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TonyOz Report 15 Feb 2006 13:00

Evening. Joodles. I was a Budgie breeder mate. Dont do it now though, as dont seem to have the time, but yearsago i built my own breeding cages and Avaries. Ozzie Pieds, Lutino's, Clearwings,Spangles,Opalines, and my favourite was Violet Pied. When i moved to Barbs in 92 i started breeding again ( birds that ) but her two Reddies ( Red Healers ) ripped the avairy open one night, and i lost the lot, plus had trouble with Possums as well, so gave up in the end. Lew Lew. I love the Antique Road show also, and not try to miss it when its on. It makes you wonder what you have lying around the house sometimes. Just watching the jaws drop on some of those peeps faces when they are told how much an item they have would bring at auction, or how much they should insure the item for, its amazing. Now if ya interested in who and what in the world of Ozzie Comp's....then visit this site....its enough to make ya http://www.lottos(.) Av a great day to-morrow. Tony Oz :>))


Lewella Report 15 Feb 2006 20:31

Good Morning All. Some lovely rain here overnight, about 21mm (nearly an inch for those who are bi-lingual). More storms predicted this arvo, so better get yesterday's washing in and put it in the dryer. I mean, how many final rinshes does it need! Another day in the office (oh goodie!) then off to do the shopping (oh fun, oh bliss and its pension day!!!!!!!) Hava good 'un. Lew Lew :)))) xx

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 15 Feb 2006 22:03

Gosh your birthday list will be interesting Lara, can you squeeze me in 25th June 1951, I thought it was so cool to be half way between Xmas and Xmas when I was a kid ( sister is 19 Dec, she hates it!!) I dislike being Cancer tho', such a boring homebody unadventurous kind of birth sign, I think I fought against that when young and went wandering because of it !! Right, I'm off for a haircut now, then visit a friend home from hospital - I'm rapt because we've got a new part-time person in my office, doing some of my routine jobs, taught her last week, this week she's just doing beautifully and I am very relieved as I have had too much to do by myself.I might even get time to find myself some dangly jingly bits soon lol !! Enjoy your beautiful day everyone Heather in Albury


Laurie Report 15 Feb 2006 22:07

Good morning Waffling wattlers, lovely cool day here on the Bay. Hi Lew, glad you are getting some of the rain out the other side of the mountain - we're expecting some here today too! Just had a good walk on the beach - entertainment till I couldn't keep up with the footy team out there training . . . (have to get fitter) Jude (Melb type) Hope you have a lovely time with your friend over from the big freeze. Lets hope there aren't any noisy little ones on our flight in 13 DAYS TIME !!!!! She should love it up north - I mean who wouldn't. Toodles Joodles, wherever your off to have a great time . . . (Oni went to Griffiths yeasterday, got me another box of that DeBort medicine) (sorry all family secret!) Your John done good on Valentines day/night Von, hope he's feeling a little better about the family stuff - is the holiday doing the trick ?? I'm an Antique Road Show fan too . . . good for a drool and a chuckle. Some of the quotes are really amazing! We grew up with birds - multitudes of them! Dad had a timber mill, and if there was a nest in any tree that came down - the babies came to our place - fed many a garggle gargggllle with mushy porridge! We had this enormous avairy attatched to the side of the laundry - over the years they chewed away at the timber wall and it became a bird wire wall. Our Pogo (yes, he got the name because he jumped up and down) only died just before Christmas, the last of the bird family - and Dad brought him home when mum was in hospital haveing younger brother Ken in 1952. Pogo was a blue eyed corrella, and talk . . . . You could have real conversations with 3 of them, Pogo, Peter (pink & grey gallah) & Wacko (sulphur crested) - we had a magie who could whistle up a storm, and multitudes of various budgies. finches and other beautiful parrotts. . . . . Yes, I know not right to cage wild birds . . . . but we did, and wouldn't change it for quids, it was all part of an amazing childhood. Pogo had been living with my ex-brother in law in Brissie for the past 20years, Mikes best mate! About a year before Dad died, he asked me if I could get a photo of the Pog's next time I was up home, so I rang Mike and asked him - a couple of weeks later, Dad had a knock on his door and there was Mike, in West Wyalong with Pogo, he left Pogo with Dad for the night - came back the next day to pick him up and drove back to Brissie. Wasn't that just the nicest thing to do . . . I know it meant the world to my old Dad. Mike tried so hard to get Pogo to swear, but he wouldn't - I think he heard mum too many times years before tell us kids she'd wash our mouths out with soap if we swore. Heard from Leah yesterday, she's keeping up with the thread when she gets the chance - but says we all talk too much were making it hard for her to catch up when she does get the opportunity. Got a date with a hot iron and some wrinkly shirts- so will catch up later cheers luv Laurie

