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snow white story thread.

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John Report 18 Oct 2004 20:50

... taking part in the country next Idol peformance featuring talll .....


Big Report 18 Oct 2004 18:55

a giraffe wearing dior baby dolls and a snorkel whilst pushing the tea trolley, singing who will buy my wonderful tea cakes only tuppence a throw


Lisa Report 18 Oct 2004 17:18

and two pairs of flipper just incase we............


Big Report 18 Oct 2004 17:15



Lisa Report 18 Oct 2004 17:11

yes and we have a couple of old oars with us..............


Lisa Report 18 Oct 2004 16:17

a row row row your boat gently down the stream!..............


Lisa Report 18 Oct 2004 15:29

splash they had fallen off the bridge into the river..........


John Report 18 Oct 2004 01:07

... as the governess and her seven charges sang the hills are alive with the sound of music, when all of sudden there was a mighty ........


Lisa Report 17 Oct 2004 19:07

a troll under the bridge with a few words of wisdom.............


Steve Report 16 Oct 2004 15:50

Whilst he was thinking, Sneezy came out of the Inn. “Thinking of going somewhere?” he asked Doc “Uncle Fred and Happy have gone off. I thought I’d go after them, “ replied Doc “Oh yes. Someone suspected of murder goes off all by himself, pretending to look for Fred and Happy. Go ahead and run off – no one will be suspicious,” replied Sneezy sarcastically. “Just come inside where the rest of us can keep an eye on you.” Doc and Sneezy went in to the Inn. “Looks like Happy had taken off with Uncle Fred, “ Sneezy told the rest of them. “I heard Happy say something about going for a drink or two, after the shock of the evening, “ said Whiter. “Best let them go, and they can find their own way back to our cottage tomorrow.” “Happy is getting bad for the drink,” said Doc, trying to sound like he was concerned. “It is becoming quite a habit. Would you have a word with him, Whiter? I would not like anything to happen to him when he is under the influence.” “Good idea,” replied Whiter. “Speaking of influence, he is leading Uncle Fred in the wrong direction. Fred never used to drink before he came to visit us, and met up with Happy.” They all sat in silence, thinking about the difficult upbringing that Uncle Fred had had. To say he had mixed ancestry was an understatement. His mother was a Giant, and his father was a Dwarf. His grandparents (on his mother’s side) were an Elf and a Pixie; and on his father’s side a Hobbit and a Goblin. He had come to stay with them for a few months, until a place could be found for him to try and live independently. “Let’s all get some sleep. We can get up early in the morning, and get home,” said Whiter. “I want to find out what happened tonight, and who killed Dopey,” complained Sneezy. “Tomorrow,” said Whiter, firmly. “When we have got home, and buried poor Dopey we can all sit down and talk this through. The truth will be easier after we have got the funeral over. And we need Happy with us.” “Ha,” said Bashful, “He won’t be “happy” by tomorrow – I hope he gets a real hangover. How could he go off to the Pub after what happened earlier?” They all settled down, and tried to get some sleep. The wind was getting up, and it started to rain heavily. It was just as well that they had decided to break their journey, as the storm got pretty bad during the night. Banging shutters, and the wind and rain lashing against the windows meant they got some sleep – but not a lot. The morning came, and the storm had blown itself out. They all got up, and went outside. Two sets of feet were sticking out from under the cart. It was Happy and Uncle Fred. Both sound asleep. No matter how they tried, the others could not get Happy to wake up. Uncle Fred muttered and mumbled something about “pints of whisky”, and then fell asleep again. They loaded the two drunks into the cart, climbed aboard, and headed home. By lunchtime they had arrived back at their homely little cottage in the forest.


