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This hobby has corrupted me!!!

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Pauline Report 27 Jun 2006 17:25

Mr friend Linda and myself always discuss what research we have managed when we go on our weekly 'Walking for Health' She also said someone she knew had just found 'Religion' and would keep going on about it. Then we realized others must think the same about us and our 'Religion'! Pauline

*** Fuzzy

*** Fuzzy Report 27 Jun 2006 18:05

Just got back from exhausting shopping trip, reading this thread has totally cheered me up. Feel almost normal now too! Nice to know that I am not the only one with what I now call my illness, sometimes I wish I could take pills for it so that I would be cured.....I used to be seriously nothing gets done, washing remains unironed and homecooking is a thing of the past! I now think of the quickest way to get things done, so that I can get on the computer and get my daily fix.....What an anorak I have turned into!! Fuzzy x


Krissie Report 27 Jun 2006 18:53

Tips for a geneaholic housewife, or househusband [musn't be sexist] so that more time can be spent behind the computer: 1. Spray Pledge [or is it Mr. Sheene now] around the living room and hall. 2. Throw all untidy objects [not the hubby or the cat] into a cupboard/ behind the sofa/ under the bed. 3. When these places get a bit full, pile all junk up in a corner, cover with an artistic 'throw' [ie. bit of old curtain] and [carefully] balance a potted plant on top to make a 'feature'. 4. Bathroom and loo next: squirt a bit of bleach in the loo, ditto in the bath; give taps a quick polish with damp cloth RESULT: an impressively tidy, clean and freshly-smelling house. Lots of time left to go trawling through the BMD index. And if you think I'm joking, you should see my place!!

Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 27 Jun 2006 19:14

Totally off topic everyone but I'm an absolute wreck. Spent an hour or two watching The Green Mile on dvd and then had a reply to some burial lookups. I can now see where ten of one line are buried,aunts,uncles,grandfather and g g/father all in one cemetary in Lincoln and a couple in another.Most are infants,i have an uncle buried over 100 years ago,aged just two months. Please don't ever watch that film then look at burials,i'm crying like a baby. Glen


Heather Report 27 Jun 2006 19:28

I have to say Merry, its quite clear that you are only an intermediate in my 'Housewifery for Anoraks Course' You omitted 1. Plug in the hoover and have it on display in the middle of the hallway so that if the postman/delivery/neighbour etc calls, they have disturbed you in the middle of your work. They feel guilty, you dont. 2. Fill the washing up sink with plenty of foaming water - its expensive but I recommend Fairy Liquid. 3. Pour bleach down the loo and spray the shower door with Mr Muscle - thats the bathroom done. 4. You did in fact get points for spraying Mr Sheen in every room but you forgot to keep it handy by the door to give it a squirt if anyone knocks. 5. Put make up on first thing in the morning, because you wont do it at any other time in the day. 6. When you take the dog in the garden for a pee, exclaim loudly 'Hurry up Ralph (insert pet name here), Ive got to clean the windows now' (Of course, you dont - but the neighbours will imagine thats what you are doing). 7. Always have a pile of washing in the washing machine. You dont actually get round to getting it out, but the sound of the machine going round (put it on the longest cycle) will confuse callers. 8. If the living room is REALLY bad, and someone visits unexpectedly, quickly put the cushions and back cushions on the floor like you are giving the room a proper good topping and they have interupted you. 9. Bleach in the sink in the kitchen - smells clean. 10. Sweep the front door step - this is essential - as its the first thing peeps see and will assume the rest of the house has also been cleaned or is about to be cleaned. Anyone who enrols this month will be given a free Can of Mr Sheen and a very clean soft cloth, both for the purpose of Item No. 4. Do not forget that when you OPEN the door to callers, you have these items in either hand and look slightly flustered as they have disturbed you. I have to say that I would be more than pleased to have Olde Crone on the course as she has already skipped a level by using the old ' Ive been on night shift' scam. This can be even more effective if you actually have one of those nurses fob watches that connects to your cardi - the caller will feel that they have disturbed one of the National Healths 'angels' and will feel particularly guilty about doing so.


Heather Report 27 Jun 2006 19:34

Oh, nearly forgot - on the advanced course, all students will be supplied with emergency trip wires for advanced knowledge of the OH arriving home unexpectantly. This safety measure can be supplemented with flashing lights attached to the top of the pc and in extreme cases (long drives, etc) a siren. (These are extras and not included in the course fee)


Krissie Report 27 Jun 2006 19:45

Heather, Tip 2 and 7 really good and duly noted, but what's a hoover?

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 27 Jun 2006 19:58

Heather You forgot Keep a slightly grubby sling by the front door and dont forget to pop it on for unexpected callers. (Right arm, of course, if you are right-handed). If its a neighbour or someone who knows you well, you will have to improvise a bit by saying, I've had such a terrible pain in my arm for WEEKS now and as I dont want to make a fuss/alarm my family, I only wear it when no-one is home. With a bit of luck, they will get to with the hoover or the washing up. If you live alone, like me, always eat over the sink - saves dirtying a plate. Use the same coffee mug all day, giving it a quick rinse under the cold tap when need be. Make the children eat in the garden - tell them its a picnic, they will be thrilled. Hang wet clothes out on coat hangers - less ironing and the neighbours will be dead impressed that you are so fussy about drying your laundry. Invest in dark, slate coloured tiles for the kitchen floor - you can get away with not cleaning it until you and your beloveds start sticking to it. And finally, if you are unfortunate enough to get caught red-handed on the pooter, shout indignantly, Ive only just this minute come on here, you'd would think I was on here all day every day, who do you think does all the washing/cleaning/ironing around here, and you grudge me 5 minutes relaxation. OC


