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James Report 7 May 2006 18:11

it's not fair.....sob.......sob......I did not get any dreams........ and no one will divulge the content..............sob........James :<(((

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 7 May 2006 18:09

Hi Caz Mmmm the dreams!! 6pm a few more hours till bed lol lol Stayed in bed until - 11.20 this morning, not asleep but wide awake as the mornings are hard so I thought bugger it I will just lie here until dinner. Evenings are the best time of the day for me, except for hubby, just had a right shout at him - reason was he was being nice to me??? poor man, he just shrugged his shoulders and walked off!! Friend just texted to see if I'm going out for a drink - no - and when I do it will be only for an hour or so and a glass of water until I can trust myself to not have a cig Tomorrow is going to be my fifth day ( at 2.45pm ) and on the 7th day I'm going to treat myself to something nice. Deb's - have joined the site you mentioned and have now got a glove compartment to keep me motivated. Joanne


*****BMDMAD***** Report 7 May 2006 17:58

well done Joanne for reaching your 4th day. Enjoy the dreams!! Tomorrow is the start of my sixth week. I can't believe it. Really didn't think it would be this easy. Just on more week on the 21mg patches, then drop down to the next step. Has anyone finished the 'course' of patches. What happens after the 10 weeks? How did you feel, had the cravings disappeared? etc etc. Love not being wheezy and coughing in the mornings, running up stairs is easier too. Keep it up everyone Caz


Debbie Report 7 May 2006 15:04

Carol, I know exactly what you mean, I went to pull into a car space yesterday and the person in the car in the next space had their windown open and chuffing away, I had my window open and it smelt rotten so I found another space further away! Debs x


Debbie Report 7 May 2006 14:29

Good Morning Everyone. Joanne I am so proud of you, listening to you about the smell LOL, I have to admit the dreams and lack of sleep where awful but it will pass. 4 days that is fantastic keep up the good work. Carol I like the fact that I dont wheeze when I go to bed. And I love the fact that I dont smell... I dont like people who smoke in the street and then you get a right nose and lungfull - glad they are banning it in the pubs before we get back. Debs x

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 7 May 2006 13:42

Hi Carole Doing ok now I've got the morning out of the way! Think I have now got it in my head that mornings are always going to be bad - my mind is playing tricks on me. Two hours and I have reached a full four days - sense of smell is knocking me for six and I'm not out of breath half as much Just PM'd James, Jame you support is great as it everyone's on here - THANKYOU -it helps to talk. Oh and the dreams have started - first couple of nights I couldn't sleep but now I can't wait to sleep!! ha ha ha, now I know what Deb's meant!! The amount of water I'm drinking is scarey, anyone would think I was sat in a 90 degree heatwave and trying not to dehydrate, keep filling bottles with water and putting them in the fridge, OH calls them my comfort bottles - lol OH is now considering joining me, he is amazed with how well I have done and says that if I can do it so can he, hope he does overwise I may have to divorce him due to the foul smell Joanne


James Report 6 May 2006 18:13

Well done Joanne, it was difficult to believe us when we all said it gets easier as you go. How does your OH smell now, Carol used to say it was like going to bed with a full ashtray. When you convince OH to stop, he will get the same support but he will have you as an example that it can be done. It is worth enquiring in your Library if there is any workshops for quitting, in our area we have one that offers 6 weeks of patches which is considerable saving. There is also the NHS Smoking Helpline 0800-169-0-169 which might be worth while investigating James

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 6 May 2006 17:50

Hi James Yes three full days!!! I can't quiet believe I have got his far to be honest, Mornings are still the worst - right up until dinner time and then it gets easier in the afternoon and the evening! going to stay in bed till dinner tomorrow!! lol Joanne


James Report 6 May 2006 16:31

Hi Joanne how is it going today, must be 3 whole days now. Is not your O.H. a bully for not letting himself take the blame, if you started smoking the WEED again!!! james :<)))


James Report 6 May 2006 09:20

To anyone giving up the WEED, try your local library and see if they have any information on Quitting the WEED, our one has a local workshop which gives among other things 6 weeks of patches, which is a great saving, Your Doctor's should be able to give advice, Do not know this for certain but MAY be able to supply on prescription. There is the NHS Smoking Helpline 0800 -169-0-169 Hope this is of some help for those about to give up. James


Debbie Report 5 May 2006 21:51

Chuckle - Thats why I said you could have my calories as you lost more weight than me.. and if I drink my wine with water it wont count, lol Joanne - I am so proud of you, huge pat on the back, see told you it gets easier.. keep it up girl and for doing so well I will have 2 drinks for you! Gray - You will do it when your ready, it has to come from you and nobody else, but we are here for you xx Baz - My taste buds have changed hence going to have wine tonight and maybe one beer instead of lots due to being able to taste it and it not being what I thought! I am so proud of you all for quitting and trying to quit the weed.. Debs x


