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Depression / Anxiety

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AnnCardiff Report 5 Feb 2008 22:14

I'm off up the wooden hill too - sweet dreams to all on this thread and to all who are suffering but haven't yet come on board the thread - hope you find the courage to climb aboard and find us all waiting to help you all we can.

Love and kisses, Ann XX

Justice of Peace

Justice of Peace Report 5 Feb 2008 22:34

Night Anne, night Carole,

and goodnight to all you kind posters.

Good night
Sweet dreams
Creamy cakes
and Pink Ice-creams



Irene Report 6 Feb 2008 00:03

It's funny how your mind can run away with things. I had conviced myself that I must have something realy bad worried it was terminal hide it from hubbie as long as I could (we were having a ruff patch)had to drag myself out of bed felt sick all day never been this sick before finely went to the doc's go on LOL ! I was pregnant. Theirs 9y between my girls and my son. had no morning sickness with girls at all. Best wishes to all . I find a good book takes your mind off things at night. takes you to another world for awhile

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 6 Feb 2008 00:23

Must have been a shock Irene. I too like to read myself to sleep if I can, as you say you lose your troubles as you go to a different world with the story line. Can't do it if o.h. around tho as can't have the light on, even a tiny one disturbs him.
I am spitting feathers at the mo, typed out a long screed, as is my way lol, and then nearly finished and connection goes off, and I lose the lot! This happens a lot and I think it is due to the virus problem which I haven't dealt with as if I tell o.h. about the problem he will stop me using the computer or at least keep me off gr. Want to get my son round tomorrow if I can when at work, to sort it out for me but not sure if he is available.
Will post this and add in bits in case it happens again.

Justice of Peace

Justice of Peace Report 6 Feb 2008 00:39

Morning Liz,

How many times have I also typed out long screeds just to see it vanish before my very eyes.

Frustation does not even come close to how one feels.

All the thought, hard work, time, cups of tea and for me.. cigarettes...all wasted.

Oh lass, sad it had to happen to you because I enjoy reading your postings.

Am off to bed hopefully to sleep, but knowing me and my sleep pattern not must luck I think....

Night, night,

JoyceP xxx


Carole Report 6 Feb 2008 07:20

Caz I'm crying with you. I don't have long this morning have to get ready to go to work. Can I send you a message later? Carole xxxx

°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º Little Nanna Lynn °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°

°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º Little Nanna Lynn °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º° Report 6 Feb 2008 07:20

Good morning all
i have again been asked to put some thoughts for the day on here,
i am still reading this thread avidly,
and will start to post on it, when i can

i hope these thoughts help or hit a note with some

Life is the first gift, love is the second, and understanding the third !!!

He who does not understand your silence
will probably not understand your words. !!!

There is a great difference between knowing and understanding: you can know a lot about something and not really understand it !!!


Justice of Peace

Justice of Peace Report 6 Feb 2008 07:40


have pm'd you..




AnnCardiff Report 6 Feb 2008 10:20

Caz - what can I say, what can any of us say? I read your posting about an hour ago and had to go away and calm down and think about it. Your children are heartless and totally selfish, thinking only of themselves when they are on the brink of losing a lovely mother. They have big problems if they think that unloading their angst on to you in your state of health is the right thing to do. I am sure you never brought them up to act like this and you must be in bits over it. One day this will come back and bite them on their backsides if it hasn't already. And as for your daughter-in-law wanting you to all meet up, talk it out and be friends and hug each other again is an absolute load of utter tosh. Obviously deep down they are your children and you will always love them come what may, but I can only describe them as heartless and totally selfish and I wonder how on earth they can sleep at night. I do hope you have someone else in your life who cares for you apart from us lot here on the boards who do care about you and care very deeply may I say. I shall pm you my email and my home phone number if you need to talk further, but I cannot imagine how you are coping with all this s..t they have decided to unload on to you at such a time in your life. May they live to regret it big time cos the day will come when they will be unable to say they are sorry and then they will have to carry it with them until they too die. It is to be hoped that none of them ever get a diagnosis such as yours. With much love to you honeybun, I can't stop thinking about you and will continue to think about you for a long time to come - I have never in my life heard of such cruelty from children to a mother. Ann XXXXXX


Irene Report 6 Feb 2008 10:25

yorkshire caz sent u pm (it took mum 40y to tell me the truth) yet I had told her I hated her more than once its not always how it seem's.


