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Russian/jewish names

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brigid Report 2 Jan 2015 04:09

thanks for that useful clarification sappho ..I will continue to use the term middle name as it's more widely understood .they may have stopped following this tradition/convention /obligation once they left Russia or when they left GB


brigid Report 6 Jul 2015 23:32

update ; I thought Taube Fellman became Tilly/ Matilda but think now Gritty may be right + the baby Taube who died in prestwich may be ours as it's the last quarter of 1891 + her sisters were enrolling in school in Oct 1891 so had made it to GB .

It was Khaya born 1890 who must have been called Matilda in Manchester records .

Am still looking for potential older siblings ;
Maybe Abraham. Nathan , Rachel .Isaac ? That have turned up in lancs o. w derby or scotland

what would their Russian/ Hebrew names be ?? so i can check Latvian records again .


brigid Report 9 Jul 2015 01:11

re patronyms sometimes they seem to be used as well as a double barrelled name

i think my ggfather George Jacob was originally Geshon-yankel Fellman

His patronym should have been leizer or mendel

Latvian records for his father come up as Leizer-mendel sometimes Mendel -leizer his patronym was Leib but only one docu has leize mendl leib fellman all in separate columns

On GB records he comes up sometimes as Lasarus Fellman sometimes as Samuel . or Sam F
On boat to USA he is Samuel L fellman
I've been told his grave says Solomon Fellman


brigid Report 19 Feb 2016 07:16

;Bengamin/Bernd Fellman died in 1906

his wife Lena never remarried and died in Connecticut

their daughter Tillie Fellman b.approx 1902 never married . d1982 Connecticut


brigid Report 20 Feb 2016 15:09

During this research I've come across all sorts of variations of first names

couldn't identify George Jacob Fellman's family members as first name comes up quite differently in different records some had name alterations whenever they moved locations :
Latvia Manchester Birkenhead Boats + in USA

Father ; leizer-mendel Mendel Lazurus Samuel Soloman
or mendel -leiser

Mother ;Geiss -eida Gess -Ida ( Edith )

step mother Seina Selina sana Jane

brother Barnett Barus Bernd Bengamon Benjamin

sister Sora sarah sara celia

half -sis; khaya rebecca Tilly Tillie Matilda