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Auntie Motie a Genteel Tale of Everyday Life.

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CherryCrumbles Report 20 Oct 2012 08:17

an early good morning, dear ladies. Yesterday I ventured out in the rain to fetch some fresh tomatoes from the greenhouse for dear Mrs Berry, for one of her recipes, and I slipped into a drain gulley and have been swimming all over the place trying to get back to Motie Towers. Just look at me - my rats tails are full of hair :-D

Did you miss me Petunia dear? The Towers must have been very quiet without me around. I will sort out the recycling as soon as I am dried and respekkable again.

So - Juana has returned eh? You are a tad hard hearted perhaps, because you know deep down that Patrick was a feckless bounder. If it had not been Juana, it would have been another female. Of course she should have said No to him, but she is a Spanish gel and they are noted for their warm hearts and fiery dispositions.

I have not forgotten that Juana tried to worm her way back in a few weeks ago, so where has she been hiding (or living) between walking back from Gretna Green and turning up at St Jumbos. Did she tell Fr Thadius that? Or did she go to St Jumbos after you turned her away?

Must comment - your study isnt brown. I should know, I spend enough time dusting and polishing in there every day.
*thinks* and I still havent found the key to the secret filing cabinet

*wondering if the rain has stopped yet .....


MotownGal Report 20 Oct 2012 15:37

Good afternoon dears.

Lesley, we understand that you have demands on your time dear. As ladies of leisure, we can come and go as we please.................if it was not for all the good works I have undertaken, I would be at my wits end.

So many people remark on my input. The Church Flowers, the WI, St Jumbos, The Sisters of Much Binding in the Marsh, The Bridge Club, The Old Soldiers and Sailors Mission, that is not withstanding the organising I do here at Motie Towers. If I did not crack the whip, the place would fall into wrack and ruin.

This rain does not seem to let up, thank goodness we have Pat-trish-aaaah valiantly building the Ark in the back garden. I will get the gardener to build a trellis, removeable of course, in front of it, so it will not become an eye-sore, should the flood not arrive. As you know our part of North London is on the Hill, so should the Thames burst its banks, it still would not get this far.

Cherry dear, I feel suitablely chastised about Juana. Yes, I understand your argument that she is Latino and that she wears her heart on her sleeve, but she is also a very silly girl. Patrick, as you know, I did not see for many, many years, but still he was my one true love, I find that I can forgive him most things. I still have his likeness on my bedside cabinet, along with the cameo brooch...................aaaah, memories, memories. No Cherry, that is not an excuse to play Cats by Sir Andrew and Sir Tim.

I think I shall let her sweat a little longer, until she decides whether to enter the closed Order, or decides that it is not for her, and issues a grovelling apology, with the promise of never, ever, behaving like a trollop again. I think I make myself plain.

I have been furniture hunting today dears, I have seen a wonderful Chippendale trestle that has my name on it. I do so love a good barter, if all else fails, a quick biff on the boko usually knocks some sense into them!

Pip Pip
Auntie Petunia


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 20 Oct 2012 20:31

Good Evening

Raining in London oh dear in my part of Essex we haven't had rain all day:-)

So much for my restful day I was home alone today :-( as it's that time of year again when my MOG partakes in his country pursuits I wont elaborate on this as I understand it is not in favour with everyone :-( I diverse :-S rather than rest I drove the 20 miles south and tended four family graves two and a half hours later in desperate need of a cup of Rosie Lee I faced the return journey home now I ask myself why did I not have a relaxing day at home pampering and pandering to me :-|


MotownGal Report 21 Oct 2012 08:57

Good morning ladies, a rather grey one at that.

The rain finally said goodbye in the early hours, but tis still wet on the ground. Ark coming along a treat.

I said that I would pootle along to the Olympic Village today, just to see what was going on with the dismantling etc. All the fixtures and fittings up on a popular website, so all leaving at a great rate.