Irene Report 6 Feb 2008 10:55

ann you hit the nail no the head couldn't of said much different . Hi to the new comer's this is my frist chat room always been abit shy because my spelling really bad didn't finnish year 8 at school but I feel so at home here the I don't care anymore I know no one on this site is going to care in fact this is the frist time I feel like i have real girlfriends most of my friends have been male found the girls to bit### was always looked at as one of the boys could beat them at the boys stuff dad tort me football, pool,cars, horseracing and cards and mum had 5 brothers girls stuff was out the window. Feel like I can tell you guys anything and its the best feeling in th world. So don't be shy jump in we don't judge just help if we can yes liz a big shock 8lb 4oz and I've got it for life


AnnCardiff Report 6 Feb 2008 11:53

nice to have you on board Irene - this is a very warm and caring thread and I hope it runs for ever and ever - so many people are finding comfort from it

Sunny Rosy

Sunny Rosy Report 6 Feb 2008 12:05

Oh Caz how utterly cruel your children have been.I hope they see the error of their selfishness. You need their love and support to help you through your illness and I am sending you............ ((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs by the bucketful)))))))))))))))))))))



AnnCardiff Report 6 Feb 2008 13:22

Oh Ruby, poor you and good for you for mowing the lawn girl - he'll be home before you know it and he won't want you crying all over the place now will he and besides, screwing your eyes up causes wrinkles surely, so stop it right now!!!!

Love and kisses, Ann XXX


Kerry Report 6 Feb 2008 13:35

Good afternoon all....
I had a better night sleep last night,only woke once and did fall back to sleep more or less straight away.Was it the bath or the wine i wonder..
I have a job interview tomorrow so fingers crossed i sleep tonight although i have a feeling i will be awake worrying about interview.Oh how i wish it was simple to just not worry and stress about things...



AnnCardiff Report 6 Feb 2008 13:58

all the best for the interview Kerry - you can do it girl.

And RubySlippers, you'll soon have him home honeybun and then you can fuss over each other


AnnCardiff Report 6 Feb 2008 14:02

no I ain't I'm orrible really!!!


AnninGlos Report 6 Feb 2008 14:30


I really can’t believe that I read what you put in your message. What on earth did they hope to gain from telling you all that? I assume that if they have children they are perfect parents? Might be a good thing to turn the tables when you are feeling stronger and point out where they have gone wrong. i.e. by not putting their feelings into second place when you were facing very bad news (and I am so pleased that it didn’t happen) they have proved not to be loyal in their feelings for you. How dare they treat you as if your prospective death was a reason for giving you a performance report! Where does ‘honour thy Father and thy mother’ come into this? I hope your husband told them some home truths.

Please come back on here and chat to the people who really do love you for yourself, you will be so much missed if you don’t. although I am sure the chemo will stop you coming on for a while because it is exhausting I believe, so pop in and read and just say hi and let us know you are OK occasionally.
God bless Caz, be strong.



AnninGlos Report 6 Feb 2008 14:31

To save losing a long post you have just typed, type it in word first and copy and paste.

Irene, hallo, nice to speak to you, please don't worry about your spelling we wont complain as long as you post something.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 6 Feb 2008 14:35

Y.Caz, I am so sad for you at the things your children have said and done to you, and can understand how hurt you must feel.
I am glad the outcome of the tests have revealed less to worry about that you feared, but enough worry and suffering still for you and it would have been much better if the family had helped you and supported you than throw all that rubbish at you.
If you feel like it at some stage, why not write down your thoughts at hearing the comments and your side of the 'story'. Tell them how you felt when they were born and when you were bringing them up and maybe some of the things you had to face and why you dealt with things as you did. There is no reason why you should not fight your corner and it could be therapeutic for you too. You could then hold on to the letters for a while to think them over, and then send them, or you could keep them to be distributed in years hence when you finally decide you have had enough of this crazy world and leave it for somewhere better.
Just remember you have love and support here without criticism, and come back when you feel stronger. You know where we all are, you only have to pm someone if/when you need a shoulder, mine included.
Take care, hold on to all you believe in and know to be true.
love and a gentle hug