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Mavis Report 19 Nov 2006 10:08

Hi everyone. Do hope you are feeling better Sylvia. Not so easy to shake coughs etc off as we get older. Our weather still hasn't settled. Sunny. windy, rainy, humid, you name it we are getting it. Boring TV tonight. Watched Rugby this afternoon - NZAll Blacks v France. We won!! Then cooked a quick tea - Chicken Schnitzel, spuds, and mixed veggies and of course gravy. Pip loves his gravy with just about everything. Had an email from my son and his wife in the UK to say that they hope to be able to come to NZ for Christmas 2007. A lovely surprise. They have been before but never for Christmas. I am trying not to get too excited until they are sure of their plans. Off to bed now. Love to all, take care and get better soon all those ailing friends. Mavis


Mavis Report 19 Nov 2006 10:07

Hi everyone. Do hope you are feeling better Sylvia. Not so easy to shake coughs etc off as we get older. Our weather still hasn't settled. Sunny. windy, rainy, humid, you name it we are getting it. Boring TV tonight. Watched Rugby this afternoon - NZAll Blacks v France. We won!! Then cooked a quick tea - Chicken Schnitzel, spuds, and mixed veggies and of course gravy. Pip loves his gravy with just about everything. Had an email from my son and his wife in the UK to say that they hope to be able to come to NZ for Christmas 2007. A lovely surprise. They have been before but never for Christmas. I am trying not to get too excited until they are sure of their plans. Off to bed now. Love to all, take care and get better soon all those ailing friends. Mavis


badger Report 19 Nov 2006 09:57

Just a quickie today because i am about ready to go to the sons.Morning Sylvia[ waves] yes ,i know what you mean about the cough,i have just gotten rid of one that lasted two weeks and even had to give up taking a drink to bed[tea] ,that's before i get any ribald comments on being a bedroom tippler he he I had to stop after spraying the bed with tea after one attack and got a belt off the missus cause i covered her as well.. All you can do dear ,is take a throat tablet when it gets too troublesome,but you know ,these things always seem to come at once don't they. Hope you are all enjoying the weekend,take care and be nice .Fred.


Dorothy Report 18 Nov 2006 23:36

hi good to hear one and all are doing better I had an e-mail from a member in australia who has been trying to locate the family of great uncle of mine who wandered over there in the 1920's and she put an ad in the paper and recieved one reply that might be a lead so I e-mailed the chap this evening gave up trying to figure out the time difference between there and canada who knows maybe I will get lucky. it is still wt and rainy though I did go out to the gym for my workout I can not believe how much i enjoy it, one of my friends became a grandma again to-day a bou who weighed 9lbs 10 oz all are doing well his 13yr old brother is thrilled they had given up on this happening but here he is. going to make a late supper, nothing much on the box but t-morrow is the 2nd part of prime suspect . goodnight from barrie bye dorothy


syljo Report 18 Nov 2006 21:59

Hi all, Well I scooted round to my hairdressers today and had a permanent and then did some shopping on the way home. By the time I had cooked some dinner there was my Saturday been and gone. I still have some wet washing to hang up but don't feel like it. This irritating cough I have is annoying me. Why doesn't it go as I have been 'under the weather' too long now. I phoned my daughter in Eindhoven and my daughter was in bed with migraine. She gets very bad headaches so said I would phone her again tomorrow, She has been very sick and not been able to eat. It is a pity we are so far away, Everybody keeps saying how warm it is but I am cold. Whatever shall I do when winter comes? Now have a good night's sleep Brenda, and see you tomorrow. Best wishes to Fred and the rest. Sylvia xxx


badger Report 18 Nov 2006 19:49

Hi all,nice to see sylvia backhome after her trip,but still think she needs to slow down a little,just like someone else on here that i could mention lol. Are you having a bit of bother too Brenda,i tried to join a website today,1840 cencus on line ,not bad at £ 5 a month which i can afford ,and it had a four week trial too,but could i sign on ,could i heck ,grrrrr ,every time i hit the button msn came up and told me they needed to shut down due to an error . Msn has been a right pain for a week and i sent them a ratty email ,telling mr gates to get his b----y finger out . I came across a richard barnes you found for me Brenda and turned him down cause he was a little younger than i thought he should be,but my uncle has found a document in his office stating that richard was a gardner ,and i know i saw one on the list you found for me,not to worry though because i saved them all and they are on the puter somewhere hee hee. By 'eck ,it's darned cold up here this evening,Liz has gone up for a shower ,and i think i will have one after her and jump into bed where it's warm. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and is staying in the warm,look after yourselves people. See you tomorrow when i get home from the sons.Fred.


