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Gee Report 1 May 2013 20:52

Nazir Afzal, Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS North West, said: "Having completed our review, we have concluded that there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest for Mr Roache to be charged with two offences of rape relating to a girl, aged 15, in 1967."


Rambling Report 1 May 2013 21:00

Gins, there has just been a thread on this which got a bit fraught, and has been deleted.

for myself I will wait for a court judgement on each of the current cases as there have been cases in which the accused was totally cleared, but their life and that of their family was all but destroyed.


Gee Report 1 May 2013 21:07

I agree Rose, but I am shocked at this news.


SylviaInCanada Report 1 May 2013 21:08

There has literally just been a famous rock band person found innocent .................. after being charged 3 years ago with sexual assault of a minor 10 or more years ago.

The judge said that he could not trust the accuser's evidence

I don't think we should be trying these people on a socal site.

they're still considered innocent until proven guilty.


TaniaNZ Report 1 May 2013 21:40

Ahh but the reality is Rose (and this is not in regard to mr Roache)
People who are found innocent are not necessarily so.
And anyone who has been offended against who has had this scenario can tell you for free it is devastating.
It is however a fact of life for anyone who finally gets the courage to press charges against someone who has offended against them
That is after you get to be harranged and pulled apart in court
Victims get as much if not more of a coal raking than alleged perpetrators
In a court room. They are certainly better less painful ways to amuse yourself or get money
And I'm sure the crown prosecution service can assess reasons to charge someone

I am heartily sick of people banging on about these poor men and there lives being ruined.
My toes also curl at the posters who declare its all for money
Really!!!!! Were they there at the time of the alleged assault to know if it did or didn't happen. Do they imagine these people tatoo " I think I'm entitled to assault young girls" on there foreheads. Or boys for that matter
I am sure there are some ,but there are just as many who get pulled in to court after many years who not only got away with what they did at the time but they get to smugly put themselves into the position of victim while the world who doesn't have a bloody clue pat them on the back and say oh you poor things .
Sex crimes are notoriously hard to prosecute and the rate of conviction is pathetic
Let alone the rate of conviction for historic ones.
I don't know what will become of bill Roache nor do I know what happened
But I do know from experience what happens in these cases
I do know from eexperience what it's like to have someone offend against you and get away with it and I do know from experience what it's like to watch people support an offender .
I think what Bill Roach said to the press was enormously telling about his mindset
I for one will be watching that space


Rambling Report 1 May 2013 21:49

"People who are found innocent are not necessarily so."

No and people who have been found guilty were not necessarily so , but it's a bit late in the day to find out AFTER the 'hanging'! and you must know as well as I do, that has 'sometimes' been the least in this country.

People LIE.... people lie when they say "I didn't do it" and people 'sometimes' LIE when they say "he did it".

The trouble is, people like members on this site and others who have NO ACCESS to the facts, or even to the 'evidence' that there is in these current cases, are leaping to conclusions...and some of the conclusions I have read are based on nothing more than personal antipathy.


SylviaInCanada Report 1 May 2013 21:58

everything posted on here is conjecture .........

......... and to assume that someone is guilty is wrong.

People ......... men and women ............. are accused when they are innocent, as well as when they are guilty.

The problem is that lives are destroyed .................... the life of the accuser and of the innocent who has been accused.

It must be devastating for someone to go through the abuse, to finally get up the courage to make it known, and then to go through the court case.

but I still believe that it is not right to

a) immediately believe every accusation is correct, and

b) to post about it on a social media site.

and ...................... in case you accuse me of being ignorant about it .................

I do know a little about abuse, but I'm not about to post it on this site


Rambling Report 1 May 2013 22:00

I am not by the way suggesting in any way shape or form that the majority of cases are not genuine, nor that it is not an horrendous ordeal for the victim to go through ( both the offence and having to relive it in a court) but that is the justice can be made easier for victims, but it still has to assume the innocence of the accused until proven otherwise.

Otherwise what's the alternative?


SylviaInCanada Report 1 May 2013 22:01

I would point out that a case was filed in a court in canada just last Friday

a public, well known man discovered that people on blogs and some social sites were stating that he had an extra-marital affair and was the father of a child born to the other person (also quite well-known).

It is quite untrue, but he has been smirched by it.

He has now filed a suit against 18 people for promulgating the accusations .............. all had been posting under aliases, but there will now be a search to identify them, and to force the sites where they posted to release their real names to the police and the court.

so I think behoves all of us to be more careful about what we say on the itnernet.


maggiewinchester Report 2 May 2013 00:55

I know someone who was accused of rape,
He and a girl got drunk, ended up in the same bed, she accused him of rape (she couldn't remember it, but just assumed).
His name was all over the papers etc.
Came to court - she'd forgotten one little thing - she still had her tights on the next morning.......

His name was tarnished - she wasn't even charged with wasting police time.

Now, as he's an uncle of my grand daughter, and quite often stays with his brother (grand daughter's father, daughter's ex) what do I do, who do I really believe???

Publishing names before anything's proved is so divisive.

Fortunately, I know him - and he knows me!!

I also had a disgruntled ex of my ex, who was so thwarted by his no longer wanting to see her, that she wrote to me, his other ex wife and his employers, accusing him of having an inappropriate relationship with one of his students.
Ex works with Learning Disabilities teenagers.
I knew about this girl who went to his house for extra help , and to do her homework - as did our daughters (slightly older that the student, at the time), as, quite often they were there.
The girl was being abused at home, and spent a lot of her time with my ex, as she felt safe there.
I wrote to disgruntled (copied to ex's employee) and pointed out that my children had spent every other weekend with their father since they were very young, and they certainly wouldn't be doing that if he was at all 'dodgy' - what sort of parent did she think I was?? I also suggested she asked them outright if anyone had ever done anything inappropriate to them.

Ex could have lost his job through this woman's accusations, purely because he took a healthy interest in his students' welfare.
The abuser of the student was eventually brought to book.

I am horrified at the amount of child abuse/rape that goes on, but am also disgusted by those who feel the need to point fingers at anyone who 'offends' them.


Gee Report 2 May 2013 06:37

For the record, I wasn't making any accusation over the said BR, merely posting in relation to my 'shock' over him being charged

If you want me to delete the thread, no problem?

I will be at work from 8.30am so you may have to wait until I get home


SylviaInCanada Report 2 May 2013 06:53

Gins ..........

I know you were not making any accusations .............

................ what I said was more of a general comment, particularly after the earlier thread which was removed.



Gee Report 2 May 2013 07:15

I know Sylv........... :-)