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Dame Report 4 Jan 2005 15:55

Hi everyone woke up to about 3in of snow this morning but I do have power, I'v been outside stood on my ladder cleaning the snow of the satelite dish, looks like I'll be home for a few days..I hope everyone is well, all my best to Jim and Mary..John that was some poem and it must have taken ages to type it , do you have any more tucked away..My tree is staying until the 6th and the outside lights when I thaw out a bit.Take care all


Margaret Report 4 Jan 2005 16:47

Morning Everyone, Glad to see most of us back, really miss Jim and Mary, hope someone hears from them soon. Now John, I have to get one back on you, so how about you being a PORN broker on Snow hill, I may do funny things but I would never sell PORN . lol !! I know what you will say only I would notice the spelling. or did you spell it that way to catch us out. ?? Well its a lovely sunny day but VERY cold,minus 25and still lots of snow on the ground , I am off to Calgary for a few days my daughter and family get back from their trip to England, hope the roads are good, havent had snow for a few days so they should be clear but maybe icy so a slow drive. Well must go and get packed up. Talk to you all at the weekend. Be good while Im gone. Marg.


June Report 4 Jan 2005 17:44

June is back. Jan how about putting Rick in the corner ??? You can always put some ditties on him, and he might move with out the aid of batteries. LAUGHTER. Marge you take care on the roads. Faith mind how you keep going up the ladder as we dont want to hear you have fallen off it. I just hope its Jim's computer that is playing up. I will send mail to him again tonight. Just with hope all is well. Catch you later. Tat Tar June.


John Report 4 Jan 2005 23:09

Hi Everyone - It's That Man Again! Ooooooooooooh Margaret, how could you think that I would do such a thing as sell "Porn" 8-))))} I spelt it Pawn, then checked what Anon wrote and had to change it - maybe Anon is one of these younger fellas what aint learned how to do it proper! Maybe he's big and strong (string), maybe he's the one someone on this site is looking for ;-))))))))))} Faith, take no notice of June, climbing a ladder is easy to someone who is profficient at riding a broom sidesaddle 8-)} you wouldn't hit a man in glasses - would yoooooooou? Ear ear, now now, cum cum our Jim, please say it's only finger trouble you're having with your puter! I do hope that you and Mary aren't still ailing. Tarrarabit - John xxxxxxxx


June Report 5 Jan 2005 12:26

Good day to you all, Looks like I am on my own again. BOOOOOOOO. Not sure what your weather is like but here in Wigston very very cold and dark and that wind almost cuts you in half. Still no sign of our Jim sent mail again last night. still no reply. Catch you all later. Tat Tar June.


Rick Report 5 Jan 2005 12:41

Hello everyone ! Hope you're all OK and Jim if you're reading this then please say hi and let us know how you and Mary are now. June - you're not alone lol - but fancy suggesting sticking me in the corner - Jan doesn't need much encouragement to poke fun at me !! Jan's taking the tree down today so the front room will look huge afterwards. Shame to take it down really as it looks so nice. Still - only 352 days to go to next Xmas lol. Rick.xx

Jan From Bristol

Jan From Bristol Report 5 Jan 2005 14:15

Hello everyone - most of the decs are down (well the ones i can reach safetly are). Now Rick that was a silly thing to say only 352 days to go till next christmas - you just know I'm gonna start guessing prezzies lol. This year I promise not to open any before christmas (honest). Hope your doing ok Faith and Margaret with the bad weather xx June am going to leave my flashing snowman up for now as he is more of a wintery thing than christmassy - thats what I am telling myself anyway:-)))))))))))) Love Jan xx


June Report 5 Jan 2005 16:07

Hello All, Jan I have just sent you mail, hope you get it ok. Now friends I have had a mail from our JIM. He has not been very well since New Years Eve. He has seen the doctor and it looks like he has to slow down abit untill he is fully recovered. Saying this Jim said he does feel a little bit better. But he may be a little bit longer off the board, but will be back as soon as he can. I am sure with me you will all want to say..... GET WELL OUR JIM AS WE ALL MISS YOU SO VERY MUCH. ALSO WE SEND OUR LOVE TO HIS BETTER HALF MARY. Catch you all later. Tat Tar June.


