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If you knew...

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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 12 Apr 2014 11:12

There is always the anonymous Crime Stoppers number, as long as you remember to block your own if you were to ring them.

In all probability the Police know who the dealers are on their patch, but they'd be interested to know who had stepped in to fill a void. If they can catch the small time dealers, they might be able to trace the chain of supply further back to bigger fish.

A drug addict doesn't just ruin their own life, they steal from their families to feed their habit, and are the perpetrators of many of the thefts & muggings reported to the police.

If the supply to the street is disrupted, they might turn to the NHS & prescribed methadone, or alternatively not move on to 'hard' drugs.

The next 'village' in the past has been the location of a number of Cannabis Farms - actually, an abandoned multi-storey police station in one of the towns was used for this purpose. Isolated buildings and good road links is one reason. Cutting off the supply hurts the dealers in their pockets.

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 12 Apr 2014 10:48

I would like to say Yes however living in the area I do even though I have never mixed in them circles I know about these people and their lives. I would be terrifeld it could back fire on my family.


Sharron Report 12 Apr 2014 10:22

I did once inadvertently interrupt a courier delivering drugs at a coastal car park and reported it.

I would not have noticed had he not got the wind up and sped off.

Didn't get his number but did get the number and description of the car he was delivering to.

That terrified me. I used to use the M25 a lot at the time and was always very aware of who was following me .


maggiewinchester Report 12 Apr 2014 10:12

If it was impinging on my life - yes.
I think most police forces know who the drug dealers are, and watch them.
The problem with getting rid of a known one, is that the actions then go 'underground', a new dealer takes over, and it takes a while for their position to be found again.
A drug dealer used to live opposite me - in fact she still does, but no longer deals. Never had a problem, lovely couple, and they used to report dealers who sold to underage people.

As for those who take drugs - it's their choice - until they get addicted.
I've known quite a few in my life. It's the addicted and over-users that ruin their lives - but the same could be said for alcoholics. The drug (and alcohol)may make them feel chilled out, amazing etc, but tape the drivel they're coming out with and play it back to them - the majority are horrified :-D Boring or what :-|

Two of my nephews smoke weed in moderation. One has MS - he's had it for over 20 years. He has a very high-powered job, and it helps to relax his muscles, enabling him to sleep. The other one just enjoys it.


Sharron Report 12 Apr 2014 09:44

Another reason I didn't report the one I knew about was because his wife would have liked to have done so herself, it was a horrible life they were leading and she would have liked out.

Dealers are just end of a very lucrative line of unsavoury characters who would not think twice about exacting their revenge on anybody they thought had reported them.

At least she knew they had a house to live in while he was about his misdeeds. It was difficult enough to look after her children in there without trying to do the same on a pile of charred rubble!


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 12 Apr 2014 09:43



AnnCardiff Report 12 Apr 2014 09:15



Linda Report 12 Apr 2014 09:08

Yes I would


LadyScozz Report 12 Apr 2014 08:53

I've seen the very end of the line, a family member was using really hard stuff.

Devastating for everyone.

Now in mid 30s, looks at least 70. Lucky to be alive


DazedConfused Report 12 Apr 2014 08:45

Yes, you should inform the police.

Some years ago we had drug dealers working on our street Friday and Saturday nights. It is a very quiet street and our end has very few houses, so they would drive up and their customers would drive up as well.

What I did was made a record of the car the dealers were using, and also recorded the details of their customers. After about 4 weeks I had a long list which included 2 or 3 cars the dealers were using.

I wrote it all up on my computer, printed out, put in an envelope and handed it in to our local police station telling the person on the desk what it was.

Do not know what they did, but after about 2 weeks, we never saw the dealers on our street again.

What you have to remember is that we see only the end of the chain. Not the organised crime involved.


Sharron Report 12 Apr 2014 07:55

Well, no, I didn't. His wife was looking after four kids while he came home at night if he thought he might.

He was claiming benefits, which was what she was living and keeping the children on, whilst working in the big scam that provides your salad for a gang master.

Unfortunately drug arrests bring bank account freezing and his benefit claim woul have been investigated.

He would be, and , indeed, quite soon, was inconvenienced while the family would be hit very hard.

I couldn't do it but he did come unstuck eventually.


OneFootInTheGrave Report 12 Apr 2014 07:52

Your post reminds me of an incident involving my Mum, she lived in a 1st floor maisonette and shared a drying area with her neighbour on the same landing.

In the drying area there were 3 grow bags for plants, and as the 2 lads who were her neighbours were out all day, my mother took it upon herself to water the plants in the grow bags.

One morning she was woken up at about 5am by loud banging and shouting, it was the police, they had broken down the door of the dryng area and were taking the grow bags away.

My mother had thought the 2 lads had been growing tomato plants, turned ot they were cannabis plants :-D :-D :-D

And yes I would report anyone I suspected was dealing in drugs.


LadyScozz Report 12 Apr 2014 04:29

it's not just a bag of weed, it's nasty stuff.

I told a friend of ours last night....... he's in the force.

Hopefully they will catch this woman! She is really HORRIBLE :-|

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 12 Apr 2014 03:33



Susan10146857 Report 12 Apr 2014 02:48



LadyScozz Report 12 Apr 2014 02:27

that someone was dealing in drugs...

would you inform the police?