Heather Report 27 Jun 2006 20:12

I can see Old Crone can definitely skip level 1 and 2 - those points are all covered in the Advanced level. (Except the sling job - I would discourage this as it could induce sympathetic people to actually walk through the front door). An addendum to the Mr Sheen polish scam - DO NOT get carried away and spray into the air above wooden flooring - I did do this in my early days before I formulated my course and it can lead to OH/pets/kids/visitors ending up on their ******. Certainly the hangers on the line is one of my favourites - and dont forget the same hangers and clothes can be utilitised for weeks at a time. I hope you have all discovered the delights of Dettol floor cleaner - this requires no buckets, no water, no lifting or drying - you simply squirt on kitchen floor, rub the mop over it a bit and the place smells like a hospital operating theatre. Ditto for laminate floors - Mr Sheens orange floor spray. As we are now getting into the realms of me losing money on my course - I shant give much else away except, a pile of freshly laundered and folded fluffy towels on the third step of your stairs is also a must have.


Rachel Report 27 Jun 2006 20:17

Oh Glen, that's the trouble with this hobby which is sometimes forgotten - we're researching real people with real lives. These people had it really tough, child mortality rates were incredably high. Just because these families had 10+ children, doesn't mean that they didn't love every single one of them. Inscriptions I've read on headstones bear testiment to this. An example - 'Only death could take away her grief' - at least 5 of her 16 children predeceased her. Emotions can really catch you off guard sometimes. I hope you didn't mind the joke earlier, I just couldn't resist that one. Hope you're sitting comfortably!!! Rachelxx


Sarah Report 27 Jun 2006 20:18

What are you lot like?! Heather, I guess your FTM fivers have run out then? Need to fill your knickers again? - sorry I'll rephrase that - Need to supplement your income again? I'll sign up - I'll try the advanced with OC if I may though - I'm still managing to get on here despite the calls of 3 children & a husband that can never find ANYthing (I think it's an innate male trait!) Sarah :-) He's French & watching the footie right now so I'm not about to get kicked off the puter!


Heather Report 27 Jun 2006 20:25

One more tip - just to induce you all to sign up - praise to god if you have a completely non computer literate OH. This can be used in various ways - for instance they will not appreciate that you have the ability to have two screens on the go and can minimise one as soon as you hear them approaching. Further, particularly, if like me you actually work for OH - when he comes into the office (and you have already minimised) - you then sigh, wipe your forehead and say, 'Thank God, Ive had error 4405EXE on there for 2 hours and Ive only just managed to get rid of it. I can get on with the work now'

Nana Anna

Nana Anna Report 27 Jun 2006 20:34

A Good Genealogist always has a display of 'Get Well Soon' cards on the mantlepiece in case of unexpected callers. You can quickly apologise for the mess saying you have been ill and perhaps they will even offer to help tidy up!! :-) Anna x

Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 27 Jun 2006 20:34

I have a confession to make everyone,while the last five or so posts have been made i have ...............................................................................................................................................................................................cleaned the windows. Sorry,apologies,i seek forgiveness from my peers and promise that i shall do 10,000 birth look ups before supper time. Glen


Michael Report 27 Jun 2006 20:36

I'll have to settle for the Anorak's School of Student Living: 1. Choose the only hall on campus where you don't get your room cleaned for you, in order to eliminate distractions. 2. Ensure the floor is always covered in junk - if people can't see it, they can't tell if it's clean or not. 3. Eat off the chopping board to save having to wash up a plate. 4. When moving rooms, dump stuff in the new room but don't unpack it for a week or two. This isn't very good, is it? I'll shut up and leave it to the experts.

Jean Durant

Jean Durant Report 27 Jun 2006 20:50

PMSL all of you. Heather I would like to sign up for the advanced course please. I already belong to the Quentin Crisp School of How Not To Waste Time Doing Mundane Jobs so I think I am ready to step up to a higher level now. Jean x.


Heather Report 27 Jun 2006 20:54

Gawd knows whats happened to this thread - I had this the other night. Quentin Crisp, now you are talking - he is actually one of our founder members The motto for the college is taken directly from the sacred Quentin's lips ' After the first two years the dust doesnt get any deeper' There is an example to all of us.

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 27 Jun 2006 21:28

What do you mean, Dust? Thats an art installation just waiting for the nod from the Tate! My tip, tumble all clothes for 5 minutes, place on hangers on the line. Result, no ironing to be done. After 5 months I have only 2 pure cotton blouses that need ironing. No doubt I'll take them into my shop one day. (I work for Barnardos)


Michael Report 27 Jun 2006 21:36

Strangely enough I actually do more ironing than the rest of my family put together. What that amounts to is that occasionally, if I have a job interview or suchlike, I iron a shirt for it. No-one else ever does any.


Karen Report 27 Jun 2006 21:46

Lol brilliant thread, my mother told my hubby when we first got together that i would never been chained to the kitchen sink lol something that he reminds me of on occasions. my answer: Housework will always be around but we wont. lifes to short.