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Got to have a shout about this

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Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 21 May 2017 04:43

How sad that your daughter is getting so much hassle when she is struggling with all the problems life has thrown at her. I had a woman in our street cause me a lot of grief after I started a neighbourhood watch group, she thought she was in control of the area and didn't like it that others came to me with any difficulties as I hadn't lived there so long as she had.

I wonder if there is any one who can support your daughter, maybe from the local church or something. Certainly sounds as tho someone has a vendetta against her. What about the boys' father, is some causing problems on his behalf?

Hope things get better for her



AnninGlos Report 20 May 2017 16:32

I imagine if it is the same person complaining then S services will realise that the person complaining is the one with the problem. does she get on with her neighbours? I wonder if the children have upset one of the neighbours, maybe making a noise as children do. Difficult to ignore I know, hopefully the person will get bored when nothing happens.
It is a shame when she is doing her best for the children.


Sharron Report 20 May 2017 15:46

It looks like somebody in her area is up to something and trying to draw attention away from themselves.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 20 May 2017 09:19

Someone obviously has a grudge against her

Surely the social services can mark up her file to warn she gets unfounded complaints made

BUT they are in a cleff stick because they have to investigate any complaint and are damned if they do and damned if they don't .

Poor girl as if she doesn't have enough on her plate


Sandra Report 20 May 2017 09:06

As some of you know our daughter been left to bring our grandsons up on her own both have education needs and one has BEHCETS. Last month a social worker turn up at her house saying they had received a complaint that grandson number 2 had nothing wrong with him and saying thing like he did not need his wheelchair. he came to see them more then once and social were happy with everything. This week another social worker turn up at her house saying that there is another complaint but this time our daughter can not meet the boy needs. They were saying thing like the boys are out until 10 30 at night that happen once last month for my birthday and they were late home because the boys and there mum took my mother in law home. The social work from the first complaint look into why grandson number 2 is home school and she has told them about trying to get him back to school . this complaint also say our daughter has mental heath problems and that grandson number 1 has social problems. Yes he does have social problems but things are improving with him. He can sit in my local pub and have a meal for his granddad birthday which we never could have done before.

What i wont to know is how can someone keep doing this to my family . My daughter has a hard time as it i without this. When she said she like to be told who made the complaint no way do we get to know. The thing is it leave a bad feeling, because it must be someone who knows us. They have put thing in the complaint like i own the house my daughter live in . That i am over once a week yes i came over once a week yes i park my car at her house , yes i do not stay i go to my SW group. and things like that we stay over some nights. We have only stay 2 night since Christmas and yes our other daughter and grandchild have stay the night with them . The grandsons like being with there aunt and uncle and there baby

How can someone keep doing this to our family She had other complaint made about her like to the benefit office . Months of upset found not to be true , but this person got away with it.

Thanks folks feel better now i have of got that of my chest