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Living with Mother The end of the thread (page 4)

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UzziAndHerDogs Report 6 Jun 2013 19:48

A New Saga

I am starting this thread before Mother moves in with me because of all what has happened now.
2 weeks ago when we saw Mum she was so alert and asking questions that you wouldn´t have believed that she had dementia. She was so spot on I was actually looking forward for once of having Mum with me.
When I went to see her on the next visit, she was so very different. She was slurring words, couldn´t eat and was generally giving me the impression of somebody who had, had a stroke.
I e-mailed the home with my concerns and they phoned me the next day. They said that they had just changed Mum´s medication because she was very "active" before. I left it at that on the phone.
Today I went up and there was no change ..I couldn´t understand what she was saying because of slurring words and she can hardly drink because she spills so much. So I talked to the Nurse, to ask what "active" meant. They changed the medication because Mum has turned nasty, she throws things at the carers and she also scratches them, (Mum has fantastic strong nails).
Now I can understand that they can´t cope with Mum like that, nor could I but I hate to think that she is losing something because they are sedating her.. She is still as demanding but doesn´t have the where withall to shout or fight.
I was happy to see Mum back with some fight in her and to be able to understand, but I also know that when I have her 24/7 I may wish for different.

One of the carers, who Mum actually likes, said to me today that if I allow Mum to be active I will have no life, she understands that Mum was always going to live with me but she has given me her phone number for when I need help, because she believes I will.
OH hopes that once she has what she wants ie. living with me she will learn rules that I lay down and settle down. I would rather her "active" then sedated as she is now. If she throws anything at me I will throw back until we understand. but as she is I don´t know how to cope because I can´t understand what she wants.

I guess this new phase in my life is going to be mmm interesting.
I will say that I never in my young life ever, never thought I would look after an aged parent in fact we talked about it and even though Mother said it was my duty to look after her I always said no, Guess she was right I was wrong. In someways But it isn´t duty making me do this, It is because my father instilled in me a sense of family.

So I about to embark in a whole new experience (how else do I look at it ? )

I don´t move mother in with me until the 30th June.