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Learn something from WDYTYA. And beat GRO waiting

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Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 17 Aug 2006 10:41

See below

Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 17 Aug 2006 10:44

With the new series due soon the panic about GRO waiting times will come up again,BUT Think about it,how many certs used in the show come from the GRO?Don't they always have a scene where the local office hands the cert to the celebrity? I wonder why GR members think that the GRO is the ONLY place to get certs when local offices are quicker and give a better service. Glen

Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 17 Aug 2006 10:59

I'm with you on this one Glen, I always think it's preferable to use the local offices. But I think people go with what they're used to and comfortable with using. If only they'd give the local offices a try - they'd soon realise they get a much better service. The local offices are more willing to do a flexible search than the GRO are for a start AND they'll return your money if it's not the right match. Shouldn't be promoting the local ones really - think of how busy they'll become!!

Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 17 Aug 2006 11:07

Feels like a little club for the elite doesn't it? It just shows though,that there is something to learn from the show IF you look hard enough. Glen

Linda in the Midlands

Linda in the Midlands Report 17 Aug 2006 11:18

I do try to use my locals ones if possible, but several times they can't find any record of the birth/marriage so have had to resort to the GRO :(

Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 17 Aug 2006 11:21

That is strange Linda, The GRO are more likely to have entries missing just because they had to copy everything several times to create an alphabetical index. I have a couple of things that never made the GRO but local office have found very easily. Glen


Rachel Report 17 Aug 2006 11:23

You are right Glen, however a lot of us on here, myself included, are through circumstances internet based researchers. I have two young pre school children, with no one local to look after them for me, and do not have a car available to me in the day. My nearest record office is Reading which is 15 miles away. I come from Sussex and was able to get over to Lewes record office for the first time recently, when my husband looked after the children whilst we stayed with my Mum. I have so much to look up there, but it will just have to wait until some point in the future when I'll be able to get there more often. I think most people are aware that they can obtain certificates this way, but find GRO internet service more convenient and are willing to put up with the delays.


Deb Report 17 Aug 2006 11:23

Hi Glen, I would use local register offices but all the ones I need only give handwritten certs.........I check you A-Z guide first!!!!!! Deb

Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 17 Aug 2006 11:31

If i convince 1 person the local offices are worth using my threads have been useful. If i convince 10 then all the better. If i convince 25 then Heather and Merry have promised me £7 apiece. (They don't know yet,so spread the word discretely) Glen


Alan Report 17 Aug 2006 11:33

Two weeks ago on the MONDAY I sent off for 4 death certs to REIGATE local reg office. They received the request on the TUESDAY and I received my 4 certs NEXT DAY on the Wednesday. What a service!!!!! GRO would have taken at least 2 weeks. I always use the local offices.I requested a birth cert for my Father's brother from Lewis and the Father's name I gave didn't match with their entry. They telephoned me to tell me this and didn't charge at all for the call or the time spent looking. The GRO charge at least £3 for the privelege of looking.

Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 17 Aug 2006 11:43

Rachael You don't order them off the internet you send for them (mostly) through good old fashioned mail. There are a few local offices who will accept orders off the internet but in the main I have found most only do a postal service. Even if they do internet orders they ALSO accept postal orders. There is no reason (usually) on this earth not to use the local registry offices - they really are great. Try them just once - you'll never go back, promise!!!

Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 17 Aug 2006 11:49

Rachel The local offices will usually take postal and telephone orders,i have a thread with contact details for quite a few offices,but you can also find the details by googling the name of the local council,or from Genuki. Some counties are now offering online bmd index facilities,and links direct to the offices. If you need any help with contact details give me a shout,i will try to help as best i can. Glen


Rachel Report 17 Aug 2006 12:04

Thanks Glen & Snowdrops - when I went to Lewes recently they were so busy & short staffed that I had to wait ages to see documents from their archive. I'm still waiting for copies of documents and photos which I ordered. I won't want to burden them anymore. I'll have to look at your threads Glen to see if I can order certs from my local council, though when ever I've been there I've usually had a long wait to see anybody.


Unknown Report 17 Aug 2006 12:23

The Isle of Wight FHS have a free BMD with a link online to print out an application form. The turn around is very fast.

Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 17 Aug 2006 12:24

Rachael - from your reply above it sounds like you're getting the Records Office and the Registry Office mixed up - they are two separate places doing two different things! The records office deal with pre 1837 stuff and the registry office with post 1837 stuff - hope that makes sense to you? Snowdrops

Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 17 Aug 2006 12:36

Sent a pm to Rachel,the Lewes RO have an online application facility for bmd certs. Glen


Rachel Report 17 Aug 2006 12:37

Yes, Glen has just pm'd me about that. It doesn't take much to get me confused! I suppose you have to contact the office where the bmd was registered and it looks like from posts on here that some have an online service. I'll have to look into this further. Thank you for your help. Rachelxx


Lynn Report 17 Aug 2006 12:51

Glen, you convinced me about the local offices ages ago, but you can claim me for your total LOL. Unfortunately, Mum's family tend to come from the London area and I have to order from the GRO. Lynn

Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 17 Aug 2006 12:51

No problem Rachel. Yes you are right,the office you need is the office local to the birth/marriage/death. So a birth in Lincoln would mean contacting Lincoln,a birth in York means contacting York etc. The donkey work is finding the details first time round,after that you have the contact details and it's far easier 2nd time around. Glen


Guinevere Report 17 Aug 2006 12:56

Hi Glenn, I'm a bit wary of local offices having had 2 certs that were mistranscribed by the staff. Those that photocopy are fine, though. Gwynne