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AnninGlos Report 2 Oct 2004 15:57

Hi everyone, had a busy morning making tomato chutney, we had such a glut of tomatoes and this is the 2nd batch i have made. This time I made about 10 pounds which is all in jars in the cupboard now and I feelv ery virtuous. also made some apple sauce to put in the freezer as we have a glut of apples too. then after lunch we went to our new B&Q superstore which id huge. It was chaos as everyone seemed to have the same idea. We just wanted a grab rail for our shower which id over the bath and a non slip mat for safety. Then we got a new bath mat and pedestal mat so that was nearly £40 worth. it was lovely and sunny when we went in and pouring when we came out. Luckily we had parked near the door. Elizabeth you have been busy in the garden and will be even more so when your son moves into his new house. Don't overdo it now will you, it sounds like hard work digging up all those bushes, the roots go on for ever don't they? Hope everyone else is well and that you getyour results next week Sylvia. No news from Brenda yet then? She is probably tired after ehr holiday!!!! Needs another one!! Take care Ann glos


Chris Report 2 Oct 2004 19:47

Hi everyone, Looks like it's going to be a lovely day today. Daylight saving has just started so we get another hour of sunlight during the evening. June, Our dog's name is Kramer - like the crazy guy off the TV programme Seinfield. He used to do that mad rushing around like he did - never wanting to miss out of anything. He's calmed down a lot now - he'll be 10 in January. He loves to run and swim and fetch. Although he's big he's very good with children - loves to snuggle and be snuggled. We have bush tracks near our house so when we take him for a run he can run free. My huband chucks sticks or pinecones for him down steep bush clad banks and Kramer still manages to come back with them. The grankids love chucking sticks then they run and hide from him then there is lots of laughter when he finds them almost instantly!


Brenda Report 2 Oct 2004 20:49

Hello everyone,as you can see I am home from my holiday .I have just spent over an hour reading the last two pages of messages.I was so enthralled I did not realise the time.It was like reading a serial from a magazine all at once,so pleased you are all doing so well . I had a fantastic holiday ,the weather was excellent and dare I say even to hot some days. We got back at the house at 11pm, we share a taxi to our friends and pick Johns car up from theirs,he leaves it on their drive as we don't have a drive. I just had a sandwich and cup of tea and went to bed I was shattered.John made a comment today saying he knew I must have been tired as did not pop on here for ten mins!!! I had made arrangements to go to The Family History fair ,which was held in the Velodrome in sports city today.Spent a nice two hours wondering round,but did not see any familiar faces.Saw lots of things I would really like ,census ,BMI indexs family tree programmes etc.But settled for a write in sort of family tree graph and a few maps. Have loads of washing to do and not a hope of getting out to dry.Will put some in the dryer and do what I can when I can,luckily John has a uniform for work and I don't wear my holiday clothes for work. I will go and get the pots washed now(back to reality) and hope to read all the other pages in the morning,so I will hopefully be back to speed on everything.(Not a chance with my memory LOL) So nice to speak to you all ,take care Love brenda


AnninGlos Report 2 Oct 2004 22:33

Brenda welcome home, didn't see you there. Well i might have but wouldn't have recognised you. Our second week was changed at the last minute from Fanabe to Beverly Hills Club so we were in L Cristianos from 17th to 24th. Elizabeth, where in hampshire is Peter's house? I can see that you will have had a good clear out of the garden tool shed. Sorry this is brief but it is bedtime, I just wanted to say these few words and it has taken for eveer to get this far ir is so slow tonight on here. I am going to give up now. goodnight Ann Glos


Brenda Report 3 Oct 2004 18:52

hello everyone,just a short visit tonight,I want to watch a TV programme and I have some ironing to do for tomorrow, it's only Johns uniform and my pants and top,but I am surrounded by wet washing trying to get it dry,why are so many things not suitable for tumble drying? I'm not in work till Tuesday ,but tomorrow I am out with the pensioners group from where I worked before,we are going to Skipton market,never been before so looking forward to it.Hope it stays dry. Anne pleased you had a good time as well,if we are there at the same time again we will have to have a meet!!! See you all tomorrow,take brenda