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 15 Feb 2006 23:23

Good morning all Laurie we had birds too when we were young and loved them especially our galah who used to dance when you said lallala and call my brother Rick all the time it was because it was him who was always being naughty and the galah would scream RIIIICCCCKKKK and we used to laugh cause it just sounded like Mum yelling at him again. We had budgies and then pigeons yuk I didn't like them. Laurie the mental picture of you nearly running along the beach with the footballers and them gradually pulling away and you going faster trying to catch up heehe and we know you weren't really trying to catch up you wanted to stay behind them in sight of all those nice behinds in shorts ohhh the mind boggles. !# days your must be sooo excited lucky girl. Mike sounds like a lovely person to do that for your Dad must be like you Jude you are a nice hostess can I come and be a guest and you can take me up to the islands for some R&R too, have a nice time. Heather have noted b/day and yes good timing . Devily must tell you my family goes 1st july Cassie and brother, and 3rd july Mike ,10th of july Melissa, and her first husband was the 14th, and so was my goddaughter /neice and mine the 31st so made sure Josh was born in January,heheh Tony I keep forgetting that antique road show I really need some one to remind me when its on heeh ok folks just an inside joke lol Tony will say bye for now love Lara

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 16 Feb 2006 02:28

Ok what's happened to you all Coooeee are you all loafing or working where you are????


Judy Report 16 Feb 2006 02:35

Hi Lara - I am here - just. Almost ready to walk out the door for the weekend. Have I got everything? Hm, nearly forgot the shampoo and conditioner. Will have to do a mental check before leave! I hope you lot arent too rowdy over the weekend, otherwise it will take me all night and part of Monday to catch up! Be good Love Joodles


Aussieone Report 16 Feb 2006 02:58

Hi Wattlers Sorry Lara to leave you alone. First day of school had to take girls as busses are on strike. then it is payday so had to pay bills and get groceries. Just got back from my walk, gee its hot out there. Just when you think summer is over it comes out and gets hot again 28 at the moment, it was also hot yesterday, so with your little joke Lara that would probably explain why sweat is pouring out of me and fan going flat out, Just to think I have to go back out in the heat to pick up the girls. When it comes to growing up with birds we had 2 magpies in a cage next door :-(( does that count? Of course they wouldnt be in our yard he he. Rebs hope you are ok, I think I saw somewhere a message saying you were'nt real well. Hope your better soon as its quiet without you. Laurie now I hope I didnt start something with watching footballers training lol, you can have yours, they was probably in the wrong colour for me he he. Next weekend NAB Cup yipee!!! Well must go try and get back on later. Probably have books to cover Knowing my luck. Cheers Sue


Laurie Report 16 Feb 2006 04:01

Oh Devly, was I suppose to be looking at what colour they were wearing . . . . sorry didn't notice! luv Laurie


Trifley Report 16 Feb 2006 04:30

I am hugely p****d off and I don't care who knows it!!! { Trifley paces up & down, yelling & waving arms about in maniacal manner}. I have been trying for over 2 weeks to organise an insurrance claim for a damaged wheel which was delivered to us. Our son ordered 4 new fancy wheels for his car, they arrived on Jan 25th...the day before the public holiday. One of the wheels was damaged in transit. We let the company which sold them know on Frid 27th. Photos of said damage were emailed to them and they started ins proceedures. A rep of the company which transported the wheels finaly said 'We will not process the claim because we were not informed within 24 hours'. The wheel company & I have spent the last 3 days being duck shoved from one department to another because no one knows about it or 'it is not my section'. At last, after 40 minutes going from one dept. to another ON STD CALL, I have just spoken to a young man in 'customer service' in Brisbane who is going to follow it up. Once this is finalised to my satisfaction ( & it had better be!!) I will tell any one who is willing to listen NOT to use this Nationwide Transport company if they want anything moved!


