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Brenda Report 11 Nov 2004 21:13

Evening everyone,had a good hour in the library today and got a few pictures of some streets where I think I have family connections. The course was good as well, telling us where the library is going in the next few years.etc. had lunch with my son ,the place I wanted to go to was packed as they have two meals for the price of one days and today was one of those days.Theproblem was we could not wait the time they said the meal would take,so had to go elsewhere.I paid for the meal ,my son got the drinks. Jude Really hope the RSPCA will do something for Madoc,now they know what is causing the problem or come someway to helping. Have found my grans father and his parents on 1871 with a sister I had not heard about before so want to have a search for her.My apologies for not mentioning all of you ,take care ,Brenda


June Report 11 Nov 2004 21:17

Hi everyone, I'm a bit later than usual writing a message today, its been a rather damp day again, yesterday I did mnage to get my washing dry outside after a damp start. Ann (Glos), I will try and persuade Peter to pay us a visit but I think, like others, he has been put off by the constant bickering. He and Betty are both well, he's still doing a lot of photography and Betty is still line dancing a couple of nights a week. It amazes me that a lot of stores do not have a 2 minute silence, they just carry on, business as usual. Sylvia, Good news about your heart valve, has your granddaughter found her passport yet. Jude, I'm glad you are feeling a little bit better and pleased that you are managing to get Madoc sorted out, He and Mad Cat seem to be good friends. Last night I had a funny dream, I dreamt there was a weasel of something (never seen one) trying to get in my kitchen, it had a long black tail and I was pulling it and trying to throw it out. Then I woke up and there was Beckham staring at me, He has a long black tail!! Lesley, just post a message whenever you can, we all understand how difficult it is at times' Bill, It hadn't occurred to me that you would be having your 2 minutes silence ahead of us, I do know there is a time difference, but hadn't thought of that. Brenda, I hope you enjoyed the course, I hope it wasn't one that put you to sleep. I am writing this on my laptop, perched on the side of the bed. My PC has gone in for them to see why I haven't got sound, I was hoping to have it back today, if I dont get it back tomorrow I will take my lappie downstairs so that I can type in comfort. So will see you tomorrow. Love June xx


June Report 11 Nov 2004 21:23

Brenda, we must have been typing at the same time. I'm glad the course was interesting, good news about finding your rellies on the census. June xx


Tracey Report 11 Nov 2004 21:40

june from preston just thuoght i would come and say hi have not been at thep c for a couple of weeks


Unknown Report 11 Nov 2004 21:48

Blimey two messages in one day!!!!! Vic rang the RSPCA, he asked to speak to the lady dealing with our claim,the lad said "l will have to check that she's in today" ,Vic asked if he could ring us back cause we get charged for these calls!!! "yep" said he,"l'll ring back in about half an hour" hah,we're still waiting.So l might have ago tomorrow - things is l don't really want to be rude,or we'll lose our claim. Mean while Madoc is still limping,so he must be uncomfortable:o( We had another mad session in the lounge just now - we just have to lie on the floor on stomach and he goes mad,so excited,squeeling,barking, shoving his bloomin toys in my face - yuck!!! bless im - lol Ann - yep the 16th is fine,about 12.30 usual place,save me a seat!!!! The counselling has'nt really done anything yet - she was only sussing out what type of counsellor l need and how many sessions etc - how l feel,what l want from it etc. l think the medication is really working now though!! Still don't want to go to work though:o(( Brenda - pleased the course went well and you saw your son.Our son has just started working for the gas board - l have never known such a load of UNPROFFESSIONAL people.The day of his interview,son arrived on time,the interviewers arrived 10 mins late!!!! His so called boss has promised on so many occassions to ring and never does! his first week of training was supposed to be 2 weeks ago,when son got there,no one else was there,it had been changed to the following week (last week).This week he was supposed to be shadowing his boss out on the road,knocking on doors - well the boss has'nt turned up this week at all and son has gone out on his own,with no figures to be guided by,no tariffs etc nothing. In my opinion he should tell his boss where to go.What if someone asks about prices etc - l know thats the first thing l'd ask.He was given a list of roads and that was it. What do you all think?????????? Hi everyone,hope you're all well. Sylvia you never cease to amaze me, so active. Di you ok - how were the dog biscuits?? home made d o g b i s c u i t s!!! Coooee Elisabeth. Bill - lone chatter? l thought we all chatted on here!! Nite nite:o) Jude sarf wales xx