syljo Report 3 Oct 2004 21:17

Hi all, Welcome back to reality Brenda - washing, ironing, shopping, cooking - ugh! Anyway, it was good to hear that you had a nice time. Ann, you've been spending a lot of money on your bathroom. But it's a nice feeling isn't it? I've spent most of my Sunday repairing my son's anorak and raincoat, until my sewing machine packed up. I cannot turn the wheel from zigzag to ordinary stitching. I had this problem before and only received it back in February. I don't use the machine so much so my guarantee has finished. I had a 3 month guarantee on the work they did last time. Anyway, will have to phone them tomorrow. I told my daughter about my machine and Henk promptly said tell your mother to come here for a couple of days and use the machine by them. I asked if he wasn't fed up with us after a week's holiday, but no, how lovely! First of all I have to get my toe in order. Must phone after 2 o'clock tomorrow. I am getting tired of not knowing what's going to happen. On our news today they said that 400,000 birds flew south. They set off early this morning. Mostly starlings, meadow pipits, and finches. In return we have buzzards and crossbills coming in from Scandinavia. I thought I saw a lot a few weeks ago flying off. The weather has been quite reasonable today, mind you haven't been out. We've had a big demonstration against our government's policies - cutting back on the poor. It has been many years since there was such a demonstration. There are various strikes - buses, trains, etc. I don't know how it will end. We had 3 young boys 15, 16 and 17 killed on their scooters here last night (early in the morning). Apparently good weather, straight road and they crashed head on. Two on one scooter and just one on the other. The police are mystified how this happened. I suppose drinking and driving too fast! What a pity 3 young lives. Well everybody, time to leave you. Sylvia xxx

Josephine in OZ.

Josephine in OZ. Report 4 Oct 2004 02:57

FROM OZ! hi everyone, I hope all of you are happy and in good health as leaves us here at present. I live in Frankston ( on the coast) near Melbourne, have been here since 1972, love the place but still need the odd fix to visit England as have relies still there. We were over there for 3 months last year, the summer was fantastic, it was very hot on the London underground, phoooooooo!!, thought we were back in OZ. We also did a 3 months trip in 1999. We went to the "Swan Upping" in the third week in July last year, until then we never knew it existed, seems it's been going on for 600 years. My hubby comes from the Isle of Man so we did two weeks there, such a beautiful place. I was born in Surrey. I can still not comprehend how small England is compared to OZ and that for such a small country she is so unique and very beautiful, they always say good things come in small parcels. We have a daughter living in Pimlico, London with her partner. they will be home to Oz for Christmas and the new year, can't wait to see our newest grandson. ( we have 12 Grandchildren) I am going to feed the wild birds now, I have a feeder just outside the dining area window and the Rainbow Lorikeets, Wattle birds, and blackbirds all come visiting, there are also the Magpie family that we have fed for years, they bring their babies to us each year and for the past two years a huge pair of black crows have set up nest near us, they come and sit near us when we are outside, at first I did not like them as their eyes look shifty but we have got used to them now. Must be off now as going for my daily walk down the beach, the weather has started to warm up a tad, best wishes to you all. Jo.


syljo Report 4 Oct 2004 14:34

Monday, Monday, Yes it's Monday again. Because it is such beautiful weather I decided to clear some big tubs on my balcony. My neighbour (husband of the one who did my ironing) helped me and took all the old plants and earth downstairs for me. It is such a heavy job and my husband has trouble with his back. He had an operation about 20 years ago, and up to now has been ok, but now can barely walk. I phoned the doctor to see if they have the results of the x-ray of my toe. No, they seem to have a backlog. Just my luck as my daughter has asked if we'd like to go to her for a few days. Cannot plan anything at the moment. Have leftovers for dinner today - didn't we used to call it bubble and squeak? Not many responses on this thread yesterday or today, where are you all and what are you doing? This thread was on page 4!!!!!!!!!! See you tomorrow, love Sylvia xxx


badger Report 4 Oct 2004 14:47

Hi Sylvia ,i could'nt reply to you yesterday ,cause it took me all my time to get on ,never mind talk to anyone.Bubble and squeek is alive and well ,in the north of england anyway,i love mine left in the pan just long enough to get that golden crispy coating.How do you fancy swapping bread pudding recipes with me? ,then it would be an honest opinion as to whose is best,?Mine comes out pretty moist and heavy mind ,so if you prefer the crumbly variety ,it's not much good to you.But i'm willing to rise to the challengeif you are. I see you are keeping vwry active so you could do with getting that toe seen to,i only hope you don't have to wait as long as we do over here.Fred.ptfg.