TonyOz Report 16 Feb 2006 05:44

Afternoon everyone. Nuther warm day in Melb. 30c....but supposed to be a cool change later on. W.T.....Sounds like you need a Wine without the trifle mate. The duck shoving from one dept to the next, always builds up the blood pressure. Have had similar experience myself, and it seems its never anyones fault, but please hold, and i will put you through to this/that dept. ( that knows nothing about it ) When we were in U.K last year we hired a car from a very well world wide known car hire. When we received the car, the car hire give you a small sheet of paper with a picture/drawing of the car and the damages listed/marked on it with small crosses, so you can see where the car was damaged through previous drivers, and you are not libel for the damage already on the car upon its return to the car hire. After we were given the keys, we walked around the car checking it for any marks that were not listed on the sheet. All was o'k............After our 7 days from York to Heathrowe airport we pulled into this car hire bay to return the car. There were 4 inspectors waiting to check the car over, which we found unusual, as this was our 3rd hire from the same company in the U.K.......One from Cornwall to Gloucestershire.......One from Dublin,Ireland back to Dublin after a weeks hire, and the 3rd from York to Heathrow ( airport ) The first two hires, all we were required to do was drop the keys of at the office ( no inspection of the car to see if it was damaged. )....but the one at Heathrow we were grilled.......and the four inspectors ( from the car hire )...walked around the car ( didn't even look inside it at the upholstery to see if we had damaged it? )....but we noticed, immediately as we drove in they all seemed to be looking at the tyres..?? ( not the body of the car ) One inspector called me over and pointed to a small cut in the tyre, and informed me to follow him into the office, as i would be up for the cost of a new tyre. Well after i had calmed Barb down....Yelling at the top of her voice....#^$%#$%^^$## ....B*****RDS( cos ya dont upset the Irish ) I said ya gotta be jokin mate...thats normal wear and tear on the road....and its quite possible i ran over a peice of glass or stick or something, i said. Sorry Sir.....but its not maked on the sheet of paper that you got when you picked the car up, and you should have checked theTyre's........Well i must admit i didnt check for Tyre damage as i thought it would relate more to Body damage of the car.......Anyway, there was a Yank at the counter with me, blowing his cool over exactly the same thing ( Tyre damage )...and he was letting them have it good and proper. I was a bit cooler, and kept me hat on, as i could see that the Yank was gettin nowhere. I just agreed with the car hire people, and got freindly with the staff... ( Barb was looking at me stupid like )...and still fuming, wondering why i wansn't blowing my cool, like the Yank. I thought to myself this is a scam to replace Tyres on these cars when there returned by the clients, so they get a Tyre changeover fully paid for by the client.....Hmmmmm I told them i was an Ozzie........and worked for a large newspaper company in Australia ( advertising journalist )...........Never heard a thing ya know about that Tyre, nor did i ever pay for it to be replaced.................Peeps hate bad advertising i reckon.......:>)) I wonder how many more peeps, they got that day. Sorry for the long story, but if you hire car, check for damages on the Tyres as well as the car body, before you drive off. A mistake i wont make again. Tony Oz :>))

Jude 3

Jude 3 Report 16 Feb 2006 06:15

arvo to anyone who is around, Trifley I'm with Tony - definately a wine without the trifle for you. These big companies just love to pull their weight, but stick your guns on this one. We had a nationwide freight company ship a motor from sydney to melbourne or thats we thought until it turned up at same name suburb in Perth WA! As well as me being not best pleased you can imagine the kerfuffle telling the customer! Did get it eventually - a week later, with 6,000 or so extra kms on the clock - without it being in a car! Tony good tip re the hire car company, although now with having digital technology we always take pictures of the car when we pick it up as well as filling in the sheet. B****T Company tried stinging us for existing damage on last trip to NZ and we just whipped out the photos, also had arranged to drop off at airport when hire completed and they tried to charge us an extra $88 - which was not mentioned at the time of pick up, 'no sir no extra charge for leaving at the airport'. B******S. You have to 2nd guess them all the time. Well have kept up with all the messages today - just, but off home now. Have a good night jude3


Trifley Report 16 Feb 2006 06:17

Hi Tony Sounds like a good scam to get new tyres for free!! One thing these big companies work on is that you will get sooo frustrated and upset you will just cave in and accept what they say. Well not this little black duck!!!!! I don't care if it is only $500, I am going to fight them all the way. I have been like you, cool, calm & collected and polite with a smile in my voice. Yelling & screaming just gets people's backs up. But I will prevail!!! Nothing comes between a mother & her child particularly when right is on her side. Trotting off now to supervise re-arrangement of lounge room furniture. I am so wound up I need some release so I am getting hubby to move furniture. Work....I love it! I could watch it all day! Oooo Rooo Trifley


Lewella Report 16 Feb 2006 07:22

Evening all, just about to sit down to a sushi dinner - yum. Winey, sounds like you've had a tough time of it. And you too Tony. I just reckon in this day and age if someone can find some way to shaft you, they will! Insurance companies in particular seem to always try not to honour their obligations! How's the furniture rearranging going WT? Hope it helps relieve the stress. I find ordering the OH around does wonders for the health. Hope everyone has a great evening. Ciao for now Lew Lew (aka Leweegee)