ask Report 12 Nov 2004 07:36

Morning Friends and neighbours, hope this finds you all well. It is a very cold and windy morning here in N. Ireland, still dark outside and raining heavily. I hate the rain, the house ends up looking like a laundry, with washing drying on all the radiatiors and rails. I love a dry crisp day with the washing blowing on the lines! Jude your Madoc sounds a right character, our Lady is lying on the chair eyeing me up as I write this. It is hard to believe we brought her home from the shelter back in January, it is as if she has always been here. Now when we are going out she no longer tries to run after us. We tell her to mind the house, and she jumps into her basket, then we give a chew and she stays there quite happily til we return. I leave the kitchen door open so she has the run of the hall and kitchen if she wants to stretch her legs. She is so pleased to see us when we return, we just love her to bits. Already my lot have bought a stocking to be hung up for her at Christmas, and have bought bits and pieces to put in it, new collar, name tag etc. Sad or what??? Today is my painting class (ceramics) missed it last week so am looking forward to today, always have a great time, and a good laugh with lovely company. I am starting on a new piece a rather large garden gnome, that will keep me busy for a while. Yesterday was spent at the doctors surgery in the morning and the dentist in the afternoon. My daughter has been suffering from really bad headaches for some time, first doctor she saw thought it was migranes, this one thinks maybe tension headaches. Confusing now. She is 14 and just wants them to go away, if only it were that simple. Poor thing also has a dental abscess, and was at dentist in the afternoon, and has to go back today at lunchtime. The school will not be very pleased as she was off all of yesterday, and will have to miss part of today. Unfortunatly not all appointments can be made for after school. I picked up some more stocking fillers and christmas presents when I got my grocery shopping, so that is a few more things out of the way. Any suggestions for Christmas present for my Dad 84 yrs old tomorrow. As you can imagine he will get lots of goodies for his birthday as there are nine of us children, then the grandchldren and 2 great grand children. It sort of leaves us all floundering about trying to dream up something for Christmas. He is coming down with clothes and pens and books, sweets, goodies, etc. Any suggestions gratefully accepted!! Time to get a move on and get the two teens out the door on time. Then time for a quiet coffee before I start some cleaning. Hope you all have a lovely day, look after yourselves. God Bless Anne xx


AnninGlos Report 12 Nov 2004 10:26

good morning all, dry and blowy here today so far, but looks like rain later. Anne from Belfast. Could there be a connection between your daughter's teeth and her headaches? I used to suffer badly from migraine type headaches although not so young as 14. I did get some headaches though and no sympathy from my Mum as she used to say "children don't get headaches", I used to be most put out as I KNEW I had a headache. Maybe it is the change in her hormones poor girl. When I was going through yet more hormonal changes in my 40s and 50s I found the only painkillers to help were Nurofen, I know they say you should use paracetamol but they did nothing for me. Has she tried massaging her forehead with lavendar oil (a few drops in almond oil)? I think tension headaches are usually at the back of the head/neck and migraine more to the front/eyes and often on one side. Has she had her eyes tested? I do sympathise with her. So far we have dry crisp, cold and windy weather here this morning and I have just put some washing on the line where it is blowing merrily. This being November though I shall have to keep an eye out for rain!! Is your Dad active? What interests does he have? I was thinking of books if he likes reading geared to his interests, or a magazine subscription, maybe family putting together, a voucher for a meal out (is your Mum alive too?), or a gardening voucher if he is interested and active enough. Maybe some hyacinths in a pot, or an amaryllis bulb in a pot ready to flower next spring. Tapes if he has a tape recorder or video if he has a video player. Jude: have the RSPCA rung back yet? I would ring them, young men are notorious for forgetting to pass on messages. I hate it when people don't return calls, it used to be the bane of my life when I worked. It is so rude. OK 16th it is ( My daughter Lynda's birthday) 12.30 in the restaurant. (or outside if you would rather). I suspect that the longer you are off work the harder it will be to go back. Could you not call in and see them and explain, I am sure you would find them sympathetic and it would be a bridge to going back. Tracy: Hi, have we 'spoken' before? June: Please remember me to Peter when you speak to him and wish him all the best from me. Pleased to hear that Betty is still line dancing, shame he dropped out he was always the life and soul of the original chat board and so funny!! Brenda: I am pleased that your research is progressing, mine is at a standstill with holidays and now the need to make Christmas cards, write yearly letters etc. Take care everyone and have a good day. Ann Glos


