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Justice is served

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Contrary Mary

Contrary Mary Report 18 Mar 2017 21:08


I keep them waiting BECAUSE they have already shown their impatience by sighing and other sounds of exasperation!! Which quite frankly annoys me!! I'm going as fast as I can (and with bad lungs I get breathless and can't pack as quickly a I used to) - so why should people in a queue behind me try and make me feel uncomfortable because I'm not going at the speed they think I should??

Those waiting behind me who wait patiently are ALWAY given a smile and my apologies for holding them up!!



Janet Report 18 Mar 2017 16:06

I cannot see why Contrary Mary would deliberately be awkward to keep someone else waiting. Why evoke annoyance for the same price as a smile?


JoyLouise Report 18 Mar 2017 12:34

Or Oz.

I, too, may have upset someone here in the UK.

After spending many years in Oz, I was so used to having baggers that on my first substantial shop in an English supermarket I stood with my mind anywhere but on shopping as the cashier put the items through the till. I have no idea why I did notice that my shopping was piling up until it was payment time - head was in the clouds, I expect.

The person in the queue behind me then had to wait until I bagged everything myself. Amazingly, there was no sighing, no words of exasperation or anything as I explained and apologised.

I so love people who are laid back enough to be pleasant all the time. :-)


Bobtanian Report 18 Mar 2017 00:49

But that op tale, to me suggests a stateside occurence...........


maggiewinchester Report 17 Mar 2017 22:32

I know where you're coming from, Mary, but sometimes (always) I need to catch my bus (one an hour), but usually, when in a desperate hurry, I use the 'self serve' :-D :-D

Contrary Mary

Contrary Mary Report 17 Mar 2017 22:17

Anyone who gets impatient in a queue must just hate to be behind me.........the more irritated you get, the slower I will deliberately go! I've even been known to get phone out and show cashier photos of my dog, cats etc, anything to prolong their agony! lol

I don't get why some people get so het up over being in a queue........we're British, queueing is what we do best! lol



maggiewinchester Report 17 Mar 2017 22:09

Just desserts!! :-D :-D :-D

Our local (very small) Sainsbo's took on a young special needs lad years ago, whom I shall call Pete - not his real name.
Pete stacks shelves, helps old ladies and men with their shopping - sometimes taking it to the bus stop for them, regularly helps a blind man with his shopping and is, more often than not, a ray of sunshine.
Sometimes Pete feels 'down' - I could be something as simple as not liking his lunch - but there's always someone - be it a member of staff or customer, willing to ask him what's wrong, and listen to him. This soon cheers him up.

If you can't reach anything Pete (now a tall man) will help you.
The shop wouldn't be the same without him. I'm sure, if anyone treated him like the person in this story - they wouldn't be welcome again.


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 17 Mar 2017 21:01

every body desevrs a job no matter what there need are

just wish i was in that shop i would of given them what for


Tawny Report 17 Mar 2017 17:34

Love it. I like it when people get what they deserve.


AnninGlos Report 17 Mar 2017 16:25

Wonder what would happen in UK in similar circumstance. this story on FB.

A grocery shopper shares the story of comeuppance as an abusive customer gets exactly what they deserve.

(I am at my regular grocery store at the checkout. The bagger is a sweet man with a mental disability, who is carefully bagging my items.)

Bagger: “You want this one?”

(He holds up one of my canvas bags, which I see has a hole in it.)

Me: “No, use another. Thanks.”

Woman behind me: “God! Hurry it up!”

Me: “I just finished paying. He’s fine.”

Woman behind me: “Oh, so you’re slow like him too? God all you special people need to stop interfering with normal people.”

Bagger: *looks offended* “Ma’am, she’s not not-smart. She goes to [University].” *points to my university logo on my sweatpants* “She’s real smart.”

Me: “And he’s the best bagger here! He’s very careful, ma’am, which is a good thing with groceries.”

(My bags are done. Since he knows I walk back to my dorm, the bagger just hands them to me and helps me shoulder them.)

Woman behind me: “God he won’t even help you take them to your car? What a delinquent. I want to see a manager about this!”

Me: “I walk, lady. You want to call a manager over something I have intentionally asked him to do many times?”

Bagger: *to me* “Have a nice day!”

Woman behind me: “Retard.”

(The cashier, who hasn’t said a word through the whole thing, looks at the woman calmly.)

Cashier: “Refusal of service for massive discrimination towards a valued employee, as well as a regular customer. You may leave your items here, we’ll shelve them later. Please leave.”

(She instead decides to cause a massive disturbance, eventually breaking a shelf, and needing to be physically restrained while the bagger leads me and another customer behind the cigarette counter for our safety. We have to wait for a cop to come.)

Bagger: “Still… coming next week?” *he looks worried*

Me: “Yep.”

(His smile made me really happy for the rest of the day.)