Unknown Report 5 May 2006 21:47

You are all putting me to shame.. Well done everyone. Grayxx

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 5 May 2006 21:44

Hi all, Finding this evening is the best I have felt - no urge to have a cig. Do feel better and strangley the more I talk about it to anyone who will listen the better I feel. My OH has removed the ashtrays and his ciggies and his lighters - have no idea where they have gone and he goes outside and out of sight for a cig - bless him, he even ignored me at dinner today when I drove home from work and begged him to give me just one cig, or just one puff - didn't get either - I think my mind told me that if it was the OH that gave me a cig it would be ok as it would then be his fault I failed and not mine - lol lol. See you all later Joanne

Essex Baz

Essex Baz Report 5 May 2006 19:44

Gave up smoking on the 16th Feb. '06, and not had one since. Been smoking for 45 years, and thought, I've had enough of these, and gave up. Cravings have been terrible, but virtually gone now. Don't feel any different though, food still tastes the same, in fact, nothing seems to have changed at all. Baz


Debbie Report 5 May 2006 19:33

Hi, Carol - I will have a drink for you I promise, maybe 2 if you will take the calories for me??? I know what you mean about days, I keep losing track but I do know that it will be 5 weeks without one at 10pm tomorrow night.. Caz - I have done it twice and turned into a monster, im about to drop down to the 14 mg at the weekend, the ones im on say 6 weeks at 21 mg but im ready to go down to 14 now for 2 weeks. It really does get easier and to be honest as I have said the time I usually think about them is when I am looking for this thread. Joanne - Hope your well and sticking to your guns and fighting this habit, as you can see it can be done with the want of not to smoke, patches, gum or whatever substitute you need, but the biggest part is your willpower. Good Luck Debs x


*****BMDMAD***** Report 5 May 2006 19:24

Hi all Joanne - congrats on getting through it so far, just aim for one day at a time, you'll soon find you think about it less and less Debs - yes I think I'm about 1 day behind you. I had my last ciggie at 7am on Monday 3rd April. Yesterday was bad, forgot to put patch on in the morning, didnt even think about it till 1/2 way through the morning. I couldn't get home at lunchtime so struggled through, had a big staff issue to sort out in the afternoon after which I could have screamed for a ciggie, but I didn't! I was so pleased with myself, didn't put a patch on again till this morning. Keep going Joanne, it does get easier - promise Caz


James Report 5 May 2006 17:16

Hi Joanne Well done 48 hours and counting. Looking through a leaflet from 'patientuk' one of the things it suggest is to make a list why you want to give quit the Weed and it's addiction So Want to save money breathe easier get sense of smell back don't won't to smell like an ashtray Get Cancer Have money for Holiday to spend Holes burnt in clothes No stained teeth or fingers Less decoration needed at home Cheaper life insurance That's a few, print your additions and when you feel down it will help to remember why, you are quitting the weed. Tell your work colleagues, you have quit, do not be afraid, alright some might take the mickey, but you know you are in the right and those who do not have not the will power you have. Bonus, when you are at the Airport, see the tiny space the smokers have to crowd into to have their fix, it looks so grimy in there. James


Debbie Report 5 May 2006 15:36

Joanne, Your doing fantastic and im so proud of you, I must admit to not wanting to have a cig for the first few days so hat off to you girl you sound like it has been a lot tougher for you than for me. But just think 48 hours without... So proud of you.. Will be around if you need to scream and yell.. Think im off out for a wine or 2 tonight... its a small bar and we know the people in there and I love it when they go for a cig as they know im watching and thinking that they havent got the willpower, it is a joke with us and they just wish they could do it. So Joanne I will have a few drinks for you too, though since packing in smoking I have reaslised im not as keen on bud light as I thought I was!! WELL DONE Debs x

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 5 May 2006 15:31

Hi all 2 days now completed and I do feel a lot better this afternoon, this morning was awful and I nearly gave in, but have worked through it and I feel ok. Don't normally work Saturdays but have said I will just to keep me occupied and away from the temptation. Must say that even 2 days since my last ciggie I do feel less out of breath and can smell the outside world alot better or worse depending on the smell in this short space of time. James and Deb - your support is great, thankyou Joanne


Debbie Report 5 May 2006 12:25

Morning All, Well done everyone and keep up the good work. James thats good advice for Joanne - I found that my first week was the hardest also, especially as hubby was away but luckily for me I had my in laws here and they just let me ramble on about it all the time, the more you talk about it, the more you realise that its a disgusting habit that need kicking. Gosh I must have borred the pants off them but hey 5 weeks tomorrow and still going strong. I joined a website that keeps details of how long you have saved on your life, money saved and how many cigs you have not smoked, it has a wonderful support group on there also (thats what I have seen from reading it) I find the support from here second to none. Thank you Debs x Heres my details from that website which is called - stop smoking debs's Glove Compartment Todays Date: 5/5/2006 My Milage: My Quit Date: 4/2/2006 Smoke-Free Days: 33 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 499 Amount Saved: $115.5 Life Gained: Days: 2 Hrs: 19 Mins: 15 Seconds: 9 Oops just realised, out here its month then day! And as you can see they count the whole days you have not smoked, which is why I most probably get confused.