June Report 5 Jan 2005 17:04

Hi Jan, I have re sent the mail to you. What I did was put your old email address on it, so I have now taken that one out of my address book. Hope you get it this time. Take care love June. Hi Rick, So you dont want to go in the corner to replace your Christmas tree. I am sure Jan would feed you while you was in there. It will soon be Christmas again laughter. Tat Tar.


Dame Report 5 Jan 2005 17:12

Oh happy days, the snow is way over my wellies, I was back up the ladder this morning looking divine in wellies my p.j.'s tucked in them and a big thick coat not forgetting the hat and John my dear if you were here I'd be sending you up the ladder lol, so it's snow days for me, it's too deep for the dog so I'll have to shovel a patch as she is plaiting her legs...The sun is out so maybe it'll melt off quickly...Still no news from Jim and Mary maybe it is a comp glitch...Marg you can stop sending me this weather direct it towards the UK I'm sure Jan would like to make snow angels...Hi Ho it's back to work I go,

Jan From Bristol

Jan From Bristol Report 5 Jan 2005 18:20

To Jim Under the weather,feel out of tune We hope you are feeling better soon Take your pills,drink water,get some rest You will soon again be at your best. with love xxxxxx


June Report 5 Jan 2005 23:38

Hi Faith, Now then is that the New Look WELLIES ? Are they green ones ??? We will have to post our John over to you he might be good going up them ladders. We could even get him to clean your windows while he was at it laughter. Well I had better go now as my bed is calling and I have to be up early in the morning to go to the doctors for my check up. This getting old is not much fun, but I will keep having to take my pills. One for this and one for that. So its shack rattle and roll. giggle. Byeeee June.

Jan From Bristol

Jan From Bristol Report 6 Jan 2005 11:39

Hi June hope all goes well at the doc's Is a lovely sunny day here :-)))))))))) Love Jan xx


June Report 6 Jan 2005 17:56

Hi Jan, Heck I am late to day, never mind it was just one of those things. BP ok but have problems with my legs (poor old dear I am) laughter. Have to go back on Monday for Blood tests then the following Monday full exam to see what they can do for my hips and legs. I wonder if I can get some new legs from OXFAM laughter. Have not had any messages Jan, you know what I mean. Now where have you all gone ?????? Marge Hope your family arrived home safe and sound from the UK. Did they bring you any nice gifts ????? from the Bullring. Faith hope you have not worn your wellies out. I did like what you said about HRH perhaps I should get a new number plate for my car. With me having Blue Blood ha ha. Now all you girls are you still doing the round of shops for the sales ? Hurry up and come back as you are all missed very much. Catch you later. Tat Tar June.

Jan From Bristol

Jan From Bristol Report 6 Jan 2005 18:01

Hiya June was getting a little worried - been looking out for you all day to make sure all was ok at the doc's . (glad to hear about no messages) Wanted to email Jim today but didnt want to bombard him if he is not feeling too good - but really miss him :-(( The front room is sooo huge and bare now - cant wait till next christmas :-)) take care everyone Love Jan xx


June Report 6 Jan 2005 23:09

Hi Jan, Sorry I was late getting back on the site, thanks for your concern. Yes I will be your second MOM laughter. Thanks. I do wonder where all our friends have got too. Even our John has gone astray. I wonder if he has gone off to the SALES. Now John what did you buy ???? Our Brenda computer is still down. so I have missed being able to talk to her on the MSN messenger. I am still trying to find some of my relies, my dads side got back to the 1700, I have not put them in to my computer as I got in a mess with that. I must find out how to add all the ones I have found. To our YOUNG JIM. Just to say we are thinking about you, so keep taking the pills and let nurse Mary rub your chest how about using VIC or she may put a tar rope bag round your neck this will do you a power of good. I had some of these when I was little. So good night to you all off to get my cuppa before going to bed. Love June. Tat Tar.


