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Linda Report 11 Apr 2023 09:53

My grandson is a student but has a part time job in a restaurant this morning my daughter told me he had covid so did all of the people he worked with and they are all going into work my question is do you think people who work in restaurants and food out let’s should stay at home as I do

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 11 Apr 2023 10:36

I think it is wrong to be in a situation where you have tested positive and then go to work in a place where you might pass the infection on to numerous people.

We all take a calculated risk, when we go out and about in public places, but to knowingly put other people at risk seems irresponsible to me.

I know someone who tested positive last week. She was told by her GP's surgery that there was no need to self isolate, but she did, as she didn't want to pass it on to people who might be more vulnerable.
She thinks she might have caught it when visiting someone in hospital.
That is likely.
They have done away with the masks and the sanitiser station at the front entrance and when I last went ( masked) to visit someone, very few masks were to be seen on staff or visitors.


SuffolkVera Report 11 Apr 2023 11:15

I do think anyone working where they might infect someone vulnerable should stay at home. I wouldn’t want to eat in a restaurant where kitchen staff were constantly coughing or blowing their noses.

I understand that people have to earn a living and the government advice is only to try and stay at home for 5 days but I don’t think that’s good enough. We’re long since retired but most of our friends are in the older age group and we couldn’t put them at risk. When we both had Covid 6 months ago we stayed at home till we had 2 negative tests. For OH that was about 8 days, for me about 2 weeks.


nameslessone Report 11 Apr 2023 11:18

Now that the instructions are that you don’t need to isolate then bosses are going to insist you work.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 11 Apr 2023 13:43

The second social outing I did back early March was to a lunch with some of my. U3A friends

There were seventeen of us and myself and three people on my immediate right all went down with covid two days later

We think it could only have been staff hanging over us putting down and picking up plates

Despite having had 5 jabs I was very very unwell and it took 10 days to test negative

I was self isolated indoors on my own as no one could take a chance and visit

Tbh I really think people should still isolate after testing positive after all not doing so is how it’s still spreading

Having had covid I,m now wary about going out again in close company


nameslessone Report 11 Apr 2023 14:29

I agree with you Shirley, but then I’ve not got a company to staff.

I once worked ( admin) in a Nursing Homewith a very strict Matron. Wouldn’t accept any illness. You couldn’t claim to have something like a migraine unless a Doctor had confirmed you were a sufferer.

One winter I couldn’t get in because of heavy snow drifts. She didn’t believe me until I told her that if they had had ITN on instead of the BBC news she would have seen why. The ITN news helicopter had flown over the blocked road.


LondonBelle Report 11 Apr 2023 15:16

A couple of weeks back a friend went out for a drink after work on the Wednesday with three of his colleagues, come the Saturday all four felt unwell and had tested positive for Covid :-( They did wonder whether it was one of the bar staff that served them that had given it to them :-( I should add that they only attend the office once a week.:-0

In another instance, my nephew is a teacher and tested positive for Covid. He was told unless he was coughing he should go to school :-0

It's as if people just make the rules up as they go along although you would think that common sense would prevail and you would stay at home if you had tested positive for Covid :-|


Florence61 Report 11 Apr 2023 15:28

As someone who hasnt been out in months until last Thursday as my family came up to visit, I am now suffering as myself & daughter both have Covid. i am really unwell.

The only day we had a light lunch in a small cafe where many people were squashed in.
I immediately rang my surgery to let them know and apologize as the nurse came out on monday to do me bloods and I wasnt aware I had Covid!! I feel so awful for the young nurse and hope she doesnt get it but she was gowned and masked.

I have let my neighbours know so they stay away and a couple of others that reg pop in to see me. Its only fair that we do not pass it on to anyone.

I know it must be difficult for businesses if staff go off sick but if its passed on to someone thats fragile and they get it, could be fatal.

im asthmatic and everytime im coughing, the pain in my lungs hurts me as well as my back. my ribs were already cut in half when i had surgery and today it felt like they were parting company when coughing.

People who just get it, ignore it and carry on mingling are so inconsiderate. As for bosses not letting you off work well if you say hurt your back and got a line for a week, they couldnt argue with that could they! people have to think a bit outside the box to get around it and protect others.


LondonBelle Report 11 Apr 2023 15:34

I hope you feel better soon Florence <3


Florence61 Report 11 Apr 2023 15:43

Ty Belle

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 11 Apr 2023 16:15


Hope you feel better soon
Know how it is cos been soooo careful since covid started

Self isolated between hospital appointments , had total knee replacement in April 2021 and self isolated all the time

My granddaughter who is an absolute icon looked after me through the knee op and then the hysterectomy and tested every time before she came to take me for appointments,

The family were so worried for mum ,Nan , big Nan ! And were please don’t take chances,

Then I go out for a lunch get together and get it !!

Tbh i was so unwell no way do I want to get it again

My son in law got it twice even though he had 3 jabs


AnninGlos Report 11 Apr 2023 17:13

Florence poor you. What a shame when you rarely go out as well. I hope that you will feel better soon. Have you had all the jabs so far.


Florence61 Report 11 Apr 2023 18:01

I had 2 jags and 1 booster. The booster gave me pleurisy no less.

Got me bestie coming mid may but the way i feel, i shall be very wary of going anywhere in confined spaces so maybe picnics in open spaces here to be on the safe side.

After having surgery, 2 strokes etc and being so careful, Im struggling to find the right words to describe how i feel....just devastated!


maggiewinchester Report 11 Apr 2023 23:38

Get well soon, Florence!

I probably catch the bus to town once a week, but always sit near the back.

The only 'gathering' I've been to in a long time was on 6 April - my eldest grand daughters 21st birthday (how very dare she be that old!!)

We went to a pub, but sat in a spacious semi - outside area.

My daughter (works for the NHS) would have tested herself and the 2 grandsons.
Grand daughter's boyfriend is studying paramedic science, so he tested himself, and my rather 'hungover before she arrived' grand daughter, so the only people who were untested were me and my ex - and I didn't kiss him!! :-D :-D

None of the staff came near us - not even the one who took a group photo.

Have to admit to being very lucky in that (so far) I haven't had covid.