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Put Your Helmet On

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BrianW Report 12 Jul 2013 10:42

On the front page of our local rag is our paper boy.
Lovely lad, 16, who's been doing it for years.
He either fell (unlikely) or got knocked off his bike four doors from his home and has some nasty head injuries. It'll be several weeks before it can be determined whether there in any permanent damage.
Needless to say he wasn't wearing a helmet.
I've come off a motorbike half a dozen times with no more than slight bruising apart from one where there was a bit of whiplash due to appropriate equipment.
So please do make sure that anyone cycling wears a helmet !


AnninGlos Report 12 Jul 2013 11:14

They had a big campaign for that in Gloucester after a couple of injuries/fatalities a couple of years back. Schools stated no bikes without helmets, so, a mile from the school the helmets are all hanging from their handlebars. :-( :-S

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 12 Jul 2013 11:56

Poor lad, I hope he recovers well with no lasting damage. There is a charity (?) called Headway that helps folk with head injuries, I think, but they can't do miracles only rehab.

My partner wouldn't wear a cycle helmet when he had to start biking to work in 2008. Recently he was knocked off his bike by a motorist who didn't stop at a junction. His injury to his thumb was the worse thing he got altho that's been painful and caused him to be off work for a month, still can't use his thumb properly and may always have problems with it. He did hit his head but not badly but it made him realise straightaway that things could have been much worse and he decided immediately to get a helmet, which he has done and wears now when cycling.

My son had a helmet when he was small from the time he had his first bike but sadly when he got older his street cred wouldn't let him wear it, and i could no longer force the issue.

Now tho he has decided he really should have one (he's had a moped and a scooter so knows the value) and I have given him the money for his recent birthday gift, to go out and get one. He's still a bit unsure about the practicalities of wearing one as in what to do with it when he is not on the bike, and trying to shop etc but I do hope he will see sense and get over the problems so I and his gf know he is safer. We were talking when we met up about the fact that cycle helmets should be compulsory wearing and then there wouldn't be such a problem over the street cred bit.

Nice to see you Brian



LadyScozz Report 12 Jul 2013 12:10

Poor kid, feel very sorry for him.

I am amazed that it isn't law in the UK for cyclists to wear helmets. It's law in Australia.


AnninGlos Report 12 Jul 2013 13:03

I think there was talk once about making it law but don't know what happened about it --- human rights I expect. Fortunately our Grandchildren have all always worn helmets when cycling. When the eldest was about 8 he came off his bike and his head (in its helmet) hit the kerb. He was not hurt but told everyone his helmet was hurt.

I have to say they are not the most comfortable things to wear but preferable to the alternative and I wish they were compulsory. What really annoys me is to see familys out, sometimes with one parent having a kiddy seat on the back of their bike. The children all have helmets on but the parents don't. So, are they immune from injury if they fall and hit their heads? And if they do and are hurt or worse, who will look after their children? :-S


AnnCardiff Report 12 Jul 2013 13:08

having worked on an Acquired Brain Injury unit for many years I have seen the results of not wearing a helmet - not nice I can assure you


GlitterBaby Report 12 Jul 2013 13:27

Frankly annoyed at the TV advert for Halfords that is currently running.

At least two of the ads show women without helmets on while riding thier bikes.


AnninGlos Report 12 Jul 2013 14:22

Not noticed that one GB. Wonder if they will get any complaints.


Merlin Report 12 Jul 2013 14:24

Personally I don,t think the Helmets worn by Cyclists are very good,Its time that Legislation was introduced enforcing the wearing of the same type of Helmets worn by Motorcyclists .**M**.