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Turnover of Carers

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BrianW Report 12 Apr 2017 17:48

There was a news report a couple of days ago (still up on BBC under "Health")which stated that 900 carers quit their jobs every day and that there is a 25% staff turnover.
That equates to a 235,00 pa turnover based on 5 days not 7. Do care companies and councils actually emply nearly a million people or is there an element of double counting there?


Andrew Report 12 Apr 2017 17:59

Yes there really are that many. Given the conditions, pressure of work and low pay, its not surprising the turnover is so high.

As an example, my MIL is in a nursing home, 45 residents over 70 staff. It a good home, nice atmosphere, good management and great staff. The fees increased by about 6% this year, reason given was having to pay more to retain staff.



Dermot Report 12 Apr 2017 18:06

'Thousands of care workers have received back pay from their employers for being paid below the minimum wage following an investigation by HMRC into endemic illegal pay in the industry'. (The Times 13.12.16).

No wonder care workers are leaving in droves! Can you blame them?

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 12 Apr 2017 18:16

Well when hubby was wanting to get home from hospital after a 5 week stay he needed carers to come in 4 times a day because he was completely imobile,

He was eventually appointed a care manager but still they struggled to find an agency that would provide in conjunction with the NHS

The ladies that did come in were lovely but very poorly paid . They had their schedule of clients but didn't get paid for the journey between clients addresses even though they used their own transport and paid for the fuel to travel

He would get 6 weeks after care foc but then the fee for the carers would be means tested, didn't affect though the rate the carers got paid through their contract with the NHS

Being a carer is hard work and if its 24/7 as a famiiy member it's never ending not just on some daily schedule

My daughter said she could see the effect it had on me and I only had 10 intense weeks of it . Had 4and half years prior to that on a less intense basis

Immense admiration for anyone who is a carer long term

But you do it cos they are your loved one


Sharron Report 12 Apr 2017 18:42

I am sure you would agree that you do it because it there to be done for family. For those who do it for a living, there is sometimes very little else available.