That is of course after church, where my flowers will be on show. Beautiful even though I say so myself.

Lesley, the graves of our loved ones are always special. I too visit them, more regularly in the summer I must admit, but always just before Christmas. The snow on the ground lends a serene feel to the great Victorian necropolis. Our loved ones are our history, we are their future. So sad.

Well, just orft. May be back a little later on.

Pip Pip
Auntie Petunia


CherryCrumbles Report 21 Oct 2012 15:34

good afternoon all, I wont tell you what I got up to yesterday or you will be throwing bricks and bats at me...... strictly speaking, it is too early for what I did, but I didnt dare leave things until "the last minute", as I have too much to do all the time as it is, and not enough hours in the day in which to do it ....... Perhaps if I gave up sleeping, eating and watching a bit of TV in the evenings ..... well, I need something to fall asleep over.

Hello Lesley, you are to be commended driving that distance to tend family graves. I observed, some years ago, that we all need this ritual of mourning because its all that we have left. As dear Petunia says, so succintly, they are our past and we are their future, so its only right we remember them.

Ah yes, Petunia dear, I have heard some of the comments passed about your Good Works. You certainly blaze a trail that leaves a light in many an eye, and I heard it took five days for Mrs Peabody to calm down. The Reverend Bluejeans was beside himself. That must be why I always thought he was twins.

You really must have a word with Pat rish aaaah. She has been rolling in the leaves again and it does nothing for her complexion or her hair do. But the Ark is coming along nicely. Tricki Woo is so portly, he could enter the Ark doing a Two By Two all by himself.

A quick question - does the London Eye ever blink?



Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 21 Oct 2012 16:19

A Relaxing Good Afternoon Ladies.

Here I am lying on my chaise longue (settee) in front of a log fire and not a care in the world...........ah bliss :-) I am watching on the TV the world championship triathlon coming from a very wet Auckland New Zealand ~~~~~~~~~~to Susan in case you are there :-D

Only guessing at what you were up to yesterday CC I don't think it's to early...............ducks...........shall I build a barricade to protect us from flying objects :-D

Auntie Petunia it was very serene in both churchyards I visited yesterday I didn't see another person :-( I get a lot of comfort from going to the grave of my family :-) we always have a little chat..........well at least I do :-D


MotownGal Report 21 Oct 2012 18:28

Dear Ladies,

Here I am, back again. I am pleased that you took some comfort from the graves dear Lesley. We are the link from the past to the future, we are important in ourselves, and yet a small speck in the wider sphere of things.

I have been at the Village today. They have declared that the cable car is a Tourist Attraction, so be it. It is jolly expensive though, and it takes a long time to cross the Thames. So in answer to Cherry dear, does the Eye blink. It closes its eye overnight.

I can see it from my top back bedroom, and it definitely goes off at night. It is still a beautiful Royal Blue up until 1am, but it is turned off later.

I am to have dinner soon dears, a proper roast dinner made with Pat-trish-aaaah's own fair hands, after she has stopped rolling in the leaves, and she has bathed.

I do so like a nice piece of hot meat inside of me with all the trimmings. Even better when it is dripping in gravy....................aaaaah Gravy browning!!!!!!!

Aaaah, the gong is going.

Off to nosh
Auntie Petunia


CherryCrumbles Report 21 Oct 2012 19:49

**chokes and splutters on hearing dear Petunia's comment about a nice piece of hot meat .........."" Would that be meat and two veg dear?

Lesley so many people leave things until the very last minute, whereas I go for Forward Planning. Actually, I hate seeing Christmas things on sale from September onwards, I think that November is quite early enough to buy Christmas food and decorations. But when it comes to wrapping gifts and writing out cards ..... I usually make a start in November but for personal reasons decided to get it all out of the way yesterday. Each year, I buy the Christmas cards in the January sales, which enables me to buy some really classy cards (Mother, Sister, Daughter Nephew Niece etc) and a boxed set of pretty cards (for everyone else) for a fraction of the usual price. And the shops are still making a profit on the sale price .....