June Report 4 Oct 2004 15:49

Hi Everyone, Its a lovely day here today, the washing has been out, dried and brought in. I haven't been on the computer today before because Beckham is at the Vets having his teeth looked at and I had to keep the phone line clear for them to contact me. Yesterday I wasn't around much because my head felt fuzzy and I was sneezing all the time, its funny last year I had a cold at this time, I remember because it was when I was due for my flu jab and I am going this week for another flu jab. Fred, At one time I would have exchanged precipes for bread pudding, but its now years since I made one. Sylvia, They are taking their time sorting out your toe, sounds like our health service. Bubble and squeak, now thats something else I haven't made for a long time. I usually have the same as Nick for dinner, it's easier than doing separate meals. Jo, Welcome, its nice to have a new face around. A friend from Oz sent a picture of a magpie to me, he was able to get up really close, whereas our Magpies here, dont very often come down from the roofs. Brenda, I forgot all about the Velodrome, I had marked it on my calendar but I didn't see it until I turned the page, otherwise I had intended going. Hi to Jude Ann, Elisabeth, Lou and to everyone I have missed. See you tomorrow , cant wait to pick Beckham up from the vets, the house seems so quiet without him. Love June xx


AnninGlos Report 4 Oct 2004 16:07

Hi everyone, Hope you are all well and that your cold wont develop intto anything too bad June. Not done a lot today, wrote up the minutes to a meeting I was at last week and went to the opticians for new glasses. (£350 worth!!) Other than that i seem to have fritered my time away. Booked to have my hair done tomorrow (rinsed), it is quite grey all of a sudden and, i know this is vain, i am going to a school reunion on Saturday and don't want to look too old!! Jo welcome, all the way from Oz, nice to have a new face (so to speak). I was watching the birds at lunch time from the conservatory, we have a water feature on te patio and the sparrows were queuing to get in for a drink and a bath, there were 6 in the queue, and about the same number round the seed feeder. We don't have a shortage of sparrows in this garden. we have several feeders and a fat ball dispenser for the starlings. We usually get green finch, sparrows, Blue and great tits and sometimes a coal tit, Goldfinches, starlings, blackbirds, robins and a wren plus collared Doves and Wood pigeons. Sylvia, good of your neighbour to help youw ith your tubs. What a nuisance that you are still having to wait for your results, especially as you could be going to your daughters for a break. Lou, I have to admit to being old fashioned and not liking to see tatoos on females. But at least she had your permission. Brenda Yes, maybe next time we are in Tenerife we will meet. Do you go every year? we usually go in September or october as we have a timeshare apartment. Christine, Jude, Fred and anyone else around Hi. Ann Glos


