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Top tip - Genes Reunited blogs

Welcome to the new Genes Reunited blog!

  • We regularly add blogs covering a variety of topics. You can add your own comments at the bottom.
  • The Genes Reunited Team will be writing blogs and keeping you up to date with changes happening on the site.
  • In the future we hope to have guest bloggers that will be able to give you tips and advice as to how to trace your family history.
  • The blogs will have various privacy settings, so that you can choose who you share your blog with.

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A Right Royal Brood

Published in Genes News on 5 Jul 2013 16:20 : 2 comments : 3298 views

Following last year’s remarkably accurate predictions of the Royal baby’s birth date, the family history website Genes Reunited have researched The Duchess of Cambridge’s family tree in an attempt to uncover how many royal children we might expect.

Long lost twin sisters reunited after 55 years

Published in Genes News on 2 Jul 2013 12:30 : 4 comments : 3443 views

After 55 years sisters Helen and Jenny are finally reunited. To their astonishment they discovered that they were not just sisters, but also twins. For Helen that meant she was actually 14 months older than the age she had spent her whole life believing she was.

Half of Britons do not speak to a family member

Published in Genes News on 25 Jun 2013 11:36 : 2 comments : 10032 views

  • Over 26 million Brits have fallen out with a family member
  • The most common disputes occur between siblings and can last 10 years
  • Main reasons for falling out include money, jealousy and choice of partner

Saying thank you to our members

Published in Genes News on 7 Jun 2013 16:58 : 5 comments : 6948 views

We are sponsoring TV show Long Lost Family for the third time running this year. The show will start on the 17th June on ITV at 9pm, and run for eight weeks. We are likely to see more activity on the community boards whilst the series is running, in particular the Finding Ancestors and Finding Living Relatives board. For those of you that frequently help other members on this board, we want to make sure that your time is rewarded and we want your views on the best way to do this.

“She sells seashells on the seashore”

Published in Genes News on 21 May 2013 09:04 : 0 comments : 3254 views

Mary Anning was one of the best known scientific minds of the 19th Century, but her work, which inspired Charles Darwin and a host of his colleagues, went largely unrecognised during her own lifetime. Anning's discoveries fundamentally changed scientific thinking and the Royal Society described her achievements as "paving the way for Charles Darwin's theory of evolution". Her work was respected by some of the finest scientific minds and Charles Dickens wrote of her "deserved reputation". But it was not until 2009 that they Royal Society named her as one of the ten most influential women in the history of science.

Royalty on the River

Published in Genes News on 24 Apr 2013 14:45 : 5 comments : 2510 views

Top 10 London Black Cab Facts

Published in Genes News on 19 Apr 2013 11:40 : 0 comments : 4648 views

As voted for by you! View our latest You Tube video on London Black Cabs. Did you know that all black cabs have to be high enough to accommodate a passenger wearing a bowler hat?

The world's oldest bike shop...

Published in Genes News on 16 Apr 2013 10:00 : 0 comments : 2505 views

Our latest video looks at the history behind Pearson Cycles, the world’s oldest bike shop. The shop has been in the Pearson family for five generations since 1860.

Watch their fascinating story now:

Hear all about Britain's oldest family business

Published in Genes News on 28 Mar 2013 11:35 : 0 comments : 2583 views

Richard Balson's family have been running a butchers in Bridport since 1535 - the time of King Henry VIII. That make it Britain's oldest business.

Who Do You Think You Are? LIVE – Saturday, day 2

Published in Genes News on 6 Mar 2013 09:35 : 0 comments : 4251 views

Last week, we were at Who Do You Think You Are? LIVE - team members at Genes have written about their experiences of the event. Rachel tells us all about Saturday.