MotownGal Report 21 Oct 2012 20:07

A thick slice of Aberdeen Angus dear. I do so like a hot meal in the evening. I always think cold meat should be served with a salad. And it is far too cold for a salad!

Pat-trish-aaaaah has far excelled herself. Did you help too Cherry dear? The Yorkshirfes are as light as a feather. Did you give it an extra whisk? My congratulations dear. You have both done very well.

Now, a dollop of trifle will just set that off a treat.

Thank you dear, come and join me.

Night night all
Auntie Petunia


MotownGal Report 22 Oct 2012 06:45

Good morning ladies, I saw most of the night!!!

It has been dark and foggy here.

That will teach me to eat such a full meal last thing at night.

I have had indigestion and heartburn. I took some of those tablets advertised on the television. You know the ones, with the little firemen putting out the fire.

I shall recline on the chaise longue today I think. That will teach me to scoff so much!!!!

Mind you, a naice cup of tea would not come amiss.


Auntie Petunia


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 22 Oct 2012 13:52

Hello Ladies.

I am sorry to hear you had such a terrible night Auntie Petunia :-( I do hope relaxing on your chaise longue and maybe getting 40 winks has made you feel better :-)

CC when I was out driving on Saturday the roads were so quiet :-) it got me thinking as to whether people were staying at home because the weather was so grey and misty or whether everyone was starting their seasonal shopping:-S wish I new what to get everyone then mine would be done and dusted too :-D


CherryCrumbles Report 22 Oct 2012 17:43

*gives poor dear Petunia a hefty slap to the back, to disperse the colic sitting in the gullet and bring up the indigestion *

There dear, that's better, yes? My word you do look green around the gills all of a sudden. I recommend an early night, and let your Good Works take care of themselves tomorrow. Of course, this is the result of ingesting too much hot meat so close to bedtime on a Sunday .......



MotownGal Report 22 Oct 2012 17:46

Good afternoon Dears!

Much better thank you Lesley dear, that will teach me to be a carnivour!

I believe there was a big March in London on Saturday, which eventually let to trouble in some parts, I too noticed that the roads were empty. But as I have Pat-trish-aaaaah to ferry me about, I do not bother too much as far as motor cars are concerned.

I have been drifting in and out of sleep most of the day, dreaming of younger days when I was a debutante, and mixed in elegant social circles. It was a social whirl dears, fine dining and balls. I still do the fine dining, but the knees are not what they were dears. I can manage a waltz and a foxtrot, but the fandango is out of the question!

Presents dears, I always make my own. I find the personal touch is appreciated, they know that I have taken time, in my hectic schedule, to make something especially for them.

Tea cosies, scarfs, mittens, bedsocks, I can knit and crochet with the best of them.

I think my tummy has recovered enough for a light supper dears. Maybe a little lemon sole, asparagus and boiled minted potatoes. I shall put in my order to Mrs Berry, it should not take her long to pop to the shops!

Then I must look out my knitting needles and crochet hooks.

Busy, busy, always busy.
Auntie Petunia


CherryCrumbles Report 22 Oct 2012 17:50

hello Lesley. yes it is a problem wondering what to buy for people at Christmas, especially when you have known them for many years, and they have already "got everything".

For example, what do you buy for the man who has everything? There are two answers : Penicillin - or a black bin liner for him to put his "everything" in.

This year I have solved the problem of what to buy for MFH, by getting him a Man Tin which I found for sale on Hamazon. It is a good sized tin, to hold all the bits n bobs that a man accumulates but can never quite store tidily cos he doesnt know where to put it. Hah! I know where to stick it all .......

