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Trawl Ancestry Images for BMD and Censuses FASTER

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Maureen Report 20 Mar 2006 14:31

Hi Katarzyna Thanks for that tip - will keep to try later - Maureen


William Report 20 Mar 2006 14:52

Kat - thanks for another piece of useful advice. Anybody - I keep seeing these references to 'nudging'. As a relative newcomer, I've no idea what it means. Can anyone out there explain, please? Cheers, Bill


Christina Report 20 Mar 2006 20:05

Thanks for the tip.


Deanna Report 20 Mar 2006 20:13

Thanks for the tip Kat. Hope it works for me, any reason why it should not?? Special broadband or something? I don't know much about computers. Deanna X


Jane Report 20 Mar 2006 20:18

WOW, Kat, thats fantastic, thank you....................................... won't ask how you worked that one out though, lol Bill, nudging is a way of getting the page to the top again, so instead of writing a message, you just type nudge and everyone knows why you have put it, sometimes they delete the nudge but then become phantom nudgers, lol hope that explains it, i have re read it and still not sure if it makes sense, pmsl................


babs123 Report 20 Mar 2006 20:20

William this is copied from Elaine's thread ' Tips and Tricks' on General Board, NUDGING OR BUMPING This is the term used when you add to a thread to bring it to the front page for whatever reason. Most people just write 'Nudge' in the space provided when they add a message. Some add to the thread to nudge it , then prefer to delete their message so not to clutter the thread with nudges. PHANTOM NUDGE When someone nudges a thread then immediately deletes their post with the sole intention of bringing a controversial, argumentative or nasty thread to the front page, just to stir up unrest. Kat snap Jane!!


Jane Report 20 Mar 2006 20:25

lol Kat............ nearly word for word too !!!!


William Report 20 Mar 2006 20:32

Thanks Jane & Kat. Now I understand what, but not why?


babs123 Report 20 Mar 2006 20:38

William It is a way of keeping your thread to the top of page one, for example if it disappears off the page and you have had no replies you can bump it up the board in hopes that someone will answer it for you , perhaps someone with a bit more expertise who hadn't been on the board when you first posted it. (draws breath) Or if some asks a question that you know has been answered before you might find it and bump it up the boards for their benefit, letting them know on their thread ofcourse that you have bumped it for them. Hope that helps Kat


William Report 20 Mar 2006 20:56

OK, Kat. The mists have cleared now and it all makes sense. As previously, thanks for your help. Cheers, Bill


Tracey Report 20 Mar 2006 21:53

I have found this so helpful, I would agree that it cuts the loading time by about 50% many thanks


babs123 Report 20 Mar 2006 22:01

Deanna Sorry for late reply. Whichever system you are on it should speed things up. William anytime Katx


babs123 Report 21 Mar 2006 01:08

Nick, What site were you on, I don't quite understand what you mean. and what were you looking up perhaps we can find it for you. Will answer tomorrow ie Tuesday, unless someone can sort it meantime, off to bed now, Kat


Gail Report 21 Mar 2006 06:30

Cheers for that, will try it later. Gail.


Liz Report 21 Mar 2006 11:46

Would like to print this out but how do I do it? Tried but it just printed the post office add on the top of the page!


babs123 Report 21 Mar 2006 12:39

HI NICK Sorry for delay. I'll go through your example for death of Arthur Nicholls, we will assume you don't know his death date. but have an approx year range in mind. Step by step is only way I can explain it so bear with me here. You can use the same method for all BMD on the INDEX IMAGES. Go to Home page on Ancestry Then More collections Click on E & W BMD Index (beta) Click on Deaths Put in Arthur Nichols then 1925 and +/- 5 Click search This will bring up Name Range Search Results. Press 'view image' for jan - mar Quarter. When image appears you will see just above it the OPTIONS blue box with red tick in it. Then follow my previous instructions. when you have done that ,search the page for Arthur. OK he isn't there, so Press back button top LH corner and press on the next quarter and search that and so on til you find him . You will find that these subsequent searches through the quarters will materialise a lot faster. in fact twice as normal. You have to re-apply the settings each time you log on. I haven't yet had time to look to see if I can put these settings as a default....but I will!! Hope this helps. As you can see this only works when seaching for IMAGES. Kat BTW. if you cannot read the image very well then go to the options again and reset the image to the original settings for a clearer view. read the image and then go back to options and put the 'speedy' ones on again to continue the search.


Pam Report 21 Mar 2006 22:24

Liz A quick way to print a message - select the text you want to print. Press Ctrl +P, then on the left under Page Range click in the Selection option. Press print and you should get only what you highlighted. Pam


Dorothy Report 21 Mar 2006 22:29

Many thanks for the tip.


merseybabe Report 22 Mar 2006 01:12

Great tip, especially if you have a lot of years to cover,it is done in no time at all Thanks once again Kat, Ann


babs123 Report 23 Mar 2006 23:54

This does work for censuses too, I tried it out tonight Kat