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Pension reforms - does it affect you

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CupCakes Report 6 May 2013 15:19

Been on the TV all day


terryj Report 6 May 2013 15:36

how many are these that are wives that stayed at home to reaise children on on their spouses retirement they have both gone to live abroad where the man has since died.
typical daily wail spin lets blame johny foreinger and benefit claiments


Porkie_Pie Report 6 May 2013 16:13

I totally agree with the proposed new system,

why should anyone get something for nothing,

we all make life choices why should others have to fund these choices such as Stay at home mums compared to mums who work and bring up their children and stay at home mums can still work once their children are old enough so can still be entitled to a pension, but choose not too.

If people choose to have children rather than work you wouldn't expect to pay for their kids upbringing (although far to often we do pay) so why would you agree to pay the upkeep of the parent at a latter date.

This something for nothing culture has got to stop (We can no longer afford it)



Joeva Report 6 May 2013 16:27

Having read the article I see it applies to the husbands of British wives as well.

Where the idea this only is about 'stay-at-home mums' comes from I just cannot see.

Perhaps someone will enlighten me. :-S


supercrutch Report 6 May 2013 16:34

It's about time this loophole was closed.

It does apply to husbands OR wives of the spouse who have paid sufficient qualifying years of NI.

With the squeeze on pensions already affecting UK residents, and they spend their pensions in the UK and therefore put money back into the treasury via VAT, maybe some of these savings could be directed towards the poorest pensioners in the UK.
*watches pig flying over the bay*.



nameslessone Report 6 May 2013 16:40

Apparently stay at home mums don't contribute to society.

They are available to:
help at Toddler & playgroups
to volunteer at primary school
to look after another child in an emergency
to help neighbours
And anything else that can be done voluntarily within certain hours.

I waited some years before I went back to work - I had to work part time so that I could be available to run my youngest round to all their appointments and to do major help with homework as they were severely dyslexic.. My husband worked long hours so it was all down to me. In later years I then had to watch my husband do extra working hours (unpaid) because other families had both parents working full time and it was always the one working with my OH that took the time off for the children- mostly it was the man!


Porkie_Pie Report 6 May 2013 16:43

Joeva, The stay at home mums came from the terryj's post

My main point is "why should anyone get something for nothing"

These people who married a British citizen and drawing a pension based on his/her contributions is wrong,

Do the same rules apply throughout the world and or even in the rest of europe?

Can a Brit married to a German draw a German pension?



Joeva Report 6 May 2013 16:45

The paragraph I refer to from this article is as follows:-

'Say you are an American man and you marry a British woman, you can claim, If she has a full record of contributions.of £3,500 a year for your entire retirement, having never paid penny in National Insurance.'


terryj Report 6 May 2013 16:49

no where in the report does it state that the people abroad claiming a pension are foreign born as i said it could be british citizens that have gone to live abroad in retirement many of which could have been women paying the reduced stamp

or are you saying oif someone lives all their working lives in britain and then retires abroad they should lose their pension

see it says some have never been in uk
some not most or even many


Porkie_Pie Report 6 May 2013 16:57

terryj, Having read several articles if a couple having worked and paid in to the system and then retire abroad they are still both entitled even when the women has paid the reduced stamp,

From what I read their is only a problem if one partner has not contributed anything and moves abroad. and it will only apply to "new claims" from 2016



Joeva Report 6 May 2013 17:13

Terryj, some not most or even many ? Just one is enough for me to complain about this loophole.

Porkie_Pie, I believe that a married woman even if she did pay the reduced stamp
is still entitled in her husbands pensions rights. even if they do move abroad.,


terryj Report 6 May 2013 17:37

its all still down to the torys tactic of demonising anybody on benefits
so someone abroad is getting old age pension which is a pittance
they are about to subsidise the mortgages of people buying second homes


wisechild Report 7 May 2013 07:19

When I had my daughters in the early 70s, my contributions were credited for as long as I was in receipt of child benefit. It was called Family Responsibility credit.
As it happened I went back to work, so never claimed it, but a friend who was working transferred the Child Benefit to her husband who was not, so he got the credits.
It may just have applied if the woman had been paying full contributions before she gave up work, rather than the married woman´s contribution.
What really annoys me (& I´ve made this point before) is that people who have made a lifestyle from living on benefits have always had their contributions credited to them. Having never contributed a penny, at retirement, they recieve the same pensions & benefits as those who have made full payments, regardless of where they live.


Guinevere Report 7 May 2013 08:01

I always paid full stamp and was told at the time that those who didn't would have reduced pension benefit. Now I finally get my pension those women who only paid married woman's stamp are getting the same. That's really not fair - they were told they'd get less and made that choice.

Think how much they've saved on that over the years.


PatinCyprus Report 7 May 2013 08:25

I received 12 yrs NI contributions to go towards my own pension when I stayed at home for16 years to bring up 2 children, my youngest was 11 when I returned to work.

You are entitled to up to 6 years for each child NI contributions dating back to about 1975.