Brenda Report 18 Nov 2006 13:40

Hi evryone,was half way into my message and it went heywire, Dorothy did get some shopping donw but will be doing more when off work on Monday lots less agro like you said. just had a lovelly bowl of soup for lunch ,its needed as its so cold. Glad you are ok Sylvia.Have some research to do before end of lunch so will speak to you all tomorrow. Brenda


Dorothy Report 17 Nov 2006 22:45

hi I hope that sylvia is feeling better I gther brenda that the weather is not that great hope you get some xmas shopping done. I think that I will have a lazy week-end we are having a lot of rain again I was going to take the cats to the vets to-day but have resheduled for next tuesday in hope of better weather. the stores around here are jammed on the week-end so I stay away the joys of being retired means you can go during the week, so I think I will go over the gifts i have bought and see what I have left to do. so that is it from me for to-night bye dorothy


syljo Report 17 Nov 2006 20:51

Hi Brenda, and everybody else looking in, Yes, I did enjoy Germany. In fact enjoyed being looked after the most, especially as I was so ill. I still have an irritating cough and feel tired but heaps better for the rest. Nothing much to say at the moment. Am having a perm tomorrow. I did make some bread today and did some ironing which I had left behind, but not too much. Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 17 Nov 2006 20:24

Just popped on and no one has been here,have a nice weekend,take care brenda


Brenda Report 16 Nov 2006 23:23

Hello evryone,Sylvia,you mustlook after yourself,hope you are taking it easynow and did you enjoy germany, Fred,am in the middleof a right puzzle with my rellies,but I am hopefully we have a connectionwith my great grandmothers aunts family,(well Thats what I think they are ). The radiator in here needs bleeding I think as it has been freezing most of the night,Not working tomorrow so wil have a bit of a lie in before taking some stuff to the charity shop etc.then go and dosome christmas shopping. Brenda


syljo Report 16 Nov 2006 21:27

Well I don't know where these last days have gone to. Last Monday I had to call my own doctor in to me here at home. She gave me anti-biotics and a different inhaler. I didn't tell her that Johan and I were off on the Tuesday to Germany. We did enjoy ourselves but would have been better if I wasn't so wheezy. You see I did have Bronchitis. I have to go back to her next week some time, but have several other appointments next week so will see when I can fit it in. See you all again sometime, so until then, stay healthy. Sylvia xxx


badger Report 16 Nov 2006 18:02

Hi everyone ,at last ,a few minutes to myself so i am going to add a few lines before i get told off again.Brenda love ,you are at it again arn't you ? working far too hardjust when you should be slowing down. I wen't down to Sunderland today ,to find the birth certificate of a gt gt gt uncle of mine born in 1853,and did find him,and found at last the name of his mother which i only knew as isabeel baird,but i have now found her nee name ,and can try tracing her back to her birth ,and forward to her marriage hopefully .I have already tried To do that Via David baird ,but seeing as he was a mariner ,it proved impossible. The lady at the gro tried to find it for me seeing as their computer has every birth ,marriage,and death in the Sunderland area,and she sys there was no marriage recorded for those two people,so i now have to try all of the english marriages for those names ,cor ,what a task,.it does help a little to know that i am more than likely looking at ports and seaside towns,which may help a little. Finished at the town hall ,we went into Sunderland town centre to look for chrissie presents for tjhe bairns ,finishing up at Joplins ,a large store where we went through the toy department before going into the instore cafe for dinner. We had a nice toastie sandwich [two] each,a nice side salad with coleslaw, potato salad and mayo,and two pots of Darjeeling tea,all for £5.60. We then went to the cheap shops and found the birdseed for my feathered friends and two nice little tins of catfood for snuffles in case he comes out of hiding. Well ,that's it for now peeps ,time for me to get tea,a nice gammon steak each,with french oven fries,pineapple rings and baked beans nice and easy tonight. See ya' later.Fred.


Brenda Report 16 Nov 2006 01:21

Hi everyone,no sleep again tonight,howver I was in bed at 10pm as I was sitired,woke up at 11.30,went back to sleep and woke uphalf an half hour ago and couldn't get back,so here I am,have read ll my emails,trashed many of them as they were adverts for holidays and catalogues. Glad you had a nice visit Dorothy,took my dad to see my uncle yesterday and they talked about my dad being the best man for my aunt and uncle seems he lost the ring for a while,then some of the jobs they worked on together in the early 50,s and 60,s.Next came their aches pains,medicnes,pills etc. They are both deaf and neither would turn on or turn up their ear aids ,so they ended up talking very loud.!!! Dad is 80at christmas and Mike is84,both have lung cancer so they just enjoyed getting together. Going to make a cuppa then see if Ican get back to sleep. Good job I am not on work till 4pm-8pm tomorrow. Brenda.


Dorothy Report 15 Nov 2006 20:28

hi brenda and all yes everyone does seem to be busy, I am now back from my visit to brampton had a great dinner with my friends but we all had a laugh as the converversation was all about everyones aches and pains and pills and tests so I told them it was so different years ago when we talked about men, sex, dating and who was seeing someone after going through a divorce how times have changed, then out came all the photo's of the grandchildren, one of the girls has a 13yr old grandson and he is to have a new baby brother on saturday, now everyone seems to want to know ahead of time the sex of the baby I always thought a surprise made labour bearable. I had a good drive up the highway the sun was shining and the last of the fall leaves were in vivid colours so good to see them, weather warning out for the next few days lots of rain but at least it is not the white stuff, well of to make my tea regards dorothy


