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Rose Report 23 Apr 2009 10:44

morning all ,
......................nice day here again , lets hope it keeps it up all summer .
...........hope your ok jacky , and your teeth are seen too .
..................rog still in my thoughts .
................lyn its great when the weather is good it makes everything so different .
.....................................catch you all later


.•:*:•.Scouser*NANNA*Lyn.•:*:•. Report 22 Apr 2009 23:39

Good evening all.

Rog good to see you posting, hope your treatment is helping with the pain.

Weather starts out sunny but a little cool, warms up through the day and then cools down in the late afternoon/early evening. but hey, it's good to see sunshine though isn't it!

Quick pop-in and popping back out again.

Take care all,

x x x x x


Rose Report 22 Apr 2009 20:14

evening all ,
................what a lovely day its been here , been very busy in garden , its looking good .
........................hope your all ok


Rose Report 22 Apr 2009 12:18

afternoon all ,
..................lovely day here , out in the garden , got rid of all my rubbish .
...................not that i'm into football lyn , hope your team does well .
........................have a nice day all
......................prayers and thoughts are with you rog .
.....................................cya ................rosexx...............


.•:*:•.Scouser*NANNA*Lyn.•:*:•. Report 21 Apr 2009 23:29

Popped in late after our game with Arsenal - ending in 4-4 so it means we have a lot to do if we are going to win the league! Anyway we have to win it because I keep singing it to Leigha:

Were gonna win the cup,
we're gonna win the cup,
ee-eye the addio,
we're oin to win the cup!

YNWA boys in red!

Take care all,

x x x x x


Rose Report 21 Apr 2009 11:35

morning all ,
..................lovely day here sun is shining .
............pleased that leigha is ok lyn , they are so quick ,
..........going into garden to potter about , g/son-in law is coming tomorrow to fix a gate and do some minor repairs .
......................catch you all later , have a nice day ,
.........................keeping you in my thoughts rog .


.•:*:•.Scouser*NANNA*Lyn.•:*:•. Report 20 Apr 2009 21:32

Good afternoon all my wonderful friends.

Well yet again it's been a long absence, kept very busy with Joanne home but we've had alovely week with her.

She was thrilled to see so much of Leigha too and they both loved having each other around. Leigha stayed in the room with Joanne on Thursday night. We had a real panic between us though. Leigha was refusing to sleep so me and Joanne were sitting at the computer entertaining her - Joanne on the comp and me holding her. Before we knew she had leaned forward and grabbed and pulled a cup of tea all over her. I immediately stripped the babygrow off her and screamed at Steve who was on the loo to get out of the bathroom, ran in with Leigha and put her in the bath, a sopping wet towel wrapped around her, poor little thing mjust have been so cold. We took her out and got her dried and changed. Not a mark on her, thankfully and no after effects. Thank fully the tea had been on the desk for over ten minutes and so obviously not as bad as it could have been. Problem is I deal with things as you should and then go completely to pieces. We decided to ring Vicki to let her know once we were sure everything was ok saying that we would have rung her either way. As soon as Leigha was cuddled, warmed and dressed she was laughing away. and there's not a mark on her for her ordeal. Just so glad that we had left our cuppas for so long. They are so quick and we really thought the cups were well out of her reach - just shows how quick they are. I was saying to Vicki that she should leave empty cups around so that if Leigha does go for them she will understand that she just shouldn't grab cups at all, if that makes sense. That paediatric first aid came in handy although common sense def prevailed too.

Been rereading the threads since I went AWOL! Rog, I truly hope the treatment is helping you to cope with your pain and send you love and hugs. I hope your teething troubles are over too, Jacky - or that you're at least comfortable until your dentist gets back. Hoping also your aches and pains, floors and dishwasher troubles are in hand too, Rose.

Back to work for me tomorrow, we had an inset day today so gained an extra day off :)

Chat as soon as I can til then take care all.

x x x x x


Rose Report 20 Apr 2009 18:09

evening all ,
..........still lovely here , hope it keeps it up
..........hope you all had a good day
.........see you later


Rose Report 20 Apr 2009 11:34

morning all ,
..................lovely sunny day here , got all my washing out , should dry nicely .
..............nathan went back to school today , its very quiet in the house .
..............had a nice day yesterday , cleared the shed out , got rid of loads of things , its looking great.
..........................thinking of you rog , as jacky says missing your posts .
..............hope your ok .
..........................have a nice day all


Jacky Report 19 Apr 2009 20:34

Hope you had a cracking day Rose and are enjoying your evenimg !!

I'm missing Rog posting, i hope his thearpy is going alright for him and his pain settles down soon.

Catch you later

Jacky xx


Rose Report 19 Apr 2009 14:27

afternoon all ,
....................had all the family round , cards .etc. , going out tomorrow to buy something nice .
....................lovely day here aswell sun is shining .
.........going to do a bit of the garden ,
..........................thanks jacky for my song
......................................cya all later


Jacky Report 19 Apr 2009 10:16

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Roseeeeeeeee
Happy Birthday to you!!!!

Have a fantastic Birthday Rose.
Hope you got all you wished for !!
Enjoy your day.

Jacky xx


Rose Report 18 Apr 2009 18:53

evening all ,
..................hubby's finished my son's kitchen at last ....looks wonderful .
picked our floor today , they are coming next week ti fit it .
.......................i'm going to watch britains got talent too , sometimes you can have a good laugh . a chinese ordered , son has paid for my birthday tomorrow , chinese .
.....................well catch you all later


Jacky Report 18 Apr 2009 18:43

Hiyaaaaa !!

I had a nice day out with my daughter, i had my eye test and have ordered a black pair and a burgandy pair of specs.

Just had our tea - now the evening is for relaxing....i want to watch the show that "Susan" the singer was on last week....i laughed at some and was sooo suprised at Susans voice - she brought a tear to my eyes.

Have a lazy evening

Jacky xx


Jacky Report 18 Apr 2009 12:08

Hello there everyone !!

Its a lovely day here, the sun has come out to play .....Lol

Going to get my eyes tested and get some new specs later, i think i am getting a whole new image..........need one as well...Lol

Have a nice day - enjoy the weather !!

Jacky xx


Jacky Report 17 Apr 2009 23:05

Hope you've all had a nice evening - see you tomorrow buddies

Goodnight - sleep well

Jacky xx


Jacky Report 17 Apr 2009 18:04

Just wondering...i wonder if anyone else looks at this thread??

Jacky xx


Jacky Report 17 Apr 2009 18:01

Good Evening All

Yeah, i have booked a weeks holiday from work next week, i was struggling with my speech so i thought i was better off away from work until i get my teeth sorted - did'nt want to be on S/L because i felt like a fraud due to me not being unwell.

It has been a lovely day here today....

Living room is done now - all nice and fresh !!

Have a nice evening all - thinking of you Rog, hope the pain has eased for you.

See you later

Jacky xx


Rose Report 17 Apr 2009 17:52

yooooooohoooooo all ,
......................hope your day has been good .
..............well friday is here again , go back to school on monday , the days have just flown by .
.................going off to have a nice hot bath .


Rose Report 17 Apr 2009 11:16

morning all ,
........dull here today lets hope the sun will break through .

lyn i watched it on telly , it was very moving ,
..................have good day all