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badger Report 3 Jan 2007 11:09

Hi peeps ,just come on for a few minutes before going to the shops and laying in a few emergency supplies,it's a lot milder today ,as Brenda mentioned but their are rumours of high winds ,dropping temperatures and blizzards on the way ,so old Fred is getting ready. I have candles, plenty of food in tins and the freezer,emegency gas bottles for heating outback in Marys chalet,and a good supply of cloched potatoes ,sooo ,i ain't bothered if we have a winter like 45 even,we are prepared,and heck,if it don't happen ,the stuff will come in for the first B,B,Q of the season ,in the spring lol. My darling missus produced a late ,suprise chrissie present for me yesterday,took me to the metro centre by telling me she wanted something for the house,and slid into Argos whilst i was in the line two doors down at Mc donalds for our dinner,she came in with a bag and a satisfied smile on her face. Having finished ,we came home ,i made us both a cuppa ,and decided i had done enough for one day and settled down on the puter,whereapon ,the misses came over wit haformentioned bag ,gave me a smacker on the cheek and said,this is yours pet from the argos sale ,they hadn't got one in at christmas ,so i had to wait until now when they restocked. I am now the proud owner of a new wide flat screen lcd monitor which is my pride and joy lol,who will be getting a cuppa in bed every morning for the forseeable future hee hee. I will have to get the old one into the car and down to the dump ,the safety glass on the screen front may damage the cylinders on the dust cart ,and i don't want the bill for repairs,it ain't done too bad though,i bought it as i built up the puter and it cost me a fiver at the time which works out at £1-70 a year or thereabouts Having a lot more room on the desk too i have managed to put my little bears and dog around the screen where they can watch and make sure i behave,you will have rto forgive me that,i think it stems from being a war baby ,when things were tight,i never had any bears or cuddly toys that i can remember neither did my sister,and sjhe is just the same,i see one of these toys in a shop ,and if it looks lonely it, comes home lol. Weeeeell,it's betterthan spending my pocket money on booze ,or worse,and they don't eat a lot.hee hee.,you could say they are the only pets i can have in the house as the missus can't breathe properly when someone visits with a cat ,or dog,and two of them[the twins] are gaynor bears anyway ,and no way will i part with those,they help me remember a beutiful lady ,much missed by many of us,i'm sure. Well ,that's it for now,time to get the dinner on as i have to go out this afternoon and get my tootsies seen to ,they ,and my feet are being a pain at the minute. Take care3 all ,and be good.Fred.


Brenda Report 3 Jan 2007 00:32

nudgehave been looking for a holiday website reccommended by a friend but it keeps saying no connection,Will try at work tomoorw incase its on here .brenda


syljo Report 2 Jan 2007 20:11



Brenda Report 2 Jan 2007 19:16

Hi Everyone,glad you all enjoyed the holidays.Back to a normal working week this week, John and I are having another of our cupboard and wardrobe clear outs this weekend ,and also getting some more books and videos to the charity shops,We need the room so we will not have them piled on the floor in this room and the bottom of the wardrobes.I will let you know how we get on. Weather slightly warmer but still very wet and very blustery. See you tomorrow,Brenda


Mavis Report 2 Jan 2007 09:12

Hi to all my friends. We wish you all a very Happy and Healthier New Year. Here we are the 2nd January 2007. Time just seems to fly as we get older. We had a great Christmas and New Year with family and friends. New Years Eve we had a BBQ and drinks in our street where we live. Most enjoyable. Most of the neighbours joined in. Today we have just been lazy - went to the Marina and just sat quietly and watched all the boats coming and going. On the way home we ran into a Thunderstorm - lots of very large hailstones. Supposed to be summer!! Not too good so far though. Just a quickie this time. Regards Mavis NZ


syljo Report 1 Jan 2007 20:28

Well really a quiet day. My daughter and her partner came this afternoon and they have picked up my scootmobile cover which I had made bids for on the internet, bit like E-Bay but we call it Marktplaats. This cover is new. The lady made it herself. She first made one for her husband who has a scootmobile and then decided to make another to sell. They are terribly expensive to buy from a dealer. It has a waterproof cover and teddy cloth inside. It goes round my back and has two large zips. Looks nice too. Well it is my birthday soon and because I have what we call a 'crown' year, wanted to take the family out to dinner, but am uncertain how I am going to feel then. A 'crown' year is 60 - 65 - 70 - 75 - 80 - 85 - etc. Sylvia xxx