Rick Report 6 Jan 2005 23:51

Hi June, Glad you are OK after your visit to the docs. Jan is well chuffed that you have adopted her as well as Jim - now she has a second Mum & a second Dad lolol. I also found a whole load of rellies today but it's soooooo confusing cos their names keep changing and they disappear from censuses and it hurt my brain so I had to stop !!!!! And poor Jan is looking for such common surnames she has given up for a while :-((((((((( Hope everyone else is OK. Rick.xx


John Report 6 Jan 2005 23:53

Hiya - It's That Man Again! Faith, dont you patronise me! I had thought about asking how much the air fare is, but had second thoughts when June suggested cleaning the windows ;-))))))} As for sending me amongst the freight June grrrrrrrrrrrr. June dearest ;-))))} do you think it was the weight of the tarred rope (when you were younger), that's buggered your legs? I was going to say when you were small, but you are that anyway I believe lol. I have leg problems too - but then, I am carrying 14 stone about (I wonder what that would cost freight to Canada?) The Black bears would think they were in for a good meal ;-))))))))))))} For Jim I was going to suggest "Goose grease", take care old fella - at least you aren't lost in the mountains ;-))))))))} As for the sales June. I am a very slow eater at mealtimes, so bought myself one of those gadgets that keep food warm on the table, my food is now warm from start to finish yipeeeeeeeee. _________________________________________________ NEWS FLASH - Ireland's worst air disaster occured early this morning when a two-seater Cessna aircraft crashed into a cemetery. Irish search and rescue teams have so far recovered 1,826 bodies and expect that number to rise, as they continue digging into the night. Tarrarabit - John xxxxxxxx


Margaret Report 7 Jan 2005 00:06

Hi Everyone, Arrived back safe and sound from Calgary, but to about 6inches of snow in RAdium, I was going to stay on with the Family until the weekend but last night they were forcasting heavy snow and wind for CAlgary, so decided to get up and leave early 9am this morning, glad I did as my son just phoned to see if I had arrived home safe and to tell me they had a terrible snow storm about 10-30 am so I was just ahead of it, the roads where dry and clear for the first 2 hours then ran into a light snow through the mountains, but not that bad until the last steep hill down into Radium and it was snowing heavy, arrived home at 12-30pm and it has snowed all afternoon. My daughter and FAmily had a great visiti in England, bought me the best thing they could....MALT LOAF cant get it here so I was thrilled, they did also bring me a beautiful silk and pearl table cloth from Duabi, Well June glad you made out o.k. at the Docs I have to to see a specialist next week about my Knee, you are right this getting old is for the birds, I gave up Birthdays last year when I turned 65 but somehow my body dosnt know this. Well gald Jim And MAry are O.K. sure miss them. must go my neighbours have made a stew and invited me over for dinner. Talk tomorrow. Marg


June Report 7 Jan 2005 11:05

Good Morning All, What a day, blowing like mad here, but not cold. Welcome to Carol. If you are nice and like a bit of a laugh you can stay with us, But we do like to find out where you come from. Marge glad to hear you got home before the snow came down Nice to hear you had some English Malt Loaf hope you are putting some nice butter on it. Hope you have good news about your knee. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. John so you dont think you wanted to be sent to Canada by freight. It would be different, mind you would have to put your coms on as its a bit cold at the bottom of the plane. Now about me being small, ok I give up this I think was due to my mom and dad keep patting me on the head laughter. My Keith, daughter, son-in-law and even my two grand-daughters are all taller than me. Do you think if I stood in a pot of compost I would grow a little laughter. I did like the story of the Cemetery, I have a Brummie friend who now lives in C.Kerry so I will tell her that one. Hi Jan and Rick. Rick now I have adopted Jan I will have to send her some names off our family tree but up to now I have not found any Smiths, Jones, Browns, or Whites. To all our other friends hope you are all well. Take care will catch you all later. Boom Boom June.