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Message for..Ethel Of Stoke Poges & Bogna

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~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 22 Feb 2005 08:11

Mornin Effie. Wot yer running then sum sorta caff? All them folks droppin in an all. Ah never saw Gladys in Rome an yeah it is annuver country. Wot a building site tho. Everyfinks falling darn and nuffinks finished an everyone goes ter look at it! Nowt so strange as folk is there? I quaite like Mabe's tiara so if she doan wan' it, chuck it ere gel. Is it bingo tonite gels or 'ave ah missed it? Yer stay indoors Effie - bleedin brass monkeys artside it is. Anyone'd fink we wos getting snow! Elsie


Unknown Report 22 Feb 2005 04:08

Watcha gals, Well - I feels sorry fer you lot - all this snow - and yer lot av ter to go out in it - and I don't - me art is wiv yer gals Had anuvver load o them men and wimen pop in fer dwinks - der they fink I have munny - hmph stoney we is And gess wat - did I hear that Gladys ad bin to Rome - caw her tells lies - Rome - it in a nuvva county in it - tut tut - and as fer her stichin up Daisy - cor - I needs big time decent fowk like me and you Well gals - cockles of me art now warmed for avin yer here for a cuppa - keep it up cos yer betterer at it than me Mabe - still waitin for sum git to collect yer tiara - wots bloomin keepin yer - ay - daft cow - I no - betcha gonna try and swipe it back int yer - cer craft old moo xxxxxxxx - and shakin ead at teefless Mabe

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 21 Feb 2005 20:19

Oi Clara stop spreadin malishush rumers, I do go a theter, and when I do i go as a gal named Lynda, I haves to that cos when I goes, I goes in me posh frox I keeps in the lorft. I scub up ell an all I do, but if you want REAL gossip I can tell ya about that Chrissie Smiff, only told me i can take 'er ol man wiv me, I know she wants to get shot of 'im, but bloomin 'eck you seen 'is mug, frightening it is :)) I gota go into the middle of bloomin London termorra and it's snowin. what is the world cummin to eh? Snowin in February, who'd a fort it. See ya Gals. Mabel x x

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 21 Feb 2005 19:20

'Ere Delores . Bangers and mash 'eh!...come up in the world you 'ave girl I 'ad me wheels on meals fer lunch. Nice bit a mince an' tatties. Wiv figs an' custard fer arfters. Havin' a tin of pilchards fer me tea, sharin' 'em wiv the cat. Snowin' now........ better stock up fer a buzzard. Got some nice tins of grub left over from the war......Bit of alright they are, ......yer do know tins last fer ever....... Mildred xx


Unknown Report 21 Feb 2005 19:03

buuuuuuuuurp oh errr paddon me gals just 'ad me tea - bangers an' mash - bootyfool it were dolores


Christine2 Report 21 Feb 2005 13:30

Hiya Gals Missed yer this mornin. I ad to go to the dentist fer a check up. She gave um a clean and polish but I didn't see no beeswax. I alas thinks that brings up the shine when yer polishin but I suppose that would have cost extra. She says as owe one of me teef might need a cap. Silly moo - owe does she fink I can fit an 'at in me mouff. I know it's a bit big but..........(don't you lot dare answer that!!). Anyway, I picked up a bit of gossip while I were up the town. Mabe, me old mate, youv'e been sussed. I ran into me cousin Doris an she does a bit of cleanin fur a woman named Chrissie (what sort of names that fur a woman I arsk you). Well, do you remember them boards and freds that somebody was on about the uther day? I found out that our Mabe has been wastin ere time on em as well. She was making out as owe she goes to the theatre - as if!! Well, she thought she was incog....incogny.....wouldn't be recognised cause she was usin a pretend name. Callin erself Lynda she was (delusions of grandur or what!!). But then she forgot erself and put Mabel. So Mabe, now we all know what yer up to. Next time we all drop in fer tea and biscuits, we'll be lookin fur the dust, if youv'e bin wastin yer time on them freds. Well ducks - must fly - catch yer later. Luv as alas - Clara xx

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 21 Feb 2005 09:21

Mornin' gals ! Know wotcha mean Mabe, me poor old pussy was nearly frozen. 'Ad ter thaw 'Im out by the leccy fire. First time i've 'ad ter put both bars on in 3 years. Mind yer, he was as good as new arfter a good cuddle 'an a drink of milk. Sure he 'ad a silly grin on his chops, 'as he finished them left over fish 'eds... Mildred xx

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 21 Feb 2005 09:00

Wotcha Mabe Ah'm off art in a mo so ah'll have a look in the co-op fer yer. Seen some on the market too wiv matching slipperette fingies and an 'at. Real nice. Might get a bright green one fer meself. No snow here ducks - not yet anyroad. Back ron. Elsie

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 21 Feb 2005 08:02

Mornin' Gals, Goin out early terday, bloomin cold tho, even the cats back in doors on her chair, by the fire, she'll stay there all day now, wish I could. If any of ya go to the Co-Op terday, can yer get me one of them bed jackets, they've got em on special £4.75 they are really good quality acrylic, get me a bright pink will ya I'll give ya the money when we 'ave our cuppa later on. Gotta go the bus is turnin the corner. Mabel x x x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 20 Feb 2005 22:50