AnninGlos Report 4 Oct 2004 16:39

but you went with her so at least you made sure it was a safe tatooist. Ann glos


Unknown Report 4 Oct 2004 19:00

Hi everyone - thought l would sit and read all the messages since my last, blimey, l've printed one lot off and come back to find more!!!! lol. l will try and mention everyone,forgive me if l miss anyone! Ann - hows the laptop, we can send messages whilst in Gloucester next month!!!! lol. Thats interesting about the sweetcorn and the microwave, will try that next time l buy some:o)) You are busy with your cooking:o) We bought new glasses some months ago and got a 2nd pair free - ha ha ha,cost me £208, the first pr cost about £150 and l've been back a few times cause they're not right(still not). The 2nd pr are them ones that go dark in the sunshine,but l never wear them cause they feel strange - shan't do that again!!! live and learn!! lol Brenda - so pleased you had a nice hols, shame we have to get back in the groove ah!!! How was the market - love markets and car boot sales:o)) Do hope you have your washing sorted now - l managed to get 2 loads dry today, l must fold it or it will be in a right mess again!! Every time l print these threads, it misses words off the right hand side,can anyone suggest what to do???? grrrrrrrrrr Sylvia - l do hope you toe is better,seems ages ago that you had the xrays done. How is your tooth?? l assume your son is not married - bless him for trying!! and for grinding all of his spices etc l am too lazy and buy them:o) My sister and l have hunted high and low for Sticky Toffee Pudding recipe's, her house,mine and the library - nuffin!!:o( l can smell that home made bread - ummmmmm. So sad to read about the young lads on their scooters,hopefully others will learn from this, but l doubt it! Elisabeth - my garden is rapidly becoming a jungle as well, so many weeds and sooooo big!! Good luck to Peter with house buying - my daughter is doing the same and its driving her mad now - the one she really likes need approx £40,000 spending on it:o(((( Nice to hear from you:o) June - how is Beckham after his visit to vets??? How are you feeling now??has the fluey feeling gone - do hope so?? Fred - Bubble and squeak umm,we had that again yesterday(and last week) - we had a roast on Saturday cause we had visitors and l could'nt throw the left overs away - l usually add an egg or 2 and like you,love it to be golden brown!!! Lou - l want a tattoo, a little feather on my wrist,hubby is ok about it,actually thought he would hit the roof - it was son who was concerned!!! bless im:o) l think he thought l would have had it done about the time of his wedding!!!! doubt if anyone would have seen it anyway. Some friends have their own business and will do it when in this area - actually l have'nt heard from them in ages,must email them! Welcome Jo (Margaret) all the way from Oz:o) As a kid l always thought England was enormous!! lol How lucky to have all those birds in your garden, mind you we have robins,wrens, blue tits,great tits, coal tits, collared doves, wood pigeons, thrushes,blackbirds,nuthatch, a lesser spotted woodpecker and green woodpecker - but l love parrots and cockertials:o) 12 grandchildren - crumpets. We have 2 children - son got married in August,but l think it will be while yet before they have children. Is Pimlico anywhere near Muswell Hill - my daughter lives near there:o) Its got a real nip in the air this evening, the dog keeps going out the back to chase shadows and l have to keep running downstairs and shut the bloomin door. Hubby shouted up just now to look out the window - dog was sitting with a big pink duck,he looked so cute - soooo l rushed down again to take photo's, you guessed - he'd moved before l got there, but l got a few anyways. His leg is still bad and has xrays on Thursday - 4 plates to be taken and an anesthetic. RSPCA have started a policy for us(free for 30 days) and said send them the bill - corr blimey can't be bad!!! lets hope they say the same if he needs an operation! He is still gorgeous, such a good fun dog and so good.Although he does pull still and barks like crazy in the vets. He barked quite abit at the postman this morning, hope thats all he wanted to do - they were on opposite sides of the road!! Our weekend was very good - we had visitors from Sussex. l may have told you that 2 of them were running in the Cardiff Marathon, well the younger son did his run (half marathon)(he has learning difficulties) and came 20th out of approx 5,000 - fantastic!!!:o)))) his mum could'nt run cause she came down with a bug - she kept sweating and then going cold during the night, she was really disapointed and needed her time for the London marathon entry forms. We took them all over,showing them our favourite places, they loved it and want to come back:o) Last night we met my sister and her hubby for a drink and after 2 glasses of wine l felt decidedly tiddly - must be me age, l used to drink 3 or 4 no probs or 6 bicardi and cokes:o(( Helped out in the charity shop this morning,which l enjoy,but its also to get me out. Work tomorrow - hope its not too cold,we're in the forest:o) Right thats it for now - l've been on here about 2 hrs,its taken me all that time to print your replies,read them and type this,probably longer actually, but have been downstairs a few times to shut door and bunged pork strips in oven. Hubby is now peeling spuds,he's given up waiting for me!!!!! lol Hi to anyone l have missed - oooo l think that will be Gee Baby and Christine - sorry:o( Jude sarf wales xx


ask Report 5 Oct 2004 00:23

Hello everyone, peace and quiet at last. Husband has gone out on the night shift, and the two terrible teens have gone to bed, the dog is curled up on the chair, and i have the pc all to myself! Lynda(Charles) and her sister were in Belfast for 2 days and it was lovely to meet them. We had a couple of hours here at the house, and enjoyed a bit of craic! Hope to see her next time she is over. Still cant seem to shake of this old virus, it just keeps coming back. I am fed up barking and coughing, I sound like a real heavy smoker!! Weather has been really miserable last few days, rain, rain and more rain! Had to dig out the hot water bottle too, nights are getting chilly. Feeling very cross, as had to take daughter to dentist on Friday - toothache! She is 14 and a half years old and never had any trouble with teeth, except having to wear braces. She had complained with pain in tooth for a while, and mentioned it to her Orthodontist several times, and was told it would ease when braces removed. Well they have been off a month, and Friday saw her in real pain. I suspected an abscess, and when I looked in her mouth, there was a cavity in a side tooth. To cut long story short, spent 1and a half hours in treatment room, while she had nerve removed, root treatment, and abscess drained etc. Dentist is angry too, as she had a really deep cavity. Asked how much it would cost to have her get a white filling, and was told it would be as private patient and would have to pay for her full treatment, over £200! As hubby is having to pay £300 next week for his crown, decided to stay with NHS big silver filling for now. Things are going from bad to worse for her, she came in from school today, and was telling me about an outbreak of nits! Said they know who it is (hate girls for being bitchy) but she is passing them to everyone who sits with her. She was panicking because she had sat with her on several occassions, and asked to me check her hair. Yep there they were the little white blighters clinging to her lovely clean LONG THICK hair. Thankfully have gone through with the fine toothed comb, and no "walkers" as we say. Now going to have to keep her home from school tomorrow to treat with the dreaded smelly lotion. Then all the fun of combing through all that hair - at least 2 hours to finish. Thought as she has gone through primary school for 7yrs without them - we might have escaped now she is older. No such luck!! Worst thing is all the family are now scratching, have checked them all out, and cant see any evidence on them. Think it could be in their minds. Her brothers are giving her an awful time, specially the 20 yr old, he is totally horrified at having to be treated. Still never a dull moment. You all seem to have been very busy, always on the go. Sylvia I have trawled through 30 cookery books and no sign of a stick toffee pudding recipe. I cant believe it! Well now I seem to have done nothing but moan, I think I will sign off. Tomorrow will be a better day. Night all and sleep well. Anne


