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Intermittent internet access

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maggiewinchester Report 9 Nov 2023 16:06

The very nice man from 'Openreach' arrived at about 11:30am.
He fixed the tape with ties!

Transpires he was only out to fix my phone.
Various tests, and he said my megabyte threshold was low, then started waffling on about megabytes and megabits - made no sense to me.
He came and went a few times, and eventually left about 13:30.

I then proceeded to look up megabytes, which I believe are bigger than megabits - or it could be the other way around!!

Then I saw an email from 'TalkTalk' asking me to phone, which I did - but they didn't know why, so I took the opportunity of saying my internet stayed on now, but was very slow, and would I be able to run the smart TV I' getting this weekend, off it, or would I have to change provider - free of charge - if Talk Talk couldn't provide this 'basic'?
Well, that set the ball rolling!
They said speed would improve over the next week or so, but they'd see if they could make it go faster - apparently we haven't got fibre around here.

What I didn't expect was a phone call every day :-|
Had one while I was shopping. Maybe they need to learn, it may be their job to fix phones, but it isn't my job to sit at my laptop all the time waiting for them to call me!


Florence61 Report 8 Nov 2023 17:14

Oh Maggie :-D :-D :-D
Hope the man that came out has fixed it?

But the so called "black tape" does have a multitude of uses for "temporary repairs". So whoever taped it up obviously didn't make a point of repairing it properly at a later date.
I once reported my internet wasn't working when I was with Tiscali. The woman asked if I had turned it on & off and then got me to do all the things I had tried before I phoned.
The outcome was, I think you need a either a new computer or there is something wrong with your phone line!!! Complete waste of 2 hours.

We sorted it by actually switching companies and there was nothing wrong with the PC or the phone line. Some talk absolute nonsense don't they? and to think, they get paid for that. grrr

Florence in the hebrides


LaGooner Report 8 Nov 2023 09:41

:-D :-D :-D Maggie it sounds like you have the same provider as us or are they all c**p as I suspect. Happy to take our money though:-D


maggiewinchester Report 8 Nov 2023 09:08

I've had intermittent internet access since about the last week in October - and it's slowly got worse..
I contacted my provider - online - last Sunday (they don't take phone calls on a Sunday)
That was a waste of about 2 hours of my life, not helped by the intermittent internet access - or that one person's 'deep amber', is another person's red!!! :-D

Hung some washing out on Sunday, and noticed a 'box' - looks like a remote - attached to the phone line. This box appears to be in two halves, held together by black tape - which is falling off.

Phoned on Monday. Mentioned the black tape - totally confused the person.
Wasted 3 hours of my life this time, going through 'tests', only to be told my internet is intermittent! But, I do have a person coming out sometime today.

I must bite my tongue, and not refer to the black tape as innovative 'high tech', ensuring the world is ready to run on AI :-D :-D :-D :-D

Edit: I managed to get on the site, type the above, then I lost the internet, and had to wait 16 minutes before it came back and I could post it! :-|