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Jane Jones Haunted House mystery

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Florence61 Report 18 Aug 2023 10:57

On Wed eve around 10.45pm, I started watching a documentary about a girl from Wales called Jane Jones who died 1778 aged 15

Its called The Girl, The Ghost & The Gravestone BBC 1 episodes 1 & 2

Did anyone else watch it?

Was it true or Spooktacularly all made up?

I havent made up my mind but it was all very spooky!

Florence in the hebrides


ArgyllGran Report 18 Aug 2023 12:56

It depends if the people who claimed to experience things were making it up or not.
Who knows ??!!

For those who didn't see the programme, this is the story:


Florence61 Report 18 Aug 2023 13:56

Yes AG that is the question, were the family making it up???


JoyLouise Report 18 Aug 2023 15:00

I missed this Florence but I shall try to catch up with it.

I am usually quite sceptical about this type of thing but I have to say that I put the wind up my old school pals when last we met up - not difficult to do as they are nowhere near as sceptical as I am, but I have to say that I expected at least one of them to have experienced something similar when I told them two stories of things that happened to me.

When my hubby and I got together we were sitting one Friday night watching telly in his parents' house and on the telly, leaning back against an ornament was a photo of an elderly lady when all of a sudden it moved to an upright position then fell forward flat on its face. We thought that there had been a draught and someone had come in so checked the back and front doors then the windows to see if any were open - all to no avail as nobody had entered and all windows were shut. The next morning, his Dad had word to say that his Dad's aunt had died that very evening that her photo had fallen forward.

The second story is that I was chatting to our staff chaplain over a coffee when he had finished his usual weekly round when I told him about the regular wonderful smell in our bathroom when I went in; it was the same smell as my Gran's bathroom. He asked whether I used the same soap and other products but the answer was no. I never gave it another thought until it dawned on me a week or so later that the smell had never 'reappeared'. My first thought was 'Darn it' as it was always a comforting feeling for me. My second thought was that the chaplain had said a prayer for her soul in order that she could rest.

Sometimes weird things just happen!


**Ann** Report 18 Aug 2023 15:57

The Farmhouse is up the road from me…so will have to tune in on catch-up


Florence61 Report 18 Aug 2023 16:18

Oh my goodness Ann really? How strange.

Jl, I was very close to my father's mother, my grandmother. I was her only grandaughter. After she died, I didn't manage down to visit the house where my father was now living for 10 years due to various things that prevented me.

When I eventually booked a holiday down south, I went up the stairs and as I stood outside what used to be her bedroom, the strong smell of Atrixo handcream wafted around me. Dad couldn't smell it and said there were no pots anymore of that cream in the house, he threw away all grandmas potions and lotions etc. But I think it was grandma letting me know she was around me.

The same when I smell a different perfume around me, one that my mums mum always wore. Just every now and then I can smell it all around me and that tells me she is watching over me still and she passed in 1985!

Other strange things have happened to me and I have seen things too. It is said then when a picture falls from a wall or falls over, someone has died. My mum always maintained that.

Ann, did you not know of the story even though you lived quite near?

Florence in the hebrides


**Ann** Report 18 Aug 2023 17:12

Florence…never heard of this story before, I will make time to watch over the weekend.

Think most of us can remember some sort of strange happening in our life time….I know I can :-)

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 18 Aug 2023 19:15

I started watching then thought the content might be too disturbing to let me sleep soundly.
Might give it another chance over the weekend .....


Florence61 Report 18 Aug 2023 20:12

Aw Gwyn, maybe watch it one afternoon instead, Its not that spooky really but makes you think, did it really happen?


Von Report 18 Aug 2023 20:29

I watched it this afternoon and thought it was too long. I would have been inclined to

look at the history of the farm and the burial of Jane Jones.

Wales is the land of myths and legends and I had family members who would relay

stories of unusual happenings.

I can however confirm that raining frogs has nothing to do with the paranormal and is

irrelevant to the story ;-)


Allan Report 18 Aug 2023 22:13

It must be a Welsh thing.

True story; in 1964 my Mum Dad and myself were staying in a caravan in Penmaenmawr which is near Conwy. I had just left school so was sixteen at the time of this event

The caravan was a largish one but the two sleeping areas were at either end and only separated from view by a curtain or screen which was at my end.

One night I heard my mother say "Allan, go back to bed." I replied that I was in bed (which I was) to which my mother said "No I can see your shadow on the curtain"

I think that I may have said something like "Alright" just to placate her, and went back to sleep.

The following morning my parents received a telegram to say that my Nana had passed away during the night. The death happened at about the same time that my Mum had claimed to see my shadow!


ArgyllGran Report 19 Aug 2023 09:30

Shivers down the spine, Allan!

In July 1967, my father, brother and I were on holiday in the south of England, camping and bed-and-breakfasting.
One day we stopped for a picnic lunch. From my diary of the holiday, it was somewhere along the A338, between Salisbury and Fordingbridge.

There was a belt of trees along the roadside, with a short track leading through to a field which had trees on all sides. We had our picnic at the edge of the field.
I had such a bad feeling, as if something really terrible was about to happen. I can feel it now, remembering!
I couldn't wait to get away from there.
Fortunately, it was quite a quick picnic.

I didn't mention this to my father until many years later, when we were reminiscing about past family holidays.
He said he'd felt exactly the same - hence the shortness of the picnic! - and had never forgotten the horrible feeling.