Dorothy Report 1 Jan 2007 19:14

hi everyone my fred you sure had some bad weather I hope the gales have died down, brenda I hope that you are feeling better the cold you have is going around over here everyon I talk to appears to have the cold in one form or another, the granchildren have all had it this past week with Laura and her mom ending up with strep throat, I am having the family over for dinner to-morrow evening and then the children are sleeping over they still like to do that. it is the same menu as I served my sister before xmas that went over well so I thought I would repeat it plus the sddition of some ham for my son it is not xmas new year dinner for andrew if he does not get some ham somewhere. it was a rainy new years here the ski operators are in big financal trouble and people who bought season ski tickets and made hotel reservations are not happy, to-day bryan wanted to go snow boarding but the ski lodge he goes to has 37 runs etc and only three were open with man mad snow. to-day the temperature is 7 so that does not help. it is fine for me but i can understand that no snow puts people out of work in this area. well of to watch corrie on the computor so bey for now and again happy new year to all dorothy


Brenda Report 1 Jan 2007 16:09

hello and happy new year everyone,hope you all enjoyed it . Have had a headache all day and been sneezing hope I have not picked up this bug which has gone round the family, Have been looking for a holiday for us for March had to re do the budget due to the wedding we are going to in May, have to stay over in an hotel for that and its Expensive !!! so need to ecominise somewhere.John is doing the tea so having a little rest. working as normal tomorrow so might get back tomorrow night.brenda


badger Report 1 Jan 2007 10:49

Good morning all,i hope you all still have roofs on after last night? I went to bed after a hot bath and a slug [or two] of brandy hoping the two would give me a good night and sweat the last of this perishing flu out of me ,but lay awake most of the night listening to the tiles rattling in the wind ,grrrrrr. There was one bright spot though two really,one ,i do think the brandy worked as i feel a lot better this morning,and two ,the tiles that were lifted in the last gale ,have been pushed back down in the even stronger gale last night. I am still waiting for news on the gt grandbairns name and will keep you informed as soon as i can,it's my daughters first Grandbairn and she has gone all gooey eyed lol,as Liz has done,but i must admit to feeling rather pleased myself as well. Our honeysuckle tree was blown over in the winds and the huge earthenware pot it was in has been smashes ,so guess who is off to B&Q in the morning for a new one The bird bath went on a jaunt too shedding four gallons of water over the patio lol,i must either pin it down with steel rods ,or cement it down. I saw some lads off camping on the moors set out yesterday morning with their tents and gear but looking at the forcast last night i think they are a bit daft,with snow and those high gale force winds they have no chance of getting a tent up in those conditions ,or of any but prorer survival tents staying up in those conditions. I used to do a lot of walking and camping in those younger days ,but would draw the line if things got anywhere as bad as they were last night,i only hope they will all be okay ,and decided to seek better accomodation,or some well sheltered place ,of which there are very few on the moors.. We are off out to the eldest sons in a short while for dinner and tea,and to see what Santa left for my grandson Chris ,no doubt a load of computer games and stuff ,but i never complain,his speech problems have come on really well owing to his interest in computers and programming,you can hardly hear his speach impediment now ,and his hearing is nearly back to what it should be,his reading is now up to speed and his maths is well ahead of his year ,so old Fred is really chuffed with him. Liz and i are taking over some goodies for tea ,which gets a bit more out of the freezer,yes ,like most peeps ,we have overstocked with christmas grub again ,and will have to live on iot for a few weeks lol,but i don't care ,i only put on two pounds over the period so i aint bovvered lol. Have to go now ,my little pals out back are most vociferous that they havn't been fed yet ,and the blackie has taken to tapping on the window with his beak to get my attention. Happy new year everyone ,and may the nice sunny morning up here be a portent for all,a better year for all of us and a more peaceful one as well.Fred.