Aussieone Report 16 Feb 2006 09:51

Evening All It is still hot over here, have sent girls to bed, so they can try and get enough sleep for school tomorrow probably be awake for hours with the heat. It is definately sleep on top of bed with windows open. Lara apart from our heat at the moment, what did that last line say about when H..L freezes over Tassie would win the pura cup ........ Well we havent won the cup but we beat the top of the ladder team in Victoria lol. Just had to add that as I saw it on news tonight otherwise I would have known anything about it. But I did See Ricky Ponting take a specky catch the other day. Cheers Sue


TonyOz Report 16 Feb 2006 13:08

Evening peeps. Just passing through, and thought i would drop off these two links. Quite good for people searching in India. Found the marriage of my Grandmother's parents on it, so hope they might help someone. http://users.rootsweb(.)com/~indwgw/Bengal/Calcuttagroom.htm Av a good day to-morrow. Tony Oz :>)) ps. Very warm and muggy night in Melb.


Aussieone Report 16 Feb 2006 20:16

Morning Wattlers I am up a bit earlier today so I can get a bit of work done, go for my walk and have my shower befor 10.00 as landlord is coming to strip paint in one of the bathrooms and repaint it. We only have shower in this bathroom the other one only has a bath, I prefer showers but if need be we have bath to use if other one cant be used for a couple of days. Im going well with my diet, still hate water but I am drinking it and walking every day, in 11 days I have lost 3.6 kg, not a lot but I dont mind if I lose it slowly. It is going to be another hot one today forcasting 27 but that was the same as yesterday and it finally got to 31, it only dropped to 17 overnight so yes we had a muggy night as well as Vic, they are also forecasting thunderstorms late today, typical as I have to drive a bus to Hobart early tomorrow. Anyway must go and do girls lunches ready for school. Catch you all After. Cheers Sue


Aussieone Report 17 Feb 2006 02:39

Afternoon Anna I wont say all as it looks like it is just the two of us so far today. Yes I am happy with the weight that I have lost as long as I can lose that much for the next few fortnights I will be happy. Our school has just gone back as we still are working on a 3 term year, it sounds silly as we still have about a 10 day break for easter but it is in the middle of term 1. The government has sent out a questionaire on whether we want a 3 or 4 term year, I know I would prefer a 4 year one as it would then be easier with Davids children living in Vic to work out holidays as they would be about the same time. At the moment Davids children come over in the september holidays and mine are at school, so we are trying to get his to go to bed at same time as mine even with them being on holiday or mine want to sit up with them. Also my girls were ready and looking forward to going back to school for about the last 3 weeks as they were getting sick of nothing to do, or more to the point getting bored with thhe things they had been doing, they even got tired and bored with the computer. I am like you Anna I do hope Rebs is ok, it is very quiet here, with some away on holiday and some at work while others have just gone AWOL. Hang on a minute when is Mike due to arrive here from England? Do dont think he has kidnapped her so they have a personal guide lol? I cant remember when they were due to arrive. Well landlord was here when I got back from my walk so I had to put up with a bath and not a shower. The have pulled everything except bath, sink and toilet out of room and scrapped back the old paint wash walls and started with the filler and undercoat the ceiling so I have got all doors open to try and stop the build up of paint smell, it will be good when it is finished, as the old paint was peeling off the walls and there was a bad problem with mould so a mould inhibitor in the paint we are hoping will do the trick. Cheers Sue


Lewella Report 17 Feb 2006 03:03

Afternoon Anna & Sue. Thunderstorms in Mudgee overnight and forecast again for this arvo. I love 'em! I think the naughty corner have been soooo bad, that Rebs needed a timeout! Missing hubby a bit Anna, but it's nice to have some time to myself. You know, paint nails, do eyebrows, all of the girly stuff. Good for you Sue losing that weight. Taking it off slowly is the best way. Just remember, that's how you put it on. I too am not a great water fan, but I force myself for my kidney's sake. Nothing planned for the weekend, except for going to the new house to see what the builders have been up to. All very exciting. Chat with you all over the weekend Lew Lew xxx

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 17 Feb 2006 03:09

hi all (them's that are around!) I have been reading but not contributing as was a bit snowed under with youngest son getting organised - and hogging my computer! I'm not used to sharing anymore :) Guess what - hot matches came up trumps! First time for me :) Found a whole branch of hubby's side AND.......... he has a link to a second fleeter!! (another convict :) lol Still have to check all the info but it is pretty well documented through several sources. There is even a portrait of his great x4 grand mother in the NSW archives somewhere. I have to track it down. Sooo exciting. Maybe Rebs has reformed??? (hope she is ok) :( We love you Rebs, just as you are :) Catch you later, just going to browse. Vonny