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What happened to patience?

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Sharron Report 29 May 2017 16:01

It is not finished!

I think I have stuck with it because I can put it by for years until I can find time to do some more. It is the only full sized thing I have ever attempted but have made lavender bags and lavender pillows in tiny hexagons (half inch).


ShelleyRose Report 29 May 2017 15:18

I know how you feel Sharron, I've watched those channel too, I'm quite new to quilting/patchwork having only made one small lap quilt, which was for the cat or dog to lay on, quite chuffed with myself that I got it finished with a bit of help from my oh (giving advice) ;-) made a few small items, pencil cases/make up bags, decided to go on a course to better myself, Well you can use this and buy that and before you know it you've spent a fortune - No thanks! I'm just finishing off a cot quilt for a friends baby, if I followed all the advice on what to do the baby would be a teenager by the time I finished it - my patience and tolerance levels can only take so much. (the air has been blue many times doing this quilt).
Good on you for sticking with your quilt and getting it finished <3


maggiewinchester Report 28 May 2017 21:16

Same with dolls houses.
I've got at least two on the go - haven't touched them for a while - but it's a hobby, something to fiddle around with as and when it suits.
I have no reason to finish them - haven't really got enough room for any more (I actually have 5) - so I sometimes just sit down and ponder what I'm going to do with them next - then go and cook dinner or something :-D

Have to admit the room they're in becomes a 'dumping ground', so I actually have to clear the room out before I can do anything with them - a job for next week :-D :-D


Sharron Report 28 May 2017 19:42

That ten foot patchwork bedspread I have nearly finished has taken forty odd years, on and off, by hand when the circumstances were right to do some. I have done it all with a couple of metal templates which I did have to replace when I picked it up again this time, old cornflake packets, the kitchen scissors, a pair of shears and some embroidery scissors which seemed like an extravagance when I bought them.

Everything has been drawn out round the templates using a ballpoint pen and that equipment has stood me in pretty good stead.

This morning I had a look at a couple of sites on the shopping channels that were selling patchwork stuff. There was a man selling a thing where you have to wind a handle that cost ninety odd quid. Apparently it is better than a rotary cutter and easier if you no longer have the dexterity to use one, whatever a rotary cutter is. It had become necessary because quilters don't like cutting out.

On another site a woman was selling some miraculous device that made it possible to do in one day of patchwork what would previously have taken you three months.

So, what has happened to having a simple relaxing hobby that you carried on patiently?