Brenda Report 5 Oct 2004 09:23

Hi Everyone,I had a great day yesterday at Skipton,the weather being rotten first thing in the morning stopped the market being on,there were only a half dozn stalls there,anyway we had a lovelly morning coffe in a really nice cafe.We walked round the shops looked at the castle,had lunch in the same cafe(fish and chips )I was greedy and had Sticky toffe pudding for afters,and haven't eaten since!! We hada nice day all in all,the weather perked up in the afternoon,we might go back next year when the weather might be kinder,and we will see the full market. June,hope Beckham is ok now, Lou my sister had the same problem when my neice got a tattoo,my sister thought it was sweet but my b.i.l went mad. Jude glad Madoc is doing ok.great news about the Insurance.hoipe he doesn't need an op. Hope the sewing machine can be fixed sylvia Anne,we go to tenerife twice ayear and wish now that we had got a time share when John was made redundant,at least he wouldn not have lost so much in the investments. Ann in Belfast hope your virus has gone,my sister is a nurse and when she was trainging and nursed old ladies ,she was getting nits all the time,and she lived with me part of the week.We had nights when we just went througth her hair de lousing it and treating us ,just to be safe. Hello Jo nice to have you with us.I have afriend who lives near you in Mornington.I was over there 4 fours ago and been to Frankston,Rosebud,Sorrento etc she worked in the office inthe cemetary at Rye. Fred all this talk about bread puddings and bubble and squeak is making my mouth water LOL Sorry to anyobne I have missed.Have errands to do and I am on wor at 12.30 take care Brenda


June Report 5 Oct 2004 12:22

Hi everyone, Its a lovely sunny day here and just a nice breeze to dry the clothes, Thanks for asking about my cold, I think it is getting better, its my glands that are still swollen and aching but I 'm sure I will live. lol Beckham was very sleepy last evening but he was hunting for food, I gave him the tin that the vet had given me because I didn't want to make him sick. This morning he's bright and bouncy again looking for mischief, He's playing with Bonnie. Beckham has to go back to the vets for a checkup tomorrow, I wouldn't think he'll be too happy about that. I have dropped Gaynor at her friends who has had a breast reduction, (rather her than me I shake at the thought of it) and that is why Bonnie is here, Gaynor will come back here later. Brenda, I expect you are back in the old routine now, it doesn't take long does it? I used to meet my friend who lived in Leeds at Skipton, its lovely wandering round the shops, in and out of those alleyways, and on the market, there was a butcher that auctioned off the meat, some really good bargains there. Did you see him? Ann, I hope you enjoy your school reunion, Gaynor went to one a few years back and thoroughly enjoyed it. All those recipe books and still no sticky toffee pudding! I have looked in mine too and cant it. Jude, I had that problem when I was printing off, Gaynor removed the margins and that solved it. Madoc sounds as though he has lived with you always. I hope he gets sorted out at the vets. I'm sure there was something else I was going to say, its that old age again, catching up with me. Hi to every one else, sorry if I missed you out. Love June xx


