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Michael John Augustus Howells

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Jacqueline Report 13 Jul 2010 09:51

ok, not having much success with finding Raymond. Time to try another angle. I am going to open up another thread, this time looking for the lady I believe to be his mother.


Jacqueline Report 17 May 2010 20:27

i am fab!!!!!!!!!!!! the sun shines on the righteous..... eventually :D

jackie x


Dea Report 17 May 2010 19:35

nudge for Jackie please

Are you O.K. ??

Dea Xxx


Dea Report 17 May 2010 15:36

Are you there Jackie??

Dea x


Dea Report 17 May 2010 08:22

Well, I expect you two are still in bed having been up half the night chatting !! - At least 'I' was a good girl and got a decent night's sleep.

Anyway, I have pm'd you the contact details which Tracey brilliantly found for your Aunt + cousin.

Please think carefully about how you are going to make contact - remember, you do not know the circumstances of their lives and relationship with your family and they probably don't know who you are.
It can come as a shock so tread carefully !

Best of luck.

Let us know how you get on.

Dea x


Jacqueline Report 17 May 2010 01:07

oh how sneaky of you! and very exciting......

i will let you know if i get replies to either of the emails i have sent today..... both unread at present.

for now Miss Marple needs her bed....... i am getting carple tunnel syndrome with all this typing.... and i moan at the kids for spending all their time staring at a screen... :-D

catch up tomorrow after we have both dealt with the inconvenience of earning a living.....

jackie x


WayneTracey Report 17 May 2010 00:58

Ahhh now we thought we might have found a possible for the 'Ray' you were looking for.

I think we have left him in the possibles pile for after this first lot!

T x


WayneTracey Report 17 May 2010 00:29

Hey Jackie

Still here, i'm wide awake right now... hazzard of the job lol

For your Grandfather he also married in 1942 !

As for your father, there isn't much chance of finding that out if he remarried as he could have shortened his name and did not include all his initials. It's the naming history that made the possible sibling stick out.....and as you have that data the naming of his possible son followed that naming pattern.

If i am right and we have found the possible uncle's family (your cousins) then his wife (widow) is still alive and we might have a phone number for her.

Like i say i have given the data to Dea to look over before we pass it on. There is ever chance you could be calling her over the next few days and try to establish whether she is who we think she is.

There is also a good chance she isn't :-(...or indeed a fairly good chance wandering was in the blood and your uncle wandered off too!!

T x


Jacqueline Report 17 May 2010 00:21

oh you are so kind..... this being your window of opportunity to sleep, and you are still taking the time to help me............

i emailed one of the possible half cousins as she showed as having a tree which featured her, her possible brother, and her possible mother....!

don't worry i am not getting my hopes up, but i felt it was worth a try as the link is through her/my grandfather.

and on that subject.... you made mention that it seemed he had been married three times.... to my grandmother, then to the lady in 1952.... where does the other one fit in, or did that not end up being the case?

and is there any way of finding out whether Michael maried again after 1966? i think he would have stayed around the same area because of his job at the time.

but don't bother about this now.......... get some sleep!

jackie x


WayneTracey Report 16 May 2010 23:35

Hey Jackie,

I may have possibly found an address and phone number for one of the children to the possible Uncle.

I have passed the data to Dea for her to check first. I'd hate to think we've made any errors.

Remembering we don't as yet have any proof these people are related to you, i'd hate for you to go wading in knee deep for it to turn out they are completely unrelated.

There is also the chance the family on that side is as broken as your side and the children/wife involved are in the same boat as you are with your own father.

There is still an element of caution involved here, and while i understand it must be frustrating knowing someone might have answers for you and we are delaying them, it's for the good of all those involved. I'd hate to give you hope only for us to be wrong.

I have suggested to Dea that if she is happy with the data i have found, i am happy for her to relay this to yourself tomorrow while i'm at work....

Good luck

Tracey x


Dea Report 16 May 2010 16:44

Hope it connects Jackie,

Keep us up to date !!!

Dea Xxx


Jacqueline Report 16 May 2010 16:36

i am very excited about developments so far....

lovely helpers Dea and Tracey discovered that my paternal grandfather had in fact re-married and had another child (my half uncle).

He has sadly passed, but it is possible he may have had two children.

Doing a bit of tree searching has revealed a common link with three of the relevant names... to one particular tree owner.

I have fired off an email on the off-chance that she may in fact be my cousin!


Dea Report 16 May 2010 16:10

Info sent through Tracey!

How are you doing Jackie???

Dea Xxx


WayneTracey Report 16 May 2010 13:36

Sorry Jacqueline

The delay today has been my fault, i work really weird hours and so end up living in a very strange timezone!

Dea has been in contact with me this morning and we are trying to condense the data we have found.

I have asked Dea if she doesn't mind being your main contact point purely because of my work schedule. I'm in work from 4 this afternoon until about middnight (might be earlier) and then i'm back in at 9am tomorrow morning, so depending on how work goes i might be here or i might just crash straight to bed!

There are some exciting times ahead for you possibly.... just remember to take your time!

Tracey x


Dea Report 16 May 2010 10:46


I'm still working on it.

I thought you might like to take a look at this site:

Not much on your father's side I am afraid but it does take the Osborn branch back for generations !!

Always take care though on such sites - some are very accurate but some do not bother to 'prove' their information.

I am sure you will find it of interest though.

Dea x

P.S. - I'm just going to speak to Tracy to confirm then I believe we can give you some details on an Uncle and
'possible' cousins.

Dea x


Jacqueline Report 16 May 2010 10:35

good morning GR community.... another day of cyber searching.

It did occur to me that it is possible someone might be looking for me! so I thought I had better post my full birth name in the hope that it would come up on a search.

I'm going to try my theory by searching myself and see what comes up....



Jacqueline Report 15 May 2010 18:58

you ladies rock!

i would still be floundering about getting very disheartened if it wasn't for you.........

i will do some pottering about on tree searches in the meantime....

jackie x


Dea Report 15 May 2010 17:39

Sorry Jackie,

Just to say that Tracey and I are still working on this. - e-mails are going back and forth 'like no-bodies business'

We do not wish to exclude you but would like to sort out the actual facts before we give you the info, otherwise it will only confuse.

We WILL sort it!!

Dea Xxx


WayneTracey Report 15 May 2010 15:56


Michael's parents are causing some headaches for us!

Usually we would try and find siblings to a marriage and then search their descendancy to get to someone you could possibly speak to today. Sadly his parents have both remarried several times and this is creating the headache.

Dea and myself and currently trying to fight thru and maze of names to try and find some relevant data for you.

I *may* have found another sibling, however i have given the data for Dea to analyse more.

With these things it's best not to rush!

Tracey x


Jacqueline Report 15 May 2010 15:47

sorry folks.... am new to this as you have probably gathered..... have deleted the Raymond Howells thread.

thanks for all your help, you are brilliant.

Jackie x