Brenda Report 31 Dec 2006 21:31

Just managed to find us on page 15,didn't realise we have been so busy with other things,going to try and put the piccies from dads birthday on my pc now,then have a drink and go to bed,not to keen on New Year celebrations as such, Hope you all have a good one Brenda


Dorothy Report 30 Dec 2006 23:29

hi just a nudge to keep us up front I am rather sad that jess is leaving gr she has done such good work for all people with adoption concerns I may not have mentioned before on this site brenda that two yrs ago I found out I was adopted and it was a big shock imange age 62 and finding that out . of course I remain a lancashire girl at heart I always knew I was born in scotland I was told the street was evacuated hence the birth in scotland, fancy my mom and dad took this info to the grave. anyway enough of that hope that you all have a fun new years eve, i never quite make it to midnight unless I have company, and this year I don't have any special plans. though anne tells me she will set her alarm clock for 5am and give me a ring really kind of her it will be midnight here then bye for now dorothy


syljo Report 30 Dec 2006 20:23

Yes, Brenda, I can see the funny side of life most times. I usually manage to have a laugh and a joke with someone or other when I go out. Yesterday it was posting two letters by the Post Office and a woman was in the way of me putting my letters in the box so I moved my scootmobile up so that she couldn't move - she was on her bike. She then offered to put my post in the box and I said that is what I meant when I was blocking her way. When I went off I told her to stay put and maybe she would even get some people who would tip her if she put her hand out. We both ended up laughing! I have made another bid for a scootmobile cover to keep me warm in the water. Now I have heard from the owner that he has accepted the bid, but is charging postage to send it to me. In the advertisement clearly says 'inclusive postage in Holland'. I've asked him what he means. He lives not far from my daughter so might ask her to check him out, just in case the cover has a broken zip or something like that. A broken zip would cost me a lot of money to replace. Now have a nice evening all. Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 30 Dec 2006 10:43

Hi everyone,well Sylvia,you do do things well and truly don't you. Sorry to say I did have a giggle thinging about it !!!! Work as normal today and lots of end of month jobs to do ,so back to work. Brenda


syljo Report 29 Dec 2006 20:46

Well the weather forecasters were right and we did get sunshine today so out I went with my scootmobile. Not that I wanted anything at the market, but it made me get out. The market wasn't too big either, lots of stallholders had a holiday. When I came back I tackled the ironing and my hairdresser came and did my hair. Must look nice for the New Year! Then the phone went and my eldest daughter asked Johan and I if we'd like to go to our granddaughters house for coffee this afternoon. Of course it was yes. Linda and her friend have decorated their house beautifully. Not the colours I would choose, but really young, modern colours. Just before we were leaving I popped in to her loo and as a matter of habit, locked the door. Fault, I knew I shouldn't have done it. 'Oh dear, what can the matter be, poor old gran is stuck in the lavatory'. Yes, I could see the joke, but my poor daughter couldn't. When she eventually managed to release the lock she went on to me 'never lock the door behind you again'. I was wondering who was mother and who was daughter!!!!!!!!!! Have a nice evening everybody. Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 29 Dec 2006 15:56

We have another wet miserable,dark dismal day here had the lights on most of the day. Have been searching for a cheap hpolday to the canaries in March but they are not so cheap these days. Have some ironing to do and need to vacuum the upstairs shortly,then make tea,we are using the last of the salad and new potatoes for tea with some tuna and cheese Hope things are brighter for the rest of yoh.brenda.


