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I'm in a state of severe shock!!!

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Merlin Report 12 Dec 2013 14:26

Well it seems that since the stamps are so expensive I,ll just have to forgo my Purchase of the" Bugatti Veyron" till next year,Oh Woe is Me. :-D :-D :-D

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 12 Dec 2013 17:06

I apologise Barry I am surprised that the Canadian pension is so low . I still think that the postage is way to dear :-|


SylviaInCanada Report 12 Dec 2013 20:06

Nolls ................

In addition to the lower pensions, Canadian pensioners also do not get the following benefits, which I gather are common in the UK ................

1. free bus and train passes

We do get "concessionary" fares .............. for me, that means a one zone bus trip costs me $1.75 instead of $2.50. Going further distances costs more and more

2. fuel or heating allowances

we have to pay the full cost of whatever heating method we use............ and remember, Canada is MUCH colder in most areas than the UK.

Even if the inside temperature is kept at 20C, it cost much more to keep it at that temperature when it is -30C outside than if it is around 0C

3. completely free medical care

............... we have to pay into provincial medical plans for basic care, and take out Extended Health programs for better benefits, and we have to pay for our own Dental Plans to get up to 60% off treatments.

As an example, I currently pay $339 a month for that coverage. In January, it will drop to $326 a month, because the insurance company has removed some coverage from us. That's over $4000 this year, just under that for next year.

When I go into hospital, I get free treatment, surgery, medications, etc. BUT I have to pay a room fee. It is currently about $20 a day in a 4-bed or larger ward, but can be as high as $160 in a 2 bed ward. I've never asked how much a private ward would cost!

4. Anyone who receives a British pension because they worked in the UK before coming here, will find that that pension is frozen from the first date they take it, no matter how many increases are made in the UK

If they didn't work long enough here to get the full Canadian pension, then they are badly off.

In fact, the basic premise here is that the Canadian pension is only to support those who have no other pension. One is EXPECTED to save for oneself, to pay into private pension plans ........... that's very much a US idea which has been transferred up here, but combined with the British idea of taking care of the poorest

OH and I have saved and paid into a private pension plan for him since we came here in 1968 ....................... we don't have to worry about how much we eat, but we don't have very much "throw away" money.

We didn't pay into a private pension plan for me because we couldn't afford it ...................... so I have only the Old Age Pension and the Canadian Pension Plan, which gives me just over $1,000 a month ................... or $12,000 a year. I have to pay tax on that!

The poverty line in Canada for a single person living in a large city is an income below $20,300 :-0