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Do you believe in GHOSTS?

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JustDinosaurJill Report 6 Mar 2012 21:05

I was at a meeting in a school building one evening. One of the others thought she saw and heard someone in the corridor. She was really freaked and couldn't believe it when I stood up to go and check it out. Actually I didn't believe that there was anything or anyone there but had there been I wasn't about to scream the place down and run for it.

As I've said, I do believe but I think that programmes like Most Haunted are ridiculous. It annoys the heck out of me; all that screaming! Even if I believed what seems to be happening was genuine at that moment and not crew-created, it's no excuse. If you see it for what it is, ie pure entertainment and a total send-up it's fine but it's not serious. Yvette and the others call themselves paranormal investigators and when there's the slightest sound or bit of dust floating by they have hysterics. It's this apparent assertion that all ghosts/spirits are scary. Thing is, unless you are dealing with something really unpleasant (which I've done), they are only previously living people who presumably must undergo a total character change on death.

I'm interested in finding evidence to support or disprove a location being active in some way. I hope that I have enough of a scientific attitude to do my darndest to prove that the footsteps were boards settling or that tap on the window was an acorn being blown off a tree. I would rather prove that there was a normal explanation for something. This may be a surprise given that I believe and some might think I'm desperate to prove the supernatural but I would rather be able to discount to the best of my ability which means that what can't be explained 'might just' be a valid event. I've had enough experiences to know there is something in it. I don't find it scary but I have been scared by certain bad happenings which I hope one day to understand. All I need is to find someone to explain it to me.

I haven't visited a psychic and it isn't in my plans. I think that so many who claim to be are dodgy and playing on the grief of those who visit them. I believe that our loved-ones will make their presence known to you in some way if they know that you need them to.



George Report 6 Mar 2012 15:58

I have not actually seen a ghost but I do believe and I do know people who have seen ghosts, we have had a few strange experience in our family that some people put down to being just spooky coincidences or very real dreams. I have experienced quite a few losses of very close relatives so it has always comforted me to believe that they are still with and around me


WhiffingSiggs Report 2 Mar 2012 20:37

Numbers will always turn up if you look for them.


Braken Report 2 Mar 2012 18:34

21st April was mu dad's birthday 214


WhiffingSiggs Report 2 Mar 2012 17:45

It used to be the number of the Guildford to Southampton bus service. Weird !


Elaine Report 2 Mar 2012 08:15

In an earlier post I mentioned how 214 comes up a lot its the number of the flat I lived in when I was small....Just noticed this on the list of posts on this subject
1 Mar 2012 11:35 PM by Elaine Mackereth



Elaine Report 1 Mar 2012 23:35

You can always sleep with the light on !
If peekaboo was here she would take you to more than the light


WhiffingSiggs Report 1 Mar 2012 22:32

I'm convinced.


Peekaboo has taken me to the light!!


Oh no!! I'm too scared to go to bed now :-(


Elaine Report 1 Mar 2012 21:45

Kevin how can you explain my grand daughter then??? My dad died 1986 my mam grand daughter was born 2006. Also I dont have any pictures on the walls of my mam and dad. Yet when she was 3/4 she woke up saying there was a man with a bird in her room..we lived in flats so wasnt allowed any pets apart from budgies...When I had the pictures out in the last 6 months as soon as she saw the black and whilte picture of my mam and dad taken in 1955 she said theres the man and peekaboo lady???? ;-)


WhiffingSiggs Report 1 Mar 2012 18:42

You will never disprove something that can't be proven.

Mick in the Sticks

Mick in the Sticks Report 1 Mar 2012 17:47

It seems to me that belief in ghosts and belief in life after death are very much one and the same thing. As an individual, I believe in neither but I would not decry those who do, provided they do not try to force their beliefs on me. It is after all a matter of personal belief that has never been proved or disproved by one side or the other.

I do tend to be somewhat pragmatic on life after death. Logically there is either life after death or there is not. It is an issue where there can be no in-between. If there is life after death then we will all know the answer one day when we eventually pass away. If there is no life after death, then none of us will ever know as we will simply cease to exist in any form, both physical or spiritual.

I just find it hard to accept in the many thousands of years mankind has inhabited this earth, the same question has been asked by every individual that ever lived and not one has proved that ghosts or life after death are/is a reality. People can only tell you what they personally believe, nothing else.


Braken Report 1 Mar 2012 16:12

We were on our way to visit her we knew she didn't have long left But on the way we received a phone call to say she had passed away

We called in a shop after the phone call for a drink on a serve yourself till and there was 24p change all in 2p's she loved the 2p machines do you think it was her

We have had nothing since It's been over a year I would love to hear from her


Elaine Report 1 Mar 2012 15:48

They can get in touch in their own way. Little signs things like that.My dad used to wear Denim aftershave he died in 1986. But now and again I get a whiff of Denim dont thnk anyone wears it these days. The number 214 its the number of the flat I used to live in with mam and dad crops up a lot. I usually see it on car regs. Plus my name before I got married appears on a lot of cars from a certain area.
And like I said in my other post my grand daughter who was born in 2006 has seen both my parents who dies years before she was born. How can you explain that??? But at the end of the day to each his own..if you beleive ok if you dont its still ok.


Braken Report 1 Mar 2012 13:21

In the last two years I have lost 3 members of my family 1 of which I was very close to I would dearly love her to get in touch with me but I don't know if I know enough to know when she was there or how to recieve her if that makes any sense

I suppose that's why I posted this to find out more as I know nothing having never experenced anything like I've alread said ;-)


Mistycat Report 29 Feb 2012 22:29

A little "side way's" to the original question but along the same lines....

Yesterdays Children by Jenny Cockill.... is an easy read (in my opinion) whatever you do/don't believe.

Misty x


Elaine Report 29 Feb 2012 22:19

Ohhh not Sylvia Browne used to be on the Montel Williams show lol. There is a video on You Tube of her .This poor girl asked if there was a message from her mother as he was trying to say something just befores he died.

Sylvia said yess he was trying to tell you ....he wasnt your biological father but he loved you anyway !!!!! :-0

Heres the clip off YouTube...sorry about the swearing at the bottom some people dont like her very much.

Ive been to psychics over here and found most of them very good just the americans ones go a bit over the top.


Mary Report 29 Feb 2012 22:00

Gosh don't some people have narrow views.My brother asked me to read a book called To The Other Side and Back by Sylvia Browne as he was dying and after he passed away I could feel his prescence until I bought the book.Certainly made me think but every one entitled to their own opinion even the Doubting Thomas's


Chrissie2394 Report 29 Feb 2012 20:19

Hi Mistycat,

Really like your reply, not condescending just..'each to their own' that's how it should be. Unlike some other replies there have been on here.



WhiffingSiggs Report 29 Feb 2012 17:12

The answer is this... If there are no ghosts... if there are no gods... a lot of people are being taken in by some pretty big lies. Which would be embarrassing for all concerned.



WhiffingSiggs Report 29 Feb 2012 17:09

Psychic Detectives? When I was a teenager I found this sort of thing interesting in an inquisitive way. Having inquired I lost interest in much the same manner that a child loses interest in Father Christmas, the tooth fairy and the monster in the cupboard. They're not real. People demand 'respect' for their beliefs, whether religious, supernatural or otherwise. Why? Can anyone answer me why? Is it because people like me are seen as mean, like a big brother upsetting a younger sibling with the truth about Santa ?!?