Brenda Report 29 Dec 2006 00:56

Hi,I am sorry to be so late , I have been watching a film on tv and didnot realise the late time it finished. sylvia the books your grandaughter gave you sound really good,might help future generations if they decided to do a family tree. Fred,sounds like you have the next year well and truly planned out,we had a hard enougth time planning dads birthday never mind what you seem to have in ind. It was a really good day,the weather was really miserable and wet and cloudy this morning ,but went really good for us later,e had booked to take dad on the Big Wheel in town which is a version of the London eye.He really enjoyed it,and we had a walk round some of his old haunts,not that they are much like he remembers them.Driving back we passed the area my mother grew upand where they did some courting.When we got back my sister and sister in law had laid on a lovelly buffet which we had all brought something dads younger brother and older sister arrived so dad was glad about that. He phoned me later and said he had had a lovely day and was proud of us all. We had bought a manchester city football club shirt and my brother had gotten it signed by the team,(he has connections as he works part time as an amatuer referee.)It was framed and he is going to hang it in pride of place in the living room. ill send phots when I get them on my pc. Take care ,Brenda


syljo Report 28 Dec 2006 20:29

Another grey day here today, but there is hope we may have a little sunshine tomorrow then I'll get my scooter out and go to the market. Not that I need much, still have lots of food over from Xmas. Good thing my birthday is also near, then maybe can use some then. Johan and I had books from our grandchildren for Xmas in which we have to write our experiences over the years, what we have liked/disliked, etc.etc. When they are finished - one for Johan and one for me - they go back to Linda to keep. Her brother of course also wants a couple so I said to Linda see that Johan and I get these books for our birthdays. Johan is really enthousiastic and writing down lots of notes which he will write in the book. I never knew he would be so keen. He has lots to tell over the war of course under German occupation and being hid under the floorboards etc.etc. He was also in the war in Indonesia and the Biafran war in Nigeria. Altogether 3 wars. There is so much untold information in our heads which will be nice to set on record for our grandchildren. Have a nice evening. Sylvia xxx


badger Report 28 Dec 2006 10:07

Morning everyone,including our Brenda who is overworking again ,as usual.,but it's nice to know her dad is doing so well,happy Birthday to him and many more of them. I was up with the larks .getting the windows wiped down and dried off ,it was nice to see the dawn breaking and the sky showing signs of blue among the clouds, Spring is on it's way too and Fred is already making plans to get the kids onto the beach ,including the new one ,who still hasn't decided to come into the world just yet lol. My son has been delayed in coming down to take Liz to the shopis ,it would seem that his ex wife had her son fit a new light in the house over Christmas and now all the power is off,which dosn't suprise me ,the man is a fool who i wouldn't trust to rewire a torch ,every time he gets hold of electrical stuff he crosses the wires somehow,the last time he was messing about he set fire to the oven and blew the main fuse. I really don't know why the lady dosn't join home service which dosn't cost tthe earth and covers her for electrics and water problems worth every penny for around forty pounds a year. Most of my little pals seem to have had a good Christmas ,and are quite active ,i have seen snuffles calling cards in both gardens ,seen the mouse at odd times and we have a load of birds coming in and out now ,so that may be a sign that the sparrowhawk has moved on. It's so mild for the time of year that i reckon we may even have an early spring like we had three years ago ,that would be so nice. Liz seems to be recovering from the lurgy now ,is coughing a lot less and is taking a real intrest in shopping again,so much so that i can feel my wallet aching already lol. Must be off now ,things to do and all that ,but i will be back this afternoon,Sean is out on the town tonight so i will be online all evening [wahey] .See you all later .Fred.


Brenda Report 28 Dec 2006 00:40

was so tired when I gothome from work,had tea then fell asleep on the sofa.!!John tried to get me to go to bed but i would not listen.Now I am wide awake,should have gone to bed and would probably still be there. Big day tomorrow my dad is 80,love him to bits,and he is doing so well after being diagnosed with lung cancer two years ago. tell you all about his day tomorrow,brenda


Brenda Report 27 Dec 2006 15:30

glad you all had a good christmas,and things are back to normal now. In work til 8pm and already the kids are being very trying.Roll on closing time. The weather has turned really wet today ,hope your snow stays pretty Dorothy,feeling tired already as i did not sleep much last night but have been ok generally.See you all tomorrow.brenda