In the Man Tin, of course. why? what did you think I meant? oh shame on you ... :-D

Hopefully, on Boxing Day, I will have my lovely coffee table returned to me ..... I keep telling the GOG, what is the point of having a beautiful coffee table when I never see the surface of it cos its cluttered up with his bits n bobs.



MotownGal Report 22 Oct 2012 17:55

Cherry dear we crossed in the Passage.

Dont keep hiding in the corner with that lampshade on your head.

If you do not get your coffee table back dear, I shall order you a new one, and that will be your Chrissy Present.

The Man Tin is a revelation dear. Better than the Tin Man, a la Craig!

Mrs Berry has just walked back in with a fish tail sticking out of her pinny, so supper is on its way!



CherryCrumbles Report 22 Oct 2012 17:56

oooh lemon sole and spuds sounds nice Petunia dear, I shall expect my plateful on a tray (a clean tray, this time) in time to sit in front of the TV to watch Rogue Builders followed by Arrow followed by New Tricks. Its amazing what these remote controls can do, but I wonder if they can be set to turn down the volume of screaming children in the supermarket .....? Or should I merely set my laser printer to Stun?



MotownGal Report 22 Oct 2012 17:59

CHERRRRRRRY!!!!!! Stand Still dear!

Good afternoon dear, we keep passing like ships in the night.

of course you shall have your little fishy on a little dishy.

when the boat comes in!

Tuck in dear!


CherryCrumbles Report 22 Oct 2012 18:01

Ah there you are again Petunia dear ..... please stop wandering around like this when you should be resting.

Its not a lampshade on my head, dear, its my latest Hat creation. As you can see, I have reworked a spare black binbag, and I am road testing it before I send it to dear Susan nz who needs a new hat, for the wedding.

I do wish you would not lurk in your back passage, at least not until you get rid of that dim light bulb and replace it with a decent old fashioned 40W pearl, which is a lot safer.



Susan-nz Report 22 Oct 2012 19:51

Good morning ladies,

Well, what a busy old weekend we have had. We were away for three nights, the weather was a mixed bag, some sun and then some dreadful wind and rain.. But we survived.

I purchased a piece of 'modern' art, I love it but my OH is not so convinced :-D. We are still to decide where to hang the piece. I am not usually so rash, but, hey ho !!

CC, thank you for the offer but I am not going to wear a hat to the wedding :-D. Hats are not me, unless it is a sun hat... A hat would spoil my coiffure ;-). Perhaps Auntie Petunia needs a new hat, she is bound to have a good works event coming up that requires wearing of a hat?

It is raining again today :-(, my new fence will never get its coat on at this rate... There are a few shoots of new grass popping up, haha, the birds didn't manage to eat every last seed...... We will have to re sow however.

CC, a Man Tin sounds interesting. We too have bits and bobs in lots of drawers. My OH has a whole garage he could store his bits and bobs in.... I am guilty of not putting things back where I found them, maybe I need a man tin..

I am off to be shorn again this morning, it is a tad chilly so I will have cold ears today. I am still in my winter woolies :-P.
I had better get my skates on and get on with my day.

~~~~~~~~ to Lesley and Teresa and of course, Petunia and CC.

Toodle pip



MotownGal Report 22 Oct 2012 20:10

Good evening dear Upsidedown Susan,

I think the rainclouds are circling the world. We too have had rain, rain, and more rain. Have I told you about the Ark in the back garden.

I have plenty of bonnets dear, should you change your mind. Mainly straw, but I do have a lovely chiffon one, that would do you a treat.

Art is in the eye of the beholder dear. I went to see that Daniel Thirst exhibition in the Summer, the one with the shark, the cow and the sheep, picked in brine. There were people circling like, well sharks, nodding knowingly and stroking their chins. While I personally thought to myself......................HOW MUCH?

Having yourself shorn dear? You favour that lovely gamine cut do you not? You are like a young Audrey Hepburn or Mia Farrow. Lovely.

Have a good day dear, tis our night!

Auntie Petunia