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How it is in a village.

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SylviaInCanada Report 5 Oct 2016 20:51

Rollo ..........

that's awful.

I went to university at the age of 19, living in what had been a small village but swallowed by the town. I think I was the first girl to do that.

Every time that I went home for the next 5 years, the old biddies would take the first opportunity to stop me in the street, and then stand sideways to me and eye me up and down.

I proved to be very disappointing to them :-D

We live in a large city and used to have a neighbour across the street who was the neighbourhood watcher and gossip ....... what she didn't know she made up. Despite that, she was useful in keeping an eye on the houses, and many of us would tell her if we were going away or if workers would be coming to the house while we were at work.

So, m-i-l had announced a desire to live over here, we know we would have to buy another house, and we knew that we could not sell this one unless the foam formaldhyde insulation that was installed about 5 years previously was removed, as it was had been declared a bad thing and houses could not be sold with it..

Workers arrange to come, I tell neighbour across the street.


2 weeks later, I talk to the neighbour next door .......... surprised to see me. She informed me that OH and I had split up, we were selling the house, and I was moving to Australia :-0


JoyLouise Report 5 Oct 2016 20:49

Rollo, it looks as though she was the leader of the village idiots and none of them had enough to do.


RolloTheRed Report 5 Oct 2016 19:29

Back in Heartbeat days my father was the law in an Essex village where the most common offences were poaching, theft and riding bikes without lights. The village postmistress had to connect the calls with one of those ancient connection apparatus, plugs and wires everywhere. Said postmistress was given to listening on the line and thus had all the best gossip.

My father knew about this and gave her several warnings. In the end her gossip resulted in a farmer blowing his head off with both barrels. Not content with that her indiscretions scewed up a serious police sting and one PC was murdered. My father gave evidence and she got 5 years hard. The village took her side though and a while later our pet dog had his throat cut in front of me while my father was given what some like to call "a good kicking".

We had to move.

Gossip is a poison best left to other people, a drink best left undrunk.


Sharron Report 5 Oct 2016 12:25

I know the usual source of exaggeration. It is M (homeless people stole that shed).

One time I told him I had seen a woman we know on her own. It took him less than five minutes to work out that her husband would have died then. Apparently he had had a hospital appointment, eye test or something, so, hospital appointment, wife out alone (across the road from home) must equal sudden death.


Andysmum Report 5 Oct 2016 12:25

I know exactly what you mean! :-) :-)

My younger son was born in Ghana and was in a great hurry, causing general panic as the military hospital was 100 miles away and I ended up in the local hospital.

Some years later we were at a party in Singapore and I was asked if I had heard about the Naval wife whose baby etc.etc. It was astonishing, and rather amusing, to hear what had happened that day. I didn't spoil the story for her, although I was tempted.


GlasgowLass Report 5 Oct 2016 12:20

Chinese Whispers Sharron. LOL

I don't live in a village but a large town.

Some years ago, I learned that My OH and I were divorced.

I worked weekends and OH was the local Sunday School Teacher.
As I was rarely in attendance on a Sunday, the story among other parents was that we had divorced and HE had weekend access to the kids.

We have been married almost 32yrs and someone recently asked me... when did we get back together ?? !!


Sharron Report 5 Oct 2016 12:14

When I left school I heard that I was pregnant. Well, I am still waiting and look forward to pushing a middle-aged person around in a pram sometime soon.

As you know, I fell over on the path and took the gate and gatepost down with me a couple of weeks ago. That, I have heard, was in the bath where everybody has a gate AND I now hear that I broke my wrist as well!

A guy in the pub once said that you could do something entirely alone in a lead lied room and, the next day, people would be asking "Do you know what he did yesterday? On his own, in that lead lined room of his!"

He was so right!