Steve Report 16 Oct 2004 10:15

one great bound. "What are you doing" cried Doc. "I've got your murderer over there. Why attack me?" The dwarves fell back, and all looked at Bashful, still pinned to the wall. Whilst they were distracted, Doc took out his wand, and unnoticed, with a sly flick of the wrist, caused the magic fiery letters to disappear. He was thinking quickly - an evil plot to get himself off the hook, and to have Bashful blamed for the murder. "They'll hang him for sure," he thought to himself. "Save me the job of bumping him off." "But" exclaimed Bashful, "it was not me who killed Dopey - it was Doc. You know how fond I was of old Dopey. I would never do anything to harm him." The other dwarves looked at each other. What should they do now. They did not know who to believe. Then Sneezy spoke up. "We'll all go back to the house, and sort it out there, " he said. He stepped forward and pulled the sword out of Bashful's arm. "Do something about the bleeding," he ordered Doc. Doc stepped forward, and ripped the torn and bloodied sleeve off Bashful's shirt. He then proceeded to tie it round the wound. "Ow!, " exclaimed Bashful "that hurts!" "It has to be tight to stop the bleeding," said Doc to him. "Trust me, I'm a Doctor." He tied the knot, and seeing Bashful wince, he gave him a sly sneer, which none of the other Dwarves saw. "Right," said Sneezy "both of you pick up Dopey, and we will go to the cart and drive home." They did as they were told, and with Sneezy making them walk ahead of the rest of them, the sword in his hand, they went out to the cart." "Now cover Dopey up, and Grumpy can go and get Whiter. We cannot say anything to her until we get home." "Why me," moaned Grumpy. But the others all insisted he should. So sour faced he went in and returned with Whiter a few moments later. They got into the cart, and Sneezy spoke to the horse, who obediently started off. It was a quiet journey, with none of the Dwarves speaking. Whiter noticed how silent they all were, and looked around, wondering. All the while Doc was formulating his plan……. (I hope the edit did not come out as fiery letters!! :)


Steve Report 14 Oct 2004 21:05

glow". The sword hit Bashful in the arm, pinning him to the wall. "I'll get you, you murderer" shouted Bashful. "Not a chance", replied Doc, and he pulled out his wand, and began writing in the air with it. The letters came together, and read "I am Doc the Super Dwarf." "Look at that" said Doc "Now you see who I really am. I am famous - I will have Whiter than White, and all the diamonds from the mine. All the world will know me, and fear me!!" Bashful still had his own wand in his hand, and pointed it at the letters, which re-arranged themselves to say "Famous rich dead twerp." "Fame comes after you die" he cried. "How dare you mess with my name" shouted Doc. Just then, the other dwarves rushed in to see what all the commotion was.


Steve Report 14 Oct 2004 19:42

he looked up, and there was Doc, sword in hand, and evil glint in his eye. Bashful whipped out his wand, and remembering his instruction from Harry and Hermione, pointed the wand at Doc. "Accio sword" he said. The sword came hurtling towards him, point first.......


Lisa Report 14 Oct 2004 19:30

while the kat's away!...................


Steve Report 14 Oct 2004 18:13

looked at. "Is that sore?" he asked Dopey. "Yes it is," Dopey replied. "If I only had a knife, I could lance it for you - then it would hel up, and you would be fine," said Doc. "The only blade I have is my magical sword. But I am sure that it is too big," lamented Dopey, pulling the sword out and showing Doc. "Not in the hands of a surgeon," said Doc. "in fact, " he went on - a strange light coming into his eyes, "it's just what the Doctor ordered." Dopey looked puzzled. "Well, if you can help - please do." He handed the sword to Doc. "Now close you eyes. I promise you won't feel a thing," said Doc. Doc swished the sword around, and smiled. Dopey (being Dopey) closed his eyes, and held his breath. Doc grasped the hilt with both hands. "Won't feel a thing," he said. He slashed at the boil with the sword, and right on target cut through it - and Dopey's neck all with one blow. "One Dwarf down, and five to go. Then I'll have Whiter than White all to myself, " he said, giving an evil laugh as Dopey lay lifeless on the floor.


Lisa Report 13 Oct 2004 21:02

oh thats where my black boot polish has gone.thought dopey had a big black head...............


Steve Report 13 Oct 2004 19:11



Jo Report 12 Oct 2004 22:20

table tennis championship for dwarfs


Jo Report 12 Oct 2004 22:17

ball and chain that makes the set... what have they done with it, i bet that dopey....


David Report 12 Oct 2004 21:19

Knees hands and......