syljo Report 5 Oct 2004 21:07

So it's already Tuesday evening, almost midweek. Gosh how the days fly by. I phoned the doctor again about my toe but they've still no x-ray photos at the surgery yet. I've got to phone on Friday again. It's really awful not being able to plan my life. I want to go to Belgium and also my daughter, but these trips out have been put on hold. Bah! Ann, yes I have wonderful neighbours. I have lived in many different houses, and people always say that you can be lonely in a flat. Don't you believe that. I have never had such good contact with people. It began shortly after we moved here when my husband had a heart operation for a repair to his heart valve. People came with flowers and always asking if they could do anything for me. When my husband eventually returned home I organised an evening for all those kind people. They thought this was so nice and I've never been able to put a foot wrong since! Now and again I have a few for dinner (those who are on their on). Fred, I've not made bread pudding for ages, but was talking to my son about this and may make one for his birthday next month. I'll look up my recipe for you. Jude, my tooth is not bothering me any more, thank goodness. Of course it is not good, but I'll leave well alone. Ann, so you cannot find sticky toffee pudding. No I cannot either, apart from a recipe on internet, using dates, which I don't think is the real sticky toffee pudding! So Brenda, where did you have this sticky toffee pudding then. Was it in Yorkshire. Maybe I'll get there next year, we'll see. I was going to start my cross stitching for my third "All Our Yesteryears" picture, but decided to come onto the computer instead. Maybe I'll have time tomorrow. I like to get it started during the day really. This morning I got down to cleaning my oven. Oh, how I hate cleaning ovens. Even with all the modern sprays etc. and wearing latex gloves, it is still a horrible job. My granddaughter Linda is coming tomorrow again and I've told her I want her to climb up on the ladder and get my boxes of shoes down. I have pairs of shoes - some 25 years old - hardly worn, and not likely to get worn. I will give them to a good cause. They are only in the way, taking up valuable cupboard space. I really am a hoarder, thinking maybe I'll wear this or that, but of course I don't. I think I've got rid of most of the spiders on my balcony, I sprayed all the railings with DDT. They make such a mess of my windows. I think they have been on the Viagra, as they are bigger and more plentiful this year. Well, will leave you all, till tomorrow, love Sylvia xxx


Brenda Report 6 Oct 2004 08:26

Hi Everyone,well I haven't opened the curtains yetso can not tell you about the weather.Anyway,work yesterday wasn't as bad as i thought it would be,but it doesn't take long to be back in the swing of things as they say. The sticky toffe pudding was eaten in Skipton Yorkshire,I don't thing it was "home made" but I enjoyed it.My oven will have to wait till next week Sylvia,as we are busy rearranging the bed room furniture.Hope your grandaughter enjoys her visit. How are you today June? I did not see the butcher you mentioned,but would not have been able to get anything like that anyway,was looking for a few nick nacks for christmas ,but did not see that much . Going for my breakfast now,might have some porridge. Apologies to anyone not mentioned,take care Brenda


June Report 6 Oct 2004 08:50

Hi everyone Its was pouring with rain a few minutes ago but it looks a bit brighter now, fingers crossed it will turn out like yesterday and I can get some washing out. Yesterday Gaynor was here and we were playing around with the photos, making cards from them, some of them are great for special friends or relations. One in particular I thought I would send to a friend of longstanding who I have been on holiday with. She never took a camera anywhere and I have a lovely photo of us having a night out in Corfu, I'm thinking of sending it to her for her birthday. Sylvia, these xrays are taking forever, and we moan about our health service. surely your Doctor can chase them up, its not on that you cant plan your visits. I hate cleaning ovens too, even with these self cleaning ones, the botttom has to be cleaned but I have made it slightly easier by putting either foil or a baking tray in the bottom of the oven therefore if anything does spill, it only takes a minute to either replace the foil or wash the baking tray. I have to get down on my knees to clean my oven, its not the getting down that is the problem, its the getting up. Brenda, maybe the meat chappie doesn't go to Skipton anymore, did you go wandering down all the alleyways discovering shops, the first time we went we didn't find these, thinking they led into the backyard of premises, there were such a lot of unusual shops there, of course it could have changed, it is a year or two since I went. I'll have to go and get dressed now, I have to take Beckham to the vets and find out what he did have done. Maybe get back on later. Love June xx


Brenda Report 6 Oct 2004 23:18

Hi just popped on before going to bed ,was expecting an email from a friend ,but she must be busyas it wasn't there. We must be very busy again this week as there isn't many messages here and we slipped to page 6. Maybe it's the weather nevermind,leave a message when you can,it's not compulsary,(sorry about spelling) See you tomorrow. take care Brenda