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Grabagran Report 19 May 2013 23:03

Muffy I agree these children should never have been left for such a long time and I personally could never have left my kids or gkids alone to go for a meal especially in a foreign country. I know you are among those who have read into all there is to read and more on this case. Negligence to my mind is leaving children so young alone especially in strange surroundings. Perhaps one day the truth will come out. There are still without a doubt so many unanswered questions. I just hope if she is still alive she is happy and if her life was taken she didn't suffer.


~Lynda~ Report 19 May 2013 22:45

So that's it then her parents are guilty, there was no abduction, Madeleine disappeared into thin air, nobody took her, yet nobody seems to know what happened to her, least of anyone on here, and nobody will actually say what they "know" happened, you're just saying that's my last say on the matter, why? if you know something and you're sure of your facts say so, or at least tell the police your findings.

I you're saying the McCanns were negligent, then you might as well say that all parents of children who go missing, are negligent, Ben Needham, April Jones, Sarah Payne, James Bulger, all these parents didn't have there child in there sight when they went missing.

I don't blame any of the parents, I blame the abductor.


JustJohn Report 19 May 2013 22:42

If the parents of Madeleine McCann are not loving and concerned parents, then they are amazingly good actors who have acted wonderfully well for many years now.

Yes, there may be facts that the general public are not aware of. But I feel sure the vast majority of the public have shown nothing but great sympathy for this couple since this disappearance. And whilst children are tucked up in a large family house, how many parents would know that an intruder had entered their premises via another part of the house. How many times has a house been burgled whilst the parents or childless couple are watching a film on TV?

And, if I remember the layout of the apartments, the McCanns were closer geographically to their children than many parents in larger houses often are to their children.

My total sympathy goes to the McCanns and always has. My total loathing goes to whoever potentially wrecked the life of an innocent and beautiful and happy and well-loved little daughter.


JoyBoroAngel Report 19 May 2013 22:14

well said muffy :-( :-(


Muffyxx Report 19 May 2013 22:08

Leaving 3 pre schoolers at night in an UNLOCKED apartment ...every night of your holiday... whilst in a foreign country so you can go out *dining* IS neglect.

They weren't *as if in their back garden * ..nor was it a momentary lapse where you turn round and they're gone...nor were they out playing at a perfectly reasonable time with their friends........ it was premeditated and deliberate neglect imho........those children were left out of eye shot and ear shot...for often long periods of time.

Kate McCann herself admits that Madeleine asked where they were the night before she disappeared when her and Sean were crying...and yet knowing that they were crying out for her and getting upset in their absence...decided to continue to leave them anyhow that night too. Poor kids.

Above in answer to ........" It is scurrilous to suggest they were negligent parents."

Like Sue,,, I set great store in the abilities of the dogs brought in in the weeks after............but if there were any further information in the files that would mean those dogs had got it wrong...and Madeleine could be found safe and well..I'd be bl**dy delighted.

I think on that one point we can all agree at least.

Anyhow...that's my lot on the subject......signing off for the night......


Grabagran Report 19 May 2013 21:32

I don't normally comment on threads nowadays but feel compelled to on this one.
If leaving a sleeping child alone to hang out your washing constitutes child neglect then there's a hell of a lot of negligent parents. The McCann children were left for more than a few minutes. Unfortunately there are so many peadophiles in the world these days and they love holiday areas were they know young children are.

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 19 May 2013 20:51

I totally agree with IGP


Rambling Report 19 May 2013 20:35

Errol and Lynda...but equally what about the 'armchair detectives' who know when 'something is wrong' the other way? How many people have been on screen to ask for help catching the killer of their wife/husband/ child, and you've thought ...he /she did it? and subsequently the police catch up with them?

If things don't add up then it is human nature to question it, whether that's a case like this or any other circumstance which one wants to make sense of?