Unknown Report 12 Nov 2004 13:20

Hi all - YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS l have just rung them (no they did'nt ring us) - cheque should be here by Tuesday and we can go ahead with the next vet - yipppeeee.Have rung our vet and he'll get an appointment made. At last we'll be able to find out if anything can be done for Madoc. The little monkey shot upstairs this morning and dived on me - Fat cat went flying off the side of the bed - dog was hysterical!!! (is that spelt correctly?), squeeling in my ear. Just been reading his notes again from previous owners - it also mentions he has a weak back,also that he had NO PROBLEMS with legs or back!!we have noticed a dip - gawd something else to check - BUT our vet had'nt noticed anything.(told him this morning), fingers crossed again. Ann - l'll meet you inside, where would it be best to park?? My boss knows exactly whats gong on, fortunately and has been very good.The counselling is via work! thats where l went this week. l know l could go in when ever l want to - and yes the longer am away the harder it will be to get back to normal. Thats why l try and keep the voluntary work going. l start half pay from next week too!! June - poor Beckham,hope you were'nt actually pulling his tail. Strange dream though:o) lol. Hope your puter is soon sorted. Anne - How old is your Lady?? you may have told me before. She sounds lovely and very happy. We've had Madoc 7 weeks tomorrow. We usually shut him in the kitchen or lounge more recently - cause we have the cat flap in front door!!!!! he sticks his head out if he hears anyone or thing - which is sometimes very funny to see.The dustmen were laughing their heads off on Monday!!! lol - But he also gives people quite a shock,especially the postman, we have trainees here on a regular basis - lol lol - if we are in we lock the flap!!!!!! on Halloween night we had a family of children knock the door(and parents) we heard the squeels from the back room - l don't think he would bite,but don't take for granted.Most of the children have met him in the street and he's fine. Who ever speaks to Peter next please send him my love:o) he's such a character,lovely man. Hi Tracey:o) Sylvia - how are you,so pleased your heart valve is ok and you don't need another appointment for a yr,thats great:0) Off now to walk the dog - and hope we dont meet another one - in his excitement yesterday (with hubby) he took a mouth full of fur from an old Retrievers back,not nastily - but the owner saw him this morning and walked the other way - oooops!! He usually chats to Vic,he's not offended but wary!!! Byeee Jude sarf wales xx


AnninGlos Report 12 Nov 2004 15:19

Jude, glad you are finally going to get the check. The best thing to do is park where you used to park for work, that was you will know where you are going. I will try to remember my mobile (I am terrible at forgetting to take i with me!). You have my number don't you? Ann Glos


syljo Report 12 Nov 2004 15:53

Hi everybody, I had to set the alarm clock today as as usual my hairdresser comes to me at 9.00 am. My neighbour couldn't go to the market so I went on my own. I didn't need so much, so soon got home again. When I arrived home I started to make the real thick Dutch Pea Soup. When it is finished you can stand a knife up in it. I have made an enormous big pan and will freeze some in. It is a real meal in itself, so will have a dish tomorrow with freshly baked bread - which I'll have to make in the morning. I'm glad it is Saturday as then I can do things at a more leisurely pace and neighbours don't usually come in for a chat. My granddaughter didn't find her passport so had to buy a replacement. I hope it will teach her a lesson to be more careful. I doubt it. Have washed and ironed my grandsons shirts for him. If he doesn't phone me to thank me then I'll be on at him. He knows what I'm like for manners! The weather here is very cold and damp. I went to my physiotherapist for an hour this afternoon and was so glad to get indoors again. I've now a few photos on the GR site and hope soon to have my photos on our website I have given photos to my son and he will touch them up with Photoshop and add. Not much more to say. I love the stories about Madoc and fat cat. I love everybody's stories, more or less like Mrs Dales Diary really. Love, Sylvia xxx


AnninGlos Report 12 Nov 2004 17:33

Sylvia: But who is worried about Jim?? Ann glos


AnninGlos Report 12 Nov 2004 17:35

Thanks for the message Di, Kathleen and her daughter are in my thoughts, thank goodness it is caught at an early stage. I do hope all goes well and look forward to hearing from kathleen when she feels able. Ann Glos


Unknown Report 12 Nov 2004 18:32

Di - thank you so much for letting us know about Kathleens daughter, as Ann has said thank goodness it has been caught early.Please send her my love -x l am so sorry about all this unpleasentness on the topics board,its not been the same for about a year now!! We used to have such fun. Please keep in touch, we've only just got you back as well:o( l really hope GR/GC take note of what you have to say - keep us updated if you can. Take care, we will all miss you very much. Jude sarf wales xx


syljo Report 12 Nov 2004 18:45

Ann, I don't know what you mean about "Jim" who is "Jim" Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 12 Nov 2004 19:20