Hiya Effie and the gals, how you all doin terday? I've 'ad one of them, whatchermacallit days, productive I fink its called, saw that on the telly, good word, been out posh I have, will tell yer all about it termorrow over tea and toast. We've ad snow we 'ave, but not like we used to get it years ago, nah this was'nt proper, just like our summers they aint so 'ot are they? Goin a bed now got me 'ot water bottle 'ot and me curlers in, the cats out and the doors is locked, so see ya in the mornin, have a good night me darlins wontcha? Love from Mabel x x x

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 20 Feb 2005 09:48

Mornin' Delores 'Ere you mean old Winnie and Cedric?? Blimey 97 and a half is a bit old 'ter be wearing white aint it? I mean, theve been co-harberin' fer fifty seven years 'an livin in sin aint 'urt 'em ! Blimey It'll be like a snail race, shufflin' darn the isle on them zimmers of theirs. 'Ope they don't take too long, 'cos i'll be wantin' me sherry after and me fish paste sarnies... Mildred x


Unknown Report 20 Feb 2005 04:24

linkin 'eck gals - is that all you do is moan abaht my old mans feet???? I bets it were really yer kippery bits Mildred. OOh Mabe - sure you could gove one of them there teacosies to that couple dahn the bottom of yer road thats finally gettin 'itched dolores

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 19 Feb 2005 14:51

Hiya Gals Just back from bingo got a full house I did and guess wot I got? Only a bloomin tea cosy, got 4 already, so I says to Jim, the caller, Oi Jim I've already got 4 of these and e seys, No you ain't 'e said you got 5 now, Cheeky git. Fought if you could Efiie wiv all your needle working skills, if ya sewed up the spout and 'andle 'oles you coud make me an 'at, cos it's a lovely pinky green colour, goes wiv that coat I got in the 50's. I'll bring it rowned later I will fer ya to 'ave a look. 'ave the kettle on luv eh? Mabe x x x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 18 Feb 2005 23:19

Hiya Else & Mild Bit taters in the mould down that park wern't it, and them bloomin kids, don't know why they let them in the park I don't, making all that noise, and runnin rownd ya. You'd fink there muvvers would tel 'em to shut up but they don't do they. did in my day seen an not eard was kids, just as should be now. Those two liitle fellas I took were as good as gold they were. The one in the pram 'ad his reins on so couldn't get owt an the ovver fella, well he just wernt orf for an hour so's we could 'ave our cuppa, good kid e is. Anyhow gonna go a bed naw, all that fresh air ain't good for ya. See ya tomorra up the Market eh? Mabe x x x

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 18 Feb 2005 17:08

Evenin' all Just put some kippers on fer me tea. Made out I wanted some bits fer me cat at the fishmongers. Got a head and a few tails, fer next ta nuffink. Cook em up & no one would ever notice the differance. Need ta buy a new 'at fer the royal weddin. as me bleedin cat widdled in me other one. Bought a lovely yella one at the charity shop. Big wide brim like the one I wore to our Phyllis weddin' in '64. Bit of a pong of moff balls but at least it will keep the mozzies away. Cost a quid but she gave it ter me fer nuffink, cant fink why tho. mildred xx

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 18 Feb 2005 14:37

Ill come wiv yer mabe, Ill bring some of that 'Ard cheese fer the ducks, they aint got nah teef ta break. Mind you their bleedin beaks are 'ard. Chased little Johnny pooperpants & bit his that was a larf... Mildred x

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 18 Feb 2005 14:31

Ah'll give yer Sarfend Mabel. Hurrumph! Ah 'ad ter get on a plane an everyfink an ah broat back sum top totti fer all you gels but I ain't letting yer 'ave 'im nar! See yer darn the park later. Elsie

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 18 Feb 2005 14:15

'Er gals, take no notice of that Elsie, she's always tellin fibs, she ain't bin to no Rome, she'e just bin raoamin, saw 'er ol man earlier and 'e sed the've bin to soufend, for the day, she finks it forrin tho, so I spose it don't reely matter. D'ya reckon she bought us back anything tho, I like me stick of rock I do. I bashes it on the door in little pieces and it can last me a night if I ain't got me teef in. I'm just orf out now, gotta take some kids out down the park. I leave um when i get there tho an 'ave a cuppa an a slice of Gypsy tart, well they get on me nerves kids alsways asking ya qwestions an stuff. I say say to em, ask yer muvver when ya get 'ome, well bloomin kids nowadays don't know there born do they. Anyone coming down the park for a cuppa? See ya later. Mabe x x x

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 18 Feb 2005 12:56

Sorry an all Doll but Mildred's rite abart them socks luv! Clara ah doan fink it was built at all. Looks like all the farnadayshions is still there. Rubble n stuff all over the place an the rest of it is only 'arf finished. Be nice when they've done it all tho eh? Elsie


Christine2 Report 18 Feb 2005 11:11

Mornin Gals Ooh dear, I ope that Mildred aint bin misbeavin wiv Dolores fella - ther'll be trouble at the mill!! An as fer that Daisy - well - she reckons as owe she's bin abroad. She'll be tellin us next that she's seen where the Pope lives (she can't arf spin a tale). She says it was called Rome, well I'm not surprised the buildins was fallin down. Dora (ya know that uppity one from number 18) once told me that Rome wern't built in a day. So if it only took um two days to put it up, it probably didn't take it long to fall down either. I af ter tell yer all - I'm goin to be busy today. I ave the ouse to clean and tidy cause (guess what) I'm not goin to be outdone by Effie (lovely as she is) I'M AVIN VISITORS MESELF TONITE !! Catch up wiv yer all tomorra. Luv as alas - Clara x