StrayKitten Report 19 May 2013 20:33

as far as im aware there is no evidence to show she was abducted


eRRolSheep Report 19 May 2013 20:26

I totally agree - armchair detectives getting things totally wrong. Why do people keep thinking they know more than the proper authorities? People make accusations, assumptions based on absolutely nothing. I think maybe at least the police have proper evidence and facts to work with.
People that make these assumptions are no better than "over the garden wall" gossips and trouble makers.


~Lynda~ Report 19 May 2013 20:19

How many times have we read in the papers, that "something isn't right" or heard someone say " something isn't right there, I just know it" Loads of times, just like in the case of Joanna Yates, who was murdered, too many people said "they just knew it was Christopher Jefferies, the landlord because he looked odd" Only it wasn't him. Without FACTS too many people point too many fingers, and there are too many armchair detectives who read too many wrong stories on the internet.

IF the McCanns are dreadful parents, then someone ought to phone Social services to have there twins taken from them, because in case anyone has forgotten, they are still living with there parents.

I really cannot believe the amount of venom there is for the parents of Madeleine, if it turns out that they were responsible for her disappearance then they will go to court. As it is a child is missing, taken from her bed, that means someone took her, perhaps it would be better if the venom was aimed at the abductor, or are you saying the abductor, is not so important? :-(


Kay???? Report 19 May 2013 19:59

It was 3 children left unattended not just a lone child,

the twins seem to get forgotten about.

If alive this little girl will now be 10,school age hopefully being educated and possibly some computer use along the way.

She will be aware of the defect in her eye,which hopfully she will reconise herself in an instance and the whole story of who she is by way of the internet or newspaper stand.


StrayKitten Report 19 May 2013 18:39

i have to say i agree with you IGP, and i have looked well into this case, as have a few others i no, and something is not right.......


InspectorGreenPen Report 19 May 2013 18:25

When this case was first reported there was something in the story that just did not ring true.

I believed then as still I do now that the parents knew more than they have admitted to.

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 19 May 2013 18:03

Whatever you think about the parents negligence or not I am quite quite sure they have paid for it a thousand times over, I'm sure they must say to themselves over and over again "If Only"......
Now our police are saying that they have more evidence, suspects, whatever but are not getting the corporation from the Portuguese police that is needed ....that I think is quite disgraceful. The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo have done great work but some of the victims have refused DNA tests as they are happy as they are ...... !!
Lets hope and pray that little Maddy is found safe and well and happy one day soon!


KempinaPartyhat Report 19 May 2013 17:44

and its that bl**dy word persistent that worries me !!

If returned home this poor child dont stand a chance


Eeyore13 Report 19 May 2013 16:42

Re: Neglect...I think this is relevent to this case

"The government guidance for England, Working together to safeguard children (HM Government, 2010), defines neglect as:

"…the persistent failure to meet a child's basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child's health or development. Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse. Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment); protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger; ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate care-givers); or ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child's basic emotional needs."


KempinaPartyhat Report 19 May 2013 15:55

The problem is the only LAW that would be able to provide cover for this act or crime
Is the 1954 abuse and neglect of a minor in their care act and from what I have seen they would quite easily over ride that law for many reasons


StrayKitten Report 19 May 2013 15:25

she would be returned without a doubt to her family,

personally i dont think she should be, regarless of what people think is right or wrong, they left a 3 small children on there own for long periods of time in a strange place and had done for night after night, they admit this, so its FACT, the meaning of neglect on an online dictionary.........

ne·glect (n-glkt)
tr.v. ne·glect·ed, ne·glect·ing, ne·glects
1. To pay little or no attention to; fail to heed; disregard: neglected their warnings.
2. To fail to care for or attend to properly: neglects her appearance.
3. To fail to do or carry out, as through carelessness or oversight: neglected to return the call.

in leaving them alone they failed to care for them properly so therefore they DID neglect the children sadly,

i hope and pray she is alive, and well, but sadly i dont think we will ever find out,


KempinaPartyhat Report 19 May 2013 13:13

And if she was to stay with the people whom have her would they come to blows with the law!?