Hello everyone,I was really enjoying reading all that that you have been doing,then read Di's message and was upset by Kathleens news (i will keep her and her daughter in my thoughts and prayers)and was also upset by Di's news,but I really can see her point.Lets hope GR can do something to help. Sylvia,I think Jim was in Mrs Dales diary,Mr Dale if I remember correctly. Going to look for this great aunt again ,while I have extra time on here with my son being out. Take care ,Brenda


syljo Report 13 Nov 2004 15:17

Hi everybody, It's amazing how quick this thread seems to get pushed back, whereas other threads survive. Just cannot understand the mentality sometimes! I'm really upset about Di leaving us all again. I am afraid she cannot turn a blind eye to those who like to be nasty. Di is such a wonderful writer of light, comical chat, and sometimes just serious chat. Our weather is terribly cold. This morning we had a north-eastern wind blowing and large hailstones. I'm glad I didn't have to go out. I made some bread, which always makes my kitchen warm as well as smelling nice. After such a busy week have been generally getting down to tasks which I've not had time to, or didn't feel like, doing. I'd almost finished my ironing when my neighbour came down for a chat. I would have loved to have finished my ironing, but I wouldn't tell her that. She had nothing to do and offered again to do some ironing for me. Another neighbour upstairs - she 82 - even offered to do my ironing for me. What neighbours I have. If she is in trouble she phones me and I send my husband up to help her out. A few days ago her curtain was hanging all askew and she said that her helper in the house had stretched the spring. My husband soon fixed it for her. She came down yesterday with some nice cake for us for by the coffee. I keep telling her "that's what neighbours are for, to help", but she won't listen, she is always so grateful. My granddaughter has another passport now, so will be off to Barcelona on Monday. First of all she is going into Belgium this weekend for a dance party - all the rage here! I've just put my thick pea soup on to warm for dinner - easy day, will eat this tonight with my homemade bread. I sound a bit like Hyacinth Bucket, or is it Bouquet? Anyway, have a nice evening everybody. Love, Sylvia xxx


AnninGlos Report 13 Nov 2004 16:33

Di, I didn't see the posting about you leaving but I was upset when i read that that was your intenntion. I was just about to e mail you and beg you not to let the trouble makers win when i read your last posting. So glad you have decided to stay. Just try and ignore them and come on here for proper friendly chat. The stupid thing is that, even most of those that appear to be the cause of trouble have had something good to offer in the past, often doing look ups for people. However there are some, who I think are really new, who egg the others on. I suspect they are really quite young and not long out of the school playground and still have the 'gang' mentality. Just like school we have to 'speak' to those we get on with and ignore the rest. Stick with it and us anyway Di. Ann Glos


Brenda Report 13 Nov 2004 22:06

Hello eveyone,I was feeling a bit off when I came on here tonight as I have had toothache since this afternoon. But have cheered up since reading that Di has reconsidered. I rarely read most of the other threads ,mainly due to time and because they are sometimes not worthreading. I am still looking for my great aunt but what can you expect with a name like Jane Smith. Glad all those that went to wakefeild had a good time,hope we have as good a time in Manchester in December. Sylvia,a friend was telling me about her daughter loosing her passport,and then couldn't find her birth certificate either ,which she needed to get a new passport.Cost her a small fortune and ofcourse mother ended up paying !!Glad your grandaughter got it sorted. John has brewed some tea so I will go down and get it while it is still hot ,he tells me he will not make me any more if i keep letting them go cold as I stay on here.!!! Take care Love Brenda


June Report 13 Nov 2004 22:43

Hi everyone. I have been to Wakefield today, we had a lovely time, just wish the trains would get organised, when I got home 40 mins late, I was so cold its has taken me 3 hours to thaw out. Kathleen, I am sorry to hear about your daughter, you are both in my prayers, I will be thinking of you. Di, I'm glad you decided to stay. just let the children get on with it and ignore them. I rarely go on chat and not that often on topics but why should they take over, I will continue to talk to the ones I like and ignore the rest. Brenda, thanks for your email, that venue sounds just right. Please excuse me for not writing anymore tonight, its been a long day I hope everyone is alright, I will see you all tomorrow. Love June xx


Kathleen Report 14 Nov 2004 01:43

Hello everyone, Thank you all for your good wishes and prayers. Susie is still shocked by the news but is being positive and has still kept her sense of humour. The family have rallied round and she will have plenty of support from us all. Much of what was said to her at the hospital she did not really take in at the tme but she has been given a telephone number of one of the medical staff - a sort of counsellor I think - and was told to ring and ask about anything she did not understand. She will go into our local hospital which is quite close by, probably in about 10 days time. Please - your prayers for her and for us that we will have the strength to give her the support she will need. God bless Love Kathleen