold a great deal of power!

That little boy who ran up and down the aisle of the plane to Perth throwing himself in the curtain between cabin and First Class even after warnings from the cabin crew, while his mother sat at the back with a man she'd met on the flight?

He had a younger brother who did sleep most of the time. Ages were about 3 and 18 months.

The airline was Qantas, and when we landed in Perth, the mother came back to her seat (she'd left them alone even while landing :-0 ), then asked a male crew member to help her off the plane

His response was "Madam, that is the job of the ground crew."

Then he turned right around, saw OH putting J in the back pack carrier, and asked "Do you need any help, sir?"

Qantas were well known at that time for that kind of "discrimination"!!

You caused them "trouble", and they would not lift a finger to help you!

But I had not really believed that it happened, until that point.

It's all called consideration .................. consideration for other people.

something that often seems to be missing!


LadyScozz Report 9 Apr 2013 04:30


I wish somebody had slipped something in the drinks of the yacht crew who were on a long haul flight with us.

Grown men, acting worse than any of the children on board.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 9 Apr 2013 04:54

I had a neighbour who used Phenergan on her daughter to get her to sleep, as a single mother I suppose it made life easier, but years later when I was a single parent I made the best of it when my son wouldn't sleep. Rarely used Calpol let alone anything else.

I first took him on a plane journey (to Malta so about three hours) when he was three and a half, he behaved perfectly and did so on all subsequent flights, we travelled back and forth to Malta several times before he was 7. I was alone with him but would never have moved away and left him on his own in the seats.

We had three little boys and their parents in front of us, coming back from Crete last year, the children were quite boisterous and kept popping up from the seats to try and converse/interact with us. We tried to ignore them but it was difficult, they were quite funny but had we needed to sleep or wanted to be quiet, it would have proved really annoying. The parents seemed the liberal types who didn't want to reprimand their children at all.

I think in this day and age it's likely that too many parents don't teach their children consideration of others when travelling or even when out in public in general. Sadly that trend will continue through those families and never change for the better.



StrayKitten Report 9 Apr 2013 16:13

no i wouldnt do it as think its very wrong, to give any child, any medicine they do not need,


AnninGlos Report 9 Apr 2013 16:57

I am not sure how I feel about drugging them but I would never criticize a desperate parent for doing so. I always feel sorry for babies that are frightened when flying and try to shut it out, unfortunately hearing aids magnify noise and the piecing cry of a babe in arms can be painful. It is the toddler with the parent who is oblivious that I get annoyed at. It is so tiring to have the constant knocking of your sleep or shouting in your ear. we had one very hands on father who insisted on playing with his toddler all the way from Madrid, however the play was boisterous and loud and got toddler very over excited.

Mind you our last trip back from Tenerife (4 and a half hours, we had three men behind us who did a football quiz (loudly) the whole way. OH was going spare as it was a late flight and he was trying to sleep as he had to dive home after we landed.

We flew with son and family to Florida when youngest was 9 months old. She had a sky cot, slept most of the way and was no problem at all. Grandson was 7, had his toys etc and was also no trouble, despite not being a good traveller. Neither were drugged.


maggiewinchester Report 9 Apr 2013 17:46

Whenever I travelled with my children nomatter how short the journey - daughter does the same - I always took a few marmite sandwiches and some fruit juice. Having a child who wasn't thirsty or hungry helps, and avoiding 'E' numbers made life soooo much easier - for everyone :-D