Brenda Report 14 Nov 2006 19:15

Well everyone seems busy and involved with one thing and another.i have been busy trying to confirm a contacton here but ut is proving difficult,plenty of coincedenses but not much proof, so we seem to be going round in circles.there are three of us checking and yet we are still unure,We might have to put it on the back boiler again and hope something comes up again. Working late tomorrow and Thursday so not surewhen I will be back. Take care brenda


Mavis Report 14 Nov 2006 10:30

Hi everyone. We are back from our stay in Whakatane. Had a great time. The weather was good but when we got back home it turned cold and very windy. North & South Island have had some very rough windy and wet weather. We have missed the rain (so far) it is nice and sunny today but boy - the wind. Drives us nuts. Hope you are OK Sylvia and that the Panadol did the trick for you. Fred you are so good with your family - always ready to lend a helping hand. Poor Sophie - her finger must have been sore.How thoughtful to do the plastic surgery on 'her wedding ring' finger. Hope you eventually got some sleep Brenda. The nights are so long when you cannot get to sleep. I had a barium exray (bowel) 12 days ago. Today the Dr. phoned me to say I have to have another test - there is an area of the bowel that they want to have another look at. Another sleepless night after taking the enema powders!! Not sure when it will be. The Xray depts. in NZ are all on strike so we can't really be sick at the moment!!. Two youngsters with broken limbs were flown from Tauranga here to Aucklands Star Ship Childrens Hospital for Xrays. 3 hour drive by road but 30 mins. by plane. Seems as though the strike will be on for a while yet. They are poorly paid so have to agree with them striking unfortunately. Went to my Home Group today - met up with friends I haven't seen for 18 months or so. Really enjoyed it. Must go now - more emails to reply to. Love to everyone Mavis NZ


badger Report 13 Nov 2006 09:06

Morning ,all you people out there Hope everyone has had a nice weekend. Cor,it ain't half windy here this morning,and the missus want's to go shopping in ithee hee,i think i will deliver her to the shops and then wait in the car lol. Looking at the feeders outside i think it's about time to get some more mixed seeds for the friends out back,they are getting on towards empty and i can't be having my birds go hungry. Liz and i are off to shields tomorrow to find the few remaining Christmas pressies for the bairns,and on the way go to the gro office and collect a couple of marriage certificates,one for me ,and one for a lady in new zealand ,if i can find it,but i have the date down to the day and month so i hope there will be no problems,but i won't tell her yet in case it goes pear shaped. It's great when your family is from the norjht east ,mostly tyne side and the gro office is only a metro trip away[wahey],i don't have to wait around for certificates in the post like some lol. Liz and i Had an amazing Sunday,culminating with a trip to hospital with Sophie ,one of the grandbairns who hit a fence on her bike and ripped one of her nails on the left hand off to the point where it was hanging on by a flap of skin,so i had to whip her and mum to the hospital in my car,where they made an appointment to go to the RVI in Newcastle today to undergo plastic surgery to have it pushed back into place and be stitched back in till it heals,it seems that they are worried that if they just remove it ,that it might grow back miss shapen and it being the wedding ring finger it was too importent for a young girl to contemplate,which goes to show ,these people can be very caring. I, of course can't go far today because i may have to use the car to take her home this afternoon if she is at all unwell after the op'. You should have seen Sophie at the hospital yesterday,hee hee,after the shock wore off and a two hour wait we got seen at six thirty where she was told ,no food after nine and no drink after six this morning,,well to anyone who knows our Sophie ,she was panicking at the thought of her missing the party tea,but she tucked into it very well at seven thirty when i got them back okay lol,that lass is skinny as a rake but boy ,she can't half put it away when she tries lol. I think my mouse has gone into hibernation mode as i havn't seen him for a few days,they tend to sleep for a couple of weeks in winter i notice ,then wake up to stock the larder for a few days ,then go to sleep again,while we people struggle through the winter freezing our socks off ,now who ,i ask myself are the canny spiecies,hee hee ,i think we as humans are the stupid ones lol. Off now for a look round the boards ,hope everyone had a nice weekend ,see you later.Fred.


Dorothy Report 13 Nov 2006 03:44

hi brenda glad you had a good week-end but for the weather, over here the weather man got it wrong no snow so that was great, I have had a great day with helen mirren so to speak, I took myself to see the movie Queen and she did a wonderful job then this evening we had the first episode of the last prime suspect it was really good I am sorry that the series is ending, I don't very often go to the movies but two forth coming films look like they will be goo d Venus with peter o toole and the history boys both are british films i believe so I shall go and see them. I am off to brampton on tueday till wednesday lunch time looking foreward to seeing my friends so hope the weather holds , anne said they had a blackout on saturday in bury the winds were high I guess bye for now dorothy venus with peter o toole


Brenda Report 12 Nov 2006 18:44

Had a good weekend at Johns mothers ,but the weather was really awful,very,very wet and even more windy more like a gale.or stronger, still it was nice to see them.Called to see an old friend who has moved to Lytham St Annes on the way home,it was smashing to see her so excited showing us round.we have said we will go again when we go to his mothers again. Now have lotsof ironing to do so can't stay as long as i want,so will see you tomorrow ,take care, brenda